三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ロサンゼルス!シゲさんと会えました‼ / LA! Meeting Shige
Day62: 2010年9月24日
Three Rivers to Hollywood
20,239km to 20,586km = 347km
仕方がないのでLAに向かって走ります。LA手前でマック発見。しかもFree WiFiと書いてあるのでここは間違えないでしょ。
シゲさんからメールがきてます。バナナバンガロー(Banana Bangalore)という宿に泊まるとの事なので、ワシもそこにいく事に。ハリウッドにあるんですよ、その宿。高速降りて直ぐなのでわかりやすいです。
深野さんはラスベガス在住で、BNW R80GSとハーレースポーツスター1200を載っています。LAにはお仕事で来ていてしばらく滞在とのこと。韓国焼肉をご馳走になっちゃいました!ありがとうございました‼イロイロ旅の話で盛り上がり楽しい時を過ごしました。
Day62: 2010年9月24日
Three Rivers to Hollywood
20,239km to 20,586km = 347km
I got up around 7am, when the sun just came up. LA is around 300km away, so it's a piece of cake.
I needed to contact Shige and make a meeting point in LA, so I was looking for Mac on the way.
I found on in Bakersfield around 11am, so I had lunch there and tried to connect to Internet. But somehow it did not work!! So I just kept going to LA.
It got hotter again as the altitude is low and I am heading South. I found a Mac just before LA, and it has Free WiFi sign!
Shige sent me an e-mail and he is gonna stay at Banana Bangalore Hollywood. We will meet there.
I got there around 2pm. It locates just off the highway and easy to find. Now I'm in Hollywood. I can see the "Hollywood" sign from the hostel! What a bonus!
I was updating my blog and waiting for Shige. He e-mailed me again and he was fixing a puncture! He will be here by late afternoon.
He arrived around 6pm. Finally we met! His DR is so cool. I can tell he and his DR have been so many places and went through fun and tough times. We just talked about our trips and hours passed.
Mr Fukano, the resident of Las Vegas and riding BMW R80GS and HD SportsStar 1200, is a reader of Shige's blog. And he is in LA for a business. As Shige is having dinner with Mr Fukano, so I joined them. We went to a Korean BBQ buffet and Mr Fukano paid for us! Thanks!!
I am not sure what to do in LA tomorrow. I may go to Walk of Fame.
Three Rivers to Hollywood
20,239km to 20,586km = 347km
シゲさんからメールがきてます。バナナバンガロー(Banana Bangalore)という宿に泊まるとの事なので、ワシもそこにいく事に。ハリウッドにあるんですよ、その宿。高速降りて直ぐなのでわかりやすいです。
深野さんはラスベガス在住で、BNW R80GSとハーレースポーツスター1200を載っています。LAにはお仕事で来ていてしばらく滞在とのこと。韓国焼肉をご馳走になっちゃいました!ありがとうございました‼イロイロ旅の話で盛り上がり楽しい時を過ごしました。
Day62: 2010年9月24日
Three Rivers to Hollywood
20,239km to 20,586km = 347km
I got up around 7am, when the sun just came up. LA is around 300km away, so it's a piece of cake.
I needed to contact Shige and make a meeting point in LA, so I was looking for Mac on the way.
I found on in Bakersfield around 11am, so I had lunch there and tried to connect to Internet. But somehow it did not work!! So I just kept going to LA.
It got hotter again as the altitude is low and I am heading South. I found a Mac just before LA, and it has Free WiFi sign!
Shige sent me an e-mail and he is gonna stay at Banana Bangalore Hollywood. We will meet there.
I got there around 2pm. It locates just off the highway and easy to find. Now I'm in Hollywood. I can see the "Hollywood" sign from the hostel! What a bonus!
I was updating my blog and waiting for Shige. He e-mailed me again and he was fixing a puncture! He will be here by late afternoon.
He arrived around 6pm. Finally we met! His DR is so cool. I can tell he and his DR have been so many places and went through fun and tough times. We just talked about our trips and hours passed.
Mr Fukano, the resident of Las Vegas and riding BMW R80GS and HD SportsStar 1200, is a reader of Shige's blog. And he is in LA for a business. As Shige is having dinner with Mr Fukano, so I joined them. We went to a Korean BBQ buffet and Mr Fukano paid for us! Thanks!!
I am not sure what to do in LA tomorrow. I may go to Walk of Fame.