三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ルート89でソルトレイクシティーまで。 / To Salt Lake City by the Route89
Day36: 2010年8月29日
Yellowstone Nat'l Park to Salt Lake City
13,941km to 14,612km = 671km
今日は晴れ!せっかくなので89号でソルトレイクシティーまで行くことにします。途中にグランドテットン国立公園(Grand Teton Nat'l Park)もありますので、15号で行くよりは楽しいはず。

公園内で時間がかかった分、バシバシ走ります。ワイオミング州からアイダホ州に入り更ユタ州へ。三州を跨ぎます。ベアレイク(Bear Lake)が青くて綺麗でした。写真が撮れなかったのが残念です。
Day36: 29Aug2010
Yellowstone Nat'l Park to Salt Lake City
13,941km to 14,612km = 671km
It was sunny! So I was to take the route 89 to Salt Lake City. There is Grand Teton Nat'l Park on the way, so it's more fun than the route 15.
As it rained last night, I spent long time trying to dry my tent. I could take off after 9am.
As the speed limit in the park is 45mile/h(70km/h), it was after 11am when I left the park. But I enjoyed the scenery I could not see much yesterday.
Just before the exit if the park, a big bull bison was walking in the middle of the road. He just walked pass beside me. Was little scary.
South gate of Yellowstone Nat'l Park is just minutes away from Grand Teton Nat'l Park.
The mountains (Grand Teton Range) are great. They remind me if Canadian Rocky. Also the route has lots of winding, so I highly recommend this route.
Today I rode through Wyoming, Idaho and Utah, 3 States!
Bear Lake lying between Idaho and Utah is so beautiful. I could not take any photo though.
I stopped at McDonald's for WiFi. I checked the location of the BMW dealer in SLC. My handle bar is not aligned, after the drop at Teslin. As the front tire is almost due, so I will change it and also align the handle bar.
Arrived at SLC after 7pm. I found KOA campground. I knew it would be expensive, but I wanted to take shower and do laundry. Also here has free WiFi. It costs $28....
But I could not log on to WiFi! Anyway I took shower and did laundry.
I wonder how far can I go tomorrow. That's depending on if I can get the tire changed soon.
Yellowstone Nat'l Park to Salt Lake City
13,941km to 14,612km = 671km
今日は晴れ!せっかくなので89号でソルトレイクシティーまで行くことにします。途中にグランドテットン国立公園(Grand Teton Nat'l Park)もありますので、15号で行くよりは楽しいはず。
公園内で時間がかかった分、バシバシ走ります。ワイオミング州からアイダホ州に入り更ユタ州へ。三州を跨ぎます。ベアレイク(Bear Lake)が青くて綺麗でした。写真が撮れなかったのが残念です。
Day36: 29Aug2010
Yellowstone Nat'l Park to Salt Lake City
13,941km to 14,612km = 671km
It was sunny! So I was to take the route 89 to Salt Lake City. There is Grand Teton Nat'l Park on the way, so it's more fun than the route 15.
As it rained last night, I spent long time trying to dry my tent. I could take off after 9am.
As the speed limit in the park is 45mile/h(70km/h), it was after 11am when I left the park. But I enjoyed the scenery I could not see much yesterday.
Just before the exit if the park, a big bull bison was walking in the middle of the road. He just walked pass beside me. Was little scary.
South gate of Yellowstone Nat'l Park is just minutes away from Grand Teton Nat'l Park.
The mountains (Grand Teton Range) are great. They remind me if Canadian Rocky. Also the route has lots of winding, so I highly recommend this route.
Today I rode through Wyoming, Idaho and Utah, 3 States!
Bear Lake lying between Idaho and Utah is so beautiful. I could not take any photo though.
I stopped at McDonald's for WiFi. I checked the location of the BMW dealer in SLC. My handle bar is not aligned, after the drop at Teslin. As the front tire is almost due, so I will change it and also align the handle bar.
Arrived at SLC after 7pm. I found KOA campground. I knew it would be expensive, but I wanted to take shower and do laundry. Also here has free WiFi. It costs $28....
But I could not log on to WiFi! Anyway I took shower and did laundry.
I wonder how far can I go tomorrow. That's depending on if I can get the tire changed soon.