三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
再びバイクで走り出す。 / Back on the saddle of the motorbike
Day22: 2010年8月15日
Nakusp to Cochran
11,881 to 12,357km = 476km

RiverstokeからGoldenへ。ここでアイスクリーム休憩をしてLake Louiseで給油。ここからBanffに進路をとります。
Banffを過ぎてしばらく走った後Brianは、High Riverという街までカメラやパソコンの充電器を取りに向かいました。丁度一週間前にもーてるに泊まった時に置き忘れたそうです。
Cochranという街でBrianを待つ事に。Tim Hortonsでコーヒーを飲みながら日本人を書いてると、何人かのバイク便乗りに話しかけられました。GSとワシの国際ナンバーが目を引くみたいですね。お陰で楽しく時間が過ごせました。
Day22: 15Aug2010
Nakusp to Cochran
11,881 to 12,357km = 476km
I got up at 6am and started to pack up. I never stayed in the same tent site for 3days. It made me slower to puck up stuffs. I made Brian wait a bit. Said Good-bye to Kevin and we took off.
About 30mins ride to Ferry. There were a queue already. It was just after 8:30am but the ferry will arrive at 9am! We stuck there for nearly one hour.
After we got off from the ferry, another 30mins ride to Riverstoke. Fueled up and had brunch at McDonald's. Didn't we do the same 3days ago? Yes we did bit riding opposite direction.
It was really hot day, should be more than 30degrees. We stopped at Golden for an ice cream break.
Stopped at Lake Louise for gas then headed to Banff. Just after Banff, Brian headed South to High River to pick up his chargers. I went to Cochran and waited for him there.
Having a cup of coffee at Tim Hortons and writing diary, a few riders came and talked to me about the bike and the trip. Obviously GS and the international number plate gat people's attentions. I could spend a good time there.
Meet up with Brian after 8pm and went to a campground. As we are sharing a tent site, so it costs CAD13 each. A bargain!
Tomorrow Brian will head to North and I head to South. I hope we will see again in Mexico.
Nakusp to Cochran
11,881 to 12,357km = 476km
RiverstokeからGoldenへ。ここでアイスクリーム休憩をしてLake Louiseで給油。ここからBanffに進路をとります。
Banffを過ぎてしばらく走った後Brianは、High Riverという街までカメラやパソコンの充電器を取りに向かいました。丁度一週間前にもーてるに泊まった時に置き忘れたそうです。
Day22: 15Aug2010
Nakusp to Cochran
11,881 to 12,357km = 476km
I got up at 6am and started to pack up. I never stayed in the same tent site for 3days. It made me slower to puck up stuffs. I made Brian wait a bit. Said Good-bye to Kevin and we took off.
About 30mins ride to Ferry. There were a queue already. It was just after 8:30am but the ferry will arrive at 9am! We stuck there for nearly one hour.
After we got off from the ferry, another 30mins ride to Riverstoke. Fueled up and had brunch at McDonald's. Didn't we do the same 3days ago? Yes we did bit riding opposite direction.
It was really hot day, should be more than 30degrees. We stopped at Golden for an ice cream break.
Stopped at Lake Louise for gas then headed to Banff. Just after Banff, Brian headed South to High River to pick up his chargers. I went to Cochran and waited for him there.
Having a cup of coffee at Tim Hortons and writing diary, a few riders came and talked to me about the bike and the trip. Obviously GS and the international number plate gat people's attentions. I could spend a good time there.
Meet up with Brian after 8pm and went to a campground. As we are sharing a tent site, so it costs CAD13 each. A bargain!
Tomorrow Brian will head to North and I head to South. I hope we will see again in Mexico.
業務連絡; 三郎が過去に所有してた三菱マグナのNRMAのRENOW NOTEが来ました。謹んでゴミ箱に入れておきました。その他の郵便物はないです。それからpodcastで旅バイクという放送をされてるratさんって方が三郎のことを放送で取り上げたいそうです。一気に有名になるかもよ。あとで直メールします。