三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ようやく ! Wilbers!!! / Finally! Wilbers!!!
Day 453: 2011年10月21日
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
カルロスは1時には出来上がると言ってたので、もう出来てるかな? 地下鉄に乗って30分、最寄りの駅で降りましたが、ここからが長い。
Motouringには3時ごろに到着。Wilbersショックは完成してました! カルロスは留守でしたがスタッフが対応してくれました。値段も聞いていたのより約半額の660米ドル。何でだろう?と思ったら、カルロスが言ってた値段は前後のショックの値段だったのですね。それを知っていたら、アメリカからオーダーなんか最初からしなかったのに。
宿に戻る途中にLa Cumbreというアウトドア用品店でMSRのマグマイト(マグカップサイズの珈琲などをいれるためのフィルター)を購入。10,900ペソ。ちょっと高いですがこれでキャンプ時い美味しい珈琲をいれられます。
宿に戻り荷物を置いてばす バスーターミナルへ。明日10時発のイキケ行きのチケットを24,000ペソで購入。行きと同じExpreso Norteです。
Day 453: 21 OCT 2011
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
This is the day I pick up my new "Wilbers" shock absorber! So I was exsited from the morning but at the same time, I was anxious as many bad lucks happened previously.
As Mark&Claire were heading off to Valparaiso, Adam and I saw them off. They left here after having lunch with us. Valparaiso is just 140km away, so it should be easy ride. Enjoy see breeze there my friends!!
It was already 1:30pm, so I took a subway to Motouring. After got off the train, I had to walk for 15mins or so to get there. On the way, there was a BMW dealer and next to it a shop selling Touratech stuff, so I visited there and asked if they had "Rok Strap". But they did not have.
I got to Motouring around 3pm Carlos was not there, but the shock was completed! Wow!! The price was US$660!! Almost half of the price I heard from Carlos when we were communicating via e-mails. I wondered why and realised that the price he mentioned was for both front and rear shocks! If I knew that before, I must not have ordered the BMW shock from the States.
On the way back, I got off the train and went to "La Cumbre" outdoor store. Here I bought "MSR Magmate filter" (Adam went there yesterday and tol me he saw one). It cost 10,900CLP (US$20), a little expensive, but now I can make a good coffee while camping!
Back to the hotel once and I went to the bus terminal to get a ticket to Iquique, the same company as one I used from Iquique to Santiago "Expreso Norte" - 10am bus for 24,000CLP.
I will get to Iquique around 10am Sunday if nothing goes wrong. If I am lucky, I can take 11am bus to Oruro, which will take 9hours, then in Oruro I can catch another bus to Sucre. So I can be back to Sucre on Monday morning or evening. Wish me luck!!
I will update another diary once I am back to Sucre.
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
カルロスは1時には出来上がると言ってたので、もう出来てるかな? 地下鉄に乗って30分、最寄りの駅で降りましたが、ここからが長い。
Motouringには3時ごろに到着。Wilbersショックは完成してました! カルロスは留守でしたがスタッフが対応してくれました。値段も聞いていたのより約半額の660米ドル。何でだろう?と思ったら、カルロスが言ってた値段は前後のショックの値段だったのですね。それを知っていたら、アメリカからオーダーなんか最初からしなかったのに。
宿に戻る途中にLa Cumbreというアウトドア用品店でMSRのマグマイト(マグカップサイズの珈琲などをいれるためのフィルター)を購入。10,900ペソ。ちょっと高いですがこれでキャンプ時い美味しい珈琲をいれられます。
宿に戻り荷物を置いてばす バスーターミナルへ。明日10時発のイキケ行きのチケットを24,000ペソで購入。行きと同じExpreso Norteです。
Day 453: 21 OCT 2011
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
This is the day I pick up my new "Wilbers" shock absorber! So I was exsited from the morning but at the same time, I was anxious as many bad lucks happened previously.
As Mark&Claire were heading off to Valparaiso, Adam and I saw them off. They left here after having lunch with us. Valparaiso is just 140km away, so it should be easy ride. Enjoy see breeze there my friends!!
It was already 1:30pm, so I took a subway to Motouring. After got off the train, I had to walk for 15mins or so to get there. On the way, there was a BMW dealer and next to it a shop selling Touratech stuff, so I visited there and asked if they had "Rok Strap". But they did not have.
I got to Motouring around 3pm Carlos was not there, but the shock was completed! Wow!! The price was US$660!! Almost half of the price I heard from Carlos when we were communicating via e-mails. I wondered why and realised that the price he mentioned was for both front and rear shocks! If I knew that before, I must not have ordered the BMW shock from the States.
On the way back, I got off the train and went to "La Cumbre" outdoor store. Here I bought "MSR Magmate filter" (Adam went there yesterday and tol me he saw one). It cost 10,900CLP (US$20), a little expensive, but now I can make a good coffee while camping!
Back to the hotel once and I went to the bus terminal to get a ticket to Iquique, the same company as one I used from Iquique to Santiago "Expreso Norte" - 10am bus for 24,000CLP.
I will get to Iquique around 10am Sunday if nothing goes wrong. If I am lucky, I can take 11am bus to Oruro, which will take 9hours, then in Oruro I can catch another bus to Sucre. So I can be back to Sucre on Monday morning or evening. Wish me luck!!
I will update another diary once I am back to Sucre.