三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ルート66とラスベガス‼ / The Route 66 & Las Vegas!!
Day41: 2010年9月3日
Grand Canyon South Rim to Las Vegas
15,992km to 16,472km = 460km

ピーチスプリングス(Peach Springs)を越えてキングスマン(Kingsman)へ。ここから93号でラスベガスへ。温度計は46度まで上がります。
アリゾナ州とネバダ州の境にコロラド川を堰とめたフーバーダム(Hoover Dam)があるんですげど、ハイウェイの橋が工事中でダムまで下がらなければいけません。検問所もあって、ただでさえ混んでいるのに大渋滞。この暑い中渋滞に巻き込まれ死にそうです。時間は午後1時半、温度計は48.5度。なんとか抜けてハイウェイに戻りました。ここからラスベガスまではひとっ走りです。


Day41: 03Sep2010
Grand Canyon South Rim to Las Vegas
15,992km to 16,472km = 460km
I got up at 6am and left Gran Canyon after 7am. It's gonna be a hot day!
Arrived at Williams at 8:30am. Fueled up and took the route 40 to West here.
Off the route 40 at Seligman and I was on the famous route 66! I stopped at Road Kill Cafe for early lunch. I took a few photos of the town.
Riding through the route 66, passing Peach Springs and so on. The temp was soaring up. My thermometer was showing 46 degrees!
At Kingsman I took the route 93 to Las Vegas.
The border of Arizona and Nevada, Colorado river is dividing the two states. Usually we could go across by a bridge on Highway, but it was under construction... I had to go down to Hoover Dam. There was a Police check point and traffic jam! The temp was up 48 degrees! I was almost cooked.
Once I got out from the traffic, Las Vegas is not far away.
In the town of Las Vegas, the temp went up to 49.5 degrees!
I found Youth Hostel where I stayed tonight and checked in. I went to take shower immediately!
Having a rest in the room and I was about go out to the town after the sunset, I met Antje from Germany. She is a tour guide but she is 5 weeks holiday going around National Parks. As she knows Las Vegas well, I went around the town with her.
We took Shuttle bus to the strip and walked around to see Paris, Caesars Palace, Bellagio, MGM, New York New York and Luxsor.
It was Friday night, so there were full of people ob the strip and casinos. People do have money to waste here. The competition made this city so crazy. People come up with new ideas and try to impress people to come. This is the mighty part and ugly of Capitalism.
Las Vegas is so crazy and ridiculous! Everything is so big and full of energy and rust. There is no word of ECO in this city.
At 1:30am, the temp was 31 degrees. We went back to the hostel. Tomorrow I will replace my tires and visit Kenji's place.
Grand Canyon South Rim to Las Vegas
15,992km to 16,472km = 460km
ピーチスプリングス(Peach Springs)を越えてキングスマン(Kingsman)へ。ここから93号でラスベガスへ。温度計は46度まで上がります。
Day41: 03Sep2010
Grand Canyon South Rim to Las Vegas
15,992km to 16,472km = 460km
I got up at 6am and left Gran Canyon after 7am. It's gonna be a hot day!
Arrived at Williams at 8:30am. Fueled up and took the route 40 to West here.
Off the route 40 at Seligman and I was on the famous route 66! I stopped at Road Kill Cafe for early lunch. I took a few photos of the town.
Riding through the route 66, passing Peach Springs and so on. The temp was soaring up. My thermometer was showing 46 degrees!
At Kingsman I took the route 93 to Las Vegas.
The border of Arizona and Nevada, Colorado river is dividing the two states. Usually we could go across by a bridge on Highway, but it was under construction... I had to go down to Hoover Dam. There was a Police check point and traffic jam! The temp was up 48 degrees! I was almost cooked.
Once I got out from the traffic, Las Vegas is not far away.
In the town of Las Vegas, the temp went up to 49.5 degrees!
I found Youth Hostel where I stayed tonight and checked in. I went to take shower immediately!
Having a rest in the room and I was about go out to the town after the sunset, I met Antje from Germany. She is a tour guide but she is 5 weeks holiday going around National Parks. As she knows Las Vegas well, I went around the town with her.
We took Shuttle bus to the strip and walked around to see Paris, Caesars Palace, Bellagio, MGM, New York New York and Luxsor.
It was Friday night, so there were full of people ob the strip and casinos. People do have money to waste here. The competition made this city so crazy. People come up with new ideas and try to impress people to come. This is the mighty part and ugly of Capitalism.
Las Vegas is so crazy and ridiculous! Everything is so big and full of energy and rust. There is no word of ECO in this city.
At 1:30am, the temp was 31 degrees. We went back to the hostel. Tomorrow I will replace my tires and visit Kenji's place.