
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 341: 2011年6月30日

Lima (Che Lagarto)

ついに6月も晦日です。明日で1年が折り返します。早いものですね。新年はメキシコ・シティ(El D.F.)でしたね。1年の折り返しはメキシコ・シティに継ぐ大都市リマで。まぁ、メキシコとペルーはアステカ帝国とインカ帝国というコロンブス到来前の中米と南米を代表する文明の中心地でしたし1521年と1534年とかなり近い年代でスペインに征服されていたりと歴史的にも似てますし、砂漠がちな国土など風土も人文も似てると思います。

さて、今日はプレ・インカの遺跡ワカ・プクヤナ(Huaca Pucllana)、中華街、旧市街と行ってきました。







DSCF6422.jpg駅から中華街もかなり離れてます。歩く歩く。もう腹ペコでギブアップしそうです。中華街周辺は活気がありますねぇ。しかし中華街自体は大したことないですね。中華BBQの店が何軒かあります。シドニーでは中華BBQをよく食べたので一軒店に入ったのですが、高い! それで安い店を探そうとしましたが、腹ペコなので、まぁ安そうな店にはいりました。ここが失敗。ワシは酢豚みたいなのを頼んだのですが、甘過ぎ・・・。先輩の頼んだ魚料理も美味くなかったか。ワラスで食べたチャーハンのほうが美味かったですね。中華街期待してたので残念です。




BMWディーラーからは連絡無し。今日も休みなのか? なので明日の出発はなくなりました。さてと1日何をするかな??

Day 341: 30 JUN 2011

Lima (Che Lagarto)

Well, this is te last day of June. Half year has passed. The new years day I was in Mexico City (El D.F.). Now I am in Lima,the biggest city, 2nd to El D.F. so far I visited. Actually I have been feeling that Mexico and Peru have lots of similarities. They were the mainland of Aztec and Inca empires, and they were conqurered by Spanish around the same time (A.D 1521 for Aztec and A.D 1534 for Inca). Desert like land scape is similar too. Many things of Peru remind me of Mexico.

Today I visited Huaca Pucllana - the Pre-Inca ruin located in Miraflores area of Lima, CHinatown and the old town of Lima.

To Huaca, we walked. The pyramid like temple was built with adobes. Huge, huge structre it was. I wonderedhow many millnes of adobe bricks were used to construct it. 

THe admission was 10 Soles. We had to go with a guide. He spoke very good Japanese and we could ask him lots of questions. He said there isn't much rain in Lima, so adobe construction can last long here. And the technic used to construct it was unique. The bricks were laid vertical and there was a space between bricks. This was done against earthquakes. Very interesting.

He also told us the diffference between Llamas and Alpacas. Llama is a larger animal with a longer face and with its tail up. Alpaca has shorter face and its tail down. They can cross-breed and the hybrid is called "Pacllama".

There was original foot prints of a brick maker at the site. Those workers sed theirfeet to mix mud with sea shells - calcium strengthened the bricks, then used their hands to shape them. 

It was 1pm when we finished the guide tour of the ruins. I was so hungry. We took a metrobus to the old town. From the station, we had to walk for 20mins or so to Chinatown. I was almost sturved to death. 

I wasnted to have Chinese BBQ and we went into one of the restaurant. But it was very expensive. Other Chinese BBQ restaurants were similar price, so we went into one cheap restaurant. 

The meal was so so...Unfortunately. I had a high expectation on Chinatown, but it wasn't good.

Then we walked to Cathedral. This Cathedral was the oldest in South America - its base stone was laid by Conquistador Francisco Pizarro himself. But the admssion cost 30 Soles!! It was a combine ticket with the palace of Archbishop, but it was to much for us. So we didn't go inside.

Then we walked back to the hostel. It took 1 1/2 hour. Very tired.

I haven'T heard from the MW dealer. I wonder if they were closed today as well. So I have to stay one more day in Lima. What can I do here??


Day 340: 2011年6月29日

Lima (Che Lagarto)


朝飯を食べた後11時まで宿でネット。それから宿をChe Lagartoに移しました。こちらのほうが安いしカオル先輩もいるので。カオル先輩と昼飯を食いに行き、そのまま国立考古・人類・歴史学博物館へ。





DSCF6357.jpgDSCF6358.jpgニャーが右腕の下にいたり、細かい芸が見られます。棍棒で頭を叩かれてるのとか。アウチ!! こんな土器を日常で使えたら楽しいだろうなぁ。





DSCF6368.jpgDSCF6369.jpgそれはナスカ文化の土器に描かれた絵。造詣的にはモチェの土器には敵いませんが、もうデザインが面白すぎ。ナスカは地上絵で有名ですが、土器も素晴らしい!! いやぁ、この博物館を訪れてナスカ文化ファンになてしまいました。

DSCF6374.jpgこのデザインなんて最高ですよ!! ふざけてるんじゃないか?と思いたくなるようなデザインですよね。以下ナスカ土器をお楽しみください。









Day 340: 29 JUN 2011

Lima (Che Lagarto)

It was a public holiday in Peru today, and the BMW dealer was closed. So it would be friday the earliest I could pick up my GS.

After having breakfast, until 11am, I was surfing Internet at the hostel. Then I moved to another hostel "Che Lagarto", where Kaoru staying. It was cheaper as well. 

Then Kaoru and I went for lunch and visited "Museo Nacional de Arqueologia, Antropologia e Historia del Peru". We caught 10E bus and got off at Ovalo Brazil. Then it would be 5 blocks away from there but we could not find it!

We asked locals a few times, but we got lost. Some lead us to another museum... But finally we found it. The admission was 10 Soles. It was famous for its collection of those ceramics/potteries. And the collection was, indeed, amazing!

I liked those of Nazca tha best, Moche ceramics were better in term of the shapes, but the paintings of Nazcan were far more interesting to me. 

I did enjoyed seeing those artifacts from Pre-Incan custures. They also had Incan artifacts. We spent nearly 2 hours there. Very satisfying visit today. 

Back to the hostel, surfed Internet till dinner time. After dinner, we played pool (there was a pool table in the hostel!). It had been since Hostal Medellin. The table was kinda fxxked, so the ball did not go straight. Our skills were worse now as well. So we were very frustrated. Kaoru won the game.

Tomorrow we are planning to visit Huaca in Lima and Chinatown!  


Day 339: 2011年6月28日

Lima (Kusillu's Hostel)
36,106km to 36,121km = 15km





タクシーを呼んでくれて、しかもタクシー代まで払ってくれました。何たる親切。バス・ターミナルは同じ道を8キロほど西にいったところにあります。早速タイヤを受取に行くと、ありました! ちゃんと届いてました。

タクシーを捕まえてディーラーに戻ります。そしてJo's Placeでこかしてまた凹んだ左パニアをハンマーを借りて直しました。これで一先ず仕事終了。着替えて荷物をロッカーに入れさせてもらい、手荷物だけでタクシーでミラフローレス(Miraflores)地区にいって宿を探します。

宿はカオル先輩が泊まっている「Che Lagarto」を探しましたがなかなか見つからず。ようやく探し当てて「空きはないか?」と訊いたら「満室」とのこと。「明日は?」と訊いたら「個室だけ空いてる。100ソル」と。高い!! 他に安宿は無いか訊いたら「Kusillu's Hostel」を薦められました。ガイドブックをディーラーに置いてきちゃったので情報が無いんですね。

Kusillu's Hostelは直ぐに見つかりました。チェックインして(ドミ27ソル。朝飯付き)シャワーを浴びて、遅い昼飯。それからランドリーに洗濯物を。


Day 339: 28 JUN 2011

Lima (Kusillu's Hostel)
36,106km to 36,121km = 15km

I went to the Internet Cafe in the morning to check the mail. And I received a reply from Mr. W-Nabe of the BMW dealer in Japan. He reckoned the issue would be with the "clutch swith". It was jammed with dirts and probably was not functioning properly. Clearing and adjusting it would resolve the issue. I hope so. 

Then I took my GS to the BMW Lima. The traffic of Lima was chaotic, but thanks to the GPS, I could get there without getting lost.

Here I was welcommed. As Mervin - who I was contacting via e-mails - was not there, Cesar (another Cesar!) served me. He was so kind to me and spent lots of his time with me. He knew I wanted to chainge engine oil, airf ilter, and buy a front tyre. And I explained the problem I had yesterday, want to change the rear tyre, and fixing my left pannier by myself. Even though he did not speak English, he was patient to listening to my Spanish.

Then he called a taxi for me. I needed to pick up the rear tyre from Tepsa bus depot. When the taxi arrived, he told me he paid for the taxi, so I did not pay anything... How kind of him! Muchas gracias!!

The bus depot was located 8km west of the BMW. The tyre was there! I picked it up and caught another taxi back to the dealer.

Then I borrowed a hummer and fixed the pannier. I got those stuffs I needed for now and packed all lugguages into the locker. Then I caught another taxi to Miraflores area of Lima.

I was looking for a hostel where Kaoru was staying "Che Lagarto". It took a while to find it. But it was fully booked!! So they recommended to try another hostel "Kusillu's Hostel". Here 27 Soles a night (incl. breakfast) with Internet connection. A bit expensive but Ok.

In the evening, Kaoru visited me and we went for dinner together. Then we made a plan for tomorrow where to visit. We will go to a museum, but still deciding National Museum or Museum of Archiology, Anthropology and History (Museo Nacional de Arqueologia, Antropologia e Historia del Peru).


Day 338: 2011年6月27日

Huaraz to Lima (Hotel Espana)
35,655km to 36,106km = 451km







ウロウロしてたら、メガホンで「そこの君! こっちに来なさい!!」と叱られました。





リマ郊外に入ると車も多いです。なんか雨も汚いですし。渋滞なので減速します。そしたらいつの間にかエンジンが止まってるんです!! すぐにかけなおしますが、アクセルを戻し、クラッチを切って、ブレーキで減速するとエンジンが止まります。こりゃ、ヤバイ。どうにか持ってくれよ・・・。



アダムにメールしたら、彼のBMW F650GSもマレーシア・シンガポールで同じ問題が起こり、リマッピングしたら直ったと言ってました。その通りならいいのだけど・


Day 338: 27 JUN 2011

Huaraz to Lima (Hotel Espana)
35,655km to 36,106km = 451km

I stayed in Huaraz for 3 nights. I went to many places based on Huaraz. The town itself has nothing much to do, but the view was excelent and as a base of treking, it would be the best place to stay.

I left Jo's Place around 8:30. First, I was to the ruins of Caral, located near the coast. So I had to descend a lot! I took the highway 3N South to Barranca where 3N meet Panamerican Hwy.

The view was magnificent! Those snow peaked mountains were in front of my eyes!! I was glad that I took this way. 

THe highest point of the pass was more than 4,000m. From there I descent to Chasquitambo around altitude of 700m, so 3,300m if descending! The pavement was brand-new and in excellent condition, so I enjoed riding through those curves.

Turned left at Panamerican Hwy and bypassed Barranca. At the town of Supe, I took a left turn to Caral. The road was unsealed, but hard packed dirt, no problem riding throgh.

The ruins of Caral was located 10mins ride from the town of Caral. There was a big sign saying "Declarada Patrimonio Mundial, Comite del Patrimonio Mundial UNESCO (Listed as UNESCO World Heritage site)". But I could not find any ticket office.

As I walked, I could see those pyramid like structures. The site was built by a civilasation, which occupied the entire Supe valley - as old as Egypt, India and China. Considering that, the structures were well preserved.

I was walking around the marked path, and someone yelled at me "Hey, Mr! Please come here!" So I went there.

And I found the ticket office. The ticket was 4 Soles. I had to go around with a guide and with other visitors (Peruvians).

Caral did not have any metal tool and built those just with stones and plasters. What I was surprised was the most of them were original and some of them were restored. In the school I learnt "the 4 Great Civilisations", but now we might have to include Caral.

The explanation of the guide was clear and very well. Even in Spanish, I could understand the most of them.

Then I headed to Lima. After passing Huacho, it started raining a bit. And there was some parts Panamerican Hwy went up hill, there was heavy, heavy fog... I could not even see 5 m ahead... I rode very carefully.

Then I entered the frindge of Lima. There were more traffics, so I had to slow down. Then I got a problem!! When I closed the throttle, and clutch in, and braked to slow down, the engine stopped. It happened 4-5 times... It was raining a bit and very very dusty (sandy). Them once the rain stopped, the problem disappeared. Very very strange.

Finally I arrived at Hotel Espana, where Kaoru and Adam told me I could park my GS in the lobby. The dorm cost 20 Soles a night. It was a mansion renovated to a hostel, so the building itself was very interesting. From the upstair of the hostel, I could see the cathedral and the cross on the top of the hill. Nice.

I e-mailed my dealer in Japan asking what would be the possible cause of the problem. I also e-mailed Adam and he replied it could be the mapping issue. His F650GS had the same issue in Malaysia / Singapore, and the dealer there re-mapped and the issue was resolved.

So hopefully, my issue would be that simple. I will take my GS to the dealer tomorrow.


Day 337: 2011年6月26日

Huaraz - Canon del Pato - Lagunas Llanganuco - Huaraz (Jo's Place)
35,375km  to 35,655km = 280km










それから来た道を引き返してヤンガヌコ湖(Lagunas Llanganuco)に向かいます。そこには2つの湖、チナンコチャ湖(Laguna Chinancocha)とオルコンコチャ湖(Laguna Orconcocha)があります。ダートをガタガタ走り、ようやく舗装路にたどり着き、Caraz - Yangaと行きます。







DSCF6292.jpgDSCF6291.jpg帰りもダート。ガタガタですが、慣れたせいかけっこうスムーズに降っていきます。Yangayに辿り着き舗装路を快適に飛ばします。Jo's Palceに辿り着いたのは5時過ぎ。テントを建ててバイクを拭いて近くの中華屋でチャーハン。


Day 337: 26 JUN 2011

Huaraz - Canon del Pato - Lagunas Llanganuco - Huaraz (Jo's Place)
35,375km to 35,655km = 280km

It was greatday but very exhausting. Lots of awesome views and lots of dirts.

I left Jo's Place afyer 8am. Refuelled and head to Canon del Pato, north of Huaraz. On the way to Yangay, I could see snow peaks of Cordillera Blanca, t looked so beautiful.

Going thruogh Yangay and Caraz. On the way to Caraz, the road was mostly paved in good condition. However, after Caraz, the nicely paed road turned to be a gravel road... The conditon was pretty bad considering the paved part of the road. But from here, Canon del Pato begins.

There were tunnels as well. I turned o fog lamps and high beams to see the road surface clearly. The view was awesome, but I had to keep eyes n the road as well, so I could not totally enjoy the scenery.

I had early lunch at Huallanca. I had Lomo Soltado again. It was huge serve -  for 3 persons worth - and I could not eat them all. It cost 15 Soles! I wish they served smaller amount and charged me less.

Then I turned back to Yangay. Going thrugh Canon Del Pato again. This time, I could see more views.

Lagunas Llanganuco were located 28km east of Yangay. Another dirt road to get there. I set my GPS and hit the dirt road. The condition was pretty rough but manageable.

I asked a few locals, if this was the right way to Lagunas. They said yes. But Later I found there was another dirt road to Lagunas! Once I joined the anoter dirt raod, the condtion got little better.

At the entrance of National Park, the entree fee was 5 Soles. Another 7kms to the lake side. Then I see Tarquois blue lake - Laguna Chinacocha! Unfotunately the sky got cloudy and I could not appliciate the full beauty of the lake, but it was still beautiful. Then next to the lake, there was a glacier. Wonderful.
I rode another 5kms or so to another lake - Laguna Orconcocha - andthen a campsite. I was planning to stay a night here, but I got a bad stomach and the altitude was more than 3,800m, so it would get really cold. I hadn'T fully recovered from flu, and it was before 3pm, so I decided to go back to Huaraz. 

So I am here again at Jo's Place. After I pitched my tent and wiped dirts off my GS, I had Chinese fried rice and having quiet evening on the courtyard. 

Tmorrow I will visit the ruin of Caral near Barranca. It was built by the oldest civilization of South America, rised around the same time as Egypt, India and China. Very interestig!   


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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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