三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
初ビーチ / The beach in Vina del Mar
Day 477: 2011年11月14日
Vina del Mar (Shiomisou)

Day 477: 14 NOV 2011
Vina del Mar (Shiomisou)
It was the sunny day! So we all decided to go to a beach. Shinya bought a "beach set" (a bag and matress) yesterday, so he was so excited. But here, there is Humbolt current, which is a cold current, so the sea temp would be really freezing! I did not intend to swim here at the first place.
There were quite lots of people as monday. A girl next to us, gave us a face probably as lots of Asians came and broke her peace.
Shinya jumped in to the water, but he came back 10sec later. It was too cold to swim (but some Chileans were swiming). He was determined to stay there longer, but Mr. HIrooka, Mr. Ota and I (the old farts) went to the centro to do dom grocery shopping.
We had a huge serve of ice cream and went to a supermarket. I bought some turkey, potatos, carrots, onions, and curry powder. Yes, I cooked turkey curry tonight.
Everyone was having pisco tonight. But as I could not drink, I was having mate. We talked till 4am!!
Vina del Mar (Shiomisou)
Day 477: 14 NOV 2011
Vina del Mar (Shiomisou)
It was the sunny day! So we all decided to go to a beach. Shinya bought a "beach set" (a bag and matress) yesterday, so he was so excited. But here, there is Humbolt current, which is a cold current, so the sea temp would be really freezing! I did not intend to swim here at the first place.
There were quite lots of people as monday. A girl next to us, gave us a face probably as lots of Asians came and broke her peace.
Shinya jumped in to the water, but he came back 10sec later. It was too cold to swim (but some Chileans were swiming). He was determined to stay there longer, but Mr. HIrooka, Mr. Ota and I (the old farts) went to the centro to do dom grocery shopping.
We had a huge serve of ice cream and went to a supermarket. I bought some turkey, potatos, carrots, onions, and curry powder. Yes, I cooked turkey curry tonight.
Everyone was having pisco tonight. But as I could not drink, I was having mate. We talked till 4am!!