三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
月の谷へ/ Valle de la Luna
Day 395: 2011年8月23日
La Paz (El Carretero)
今日は「月の谷(Valle de la Luna)」に行ってきました。
朝はいつもの通り。11時半にイド氏と郵便局の前で待ち合わせをし、先ずは「青葉」で昼飯。青椒肉絲(チンジャオロース)32ボリと咕老肉(酢豚)ボリを。あと白飯(白米)12ボリを。ここはこの旅で食べた中華で一番でした!! しかし店内にもメニューにも店の名前が書いてませんし、何で「青葉」と呼ばれているんだろう?? テーブルクロスが青と白地で葉っぱがあしらっているからか?? ここをもっと早く知っておけばよかったです。


今度再会できるのは何処でしょうかね。イド氏とはビーニャの汐見荘かエル・カラファテの藤旅館辺りで再会できそうですけど。みんなそれまでBuen Viaje(良い旅を)!!
Day 395: 23 AUG 2011
La Paz (El Carretero)
Jose and I went to "Valle de la Luna" today.
I spent the morning as usual. Around 11:30am, Jose and I met in centro and walked to "Comida China". We had Beef with cupsicum and sweet & sour pork. It was the best Chinese meal on this trip! We regreted that we did not find this place earlier...
Then we caught a bus to Valle de la Luna. It took 45mins or so to get there. The entrance fee was 15Bs. The scenery was amazing. It did not look like the moon surface (although I've never been to the moon), but very special. Jose was saying "It reminds me of some antional parks in the States".
We enjoed walking around the park.
We caught another bus back to centro. As it was tuesday, we had ice cream @ "Bits&Cream", which was ofering "Buy 1 & get 1 free" deal on tuesday. We had vanila and chirimoya ice creams and they were excellent!!
We went back to our hostels at once after that. I researched the route to Coroica. I will go through "Death Raod" to get there. Even though there would be a few incoming traffic, but the road would be still dangerous. I will be riding very carefully tomorrow.
Jose and I went back to "Comida China" again for dinner. Certainly this place was the best Chinese restaurant in Central and South America so far for me.
Jose, Mark&Claire and I will be leaving La Paz tomorrow. Adam will stay here a little longer. I am not sure when and where I could see them again. Until then, Buen Viaje mis amigos!!!
La Paz (El Carretero)
朝はいつもの通り。11時半にイド氏と郵便局の前で待ち合わせをし、先ずは「青葉」で昼飯。青椒肉絲(チンジャオロース)32ボリと咕老肉(酢豚)ボリを。あと白飯(白米)12ボリを。ここはこの旅で食べた中華で一番でした!! しかし店内にもメニューにも店の名前が書いてませんし、何で「青葉」と呼ばれているんだろう?? テーブルクロスが青と白地で葉っぱがあしらっているからか?? ここをもっと早く知っておけばよかったです。
今度再会できるのは何処でしょうかね。イド氏とはビーニャの汐見荘かエル・カラファテの藤旅館辺りで再会できそうですけど。みんなそれまでBuen Viaje(良い旅を)!!
Day 395: 23 AUG 2011
La Paz (El Carretero)
Jose and I went to "Valle de la Luna" today.
I spent the morning as usual. Around 11:30am, Jose and I met in centro and walked to "Comida China". We had Beef with cupsicum and sweet & sour pork. It was the best Chinese meal on this trip! We regreted that we did not find this place earlier...
Then we caught a bus to Valle de la Luna. It took 45mins or so to get there. The entrance fee was 15Bs. The scenery was amazing. It did not look like the moon surface (although I've never been to the moon), but very special. Jose was saying "It reminds me of some antional parks in the States".
We enjoed walking around the park.
We caught another bus back to centro. As it was tuesday, we had ice cream @ "Bits&Cream", which was ofering "Buy 1 & get 1 free" deal on tuesday. We had vanila and chirimoya ice creams and they were excellent!!
We went back to our hostels at once after that. I researched the route to Coroica. I will go through "Death Raod" to get there. Even though there would be a few incoming traffic, but the road would be still dangerous. I will be riding very carefully tomorrow.
Jose and I went back to "Comida China" again for dinner. Certainly this place was the best Chinese restaurant in Central and South America so far for me.
Jose, Mark&Claire and I will be leaving La Paz tomorrow. Adam will stay here a little longer. I am not sure when and where I could see them again. Until then, Buen Viaje mis amigos!!!
「青葉」と「Blue Berry's」の場所を教えてよ。
Blue Berry'sはPlaza Avaroaの目の前"Sanchez Lima"通り沿いです。
「青葉」はそこからソポカチ(Sopocachi)方面に向かった坂の上にあります。B.Salinas通りを上がっていくと"Comida China"とエンジ色の庇にあるのでそれです。マーボーと青椒美味し。楽しんでください!!