三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
メキシコシティ46日目、1日中寝てました。 / Mexico City Day 46, Recovering from flu
Day134: 2010年12月5日
Mexico City
120キロの道のりを1日で走破する彼は素敵です。革命戦士としてこれからお互いにやっていきましょう!Buen Viaje!
夜7時に神藤井がLAに旅立つので皆で見送り。彼にはいろいろお世話になったし、本当にいいキャラクターしてるんですよね、彼。すっごく好きです。いつ再会できるかわかりませんが、会えるのを楽しみにしてます。Buen Viaje!
Day134: 5 Dec 2010
Mexico City
I wasn't well tihs morning. But Aki the cyclist was leaving this morning, so I got up before 8am to see him off.
He is gonna ride to Puebla (120km away!) in a day. He and I share the same idea with on how we are gonna do with the future of Japan. Hope we will recruit more people along the way of our trips and we can have the greater influence to Japanese society. I will see you again somewhere in Central or South America, Aki. Buen Viaje!
After seeing him off, I had a chat with the manager Velon. He had a great time last night at a party, so he looked much happier than usual.
I had a nap till afternoon after that and I felt much better. After luch, I started to pack up as I will go to Oaxaca with Yonjee tomorrow. But the packing was easy as it is a bus trip and I will return in 3-4days.
Around 7pm, Dios Fuji left here to LA. He has been good friend with me and helped me with Spanish many times. I like his personality and sense of humor. Not sure when I can see him again, but I hope I can see him soon. Buen Viaje, Fujii!
Yoshi and I cooked "Yakisoba" stitfried noodle for dinner. After that I gathered info for Oaxaca trip. Monte Alban and Mitra ruins are the highlight of Oaxaca sightseeing.
Mexico City
120キロの道のりを1日で走破する彼は素敵です。革命戦士としてこれからお互いにやっていきましょう!Buen Viaje!
Day134: 5 Dec 2010
Mexico City
I wasn't well tihs morning. But Aki the cyclist was leaving this morning, so I got up before 8am to see him off.
He is gonna ride to Puebla (120km away!) in a day. He and I share the same idea with on how we are gonna do with the future of Japan. Hope we will recruit more people along the way of our trips and we can have the greater influence to Japanese society. I will see you again somewhere in Central or South America, Aki. Buen Viaje!
After seeing him off, I had a chat with the manager Velon. He had a great time last night at a party, so he looked much happier than usual.
I had a nap till afternoon after that and I felt much better. After luch, I started to pack up as I will go to Oaxaca with Yonjee tomorrow. But the packing was easy as it is a bus trip and I will return in 3-4days.
Around 7pm, Dios Fuji left here to LA. He has been good friend with me and helped me with Spanish many times. I like his personality and sense of humor. Not sure when I can see him again, but I hope I can see him soon. Buen Viaje, Fujii!
Yoshi and I cooked "Yakisoba" stitfried noodle for dinner. After that I gathered info for Oaxaca trip. Monte Alban and Mitra ruins are the highlight of Oaxaca sightseeing.