
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 312: 2011年6月1日

Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)
32,695km to 32,712km = 17km






DSCF5523.jpg先ずはアダムのパニアラックの溶接です。流石ファンが紹介してくれた溶接工だけあってあっという間にアダムの望んだとおりに仕上がりました。しかも1ドル!! 安すぎです。

DSCF5524.jpgDSCF5525.jpgそしてワシのパニアの修理。ファンのバイク仲間のセザールの修理工場へ。セザールはWR250とKTM Sper Enduroに乗るダートライダー。色々話をしてくれました。パニアもしっかり直りました。代金は「NO Priblem!」の一言。タダです。ありがとう!!!! Muchas Gracias, Juan and Cesar!!



Day 312: 01 JUN 2011

Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)
32,695km to 32,712km = 17km

We went to wash our bikes at a car wash near Juan's office. We were told US$5 each bike, but as we would be washing our bikes by ourselves we negotiated the price and got US$10 for 3 bikes.

Whle washing, Juan came down to see us. He said he would take us to a welder and a smash repairer in the afternoon.

As we rode on dirt roads and rained a lot, out bikes were pretty  dirty. Using pressured water, we splashed the dirt of the bikes. Then using soap water to make them clean.  Amazingly our bikes were clean now!

After lunch we came back tothe car wash and met Juan. He took us to the welder first. Adam needed to get his pannier frame fixed. As Juan can speak English, Adam could tel the welder - Ernando what he wanted. The job was quick and neat. And  Ernando asked for US$1 only!! What a bargain!! Adam paid him US$2 for the good job. 

Then Juan took us to a smash repairer his friend - Cesar - owns. Cesar is also a motorcyclist (owns WR250 and KTM Super Enduro). He showed us photos and told us stories. 2 guys were hummering the dent out. It was fixed in no time. I asked the price andCesar said "No problem!". Juan said "He is also the moto man!!". Muchas gracias Amigos!! 

We made an appointment with Cesar on this weekend. Unfortunately Juan has a family commitment so he cannot join us.

Back to the hostel. We went to Accion Outdoor sport, but there we could not find what we wanted....

In the evening, Uwe brought his friend Elizabeth. And she brought her friend Blanca. We went ou for Banff Mountain Film Festival, Tonight was the first night and it was free admission. Oliver and Elena were there a well. We went for a drink later and had a great evening.

I will try a new setup tomorrow. Hopefully I can fit everything nicely.


Day 311: 2011年5月31日

Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)

マークとクレアはリア・タイヤ 120/70 18を。ワシはフロント・タイヤ 110/80 19を。ウベはリア・タイヤ 150/70 18を。何故だかウベの探しているピレリ・MT90は簡単に見つかります。一番安いのでMr. Motorbikeで199ドル。



DSCF5507.jpgDSCF5508.jpg3時過ぎにContinental Tyreの輸入業者へタクシーで行きました。沢山タイヤがあります、が、求めているTKC80のフロント・タイヤはまだ輸入してないと・・・。マークとクレアの求めているサイズは無いので諦めかけたら、キトにあるダンロップの輸入業者に連絡してくれてD605をオーダーすることに。木曜日には届くそうです。

ワシはConti Escapeの100/90 19を進められましたがオン70%  オフ30%なのであまり意味がありません。ペルーにもコンティネンタルの輸入業者があるのでペルーで見つけられる可能性はあると言ってましたが、リマまではないので、ペルーまでのダートとペルー北部のダートがつらくなりますね。




Day 311: 31 MAY 2011

Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)

We all were looking for tyres from the morning. We went to several motorcycleshops, but Mark & Claire and I could not find anything what we wanted. Not sure why Uwe could find his Pirrelli MT90 everywhere. His cheapest option so far was US$199 at Mr. Motorcycle.

After lunch break we went to Accion Outdoor sport shop, but it was closed for lunch break (Siesta!)...

We decided to come back after 3pm and went back to the hostel. While I was checking my GS, I realised the right pannier had a dent (the flrame side). It must be made when I dropped the bike on the way to Banos. Mark has a hummer, so I will borrow it and hummer the dent out.

We went to Continental Tyre Importer. There were so many tyres available, but they did not have what we were after. TKC80 has not been imported to Ecuador, according to the importer. It will be here on next shipment (July). Mark and Claire could not find anything to fit their rims. But the importer called his friend at Dunlop na dfound D605 for their bikes. The tyres would be there on thursday.

Mark gave me a complession suck that I could use for my sleeping bag. I knew I could use one to make my sleeping bag small, but the feathers will be shrunk. That was why I did not use it, but now I think it is good idea, so I can get rid of my top box.

After that we went to Tatoo Adventure shop. There Adam finaly found a pair of Keen sandals to fit his feet. But I could not find any waterproof dufflebag.... Camelbaks were available from US$100.

In the evening we went out for Indian Dinner at Taj Mahar. Juan, the Ecuadorian adventure rider from HU Hub joined us. He is very kind and heplful. He would take us to those repairers tomorrow (Adam needs a welder and I need a repairer of the pannier).

Tomorrow we will give our bikes a big wash and do the reparirings. 


Day 310: 2011年5月30日

Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)

今日は起きたら9時! さすがに500キロ走ったので疲れてたのですかね。




何軒かあるみたいなので他にも探します。Piedora de Aguaという温泉施設がありましたが1人10ドル!日本のスーパー銭湯並に高い! ので他を探します。が、見つかったのは高級そうなホテルに付随している施設。そこでまた人に訊くとさっき閉まってた施設に行けと。








Day 310: 30 MAY 2011

Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)

I woke up at 9am. I guess I was really tired riding more than 500km yesterday.

I decided to move to Casa Naranja tomorrow and go to Banos for a thermal pool with Tatsuya. This Banos is not Banos de Agua Santa where I was yesterday. It is 30 mis by bus from Cuenca. It is not very touristic place, so we were hoping we could experience a local thermal pool. Then we found another one "Piedora de Agua". But the admission cost US$10!! That's too expensive.

We asked around again and people said we should go back to the one seemed to be closed. So we did and found the entrance at another side. The admission was US$2.25. There was a thermal pool (looked like a normal swiming pool) and turish path (sauna). We saw those young fellows were swiming in the pool and making splash and fun. It did not seem a proper thermal pool...

And in fact it was just a warmer swiming pool. We could not really relax... The sauna was also was not really good sauna. But we could have chat with locals and had a good time.

The shower was not really functioning either... So our aim - to get wamer from inside of our bodies - failed. We went back to the hostel and had hot shower, then we felt better.

In the evening we went out to see Centro of the city. We saw Cathedral and had a scoop of icecream. Then we went to Casa Naranja to see my friends. But noone came out.  But while we were having dinner at a restaurant nearby, Mark found me. He took me to Casa Naranja and showed me. Claire was cooking dinner, but Adam and Uwe were outsomewhere.

We descussed whether I should move there or they should move to Casa Cuenca. They will come to see Casa CUenca later and decide.

Back to Casa CUenca, Imperi came to visit us and other guests Funy, Mari, and Stephan came to our room and talked till late.

Mark and Cliare did not come here but sent me an e-mail saying Adam and Uwe decided to move here and Mark and Claire will do the same.


DSCF5495.jpgDay 309: 2011年5月29日

Banos de Agua Santa to Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)
32,184km to 32,695km = 511km





そんな道あったかな? ここで30分以上ロス。道を戻ると確かに「Riobamba」と出るんです。でも右に折れる道は無し。そうこうしているうちにまた山を登ってます。途中で現地人に「リオバンバへは?」と訊いたら「更に上に行って右だよ!」と。 更に上っていったらチンボラソに来てしまいました。チンボラソの非難キャンプがあるんですが、その標識の下に「Riobamba」と出てました。わかりにくい。






Day 309: 29 MAY 2011

Banos de Agua Santa to Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)
32,184km to 32,695km = 511km

It stopped raining in the morning. Looking up the sky, there were thick clouds but we had to take this opportunity to move on. Adam and Uwe were heading to Puyo, Macas way. I was heading to Ambato, Chimborazo, Guaranda way. We will see again in Cuenca.

We left the hotel around 9am. They went to east, I went to west. Buen viaje amigos!

It was raining on the way, but not heavy. I was wearing the rainjacket, so I could stay dry. From Ambato to Chimborazo, I climbed up hill all the way. As I ascent, the temp went down. The fog got thicker and there was ono visibility.I turned on the heat grips to keep my hands warm. 

The wind got stronger as well. It was hard to ride in the heavy fog. I was thinking "I should have gone to Riobamba directly." But when arrived at the top of the pass, the fog disappeared, the clouds were still covering the most of the sky, but  and I could see the blue sky! Then on the left, I could see the ,mighty Chimborazo!! The peak was covered by the clouds but I could see snow. It was amazing. 
I stopped there and took a few photos. According to GPS, the altitude was 4,010m. 

Actually Chimborazo is the highest mountain in the world if measured from the core of the earth. The elevation of the mountain is 6,300m but from the core, it is 2,000m higher than Mt. Everest! 

From the top of the pass, I went down to Guaranda. But I could not find the way to Riobamba from there. On my map (issued by Military) there was a rod to Riobamba, but there was no sign of the road. I asked a Taxista and a policeman, but they said I had to go back the way and turn right. I did not see any turn off....

I road back the way, and saw a sign "Ambato, Riobamba". Very strange. I was going up hill again, but no any turn off. I asked locals where the turn off was, and hey said "Go up more and then turn right!". So I did. But I came back to Chimborazo!! Finall I saw a turn off "Bienvenidos a Refugio de Chimborazo". Yes I saw that. But underneath of the sign "Riobamba". So this would be the secondary road to Riobamba. But where would be the road on the map?? 

I took the right turn to Riobamba. And I could see Chimborazo again. Not seeing the peak, but I was lucky to see Chimborazo in this weather condition. As descending, the fog appeared and it got thicker and thicker. The wind started to blow hard again. Very hard to ride the bike. But I could feel it got warmer and wamer as I went down the hill. 

Arriving Riobamba before 2pm. I could stay at this city but there was nothing to do. So I decided to mpush on to Cuenca. There was a military facility in Riobamba. I happened to pass there, so I just took a couple of photos.

Riding along the mountain, I arrived Alausi. Unfortunately, due to a landslide, Panamerican Hwy was blocked from there to Chunchi. So I had to detour on a secondary road. There were lots of curves but was fun riding alongside of the valley. But it took long time to get to Chunchi.

From Chunchi, merged to Panamerican Hwy, I could ride faster. It rained hard in some parts, there werea few section of constructions, so I arrived Cuenca after 6pm. Just before the sunset. 

I was looking for "Casa Naranja" where Mark and Claire staying. But I could not find it. I asked a few people but they said they've never heard of the hostel. So now I am staying at another hostel "La Casa Cuencana". It has a garage and the dorm costs US$7. The place is clean. 

I met a Japanese guy Tatsuya here. He travelled from Argentine and came up here. And we met another Japanese guy "Imperi" staying at another hostel. We went out for dinner together. It is good to speak in our own language sometimes. 

Later in the evening, I received e-mails from Claire and Adam. There was the address and the way point of Casa Naranja. Adam and Uwe will be in Cuenca tomorrow and will sta at Casa Naranja. I am thinking if I should move there tomorrow or just stay at La Casa Cuencana for one more night. 


Day 308: 2011年5月28日

Banos de Agua Santa (Hostal Chimenea)


雨で泥だらけのGSを洗い流しました。 昼飯はいつものメルカドで。スーパーで夕飯のパスタの買出し。



Day 308: 28 MAY 2011

Banos de Agua Santa (Hostal Chimenea)

It was raining whole day again. We actually planned to leave here today, but with this heavy rain, we gave up. According to the weather focast, it would be better tomorrow.

We got nothing to do. I went to clean my GS with rain - wiped off dirt. Luch was at Mercado as usual and we went to the supermarket to buy stuffs for dinner tonight.

As the Internet access was very slow as usual, we could not much to do. We just talked.

When cooking dinner, we chat with Sashika. She was planning to do canyoning tomorrow as she will get wet anyway.

We hope it will be a better weather tomorrow and we can start the day dry. 


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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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