三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
再び北へ。今度はNorthwest Territoryだ! 目指せイエローナイフ / Going North again. Heading to Yellowknife
Day25: 2010年8月18日
Calgary to Lacombe
17,116km to 17,348km = 232km
空港についたらAvisへ。結構デカイ車(シボレー・インパラ 3.5リッターV6)なんですけど、13日借りて保険込みで788ドルです。まあまあ安く借りれました。
渋滞を抜けたら一気に距離を稼ぎます。スーパーに買い出しに行きたかったんですが、なかなかスーパーがありません。結局Red Deerという結構大きな街まで言ってようやく見つけました。Safe Wayです。クラブ会員になると色んな商品が安く買えるので、早速会員になりました。無料です。
Day25: 2010年8月18日
Calgary to Lacombe
17,116km to 17,348km = 232km
I wasn't still sure if I'm heading to Yellowknife or the States, but I had to check out the hostel, I packing up stuffs.
I called Dave at 10am and he said ok to leave my GS there! Thanks, Dave.
Shun, Akko and I went to the airport to pick up the car. We caught a train and a bus to get there. The train ticket costs CAD2.75 but the machine does not take any bill, so we got on board anyway.
Arriving at the airport, we went to AVIS counter and went through paper works and got the car, Chevrolet Impala 3.5Litre V6. It's a full size sedan and costs CAD788 for 13days with insurance, so I guess it was a good deal.
Back to the hostel and picked up my GS and went to Dave's workshop. He stores my bike there happily. What a nice man!
It was almost 2pm, so went to Chinatown to have lunch. As it was nearly the end of lunch time, so we got a bargain at Chinese buffet. We had it fir CAD4.00!
Then we went to Mountain Equipment Co. (MEC) to get Shun and Akko's sleeping bags and other stuffs.
By the time when finally we left Calgary was after 4:30pm. Also we stacked at a train crossing and caught in a traffic.
Once we got passed the traffic, we drove smoothly. We bought food stuffs at Safe Way in Red Deer.
18km or so from Red Deer, at town if Lacombe, we found a camping ground at CAD15 per site. So It is really cheaper to go around with others.
Tomorrow we have to travel further. I will be driving in the morning.
Calgary to Lacombe
17,116km to 17,348km = 232km
渋滞を抜けたら一気に距離を稼ぎます。スーパーに買い出しに行きたかったんですが、なかなかスーパーがありません。結局Red Deerという結構大きな街まで言ってようやく見つけました。Safe Wayです。クラブ会員になると色んな商品が安く買えるので、早速会員になりました。無料です。
Day25: 2010年8月18日
Calgary to Lacombe
17,116km to 17,348km = 232km
I wasn't still sure if I'm heading to Yellowknife or the States, but I had to check out the hostel, I packing up stuffs.
I called Dave at 10am and he said ok to leave my GS there! Thanks, Dave.
Shun, Akko and I went to the airport to pick up the car. We caught a train and a bus to get there. The train ticket costs CAD2.75 but the machine does not take any bill, so we got on board anyway.
Arriving at the airport, we went to AVIS counter and went through paper works and got the car, Chevrolet Impala 3.5Litre V6. It's a full size sedan and costs CAD788 for 13days with insurance, so I guess it was a good deal.
Back to the hostel and picked up my GS and went to Dave's workshop. He stores my bike there happily. What a nice man!
It was almost 2pm, so went to Chinatown to have lunch. As it was nearly the end of lunch time, so we got a bargain at Chinese buffet. We had it fir CAD4.00!
Then we went to Mountain Equipment Co. (MEC) to get Shun and Akko's sleeping bags and other stuffs.
By the time when finally we left Calgary was after 4:30pm. Also we stacked at a train crossing and caught in a traffic.
Once we got passed the traffic, we drove smoothly. We bought food stuffs at Safe Way in Red Deer.
18km or so from Red Deer, at town if Lacombe, we found a camping ground at CAD15 per site. So It is really cheaper to go around with others.
Tomorrow we have to travel further. I will be driving in the morning.