三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ミュンヘン一人歩き。エジプト編 / Walking in Munich. Egypt!!
Day 644: 2012年5月2日
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
The weather in Munich was excellent today. I could have some time to do things in the morning, so I was writing a reply to my friend. As I could not reply to him for more than 2 weeks, I felt guily a bit. But it was a very important e-mail and long one, so I needed to sit there and think how I would reply.
In the process of replying, I needed to read "Happines of a household" written by Osamu Dazai. It's in Japanese but if you are interested, you can read on the web for free (Google translate might not work well, but you can get some idea).「"Happines of a household"」

It passed 1pm when I checked the clock. I was still in the middle of writing the reply, but I went out to the town as it was such a nice day. I cought a train to the central station "Hauptbahbof", then I walked to the royal palace "Residenz". I really enjoyed the scenery of the streets, very beautifully done. A lavish building. I was not sure what was it, but I reckoned it was a hotel.

There was a gate. Here the pedestrian mall starts.

The tower of Fauenkirche Church coud be seen from a distance.

The tower is around 100m tall. Mr. Sheep and the tower.

I felt it was very German to have sich an orderly beauty.

The scenery at a back street was good too.

ミュンヘンはとても美しい街だと思います。何故なんでしょう? やはりそこに住んでいる人が、街を守ろう、としているからだと思います。そこに住む人の「心」が街並みに反映するのではないでしょうか。街の雰囲気・景観によって住む人の価値観などが伝わってくるようにワシには思えます。
I really thought Munich was the beautiful city. And I wondered why. I was walking along the street and thinking about it. Then I came up an answer that the hearts of residents would be reflected to the atmosphere of the city. The residents Munich are protecting and conserving the city, I guess.
Finally I got to Residenz. Why I came back here again (I came here with Ina last week),
This is the answer.

The museum of Ancient Egypt. I wanted to be an archeologist, especailly Egyptilogist, when I was young. That much I love Ancient Egypt. I saw it on a map, and I got to visit there! The entrace fee was only 4 Euros. Nice.
I did not know what woud be there, but I was very lucky to see..... Akhenaten!!!

You can tell who just with a fragment of his statue!! He was a king of the 18th Dynasty (New Kingdom). He was the son of Amenhotep III and the father of the famous Tutankhamen (a recent DNA test revealed he was the father of Tut). He is clasified as the "Heretic" king, who went against Traditional Polytheism of Egypt and made Aten as only one absolute god. And his wife - beautiful Nefertiti - makes the wonders even more.
Young Akhenaten.

His back head was always dipcted as such a diformed figure, like an alien

There were small collections but many of hem were very interesting.

Then what I liked the most was,
The statue of a man!

He looked just like anordinary man we could see on a street.
I really had a good time in the museum. Then, I walked to Konigsplatz Plaza. On the way, there was an Obelisk, again something with Egyptian taste.

Somehow ancient Greek stractures were there. Anyway, they looked good, so I took some photos with Mr. Sheep. He was happy to go out for a walk on such a beautiful day!

家に帰ったのは5時過ぎ。夕飯はイナ、ローラとデレックと家で。デレックがディーラーを何軒かあたってくれたのですが、バイクシーズン到来なので何処も3-4週間先まで予約が埋まっているとのこと!!! 明日とりあえずミュンヘンから少し離れた所にあるディーラーに行って見ることになりました。うまくいけば来週には整備と修理が仕上がるかも、と。
I got home after 5pm. In the evening I had dinner with Ina, Laura and Derek at home. Derek phoned many workshops in Munich but they were fully booked out until 3-4 weeks later... But he said he would take to a workshop outside of Munich where he knows people. So if I am lucky, Esperanza would be ready by the end of next week.
And as such, a day has gone.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Munich (La Casa de Laura)
The weather in Munich was excellent today. I could have some time to do things in the morning, so I was writing a reply to my friend. As I could not reply to him for more than 2 weeks, I felt guily a bit. But it was a very important e-mail and long one, so I needed to sit there and think how I would reply.
In the process of replying, I needed to read "Happines of a household" written by Osamu Dazai. It's in Japanese but if you are interested, you can read on the web for free (Google translate might not work well, but you can get some idea).「"Happines of a household"」
It passed 1pm when I checked the clock. I was still in the middle of writing the reply, but I went out to the town as it was such a nice day. I cought a train to the central station "Hauptbahbof", then I walked to the royal palace "Residenz". I really enjoyed the scenery of the streets, very beautifully done. A lavish building. I was not sure what was it, but I reckoned it was a hotel.
There was a gate. Here the pedestrian mall starts.
The tower of Fauenkirche Church coud be seen from a distance.
The tower is around 100m tall. Mr. Sheep and the tower.
I felt it was very German to have sich an orderly beauty.
The scenery at a back street was good too.
ミュンヘンはとても美しい街だと思います。何故なんでしょう? やはりそこに住んでいる人が、街を守ろう、としているからだと思います。そこに住む人の「心」が街並みに反映するのではないでしょうか。街の雰囲気・景観によって住む人の価値観などが伝わってくるようにワシには思えます。
I really thought Munich was the beautiful city. And I wondered why. I was walking along the street and thinking about it. Then I came up an answer that the hearts of residents would be reflected to the atmosphere of the city. The residents Munich are protecting and conserving the city, I guess.
Finally I got to Residenz. Why I came back here again (I came here with Ina last week),
This is the answer.
The museum of Ancient Egypt. I wanted to be an archeologist, especailly Egyptilogist, when I was young. That much I love Ancient Egypt. I saw it on a map, and I got to visit there! The entrace fee was only 4 Euros. Nice.
I did not know what woud be there, but I was very lucky to see..... Akhenaten!!!
You can tell who just with a fragment of his statue!! He was a king of the 18th Dynasty (New Kingdom). He was the son of Amenhotep III and the father of the famous Tutankhamen (a recent DNA test revealed he was the father of Tut). He is clasified as the "Heretic" king, who went against Traditional Polytheism of Egypt and made Aten as only one absolute god. And his wife - beautiful Nefertiti - makes the wonders even more.
Young Akhenaten.
His back head was always dipcted as such a diformed figure, like an alien
There were small collections but many of hem were very interesting.
Then what I liked the most was,
The statue of a man!
He looked just like anordinary man we could see on a street.
I really had a good time in the museum. Then, I walked to Konigsplatz Plaza. On the way, there was an Obelisk, again something with Egyptian taste.
Somehow ancient Greek stractures were there. Anyway, they looked good, so I took some photos with Mr. Sheep. He was happy to go out for a walk on such a beautiful day!
家に帰ったのは5時過ぎ。夕飯はイナ、ローラとデレックと家で。デレックがディーラーを何軒かあたってくれたのですが、バイクシーズン到来なので何処も3-4週間先まで予約が埋まっているとのこと!!! 明日とりあえずミュンヘンから少し離れた所にあるディーラーに行って見ることになりました。うまくいけば来週には整備と修理が仕上がるかも、と。
I got home after 5pm. In the evening I had dinner with Ina, Laura and Derek at home. Derek phoned many workshops in Munich but they were fully booked out until 3-4 weeks later... But he said he would take to a workshop outside of Munich where he knows people. So if I am lucky, Esperanza would be ready by the end of next week.
And as such, a day has gone.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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