三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
サンクリ12日目、さよならクライディー。/ San Cristobal Day 12, Farewell, Claydy
Day 185: 2011年1月25日
Paredón to San Cristobal de Las Casas
26,314km to 26,531km = 217km
昨晩はインディ・ジョーンズを見てるうちに眠ってしまったのですが、夜半に目が覚めてiPodで書籍を読んでました。 M K ガンディーの「スワデシの誓い」、「剣の教義」、「印度の婦人へ」、「受動的抵抗の理論と実行」など。
朝飯の後クライディーと2人っきりでしばらく話しました。お互い縁があればまた何処かで再会できるでしょう。 以前に直してもらった軍パンがまた綻びかけているので、また直してもらいました。オーストラリアからずっと一緒に駆け抜けて来た思い出の軍パンです。クライディーに直してもらって更に思い出の品になりました。
叔父さんの家にGSを取りに行き、荷物を載せて、さあ、出発です。クライディーとの別れは意外にさばさばしたものでした。Sale Cuidate, Adios! Buena suerte para tu futuro!
サンクリまでの道は5日前に2人で来た道を戻るだけです。12時ごろに出て、途中工事で待たされたり、トゥクストラで渋滞したりしましたが、4時前にはカサカサに到着! なんとまだカザフがいます!今宿泊客はカザフとクラさんだけ。ツルさんは今日の朝出たそうです。ヒデさんに事の顛末を報告し、しばし皆で歓談。 サパティスタの有名な活動家サミュエルさんが昨日亡くなり、今日カテドラルで葬儀が行われるそうです。
夜はカテドラルに寄ってからトルタ。カテドラルにはテレビ局も来てかなりの人集り。ワシはサミュエルさんのことは知らないのですが、中々影響力があった人みたいです。 明日は洗濯し情報収集です。出発は明後日です!
Day 185: 26 Jan 2011
Paredón to San Cristobal de Las Casas
26,314km to 26,531km = 217km
I went to sleep while watching "Indiana Jones", but I woke up in he middle of the night. I was reading iBook on iPod till early in the morning and went back to sleep.
We arrive at Tonala before 8am. We took a cab to Paredon. We reported or decision to her parents, we are not going trip together.
I decided to leave Paredon today to San Cristobal. I needed to gather more information for Central America and also want to get in touch with the fellow motorcyclist, Akira.
Claydy and I had a time to talk all alone after having breakfast. If we have fate together, we will meet again. She repared my pants, which I have been wearing since Australian trip. Now the pants have more sentimental value for me.
I went to pick up my GS at her uncle's place and packed up stuffs. The final moment with Claydy was rather non-emotional. It was nice to get to know you, Claydy. I wish you have a wonderful future ahead.
I went back the same way to San Cristobal, where 5 days ago I rode with Claydy. I left her placearound noon and I arrived at San Cristobal before 4pm. I was caught in road works and traffic in Tuxtla.
At the ostel Casa Kasa, there is El Chino still!! I reported to Hide (the owner of the hostel) what happened and wetalked about other things.
He told me that one of the main member of Zapatista, Samuel passed away yesterday. So tonight at Catedral his funeral will be heald.
In the evening, we went to Catedral to see his funeral. There were lots of people to say good-bye to Samuel. We had torta for dinner as usual. Tomorrow I will sortout all the things and get ready to cross the border to Guatemala.
Paredón to San Cristobal de Las Casas
26,314km to 26,531km = 217km
昨晩はインディ・ジョーンズを見てるうちに眠ってしまったのですが、夜半に目が覚めてiPodで書籍を読んでました。 M K ガンディーの「スワデシの誓い」、「剣の教義」、「印度の婦人へ」、「受動的抵抗の理論と実行」など。
サンクリまでの道は5日前に2人で来た道を戻るだけです。12時ごろに出て、途中工事で待たされたり、トゥクストラで渋滞したりしましたが、4時前にはカサカサに到着! なんとまだカザフがいます!今宿泊客はカザフとクラさんだけ。ツルさんは今日の朝出たそうです。ヒデさんに事の顛末を報告し、しばし皆で歓談。 サパティスタの有名な活動家サミュエルさんが昨日亡くなり、今日カテドラルで葬儀が行われるそうです。
夜はカテドラルに寄ってからトルタ。カテドラルにはテレビ局も来てかなりの人集り。ワシはサミュエルさんのことは知らないのですが、中々影響力があった人みたいです。 明日は洗濯し情報収集です。出発は明後日です!
Day 185: 26 Jan 2011
Paredón to San Cristobal de Las Casas
26,314km to 26,531km = 217km
I went to sleep while watching "Indiana Jones", but I woke up in he middle of the night. I was reading iBook on iPod till early in the morning and went back to sleep.
We arrive at Tonala before 8am. We took a cab to Paredon. We reported or decision to her parents, we are not going trip together.
I decided to leave Paredon today to San Cristobal. I needed to gather more information for Central America and also want to get in touch with the fellow motorcyclist, Akira.
Claydy and I had a time to talk all alone after having breakfast. If we have fate together, we will meet again. She repared my pants, which I have been wearing since Australian trip. Now the pants have more sentimental value for me.
I went to pick up my GS at her uncle's place and packed up stuffs. The final moment with Claydy was rather non-emotional. It was nice to get to know you, Claydy. I wish you have a wonderful future ahead.
I went back the same way to San Cristobal, where 5 days ago I rode with Claydy. I left her placearound noon and I arrived at San Cristobal before 4pm. I was caught in road works and traffic in Tuxtla.
At the ostel Casa Kasa, there is El Chino still!! I reported to Hide (the owner of the hostel) what happened and wetalked about other things.
He told me that one of the main member of Zapatista, Samuel passed away yesterday. So tonight at Catedral his funeral will be heald.
In the evening, we went to Catedral to see his funeral. There were lots of people to say good-bye to Samuel. We had torta for dinner as usual. Tomorrow I will sortout all the things and get ready to cross the border to Guatemala.
まだまだこの先長いので、旅を楽しんで行きます!Yoshi さんも楽しんで行きましょう!そして再会する時にお互い更にカッコいい男になっているように!