
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 385: 2011年8月13日

Salar de Uyuni to La Paz (Lion Palace)


宿に着いたのは9時前。部屋は11時半以降に空くとのこと。しばらくネット(ブログの更新)してから仕立てに出した軍パンを取りに行きました。が、まだ終わっていないとのこと・・・。11日に完成じゃなかったのか?? 「月曜日まで待てないか?」なんて言われたので、「11日に完成のはずじゃないか、今日中に仕上げろ!!」と強気に出たら、「12時まで待って」と。「それじゃぁ、よろしく」と店を後にしました。

まだ昼飯には早いのですが、小腹が減ったのでBin Bomでアイスを。それからケンチャンに昼飯(食ってばっかりだな)。今日はカツ丼を。美味いな、やっぱり。「珍遊記」6巻を読破。漫☆画太郎先生は天才です。







Day 385: 13 AUG 2011

Salar de Uyuni to La Paz (Lion Palace)

We arrived La Paz around 7am. We looked for breakfast, but there was no shop open.... Finally we found a cafe and had a nice breakfast. Takahashi was to fly to Miami tonight, so we said a good-bye to her at her hostel.

We came back to Hostel Lion Palace around 9am. The room would not be ready by 11:30am, so we stayed at the robby. I was updating my blog.

Then we went to the seamstress to pick up my new trousers. Before going to Uyuni, I brought the new trousers to the seamstress to make them into the convertible trousers (long and short). They supposed to be ready by last thursday, but they said, it wouldn't be ready by monday. I strongly said to them to comolete within today, and they said they would do it by 12 noon.

We had lunch at  "Ken-chan" Japanese restaurant again. I had "Katsu-don" again. There were many Japanese comics @ the restaurant and I read through "Chin-yu-ki" by Man☆Gataro. He is a genius.

After lunch, we went back to the seamstress to pick up the trousers.  It was ready and the finish was pretty good. Now I had to say good-bye to my beloved old trousers. I had been fixing it, but it was beyond repairing now. So it's hard but need to say good-bye.

Back to the hostel, I took a shower for the first time in 4 days. Then Masa came to our hostel!! He stuck in Cusco for 2 months because his laptop could not be delivered till now. After chatting for a while, he went to find a hostel. We recommended him "Hotel Alem".

As we made a plan to go to "Ken-chan" with Masa, we went to find him in Alem, and he was there. I could not believe I was having 2 meals in Ken-chan a day.... I am spoiling myself tooooo much.

Well, I'd better carry on my trip soon. Otherwise, I would be very unfit....


Day 384: 2011年8月12日

Salar de Uyuni



DSCF9057.jpgDSCF9059.jpg今日は朝6時半に起きて朝日を見に行きました。ランクルで塩原まで出て朝日を待ちます。それにしても寒い!! 早く朝日よ出てきておくれ!! しばらく待つと段々と明るくなってきました。そして太陽が顔をチラッと出しました!! ウユニ塩原で見る朝日は格別です。





DSCF9072.jpgようやく見えなくなっていた頂上が見えました!! と、思ったらそこが目的地の見晴台。確かに風景は格別です。が、また言います、5,000メートルはないでしょう。ここでしばらく休憩し下山します。





DSCF9132.jpgそれから「塩原の目(Ojos de Salar)」に向かいます。ここは真水が湧き出ているところ。コロラド川とグランデ川が塩原の底で混ざり合い、ここから湧き出ているのだとか。イマイチガイドの説明は納得できないものがありましたが、とにかく水が湧き出てます。


穂高岳旅行社に戻りバスまで時間をつぶします(出発は8時)。カフェに行ったり、夕飯を食べたり。ワシ、イド氏、タカハシはラパスまで。カナちゃんとユキちゃんはオルロに向かいそこからチリに抜けます。なので2人とはここでお別れです。Buen Viaje!!


Day 384: 12 AUG 2011

Salar de Uyuni

We woke up at 6:30am and hopped on the Landcruiser to the Salar. It was a really really cold morning, but we waited the sun coming up on the salt flat. The horizon was getting blighter and we could see the sun a little bit. "Come on, Sun. Quickly come up and give us heat!!" Then finally the sun was up and we had a great sunrise on Slar de Uyuni. The experience was priceless.

Even though the sun was up, it was still very very cold. We went back to the hostel for breakfast. On the way back, we stopped at the lagoon. Those flamingos were already in the action. I wondered where they stayed the night and if they wouldn't be frozen to death??  The mirror reflection of the mountains on the lagoon was really beautiful.

After breakfast, we took off to climb up "Volcan Tunupa". The Landcruiser took us up until where the walking track started. We had to buy a ticket - 40Bs for a group - to enter the cave of mummies. Those mummies were 1,000 years old. I had a mixted feeling to visit the cave as if I were those dead, I would not like to be seen by tourists 1,000 years after my death. But anyway I was there and wathching them....

The guide said we would walk up to the "Mirador (view point)" where the elevation would be around 5,000m!! The peak of the volcano was 5,400m something!! It would be the hard one...

The tack was hard to walk. The soil was very dry and gravels were everywhere. The elevaion of Slar was 3,800m something, so we started to climb up around 4,000m. The air was thin and it was hard to breath. We made a lot of stops and continued climb up.

THe peak of the volcano could be seen from the hotel, but it was hidden behind the hills. But finally the peak re-appeared! and there was the "Mirador". The guide said here would be 5,000m high, but the distance between here and the peak would be more than 500m (I rekoned), so it should not be 5,000m high at the Mirador".

The view was great. We had a good rest up there and started to descend. When we came back to the hostel, it was already lunch time. We had lunch there and took the Landcruiser to the middle of Salar.

The salt in the middle of Slar was whiter than elsewhere. The sarface of the flat was less disturbed I guess. Here we took trick photos and found salt crystals etc. 

The final stop of our trip on Salar was at "Ojos de Salar (The eyes of Salt flat)". Where fresh water came out. According to the guide, there were 2 rivers "Rio Cororado" and "Rio Grande". Those 2 rivers collide underneath of Salar and made a tourbulence. Then water was coming up to the sarface of Salar. We did not really get the mechanism of it, but Salar deUyuni had lots of wonders.

We went back to "Hodaka Mountain" tours. Our bus back to La PAz was on 8pm, so until then we spent time there. Here we had to say good-bye to Kana and Yuki, heading to Chile.

Jose, Takahashi and I took Omar bus (100Bs) at 8pm. As soon as the bus left Uyuni, the collugated dirt road started and the bus vivlated hard, but I managed to sleep well.


Day 383: 2011年8月11日

Salar de Uyuni (Tahua)

DSCF9115.jpgバスを降りると、ツアー会社の呼び込みが。それにしても、寒い!! 話を適当に聞きながら、みんなが荷物を受け取るのを待ちます。イド氏とワシは手荷物だけなので楽チン。







DSCF8999.jpgそれからウユニ塩原へ。先ずは塩の精製場へ。いやぁ、凄いですね。本当に真っ白だぁ!! ヒツジもサンカクも大はしゃぎ!! まだ水があったりして、バイクで来なくて良かった、と何回も思いました。塩水がかかって錆び錆びになってしまいますからね。これは一旦サンタ・クルスに行ってからウユニをバイクで再訪すれば水も乾いているのかな??

DSCF9003.jpgDSCF9009.jpgそれから「塩のホテル」で有名な「Hotel Playa Blanca」見学です。うちのガイド曰く、「ここは20年前に建てられてホテルとして機能していたけど、塩原を汚染するので今ではホテルとして営業していない」と。しかし、最近泊まった人が穂高岳のノートに書き込みしてましたけど・・・。どうやら、実際はこのホテルは営業停止を喰らっているらしいのですが、言葉があんまり分からない日本人が主に未だに宿泊しているそうです。うーん、日本人旅行社、だまされちゃいかんよ。まぁ、この建物、壁からテーブルなど塩で造られているので、珍しいといえば珍しいですが、それだけです。みんなここでトリック写真を撮ってます。がんばれ。


DSCF9018.jpgDSCF9023.jpg「インカワシ島」の入島料は30ボリ。水洗トイレがあります。水は何処に流されて行くのだろう? それから昼飯を食べてから、島をめぐります。サボテンがデカイ。そして本当に珊瑚の化石がそこら中に見られます。周りを見渡せば真っ白な塩原。素晴らしい風景ですね。




Day 383: 11 AUG 2011

Salar de Uyuni

As soon as we got off the bus, there were a few tour operators trying to get our business. It was so cold, so I wasn't really listening to their sales. Jose and I hod only hand luggages but those girls needed to get their backpacks from the bus.

Then, a guy speaking Japanese approched us. He was from "Hodaka Mountain" tour. Takahashi said, "Hodaka Mountain" tour was popular among Japanese tourists, so we followed him.

As it was too cold, so he took us a cafe to have breakfast and warm up before talking about the tour in his office.

At his office, he explained the options. There were many tour options - how many days, where to visit, etc. We chose 2 days tour. Then we had to choose 1 from 3 options. We chose the one to go to Volcan Tunupa. The price was 500Bs, but as we were the group of 5, so he gave us a discount to 450Bs.

The tour was to start at 11am, so we walked around the town and bought snacks. Before 11am, a Toyota Landcruiser came to pick us up. On our tour, there were 7 tourists - 5 Japanese and 2 French. 

The first palce to visit was the "Grave yard of trains". Those steam locomotives were used in early 20th century for carrying minerals from mines to teh coast of Chile. There were tons of rubbishes in the area, which spoiled the atmosphere. We climbed up the locomotives and took pictures ans so on.

The 2nd place to visit was a small village of Colcani, just the eadge of Salar. Here people were making salt from Salar. There were souvenir shops and "Salt museum" in this village. 

Then, we entered Salar de Uyuni. We stopped at the place where salt was dried. Everything was white! Amazing!! There was water on Salar still. I wonder if it would be dried completely when I come back here on my GS. I might need to go to Santa Cruz first.

After that, we visited "Hotel Playa Blanca". This "Hotel" was built on Salar and made by "Salt". All furniture was made by salt as well. According to our guide, it was built 20 years ago, but tow due to contamination of Salar from this hotel, it was not operating as a hotel any more. The building itself was very basic and except it was made by salt and its location, nothing really special about the hotel. Personally, I wouldn't like to stay at this hotel.

But the scenery surrounding the hotel was amazing. Salar de Uyuni, it is definitely the must see place in South America.

We continued our trip to "Isla de Incawasi". This "island" was made by fosilised corals! This palce (Salar de Uyuni) was the sea bed long, long time ago and because of Pacific plate and South American plate collided, this place was lifted. Sea water was left on the continent and gather here. The water evaporised and salt remained on the flat. Now on the "island" there were cactus everywhere. Cactus on fossilised corals, a very strange view.

To enter the "island", we had to pay 30Bs. Here we had lunch and then explore the island. The view from the island was great! There wouldn't be the same view elsewhere, I reckoned.
Our last stop of the day was at the village of Tahua, located the north of Salar. Here underneath of Volcan Tunupa, a small lagoon made  by water from the mountains, there were flamingos! The reflection of mountains on the lagoon and white salt flat in front of it. Very very beautiful.

The hostel we stayed was very basic but wasn't that cold. We went out to see the stars after dusk, but the moon was too blight to see stars....

Tomorrow we will get up at 6:30am and wil see the sunrise! It would be great but cold...


Day 382: 2011年8月10日

La Paz (Hostel Lion Palace)
38,913km to 38,923km = 10km










Day 382: 10 AUG 2011

La Paz (Hostel Lion Palace)
38,913km to 38,923km = 10km

This morning I went to the BMW dealer to pick up my GS. I caught a collectivo there (2.3Bs).

When I got there, the mechanic was still working on my GS. The plastic parts were repaired very well and the TKC 80 front tyre was fitted, so he was just putting back all the parts.

It cost me 330Bs (about US$50), but I thought they did a pretty good job. The bpannier wasn'T in the perfect condition, but as long as it was water tight, it would do the job. The only missing thing was the right fog lamp.

I rode the GS back to the hostel. This time, they prepared the thicker wood board to make a slope to the "garage". But when I went up on it, it was blown away!! I managed to got up to the "garage", but it was very scary...

JIse, Kana, and Yuki was waiting for me at the hostel. We went to "Ken-chan" Japanese restaurant for lunch. The bus to Uyuni was due on 7pm, so we had to find something to do to kill our time. We went to a cafe and walked around the city. But in the end, we went back to the hostel to take a rest.

At 6pm, Jose and I went to Hostel Alem to see Kana and Yuki. There was another Japanese girl joining us - Takahashi. We took a cab to the bus terminal and waited for the bus.

The bus left the terminal around 7:20pm, but not sure why it stopped on the roadside for 20-30mins. Waiting for some more passengers?? There was no anoucement, so we had hust to wait there.

The bus was the double decker. It looked like there was no passenger seat on the first level. Our seats were in the front and it was very cold! The window was smogged, I thought, but it was ice!

There was nothing to do on the bus, so I went to sleep soon, but I guess after Oruro, the road became the dirt road. The colgation was very bad and I woke up to see how bad the condition. It loked like no prolem to ride on. I went back to sleep. Amazingly I could sleep quite well despite of the colgation, but I woke up a few times as it was too cold.

The bus arrived the town of Uyuni around 7am. Well, which tour operator should we choose??


Day 381: 2011年8月9日

La Paz (Hostel Lion Palace)
38,907km to 38,913km = 6km




エンジンをかける前にオクタン・ブースターをタンクに注入。イグニションをオンにしてセルモーターを回すと…、一発でエンジンがかかりました!! オクタン・ブースター凄い!!








1. レギュラー(Gasolina Espacial)は78オクタン
2. ハイオク(Gasolina Premium)は85オクタン
3. ボリビアのBMW車とバイクは低オクタン仕様なのでボリビアのガソリンでも問題なし
4. ワシのGSはボリビア仕様に変えることは出来ない(マッピングだけじゃないみたいです)。なのでオクタン・ブースターが必要。


昼飯は昨日行ったChifaへ。カレーうどん(麺にカレーソースが掛かった一品)20ボリを。宿に戻りネットをしてたらバス・ターミナルからイド氏、カナちゃんとユキちゃんが戻ってきました。ウユニ行きのバスは100ボリ。明日夜7時の出発です。まだ昼飯を食べてないとのことでBin Bomへ。ワシはアイスクリームを。

一旦宿に戻り昼寝。夜は韓国料理屋で。値段はケンチャン並みに高いのにクオリティーは大したことなし。日本海は国際的には「Sea of Japan」でしょう。東海(トンへ)は韓国内で使ってればよろしい。


Day 381: 09 AUG 2011

La Paz (Hostel Lion Palace)
38,907km to 38,9XXkm = XXkm

Today I brought my GS to the BMW dealer in La Paz. 

According to my BMW dealer in Japan, it would be OK to put STP octane booster into GS. So I put a bottle of STP octane booster and started the engine. It started with just one push of cell!! An amazing result!!

The dealer was located in Obrages area of La Paz. It wasn't far from the central but to get there I had to go down the hill for a while. Once I got there, I talked with mechanics to change the front tyre, fixing the plastic parts, the pannier and the replacing the fog lamp.

A fog lamp cost US$164 each and it must be purchased as a pair. Sp it would be US$328!! The cable wasn't in stock, so I asked the mechanic if he could fix the current broken cable. But it wasn' t repairable. So I think I should replace the fog lamp in Europe!?

They took off the front wheel and took it with a spare tyre to some other place. They did not have any facility to replace tyre there....

They they started to strip the plastic parts. I had never seen my GS like that. Then the plastic parts were taken to somewhere else as well. Everything would be done outside the dealer....

I asked questions about the petrol of Bolivia. What I found out were:
1. Gasolina Especial (Regular) octane rating would be 78RON.
2. Gasolina Premium octane rating would be 85RON.
3. In Bolivia, BMW cars and motorcycles coming with low octane setup from the factory, so no problem with low octane fuel
4. My GS could not get the mapping of the Bolivia editon... So I have to run my GS with octane booster.

Now we had to wait for the wheel and plastic parts to come back. I was waiting around the lunch time and the service manager told me the plastic parts wouldn't be ready today, so I had to come back tomorrow.

I took a collectivo back to the central (2.3Bs). I had lunch @ the Chifa (Chinese restaurant) I went last night.

Back to the hostel and Jose came back from the bus terminal. He bought a bus ticket to Uyuni for 100Bs for me. WIth Kana and Yuki, we went to Bin Bom (as they did not have lunch yet).

We went to a Korean restaurant for dinner. It was as expensive as Kenchan, but the quality wasn't that good.

Our bus to Uyuni will leave @ 7pm tomorrow. Jose and I will be back to La Paz Fiday or Saturaday. I heard it would be really cold in Uyuni. So we had to be careful not catching cold.


一日一回クリックするとランキングがあがります! よろしくお願いいたします!!
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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
Copyright ©  -- M-26-Julio 羊とめぐる冒険 BMW R1200GSで世界一周の旅 --  All Rights Reserved

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