三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
プンタ・ナタレス / Punta Natales
Day 522: 2011年12月29日
Puerto Natales to Punta Arenas (Barefoot Backpackers)
48,844km to 49,102km = 258km
目指す街プンタ・アレーナス(Punta Arenas)は250キロ先、直ぐそこです。強風でたまに左側に押されて、対向車線にはみ出したりしながら走行です。

途中、バイクを停めて憚り休憩してたら、対向車線からBMW R1150GSが一台来ました。かれはフランス人ジレス(Gilles)。8年も旅をしているようです。しばらく話をして、彼は北に向かうので別れました。Buen Viaje!

ヴァ・テウレチェス(Va Tehuelches)という街で昼飯休憩をして、一路プンタ・アレーナスまで走ります。途中コンドル(?)が飛んでいたので、バイクを停めて写真撮影。ゆったりと優雅に飛んでいきます。
ウベはチェーンがもう寿命に来ていて、ワシはリヤ・タイヤの残りが僅かなので、ここでタイヤが手に入るならここで交換したいので、街外れのソナ・フランカ(Zona Franca)へ。
Day 522: 29 DEC 2011
Puerto Natales to Punta Arenas (Barefoot Backpackers)
48,844km to 49,102km = 258km
It was windy again today. Weleft the cabin after breakfast around 10:30am.
Punta Arenas, the destination of today, is 250km away, so it was a short ride. Sometimes we were pushed away to the left lane by the strong wind.
While we were having a short reat at the road side, a BMW R1150GS came from Punta Arenas. He was a French rider Giles (www.worldbees.com). He has been travelling on his bke for 8 years!! He was heading north, so we said good-bye to him and head down south.
We stopped at Va Tehuelches for lunch. We saw a condor (?) flying, so we parked our bikes and took some photos.
Arrived Punta Arenas around 4pm. We looked for a hostel with a parking space, but everywhere was expensive, so we decided tostay at Barefoot backpackers for 7,000CLPS. But we had to park our bikes outside the hostel... This will be the first time for me to leave my GS outside overnight...
As Uwe needs to get a chain and sprokets changed and I need to replace the rear tyre, so we went to Zona Franca (Tax Free Zone), to find ur spare parts. But it was hopeless. YAMAHA carried some tyres but all of them were to narrow for my GS. There was a KTM dealer (?), but they have no chain for we either...
We went to a motorcycle shop (?) in town, but they did not have any either. But a lady told us they can order parts for us frok Santiago.
We talked our next plan over the dinner table. Paul will wait for his girl friend here in Punta Arenas and will spend his new year here with her. Uwe,Iba and I will ctach 9am ferry to Tierra del Fuego tomorrow, so we wil leave here by 8am tomorrow.
Puerto Natales to Punta Arenas (Barefoot Backpackers)
48,844km to 49,102km = 258km
目指す街プンタ・アレーナス(Punta Arenas)は250キロ先、直ぐそこです。強風でたまに左側に押されて、対向車線にはみ出したりしながら走行です。
途中、バイクを停めて憚り休憩してたら、対向車線からBMW R1150GSが一台来ました。かれはフランス人ジレス(Gilles)。8年も旅をしているようです。しばらく話をして、彼は北に向かうので別れました。Buen Viaje!
ウベはチェーンがもう寿命に来ていて、ワシはリヤ・タイヤの残りが僅かなので、ここでタイヤが手に入るならここで交換したいので、街外れのソナ・フランカ(Zona Franca)へ。
Day 522: 29 DEC 2011
Puerto Natales to Punta Arenas (Barefoot Backpackers)
48,844km to 49,102km = 258km
It was windy again today. Weleft the cabin after breakfast around 10:30am.
Punta Arenas, the destination of today, is 250km away, so it was a short ride. Sometimes we were pushed away to the left lane by the strong wind.
While we were having a short reat at the road side, a BMW R1150GS came from Punta Arenas. He was a French rider Giles (www.worldbees.com). He has been travelling on his bke for 8 years!! He was heading north, so we said good-bye to him and head down south.
We stopped at Va Tehuelches for lunch. We saw a condor (?) flying, so we parked our bikes and took some photos.
Arrived Punta Arenas around 4pm. We looked for a hostel with a parking space, but everywhere was expensive, so we decided tostay at Barefoot backpackers for 7,000CLPS. But we had to park our bikes outside the hostel... This will be the first time for me to leave my GS outside overnight...
As Uwe needs to get a chain and sprokets changed and I need to replace the rear tyre, so we went to Zona Franca (Tax Free Zone), to find ur spare parts. But it was hopeless. YAMAHA carried some tyres but all of them were to narrow for my GS. There was a KTM dealer (?), but they have no chain for we either...
We went to a motorcycle shop (?) in town, but they did not have any either. But a lady told us they can order parts for us frok Santiago.
We talked our next plan over the dinner table. Paul will wait for his girl friend here in Punta Arenas and will spend his new year here with her. Uwe,Iba and I will ctach 9am ferry to Tierra del Fuego tomorrow, so we wil leave here by 8am tomorrow.