三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
メキシコシティ17日、マー君また遊ぼうね。 / Mexico City Day 17, Good-bye Markun
Day105: 2010年11月6日
Mexico City
今日はスペイン語の勉強に屋上で運動。ツルさんに美味いタコス屋を教えてもらう。10ペソでかなりお腹いっぱいになります。 シゲさんは風邪気味で大事を取って明日の出発に。でも意外に元気。
ツルさんがBIMBOのTシャツを見た事があるとの事なので、午後からテピートに買いに行く予定でしたが、屋上運動部が結成されて行きませんでした。 シゲさんのお別れ会に韓国料理屋でキムチチゲを食す。味は完璧に韓国です。かれこれ2ヶ月近くシゲさんと一緒だったんですね。明日でお別れです。次に会うのはブラジルか日本か⁉ カザフはその足でカジノに行き75ペソ勝ったそうです。
盟友マー君が朝4時に空港に行くのでそれまで皆で気合を入れて起きてました。マー君と最後のパトロールに出かけ再会を硬く誓う。 夜2時ごろクライディーが帰って来たのでしばしお話し。スペイン語の勉強になるなぁ。
とうとう4時になりお迎えのタクシーが。なんか幼馴染が転校していく気分です。マー君とは3日しか一緒じゃなかったんですがね。マー君また遊ぼうね! マー君を見送った後速攻で寝ました。
Day105: 6 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Studied Spanish in the mornong and did some exercise (physical) later. Tsuru-san took me to a nice Taqueria. One taco costs MX$10, but it's really big and stuffed. If you are a small eater, you will be full with one taco. Shige caught a cold, so he decided to stay here one more day.
Tsuru-san said he saw BIMBO T-Shirt in Tepito a while ago, so we planned to go to Tepito today, but we got to tired from exercise. We will go to Tepito tomorrow.
El Chino and I took Shige to a Korean restaurant as it will be the last meal with himin Mexico. The meals are authentic Korean! I have been travelling with Shige for 6 or 7 weeks, but it's time to separate. Peobably we can see each other in Brazil or Japan.
As Mark is leaving here at 4am in the morning, everyone stayed up to see him off. I went out for a night patrol with him and we promissed to se again in Japan.
Claydy came back around 1am and practice Spanish with her for a while. I wish she can stay here longer but she is going back to her home town in a week or so.
At 4am, a taxi came to pick Mark up. It was real fun to be with him. I cannot believe we just met 3 or 4 days ago. After he left, everyone went to bed and fell into sleep.
Mexico City
今日はスペイン語の勉強に屋上で運動。ツルさんに美味いタコス屋を教えてもらう。10ペソでかなりお腹いっぱいになります。 シゲさんは風邪気味で大事を取って明日の出発に。でも意外に元気。
ツルさんがBIMBOのTシャツを見た事があるとの事なので、午後からテピートに買いに行く予定でしたが、屋上運動部が結成されて行きませんでした。 シゲさんのお別れ会に韓国料理屋でキムチチゲを食す。味は完璧に韓国です。かれこれ2ヶ月近くシゲさんと一緒だったんですね。明日でお別れです。次に会うのはブラジルか日本か⁉ カザフはその足でカジノに行き75ペソ勝ったそうです。
盟友マー君が朝4時に空港に行くのでそれまで皆で気合を入れて起きてました。マー君と最後のパトロールに出かけ再会を硬く誓う。 夜2時ごろクライディーが帰って来たのでしばしお話し。スペイン語の勉強になるなぁ。
とうとう4時になりお迎えのタクシーが。なんか幼馴染が転校していく気分です。マー君とは3日しか一緒じゃなかったんですがね。マー君また遊ぼうね! マー君を見送った後速攻で寝ました。
Day105: 6 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Studied Spanish in the mornong and did some exercise (physical) later. Tsuru-san took me to a nice Taqueria. One taco costs MX$10, but it's really big and stuffed. If you are a small eater, you will be full with one taco. Shige caught a cold, so he decided to stay here one more day.
Tsuru-san said he saw BIMBO T-Shirt in Tepito a while ago, so we planned to go to Tepito today, but we got to tired from exercise. We will go to Tepito tomorrow.
El Chino and I took Shige to a Korean restaurant as it will be the last meal with himin Mexico. The meals are authentic Korean! I have been travelling with Shige for 6 or 7 weeks, but it's time to separate. Peobably we can see each other in Brazil or Japan.
As Mark is leaving here at 4am in the morning, everyone stayed up to see him off. I went out for a night patrol with him and we promissed to se again in Japan.
Claydy came back around 1am and practice Spanish with her for a while. I wish she can stay here longer but she is going back to her home town in a week or so.
At 4am, a taxi came to pick Mark up. It was real fun to be with him. I cannot believe we just met 3 or 4 days ago. After he left, everyone went to bed and fell into sleep.