三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
プーコンでの休日 / A Holiday in Pucon
Day 501: 2011年12月8日
Pucon (Camping Parque de la Poza)

11時過ぎから天気が良くなったのでシャワーを浴びて洗濯。昼飯を食べに街へ。ヴィジャリカ火山(Volcan Villarrica)が青空に映えて居眺め。この街はリゾート地なので建物が小洒落ていてイイ感じ。昼飯はホットドッグと珈琲で1,500ペソ。それからWiFiがあるカフェを見つけたのでそこで珈琲を飲みながらネット。2日分のブログをアップ。
キャンプ場に戻り、BBCの"The Story of India"を鑑賞。
Day 501: 08 DEC 2011
Pucon (Camping Parque de la Poza)
It was clouded this morning. I went to a bakery to buy some breads for breakfast. I made a cup of coffee and had breads.
I was thinking to take a shower and do some laundry but as the weather was not good, I started to wipe my GS. There were lots of bugs dead...
After 11am, it became suny, so I took a shower and did laundry. I went to the town to have lunch. Today Volcan Villarrica could be seen very clearly from the town. Very nice. The town of Pucon is very touristic, but the buildings are nice and I like the atomosphere.
I had a hot dog and a cuppa for 1,500 posos. Then I found a cafe with WiFi, so I had another cuppa and updated my blog.
Back to the campground, I watched the BBC programme "The Story of India".
I had breaeds for dinner. This is the cheapest option.
In the afternoon, Paul cae to the campground. As he has to go to Temco for the service, I decided to wit him here. We will leave on Saturday or Sunday.
Pucon (Camping Parque de la Poza)
Day 501: 08 DEC 2011
Pucon (Camping Parque de la Poza)
It was clouded this morning. I went to a bakery to buy some breads for breakfast. I made a cup of coffee and had breads.
I was thinking to take a shower and do some laundry but as the weather was not good, I started to wipe my GS. There were lots of bugs dead...
After 11am, it became suny, so I took a shower and did laundry. I went to the town to have lunch. Today Volcan Villarrica could be seen very clearly from the town. Very nice. The town of Pucon is very touristic, but the buildings are nice and I like the atomosphere.
I had a hot dog and a cuppa for 1,500 posos. Then I found a cafe with WiFi, so I had another cuppa and updated my blog.
Back to the campground, I watched the BBC programme "The Story of India".
I had breaeds for dinner. This is the cheapest option.
In the afternoon, Paul cae to the campground. As he has to go to Temco for the service, I decided to wit him here. We will leave on Saturday or Sunday.