三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
リノ3日目、飛行機レース2 / Reno Day 3
Day55: 2010年9月17日
Reno Day 3

FA18 Super Hornetかわマッハで観客席を通り過ぎるのにはなかなか感動させられました。まぁ、岩国でも見れるんですけどね。

あとFormula 1の飛行機は4気筒ボクサーエンジンなのですが、どう見てもフォルクスワーゲンビートルのエンジンに毛が生えた程度のエンジンなんです。105馬力くらいですし。ジュニアは一台ボロビートルを持っているので、それで飛行機を自作するという計画が出来ました。楽しみだなぁ。
Day55: 2010年9月17日
Reno Day 3
We got up at 7:30am to see the race stats from 8:30am (Formula 1).
The entree fee was $19 today as it's Friday. There were more than twice as many people to see the races today.
We saw a few races and then were looking around the US Air force exhibition. There were F15, F16, big carriers and so on.
Acrobatic flights were great. I was surprised the maneuver of propeller planes. They seemed like defying the law of gravity. FA18 Super Hornet went through in front of the main stand at Mach 1! It was a quite experience. The Canadian Acrobatic team "Snow Birds" was great as well.
The mist interesting thing today was Niomi bought a master con rod of airplane engine. It was $75 but we got it at $50. It weighs around 10kg. We drew people's attention walking with the big and heavy con rod.
Also we found out the engine of Formula 1 plane is a 4 cylinder boxer engine. It has only 105 horse power and looks just like the engine if VW Beatle. KamaG Jr. has one Beatle at home, so we made a plan to make a plane using the Beatle engine! It's gonna be fun!
We went to another Casino and had dinner at Buffet. I lost $20 in casino!
Tomorrow we will look around the city of Reno.
Reno Day 3
FA18 Super Hornetかわマッハで観客席を通り過ぎるのにはなかなか感動させられました。まぁ、岩国でも見れるんですけどね。
Day55: 2010年9月17日
Reno Day 3
We got up at 7:30am to see the race stats from 8:30am (Formula 1).
The entree fee was $19 today as it's Friday. There were more than twice as many people to see the races today.
We saw a few races and then were looking around the US Air force exhibition. There were F15, F16, big carriers and so on.
Acrobatic flights were great. I was surprised the maneuver of propeller planes. They seemed like defying the law of gravity. FA18 Super Hornet went through in front of the main stand at Mach 1! It was a quite experience. The Canadian Acrobatic team "Snow Birds" was great as well.
The mist interesting thing today was Niomi bought a master con rod of airplane engine. It was $75 but we got it at $50. It weighs around 10kg. We drew people's attention walking with the big and heavy con rod.
Also we found out the engine of Formula 1 plane is a 4 cylinder boxer engine. It has only 105 horse power and looks just like the engine if VW Beatle. KamaG Jr. has one Beatle at home, so we made a plan to make a plane using the Beatle engine! It's gonna be fun!
We went to another Casino and had dinner at Buffet. I lost $20 in casino!
Tomorrow we will look around the city of Reno.