三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
HUの会合2日目 / HU meeting 2nd day
Day20: 2010年8月13日
トイレの帰りにNeilがコーヒーに招いてくれたのでお邪魔しました。9時からHorizon Unlimitedの創始者Grantの写真の撮り方についての講習会があるのでそれまではノンビリ過ごします。

ワシは特にパニアについて色々聞いたり見て回ったりしました。特にCalgaryから来たDaveはワシと同じGSにTouratechのZEGA Proを付けています。ウーン、ナイス。スイスから来たHerbertsとEmmanuelaもToutatechを押します。ワシもTouratechのが欲しいな…。
今日もSounth Americaの体験談を聞けました。実際に街を走っている映像もあって、かなり混雑してますし、ルールもめちゃくちゃです。ヤッパリ幅が広いと大変かも、って考えさせられました。メジャーで測ったら、110センチあるんですよね、ワシのパニア。Touratechのよりも10センチ幅ひろです。Touratech買っちゃおうかなぁ。
Day20: 13Aug2010
I got up at 6am as usual, I did not need to be up so early though.
Neil invited me for a cuppa.
The founder of Horizon Unlimited, Grant showed us how to take good pictures. What Brian and I learnt is we were doing everything wrong. So if we wanna take a good picture, simply we do the opposite of what we were doing. After the lesson, I tried the technique I learnt but it didn't work that easily. I guess I don't have a talent to take nice photos.
There were interesting lectures about how to deal with bears etc. It's good to know those tips to make our motorcycle trips safer and more fun!
During free time, we talked about bikes, trips and so on with different people. Some are very useful information and others are just fun to talk about.
I was keen to get more info on panniers and looking around others set up. Especially, Dave's set up impressed me. He has a same GS as mine with Touratech ZEGA Pro panniers. Nice and neat. Also Herberts and Emmanuela from Swiss recommend me to get a pair of Touratech. Now I wanna get one!
I met another Dave, the owner if Anderwerks, Calgary, and asked about the servicing my GS. It will cost around CAD350 and I can watch while it is been serviced.
That sounds good.
In there evening, there were presentations about South America trip, very useful and very entertaining.
It got cold a lot in the evening. I got to jog back to the camp site to keep myself warm.
Tomorrow, Grant is gonna giving a lecture on how to fix punctures and change tire. It's gonna be fun.
トイレの帰りにNeilがコーヒーに招いてくれたのでお邪魔しました。9時からHorizon Unlimitedの創始者Grantの写真の撮り方についての講習会があるのでそれまではノンビリ過ごします。
ワシは特にパニアについて色々聞いたり見て回ったりしました。特にCalgaryから来たDaveはワシと同じGSにTouratechのZEGA Proを付けています。ウーン、ナイス。スイスから来たHerbertsとEmmanuelaもToutatechを押します。ワシもTouratechのが欲しいな…。
今日もSounth Americaの体験談を聞けました。実際に街を走っている映像もあって、かなり混雑してますし、ルールもめちゃくちゃです。ヤッパリ幅が広いと大変かも、って考えさせられました。メジャーで測ったら、110センチあるんですよね、ワシのパニア。Touratechのよりも10センチ幅ひろです。Touratech買っちゃおうかなぁ。
Day20: 13Aug2010
I got up at 6am as usual, I did not need to be up so early though.
Neil invited me for a cuppa.
The founder of Horizon Unlimited, Grant showed us how to take good pictures. What Brian and I learnt is we were doing everything wrong. So if we wanna take a good picture, simply we do the opposite of what we were doing. After the lesson, I tried the technique I learnt but it didn't work that easily. I guess I don't have a talent to take nice photos.
There were interesting lectures about how to deal with bears etc. It's good to know those tips to make our motorcycle trips safer and more fun!
During free time, we talked about bikes, trips and so on with different people. Some are very useful information and others are just fun to talk about.
I was keen to get more info on panniers and looking around others set up. Especially, Dave's set up impressed me. He has a same GS as mine with Touratech ZEGA Pro panniers. Nice and neat. Also Herberts and Emmanuela from Swiss recommend me to get a pair of Touratech. Now I wanna get one!
I met another Dave, the owner if Anderwerks, Calgary, and asked about the servicing my GS. It will cost around CAD350 and I can watch while it is been serviced.
That sounds good.
In there evening, there were presentations about South America trip, very useful and very entertaining.
It got cold a lot in the evening. I got to jog back to the camp site to keep myself warm.
Tomorrow, Grant is gonna giving a lecture on how to fix punctures and change tire. It's gonna be fun.