三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 395: 2011年8月23日
La Paz (El Carretero)
今日は「月の谷(Valle de la Luna)」に行ってきました。
朝はいつもの通り。11時半にイド氏と郵便局の前で待ち合わせをし、先ずは「青葉」で昼飯。青椒肉絲(チンジャオロース)32ボリと咕老肉(酢豚)ボリを。あと白飯(白米)12ボリを。ここはこの旅で食べた中華で一番でした!! しかし店内にもメニューにも店の名前が書いてませんし、何で「青葉」と呼ばれているんだろう?? テーブルクロスが青と白地で葉っぱがあしらっているからか?? ここをもっと早く知っておけばよかったです。


今度再会できるのは何処でしょうかね。イド氏とはビーニャの汐見荘かエル・カラファテの藤旅館辺りで再会できそうですけど。みんなそれまでBuen Viaje(良い旅を)!!
Day 395: 23 AUG 2011
La Paz (El Carretero)
Jose and I went to "Valle de la Luna" today.
I spent the morning as usual. Around 11:30am, Jose and I met in centro and walked to "Comida China". We had Beef with cupsicum and sweet & sour pork. It was the best Chinese meal on this trip! We regreted that we did not find this place earlier...
Then we caught a bus to Valle de la Luna. It took 45mins or so to get there. The entrance fee was 15Bs. The scenery was amazing. It did not look like the moon surface (although I've never been to the moon), but very special. Jose was saying "It reminds me of some antional parks in the States".
We enjoed walking around the park.
We caught another bus back to centro. As it was tuesday, we had ice cream @ "Bits&Cream", which was ofering "Buy 1 & get 1 free" deal on tuesday. We had vanila and chirimoya ice creams and they were excellent!!
We went back to our hostels at once after that. I researched the route to Coroica. I will go through "Death Raod" to get there. Even though there would be a few incoming traffic, but the road would be still dangerous. I will be riding very carefully tomorrow.
Jose and I went back to "Comida China" again for dinner. Certainly this place was the best Chinese restaurant in Central and South America so far for me.
Jose, Mark&Claire and I will be leaving La Paz tomorrow. Adam will stay here a little longer. I am not sure when and where I could see them again. Until then, Buen Viaje mis amigos!!!
La Paz (El Carretero)
朝はいつもの通り。11時半にイド氏と郵便局の前で待ち合わせをし、先ずは「青葉」で昼飯。青椒肉絲(チンジャオロース)32ボリと咕老肉(酢豚)ボリを。あと白飯(白米)12ボリを。ここはこの旅で食べた中華で一番でした!! しかし店内にもメニューにも店の名前が書いてませんし、何で「青葉」と呼ばれているんだろう?? テーブルクロスが青と白地で葉っぱがあしらっているからか?? ここをもっと早く知っておけばよかったです。
今度再会できるのは何処でしょうかね。イド氏とはビーニャの汐見荘かエル・カラファテの藤旅館辺りで再会できそうですけど。みんなそれまでBuen Viaje(良い旅を)!!
Day 395: 23 AUG 2011
La Paz (El Carretero)
Jose and I went to "Valle de la Luna" today.
I spent the morning as usual. Around 11:30am, Jose and I met in centro and walked to "Comida China". We had Beef with cupsicum and sweet & sour pork. It was the best Chinese meal on this trip! We regreted that we did not find this place earlier...
Then we caught a bus to Valle de la Luna. It took 45mins or so to get there. The entrance fee was 15Bs. The scenery was amazing. It did not look like the moon surface (although I've never been to the moon), but very special. Jose was saying "It reminds me of some antional parks in the States".
We enjoed walking around the park.
We caught another bus back to centro. As it was tuesday, we had ice cream @ "Bits&Cream", which was ofering "Buy 1 & get 1 free" deal on tuesday. We had vanila and chirimoya ice creams and they were excellent!!
We went back to our hostels at once after that. I researched the route to Coroica. I will go through "Death Raod" to get there. Even though there would be a few incoming traffic, but the road would be still dangerous. I will be riding very carefully tomorrow.
Jose and I went back to "Comida China" again for dinner. Certainly this place was the best Chinese restaurant in Central and South America so far for me.
Jose, Mark&Claire and I will be leaving La Paz tomorrow. Adam will stay here a little longer. I am not sure when and where I could see them again. Until then, Buen Viaje mis amigos!!!
Day 394: 2011年8月22日
La Paz (El Carretero)
朝手紙を印刷しコレクティーボに乗って大使館のあるIrpavi Bajoまで。結構遠いです。BMWディーラーがあるObrajesを超えて更に進みます。一体何処で降りればいいか見当もつかないのですが・・・。
高級住宅地みたくなってきて「Irpavi」の看板も出ました、が何処の辺りに大使館はあるのでしょう?? Google Mapでは良くわからなかったんですね。そのまま乗っていると「Embajada de Cuba(キューバ大使館)」と看板が見えました。早速降りて門の前へ。
と、いう訳でキトでの手応えよりも全然良い結果となりました。さて、大使はどう出るのか? フィデルは「うん」と言ってくれるのか?楽しみですね。ちなみに大使館の写真は「撮ってはいけない」、とのことでありません。
宿に戻りシャワーを浴びてイド氏に会いに。今日はトクさんがコメントで教えてくれた台湾料理屋「青葉」へ行くことに。先ずは「Blue Berry's」を探してそこから坂を5分くらい登ったところにあると。しかしBlue Berry'sまでが長い。セントロから30分くらい歩きます。コレクティーボに乗ればいいのですが・・・。
そこから坂を登りましたが、「青葉」という看板は見当たりません。「Comida China」という看板を掲げた店がありましたが、どうも違うような。結局あきらめてサルテーニャを昼飯に。
それからセントロに戻り、カフェ。一旦宿に戻りネット。夜はBlue Berry'sに行ってみようということになり、また歩きで。いい運動ですね。Blue Berry'sではカレーと照り焼きチキンがお勧めということなので、ワシはカレーを。40ボリ。イド氏は照り焼きチキンを。40ボリ。珈琲とサラダ付き。お米がモチモチで美味い!! カレーもしっかりしてるし。ここはもっと早く開拓しておけばよかったです。
それから「青葉」をもう一度探しに。やはり「青葉」に看板は無いので、「Comida China」で訊いてみると、「ここが台湾料理屋だ」と。じゃぁ、明日行ってみよう。
Day 394: 22 AUG 2011
La Paz (El Carretero)
The "project" I mentioned yesterday was "Handing my letter to Fidel to the Embassy of Cuba". I did the same in Quito, Ecuador, but at that time I could not go into the embassy and I just could hand the letter to a security. So I did not know if the letter was actually handed to Fidel or not. I have not received any reply from Fidel, so I guess he has never received it.
I went to a Internet Cafe and printed out the letter, then caught a colletivo to Irpavi where the embassy was located. Irpavi was reallu far away. The collectivo passed Obrajes where BMW dealer located, and still going.
I wasn't sure where I should get off, and asked a lady next to me if we were @ Irpavi already, She said it would be a little farther.
The area seemed to be a nice area. New houses and a huge supermarket were there. Then I saw a sign "Bienvenidos a Irpavi". But I wasn't still sure where the embassy was located. From Google map it was really unclear.
But luckily the collectivo passed in front of the embassy. I stopped the collectivo and got off immidiately.
I approached to the gate and told a security the purpose of my visit there. He was thinking for a while and let me into the embassy.
Inside the embassy, a lady helped me withmy business there. She asked me if she could read the letter and I said yes. After reading the letter, she said we needed to consult anoher staff of the embassy if she could hand the letter to the ambassador!
She took me to another office and asked another lady if it would be OK. She said it would be OK. So now I needed to wait for an answer from the ambassador if he would hand the letter to Fidel!! A huge progress! As I don't have a phone contact here, so they asked me to call them on firday.
After that I went back to the hostel and took a shower. I went out to see Jose and we went to find a Taiwanese restaurant recommended by my friend Toku-san. The location wasn't clear, so we walked around the area but we could not find it.
We wanted to visit "Valle de la Luna (The valley of the moon)", but we did not know which collectivo we should take. We went to "Tourist Information", but it was closed. It supposed to be open from 2:30pm, but we waited until 3pm but it was still closed.... There were a few tourists waiting there as well. As we got tired waiting, we decided to visit "Valle de la Luna" tomorrow.
For dinner, we went to "Blue Berry's Cafe". I had Curry 40Bs and Jose had Teriyaki Chiken 40Bs. They were both nice. We should have kown this place earlier!
After that we went to find the Taiwanese restaurant again. Only the restaurant we could find around there was "Comida China (Chinese food)". We asked if it was the Taiwanese restaurant and it was! So tomorrow we will have lunch there and go to Valle de la Luna.
La Paz (El Carretero)
朝手紙を印刷しコレクティーボに乗って大使館のあるIrpavi Bajoまで。結構遠いです。BMWディーラーがあるObrajesを超えて更に進みます。一体何処で降りればいいか見当もつかないのですが・・・。
高級住宅地みたくなってきて「Irpavi」の看板も出ました、が何処の辺りに大使館はあるのでしょう?? Google Mapでは良くわからなかったんですね。そのまま乗っていると「Embajada de Cuba(キューバ大使館)」と看板が見えました。早速降りて門の前へ。
と、いう訳でキトでの手応えよりも全然良い結果となりました。さて、大使はどう出るのか? フィデルは「うん」と言ってくれるのか?楽しみですね。ちなみに大使館の写真は「撮ってはいけない」、とのことでありません。
宿に戻りシャワーを浴びてイド氏に会いに。今日はトクさんがコメントで教えてくれた台湾料理屋「青葉」へ行くことに。先ずは「Blue Berry's」を探してそこから坂を5分くらい登ったところにあると。しかしBlue Berry'sまでが長い。セントロから30分くらい歩きます。コレクティーボに乗ればいいのですが・・・。
そこから坂を登りましたが、「青葉」という看板は見当たりません。「Comida China」という看板を掲げた店がありましたが、どうも違うような。結局あきらめてサルテーニャを昼飯に。
それから「青葉」をもう一度探しに。やはり「青葉」に看板は無いので、「Comida China」で訊いてみると、「ここが台湾料理屋だ」と。じゃぁ、明日行ってみよう。
Day 394: 22 AUG 2011
La Paz (El Carretero)
The "project" I mentioned yesterday was "Handing my letter to Fidel to the Embassy of Cuba". I did the same in Quito, Ecuador, but at that time I could not go into the embassy and I just could hand the letter to a security. So I did not know if the letter was actually handed to Fidel or not. I have not received any reply from Fidel, so I guess he has never received it.
I went to a Internet Cafe and printed out the letter, then caught a colletivo to Irpavi where the embassy was located. Irpavi was reallu far away. The collectivo passed Obrajes where BMW dealer located, and still going.
I wasn't sure where I should get off, and asked a lady next to me if we were @ Irpavi already, She said it would be a little farther.
The area seemed to be a nice area. New houses and a huge supermarket were there. Then I saw a sign "Bienvenidos a Irpavi". But I wasn't still sure where the embassy was located. From Google map it was really unclear.
But luckily the collectivo passed in front of the embassy. I stopped the collectivo and got off immidiately.
I approached to the gate and told a security the purpose of my visit there. He was thinking for a while and let me into the embassy.
Inside the embassy, a lady helped me withmy business there. She asked me if she could read the letter and I said yes. After reading the letter, she said we needed to consult anoher staff of the embassy if she could hand the letter to the ambassador!
She took me to another office and asked another lady if it would be OK. She said it would be OK. So now I needed to wait for an answer from the ambassador if he would hand the letter to Fidel!! A huge progress! As I don't have a phone contact here, so they asked me to call them on firday.
After that I went back to the hostel and took a shower. I went out to see Jose and we went to find a Taiwanese restaurant recommended by my friend Toku-san. The location wasn't clear, so we walked around the area but we could not find it.
We wanted to visit "Valle de la Luna (The valley of the moon)", but we did not know which collectivo we should take. We went to "Tourist Information", but it was closed. It supposed to be open from 2:30pm, but we waited until 3pm but it was still closed.... There were a few tourists waiting there as well. As we got tired waiting, we decided to visit "Valle de la Luna" tomorrow.
For dinner, we went to "Blue Berry's Cafe". I had Curry 40Bs and Jose had Teriyaki Chiken 40Bs. They were both nice. We should have kown this place earlier!
After that we went to find the Taiwanese restaurant again. Only the restaurant we could find around there was "Comida China (Chinese food)". We asked if it was the Taiwanese restaurant and it was! So tomorrow we will have lunch there and go to Valle de la Luna.
Day 393: 2011年8月21日
La Paz (El Carretero)
Day 393: 21 AUG 2011
La Paz (El Carretero)
This morning I went to the bus terminal to send the front tyre "ourance" to Tupiza - the town near the Argentinian border. It was a long way to get to the terminal carrying the heavy tyre!! Once I got there, I struggled to find a bus company to do cargo service to Tupiza.
After looking around ans asking around, finally a gentleman showed me where I could take my tyre! It was behind the terminal. The cost to send the tyre was 20Bs and it would be stored for 30days without charge.
Then I went to see Jose and had lunch togeter. At dinner time, we went to "Ken-chan" again, but for the last time. I had "Tenpura", but it wasn'T that good... I regreted not to have "Katsudon" for my last Kenchan experience....
Tomorrow I have a little project. Hopefully it will go well.
La Paz (El Carretero)
Day 393: 21 AUG 2011
La Paz (El Carretero)
This morning I went to the bus terminal to send the front tyre "ourance" to Tupiza - the town near the Argentinian border. It was a long way to get to the terminal carrying the heavy tyre!! Once I got there, I struggled to find a bus company to do cargo service to Tupiza.
After looking around ans asking around, finally a gentleman showed me where I could take my tyre! It was behind the terminal. The cost to send the tyre was 20Bs and it would be stored for 30days without charge.
Then I went to see Jose and had lunch togeter. At dinner time, we went to "Ken-chan" again, but for the last time. I had "Tenpura", but it wasn'T that good... I regreted not to have "Katsudon" for my last Kenchan experience....
Tomorrow I have a little project. Hopefully it will go well.
Day 392: 2011年8月20日
La Paz (El Carretero)
さて今日はマコッチと再会の日ですね。昼間はイド氏と。ケンチャンは飽きたので新しい店を開拓です。セントロ近くのモールで「Mega Berger」というハンバーガー屋に行ってみました。ダブルバーガーのセットが20ボリ
それからカフェへ新しく開拓した「Alexander Caffee」です。客層は外国人が多く、店もおしゃれ。WiFiもあって高級店。エスプレッソが9ボリと高いです。しかし珈琲大したことなし・・・。
ティワナク博物館に行こうということになり行って見ましたが(ケンチャンの直ぐ近くです)閉まってます。この間も閉まってました。休刊中なのだろうか?? 張り紙も何も無いので不明です。
6時にマコッチとEl Solarioで待ち合わせ。メキシコ以来なので10ヶ月ぶりの再会ですね。元気そうでなにより!そしてオバちゃんプロレスにいたケンジ君も参加することに。夕飯は「ケンチャン」にて。今日はしょうが焼き定食44ボリを。
Day 392: 20 AUG 2011
La Paz (El Carretero)
I reunited with Makoto today. We met in Mexico last October. So it's been 10months!!
It's good to see an old friend in other parts of the world.
As usual, I went out for lunch with Jose. We tried to find a new place to eat, but it was hard. We ended up having lunch at a fast food rstaurant "Mega Berger". The size of the burger was huge, but the quality was....
After lunch, we looked for a new cafe. We had a cuppa at "Alexander Coffee" popular among travellers, but the coffee was expensive and wasn't that good.
After cuppa, we went to "Tiwanaku" museum, but it was closed. It was closed last time we went there, so it could be closed for a long period of time.
Together with Makoto and his friend Kenji, Jose and I went to "Ken-chan". It was good to see him again and we tazlked a lot. Unfortunately, he and Kenji will be leaving to Amazon on Monday and they have a plan for tomorrow, we had just one day of reuion. But I was glad to see my old friend and wish him to have a good time rest of his tip!
La Paz (El Carretero)
さて今日はマコッチと再会の日ですね。昼間はイド氏と。ケンチャンは飽きたので新しい店を開拓です。セントロ近くのモールで「Mega Berger」というハンバーガー屋に行ってみました。ダブルバーガーのセットが20ボリ
それからカフェへ新しく開拓した「Alexander Caffee」です。客層は外国人が多く、店もおしゃれ。WiFiもあって高級店。エスプレッソが9ボリと高いです。しかし珈琲大したことなし・・・。
ティワナク博物館に行こうということになり行って見ましたが(ケンチャンの直ぐ近くです)閉まってます。この間も閉まってました。休刊中なのだろうか?? 張り紙も何も無いので不明です。
6時にマコッチとEl Solarioで待ち合わせ。メキシコ以来なので10ヶ月ぶりの再会ですね。元気そうでなにより!そしてオバちゃんプロレスにいたケンジ君も参加することに。夕飯は「ケンチャン」にて。今日はしょうが焼き定食44ボリを。
Day 392: 20 AUG 2011
La Paz (El Carretero)
I reunited with Makoto today. We met in Mexico last October. So it's been 10months!!
It's good to see an old friend in other parts of the world.
As usual, I went out for lunch with Jose. We tried to find a new place to eat, but it was hard. We ended up having lunch at a fast food rstaurant "Mega Berger". The size of the burger was huge, but the quality was....
After lunch, we looked for a new cafe. We had a cuppa at "Alexander Coffee" popular among travellers, but the coffee was expensive and wasn't that good.
After cuppa, we went to "Tiwanaku" museum, but it was closed. It was closed last time we went there, so it could be closed for a long period of time.
Together with Makoto and his friend Kenji, Jose and I went to "Ken-chan". It was good to see him again and we tazlked a lot. Unfortunately, he and Kenji will be leaving to Amazon on Monday and they have a plan for tomorrow, we had just one day of reuion. But I was glad to see my old friend and wish him to have a good time rest of his tip!
Day 391: 2011年8月19日
La Paz (El Carretero)
6時前にマサさんを見送りにアレムへ。マサさんはウユニ直行便ではなくオルロ乗換えにしてバス代を安くするつもりだとか。オルロには深夜到着なので、乗り換え大丈夫かな?? マサさん良い旅を!! 次はチリで再会ですかね。
イド氏と夕飯を何にするか相談しましたが、ケンチャンは飽きたので、無し。結局サルテーニャ2個食べた後美味しいと評判(??)のフライドチキン屋に行きましたが、8時の開店なのにまだ準備が出来ていないので中華屋「Chifa Dragon」で。麺が脂っこくてギブアップ。
Day 391: 18 AUG 2011
La Paz (El Carretero)
I went to "Ken-chan" again with Jose and Masa. As Jose and I had been to Ken-chan too often, we had enough of Ken-chan. Now we have to find what to eat....
After lunch, I went to buy silicon and went back to the hostel. I applied silicon on the gap between the connector and the socket of the fog light and the cable, and now it was fixed!
The colour of silicon was red, so it did not really good, but as long as it would do the job, I would be happy. As there was a gap between the lid and the box of the right pannier, I applied silicon to close the gap. So I had done everything I could do to repair the damages from the accident in Peru.
After that, I checked e-mails and Makoto - my friend when I was stayin in Mexico City, had arrived here and staying at Hostal El Solario. We will catch up tomorrow.
As Masa was catchhing 7pm Bus to Uyuni, I went to Hotel Alem to see him off. He tried to make the fare cheaper, so he said he was taking a bus to Oruro, then changing to a bus to Uyuni. But the bus to Oruro would arrive there in midnight! It would be really cold and I wonder if he could catch a bus to Uyuni smoothly. We would catch up again in Chile, I guess.
Then Jose and I went to find something to eat. Now Ken-chan was out of the option, so it was hard for us. We ended up having Saltenas and then we thought we would have fried chicken recomended by our friends, but the shop wasn't ready even after 8pm!! So we went to "Chifa Dragon".
As we were really tired, we went back to our hostels early.
La Paz (El Carretero)
6時前にマサさんを見送りにアレムへ。マサさんはウユニ直行便ではなくオルロ乗換えにしてバス代を安くするつもりだとか。オルロには深夜到着なので、乗り換え大丈夫かな?? マサさん良い旅を!! 次はチリで再会ですかね。
イド氏と夕飯を何にするか相談しましたが、ケンチャンは飽きたので、無し。結局サルテーニャ2個食べた後美味しいと評判(??)のフライドチキン屋に行きましたが、8時の開店なのにまだ準備が出来ていないので中華屋「Chifa Dragon」で。麺が脂っこくてギブアップ。
Day 391: 18 AUG 2011
La Paz (El Carretero)
I went to "Ken-chan" again with Jose and Masa. As Jose and I had been to Ken-chan too often, we had enough of Ken-chan. Now we have to find what to eat....
After lunch, I went to buy silicon and went back to the hostel. I applied silicon on the gap between the connector and the socket of the fog light and the cable, and now it was fixed!
The colour of silicon was red, so it did not really good, but as long as it would do the job, I would be happy. As there was a gap between the lid and the box of the right pannier, I applied silicon to close the gap. So I had done everything I could do to repair the damages from the accident in Peru.
After that, I checked e-mails and Makoto - my friend when I was stayin in Mexico City, had arrived here and staying at Hostal El Solario. We will catch up tomorrow.
As Masa was catchhing 7pm Bus to Uyuni, I went to Hotel Alem to see him off. He tried to make the fare cheaper, so he said he was taking a bus to Oruro, then changing to a bus to Uyuni. But the bus to Oruro would arrive there in midnight! It would be really cold and I wonder if he could catch a bus to Uyuni smoothly. We would catch up again in Chile, I guess.
Then Jose and I went to find something to eat. Now Ken-chan was out of the option, so it was hard for us. We ended up having Saltenas and then we thought we would have fried chicken recomended by our friends, but the shop wasn't ready even after 8pm!! So we went to "Chifa Dragon".
As we were really tired, we went back to our hostels early.