三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ヘネラル・カレラ湖 / Lago General Carrera
Day 511: 2011年12月18日
Coyhaique to Chile Chico (Kon Aiken)
47,399km to 47,794= 395km
なんだかんだ話していたら10時になってしまいました。ここで一旦ポールとはお別れです。まぁ、カラファテで追いつくでしょう。それまで、Have a nice one, mate. Buen viaje mi amigo!!

ヴィジャ・セロ・カスティージョ(Villa Cerro Castillo)までは舗装路が続きます。曇ってますが、風景はキレイですね。

ここからダートです。プエルト・ムルタ(Puerto Murta)まで100キロちょっとです。所々砂利が深いところがあったり、道が狭いところがありましたが、まぁ、走りやすいダートです。

プエルト・ムルタまでくるとキレイな湖「ヘネラル・カレラ(General Carrera)」が見えてきます。エメラルドグリーンと真っ青な水を湛えた湖。いいですね。

プエルト・ムルタからプエルト・トランキーロ(Puerto Tranquilo)までは40キロくらいですが、砂利が深いので走りにくい。なんでこんなに砂利を敷くのでしょうか?しかし所々で見える湖が美しい。雪を頂いた山々に、キレイな湖。絶景かな。

ここからエル・マイテン(El Maiten)まで坂をはしり、エル・マイテンを越えると登ったり、降ったり。湖が本当に美しい。

チレ・チコ(Chile Chico)には5時半に到着。今日はキャンプ場でテント。先客にアメリカ人のチャリダー夫妻(トッドとアイリーン)がいました。しばらく歓談。夕飯はスーパーでパンとハムを買ってサンドイッチです。10時ごろまで明るいですね。
さて明日は三度アルゼンチンに入ります。いよいよあの有名なルート40(Routa 40)を走ります(以前にカチからカファジャテまでちょっと走りましたが)。楽しみです。
Day 511: 18 DEC 2011
Coyhaique to Chile Chico (Kon Aiken)
47,399km to 47,794= 395km
I got up at 8:20am this morning. It was cloudy. While having breakfast, I chat with Paul. I was thinking to leave earlier, but I left the hostel around 10am.
I said good-bye to Poul. He was expecting his girl friend flying into Couhaique today, so he will stay there a couple more days. Anyway, he will catch up with me in El Calafate. Have a nice one, mate. Buen viaje mi amigo!!
Until Villa Cerro Castillo, it was all the way paved. The views were nice although it was clouded.
Continued my trip on the gravel road. The next town will be Puerto Murta, some 100km away. There were some places narrow and with deep gravels and loose surfaces, but generally it was the easy dirt road.
But the wind got stronger and stronger. That made me feel like "I am in Patagonia."
Lake General Carrera started to show its magnificent appearance around Puerto Murta. Emerald green and deep blue water it has. Very, very beautiful.
From Puerto Murta to Puerto Tranquilo, there were only 40km or so, but it was hard to ride as the most of the section was deep gravels.
But time to time, I could see the lake view and it was so beautiful. There were snow capped mountains beyond the lake. Nice.
I had a sandwith and coffee for lunch at Puerto Tranquilo. It cost me 1,500CLPs (US$3). While eating, I was thinking about prices in Bolivia. Everything was cheap there. I filled up petrol here but it cost 900CLPs per litre! Expensive!!
It was all the way gravel road. Some secttions I could do 100km/h but other sections I had to slow down to 40km/h. At curves and deep gravels, I had to be careful as the wind was pretty strong.
I arrived Chile Chico around 5:30pm. I pitched my tent on a campground. There was American couple cycling from State of Washington! They are Todd and Irene. We talked about our trips and world issues. I went to a supermarket to get some breads and hams for dinner and breakfast. It was still bright till 10am.
Well, I will enter Argentina (for the 3rd time) tomorrow. I will hit the famous Routa 40 (I rode some part of it between Cachi and Cafayate though).
Coyhaique to Chile Chico (Kon Aiken)
47,399km to 47,794= 395km
なんだかんだ話していたら10時になってしまいました。ここで一旦ポールとはお別れです。まぁ、カラファテで追いつくでしょう。それまで、Have a nice one, mate. Buen viaje mi amigo!!
ここからダートです。プエルト・ムルタ(Puerto Murta)まで100キロちょっとです。所々砂利が深いところがあったり、道が狭いところがありましたが、まぁ、走りやすいダートです。
ここからエル・マイテン(El Maiten)まで坂をはしり、エル・マイテンを越えると登ったり、降ったり。湖が本当に美しい。
さて明日は三度アルゼンチンに入ります。いよいよあの有名なルート40(Routa 40)を走ります(以前にカチからカファジャテまでちょっと走りましたが)。楽しみです。
Day 511: 18 DEC 2011
Coyhaique to Chile Chico (Kon Aiken)
47,399km to 47,794= 395km
I got up at 8:20am this morning. It was cloudy. While having breakfast, I chat with Paul. I was thinking to leave earlier, but I left the hostel around 10am.
I said good-bye to Poul. He was expecting his girl friend flying into Couhaique today, so he will stay there a couple more days. Anyway, he will catch up with me in El Calafate. Have a nice one, mate. Buen viaje mi amigo!!
Until Villa Cerro Castillo, it was all the way paved. The views were nice although it was clouded.
Continued my trip on the gravel road. The next town will be Puerto Murta, some 100km away. There were some places narrow and with deep gravels and loose surfaces, but generally it was the easy dirt road.
But the wind got stronger and stronger. That made me feel like "I am in Patagonia."
Lake General Carrera started to show its magnificent appearance around Puerto Murta. Emerald green and deep blue water it has. Very, very beautiful.
From Puerto Murta to Puerto Tranquilo, there were only 40km or so, but it was hard to ride as the most of the section was deep gravels.
But time to time, I could see the lake view and it was so beautiful. There were snow capped mountains beyond the lake. Nice.
I had a sandwith and coffee for lunch at Puerto Tranquilo. It cost me 1,500CLPs (US$3). While eating, I was thinking about prices in Bolivia. Everything was cheap there. I filled up petrol here but it cost 900CLPs per litre! Expensive!!
It was all the way gravel road. Some secttions I could do 100km/h but other sections I had to slow down to 40km/h. At curves and deep gravels, I had to be careful as the wind was pretty strong.
I arrived Chile Chico around 5:30pm. I pitched my tent on a campground. There was American couple cycling from State of Washington! They are Todd and Irene. We talked about our trips and world issues. I went to a supermarket to get some breads and hams for dinner and breakfast. It was still bright till 10am.
Well, I will enter Argentina (for the 3rd time) tomorrow. I will hit the famous Routa 40 (I rode some part of it between Cachi and Cafayate though).