三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
サンクリに到着!アミーゴの連中とスティーブンと再会。/ San Christobal De Las Casas! Meeting Stephen
Day 169: 2011年1月9日
Acayucan to San Christobal de Las Casas
25,730km to 26,093km = 363km
今日はサンクリまで直行です。朝6時に起きる筈が流石にそれはちょっと無理でした。 7時前に起きて8時前に出発。
コアツァコアルコス(Coatzacoalcos)までは下道でいきましたが、トペも多く軍の検問で荷物検索されるなど時間がかかるだけなので、アウトピスタに切り替えます。 ベラクルス州、タバスコ州、チアパス州の三州を一気に走り抜けます。しかし途中舗装がメチャクチャ!こんなヒドイ舗装はオーストラリアのド田舎でもありませんでしたよ。しかもここは有料道路なのに!
しかしプエンテ・チアパス橋(Puente Chiapas)は湖の上にかかっていて、眺めよし! 橋を超えればチアパス州の州都トゥクストラまで直ぐです。ここまでくればサンクリまで後一時間です。

カザフと遅い昼飯を飯屋街に食べに行き、街をズラブラ。宿に帰ってシャワーに洗濯。ネットしてたらスティーブンと連絡がつき、再会することに。グアナファトでわかれてから2ヶ月半ぶりの再会です。メキシコシティで車に当てられたのでバイクはメキシコシティで修理中ですが、彼はいたって元気。しばらく話に盛り上がりました。 明日はスティーブンが街を案内してくれることになりました。
Day 169: 9 Jan 2011
Acayucan to San Christobal de Las Casas
25,730km to 26,093km = 363km
Today I will get to San Christobal. I planned to wake up at 6am but it was too early. I could do it when I was camping 3 months ago, though.
I woke up before 7am and left the hotel before 8am. Filled up gas and checked tire pressure, then I took the non-toll highway to Coatzacoalcos. But there were lots of topes and I was caught in a millitary check point. THey just asked me to open my panniers and top box, so no big deal, but I had enough of the slow pace, so I took Freeway again. The toll was much cheaper than yesterday, but the road condition was real bad even on the freeway. Some parts were even worse than the worsed paved road in roads in remote Australia.
But the view from Puente Chiapas (Chiapas Bridge) was awesome! The bridge was built accross the lake and it was a quite view.
It was a little ride to Tuxtla, the capital of Chiapas, after the bridge. From Tuxtla, it took one hour to San Christobal. But it took a while to find the hostel (Casa Kasa) I planned to stay. I set up GPS cordinate in my SatNav, but there were too many one-ways, so I could not get to the place easily.
Arriving at Casa Kasa, there were those faces I know. El Chino, Gousuke, Shinri, Musashi, and Tsuru. El Chino and I went out for the late lunch. We walked around the town and looked around markets and local tianghis.
Later in the afternoon, I went out again to see Stephen. It has been more than 2 months since we were apart in Guanajuato. He cooked pasta and we had a god talk. Tomorrow he will take me for the sightseeing.
Acayucan to San Christobal de Las Casas
25,730km to 26,093km = 363km
今日はサンクリまで直行です。朝6時に起きる筈が流石にそれはちょっと無理でした。 7時前に起きて8時前に出発。
コアツァコアルコス(Coatzacoalcos)までは下道でいきましたが、トペも多く軍の検問で荷物検索されるなど時間がかかるだけなので、アウトピスタに切り替えます。 ベラクルス州、タバスコ州、チアパス州の三州を一気に走り抜けます。しかし途中舗装がメチャクチャ!こんなヒドイ舗装はオーストラリアのド田舎でもありませんでしたよ。しかもここは有料道路なのに!
しかしプエンテ・チアパス橋(Puente Chiapas)は湖の上にかかっていて、眺めよし! 橋を超えればチアパス州の州都トゥクストラまで直ぐです。ここまでくればサンクリまで後一時間です。
Day 169: 9 Jan 2011
Acayucan to San Christobal de Las Casas
25,730km to 26,093km = 363km
Today I will get to San Christobal. I planned to wake up at 6am but it was too early. I could do it when I was camping 3 months ago, though.
I woke up before 7am and left the hotel before 8am. Filled up gas and checked tire pressure, then I took the non-toll highway to Coatzacoalcos. But there were lots of topes and I was caught in a millitary check point. THey just asked me to open my panniers and top box, so no big deal, but I had enough of the slow pace, so I took Freeway again. The toll was much cheaper than yesterday, but the road condition was real bad even on the freeway. Some parts were even worse than the worsed paved road in roads in remote Australia.
But the view from Puente Chiapas (Chiapas Bridge) was awesome! The bridge was built accross the lake and it was a quite view.
It was a little ride to Tuxtla, the capital of Chiapas, after the bridge. From Tuxtla, it took one hour to San Christobal. But it took a while to find the hostel (Casa Kasa) I planned to stay. I set up GPS cordinate in my SatNav, but there were too many one-ways, so I could not get to the place easily.
Arriving at Casa Kasa, there were those faces I know. El Chino, Gousuke, Shinri, Musashi, and Tsuru. El Chino and I went out for the late lunch. We walked around the town and looked around markets and local tianghis.
Later in the afternoon, I went out again to see Stephen. It has been more than 2 months since we were apart in Guanajuato. He cooked pasta and we had a god talk. Tomorrow he will take me for the sightseeing.