三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 307: 2011年5月27日
Banos de Agua Santa (Hostal Chimenea)
朝飯後宿にいてもインターネットが遅いし何も出来ないので温泉に行くことに。宿の近くのPiscina de la Virgenに行くことにしました。アダムはまだ日焼け痕がヒリヒリなのでお留守番。マークとクレアは出発の準備。クエンカでの再会を約束して別れました。
Day 307: 27 MAY 2011
Banos de Agua Santa (Hostal Chimenea)
It was raining this morning again. Mark and Claire decided to head to Riobamba as there would be nothing to do here in this rain. Adam and Uwe are thinking to take a rout - Puyo - Macas - Guamote - Cuenca, but as it would be a dirt road from Puyo to Macas, I am thinking to take a route - Ambato - Guaranda - Riobamba - Cuenca.
The Internet access was so slow again, so Uwe and I went to a Thermal Pool - Piscina de la Virgen, near our hostel. Adam still had burning from the sunburn from the hike in Quilotoa, he stayed at the hostel. Mark and Claire were preparing to go. Luckily the rain stopped, so they would have a dry ride.
Piscina de la Virgen is located 2-3 mins walk from the hostel, just below the cascade. At the bottom of cascade, it is a park and it looks like the water of this cascade is "Agua Santa (Holy Water)" Locals were pouring the water to their heads, drinking the water and so on. So we did the same. By touching the water, we felt it was "soft", very good quality water. I poured the water to my flipflaps as they stank. I hope the holy water will let the smell go.
The admission of the thermal pool is US$2. There were full of locals and many kids... There were 3 pools, cold water, warm water and hot water. The colour of the water was brown due to its content of minerals.
What strange was those Indigena ladies were standing around the pools with their traditional outfits. I was not sure if they paid the admission, but not bathing there, what were they doing??
The hot pool was good, but with so many people, we could not really relax. There were cold showers using the "Holy Water". It was really cold but was very good. I did not know why, but the holy water really was good.
Back to the hostel, we went for lunch at Mercado. Adam and Uwe had the same meal Llapinchinga again. I had Almuerzo.
We picked up our clothes from the seamstress (la costurera) and went back to the hostel. We packed up our stuffs, studying the map, and surfed Internet. Adam and Uwe were into researching about F800GS.
When cooking dinner, we met Sashika from Austria. She has been travelling world for 9 months and spent 4 months in South America. She is a cool girl.
Tomorrow we are planning to leave her, so we had an early night.
Banos de Agua Santa (Hostal Chimenea)
バナナとホオズキみたいなフルーツを買ってたらマークとクレアを発見!彼等もHostal Chimeneaに宿を取ったそうです。
Day 306: 26 MAY 2011
Banos de Agua Santa (Hostal Chimenea)
Last night the Internet connection was really bad and I strugled to update the blog.
It was raining hard since last night and it seemed it would be raining whole day. We had the Andino cheese we bought yesterday for breakfast. It was ok, but was not that great as we expected. We talked till 11am in the dining as it was still raining.
After 12 noon, finally the rain stopped and we went to a seamstress to repiar our clothes. But finding a seamstress was hard. We had to ask a few times where it was. Adam needed to repiar his sleepingbag liner, Uwe wanted to make a waterproof cover for his backpack, and I needed to repair my trouser. It would be done by tomorrow and cost US$1.5.
We had lunch at Mercado. A nice Ecuadorian dish cost US$2. It came with rice, potato (Papita), avocado, salad, sausage and egg. When we were buying fruits in Mercado, we found Mark and Claire. They were staying at Hostal Chimenea as well.
When we got out from Mercado, it was raining again.... After buying a few more stuffs in the supermarket, we went back to the hostel. Internet connection was still very slow, but we searched about Russian car band "Lada", F800GS and so on. Adam and Uwe were really interested in F800GS. Also we talked about my lagguage reduction. I could throw away some of my stuffs.
In the late afternoon, it stopped raining, so I went to get those stuffs not necessary to carry. They were, a security chain lock, a wire, a rope, a cargo net (small), a backpack (medium size). I gave the cargo net to Uwe. Now I can ride light?
Uwe cooked a soup for dinner. I helped him as a kitchenhand. The soup was excelent. We talked till late and went to bed. Hopefully it will be sunny tomorrow.
Day 305: 2011年5月25日
Lagua Quilotoa to Banos de Agua Santa
31,973km to 32,184= 211km
早朝まで雨が降っていましたが7時過ぎにはあがりました。朝飯を食べてテントを畳んで出発の準備。羊の群れがキャンプサイトにやってきました!ヒツジ大興奮!! 今日はキロトア・ループ(Quilotoa Loop)です。しばらくダートが続くので気を付けて行かなければなりません。フロントタイヤはツーランス。殆どオンロード使用なので砂利や砂の上で全くグリップしないからです。
サキシリで昼飯を食べて一路バニョス(Bonos de Agua Santa)へ。途中ラタクンガを通りQuilotoa Loopを制覇!それから脇道に入りバニョスまで。橋を超えて左カーブのところがいきなりダート。フロントを取られて、ガッシャン! アダムとウベは気付かずに先に行ってしまいました。完全に横倒しなので到底独りでは起こせそうにありません…。どうしましょ…。
川の向こうに民家があったので大声で助けを呼んでたら車が来たので助けてもらいました。3人がかりで起こしました.Muchas Gracias!
それからまた舗装路に戻り快適に飛ばします。バニョスには4時半過ぎに到着。目的のHostal Chimeneaも直ぐに見つかりチェックイン。ガレージ付で3人部屋で1人8.5ドル。キレイで快適そうです。
Day 305: 25 MAY 2011
Lagua Quilotoa to Banos de Agua Santa
31,973km to 32,184= 211km
It was raining till 6am or so, but it was cleared around 7am. After having breakfast, we prepared to get ready for the Quilotoa Loop. There would be lots of dirt sections on this loop. I had to be cautious on dirt as my front tyre Mezteler Torance would not have much grip on loose gravels and sands.
Mark and Claire sent us off as they would go slowly to enjoy the scenary.
Just after the park gate, the dirt road began. It was sandy, so I went very cautiously.
We heard there was a Swiss Cheese Factory at the village of Chugchilan, so we were planning to buy some cheese there. Especially Uwe lived in Swiss, he was keen to go there. But there wasn't any cheese factory at Chugchilan, so we asked locals. In fact it was at a small village 8kms away from Chugchilan. To get there we had to rode up the mountain on dirt. It was little hard but enjoyable.
Finally we got to the factory, at the edge of the village but none was there. We went back to the village and asked locals. Everyone was attending a funeral, that's why none was at the factory. We waited for a while and cheese guys returned.
We expected that there was Swiss settlement there and wecould see some Swiss style village. But the reality was they were making cheese using "technology of Swiss". So we were little disappointed. There were 2 types of cheeses available, Motzerella and Andino. We could taste Motzerella but they did not have any Andino for tasting (only whole cheeses available).
Motzerella was not bad but Andino looked better, so we bought a whole cheese for US$5. I hope it would be so good to get there buying it.
By the time when we were out from the factory, it was misty... We could not see much...
The descend was pretty hard in the mist. I was riding really slowly ot to drop my GS. The whole cheese buying process took about 1 hour and we returned to the main dirt.
We arrived Sigchos around 1pm. From there, the road was paved, so we could ride like winds through curves.
Adam, riding DR650, was faster than Uwe on KTM 990 Adventure and I on R1200GS. No wonder he was a racer before.
We had lunch break at Saquisili. Then we headed to Banos de Agua Santa. Soon after Saquisili, we merged to Panamerican Hwy. We passed Latacunga and completed our The Quilotoa Loop!
It was fun riding there.
From Latacunga, we took a sidetrack to Banos. After crossing a bridge, there was a left turn. What I did not expect was the surface was loose due to onstruction. My front wheel lost grip and I dropped the bike... It was an easy drop, so nothing major damage on my GS. But the GS was completely down on the ground, it was no way I could pick up her by myself. Adam and Uwe were gone without realising I dropped my bike.
Luckily, soo after that, a car came and help me to pick her up. 3 men picked up one bike. What a work!
Adam and Uwe were just about to come back to see how I was. The section of the construction was on for a while, so I had to ride on the loose surcafe for a while. I hated that part...
Back to the tarmac, I could happily ride through the bends. We got to Banos around 4:30pm. We could find the hostel we were planning to stay (Hostel Chimenea) easily too. A triple bedroom cost US$8.5p.p. It had a large parking space and very clean rooms. A nice hostel.
We went out to the town in the evening to find foods. After working around, we could not find any cheap eat, so we setteled with a large pizza for US$6. We went to a pub after that but we found some cheap places to eat on the way. It's funny but happened often.
Back to the hostel, I tried to update my blog but the Internet access was really slow.... Mark and Claire sent us an e-mal saying they were staying at Latacunga and fine.
Tomorrow we will do a big laundry, repairing clothes, washing bikes and possibly soaking ourselves in a thermal pool!
Day 304: 2011年5月24日
Zumbahua to Lagua Quilotoa
31,958km to 31,973km = 15km
キャンプサイトからギャップを抜けると下に湖が!湖の淵はエメラルドグリーン。雲に山肌。絶景ですな!Que bunena vista! ヒツジも大喜び。これは来た甲斐があった!
Day 304: 24 MAY 2011Zumbahua to Lagua Quilotoa
31,958km to 31,973km = 15km
It was cold lst night as the altitude here was more than 3,500m. We woke up around 7am.
We had breakfast at the restaurant down stair, very big breakfast for US$1.5. Dave wasn't there, so we supposed he took off to Lake Quilotoa already.
Everyone in this village was very friendly. Almost all the population of this village was indigenous people. Unlike Colombia, here Ecuador maintains the heritage of pre-Colombus culture a lot and I like that.
We left the hotel around 9am. We gased up our bikes and went through curves. And we saw Dave! He left the hotel around 7:30am and already walked far distance. He was a tough doode.
To enter Lake Quilotoa, we had pay US$2. We road a few hundred meter and the road ended. Then we saw Adam! He was camping here last night and about to go for a hike around the rim of the crator. Mark and Claire were there also!
Quickly built up our tents and prepared for hiking. As Claire did not feel well due to the altitude (more than 3,800m), she decided to stay at the campsite.
There was a gap in front of our campsite. Passing through the gap, the crator lake "Quilotoa" showed its magnificent appearance. A very beautiful lake it was. The set up was just perfect. The scenary made us think "we are really n the middle of Andes". I was glad I went there.
The wind was really cold but the sun was very strong. The trecking track was pretty tough. Lots of up and down, loose gravels, and high altitude. But we did enjoyed the trecking.
There were lots of wild flowers. We had lunch break around halfway of the rim. It took around 2 hours to get there. We could see the changes in weather, how coulds were developped, and those clouds came down to the lake.
After lunch we had to face the biggest climb of the day. It was steep and hard, but we made it!
But the worst part was descending. I slipped and fell once, but I was OK.
We encountered with a pack of white Alpacas. They were so cute. There was a baby too. Mr. Sheep was very happy to see them.We could forget about fatigue.
We completed the loop in 4 hours or so. We had a rest at a shop near our campsite, and I saw a guy in front of us, and he was Dave!He was trying to catch us and overtook us while we having the break. What a tough guy.
We cooked pasta for dinner. Eating by the camp fire with friends was priceless!
Day 303: 2011年5月23日
Popallacta to Zumbahua
31,709km to 31,958km = 249km
天気が悪いのでコトパクシ火山(5,897m)の山小屋カラスール(Cara Sur)に行っても仕方が無いとのことでマークとクレアはキロトア湖(Laguna Quilotoa)に行くことに。ウベとワシは今日天気が悪くても明朝晴れてコトパクシ火山の山頂が見えるかもしれないのでカラ・スールに行くことに。アダムはキトに戻ってストーブを買ってからカラ・スールでワシ等と合流することに。ロード・オブ・ザ・リングス(Lord of the Rings)のフェローシップが壊れたみたいに皆別々の道を行きます。
そかし路面状況は悪し!火山灰なんですかね、フカフカの土にそれが濡れて泥上になったところもあります。フカフカ土は結構深いのでハンドルが取られます…。慎重に行きますがコケテしまいました。ウベもこのまま続くなら諦めようと思ってたので引き返すことに。丁度ポリスが4WDで来たので訊くとこの先は路面が更に悪くなるとのこと。行かなくて良かった。フカフカ土を抜け出しホッとして油断したらちょっと深い土にハンドルを取られてまた転倒! 今日2回目です。2人いるのでバイクを起こすの簡単ですがタイヤを積んでオンロードタイヤでダートを走るのは難しいです…。
ズンバウア(Zumbahua)に6時前に到着。ホテル・オロ・ベルデ(Hotel Oro Verde)はガレージ付で1人6ドル。1階はレストランで夕飯1.5ドル。なかなかのディールです。
Day 303: 23 MAY 2011
Popallacta to Zumbahua
31,709km to 31,958km = 249km
It was pretty cold last night. No wonder the elevation was more than 3,300m there. But I was fine as I used the poncho I bought at Otavalo Market as a blanket on top o fthe sleeeping bag.
It was raining till early morning. The tent was very wet and I worrid if it could be dry before we took off.
We were making breakfast and taking time, then the clouds were breaking up. We could see a bit of the snow capped volcano from the break of the clouds. It was a bit strange experience to see the snowy mountain at the ecuator. Luckily the tent and the groud sheet were dry but it started to sprinkle again....
Uwe and I was heading to Cara Sur - a refugee camp of Cotopaxi. But as the weather was bad, Mark and Claire decided not to go to Cara Sur and were heading to Lake Quilotoa directly. Adam needed to o back to Quito to buy a new stove, then he would catch us up at Cara Sur.
We left the camp site around 11am. We went back to the main highway through the dirt road. I felt acceralation was not as good due to hight altitude.
There was a police check point and we stuck there for a while. Mark and Claire caught us there but we told them to go ahead as the police might give us hard time. It wasn't much trouble at the check point but we waisted 10mins or more there.
The peak of Cotopaxi was covered by clouds, so we could not see its mighty appearance.
We could not find the entrance to Cara Sur at Lasso. We asked around and finally found the sign "Cotopaxi". It was a dirt road and there was a river crossing! My tyres were almost road tyres, so I got to be very careful going through gravels.
We came to the entrance of National Park. So we took a wrong way. The entrance was the north side of Cotopaxi, but Cara Sur would be at the south end. So we turned back and crossed the river and asked the locals again. We couldfind the road to Cara Sur, but the condition was pretty bad. Very deep ashy dirt. We rode for a while but it was hard for us. I dropped my bike... And decided to turn back.
At the exit of the ashy dirt, I dropped the bike again!! Twice in a day!!
We went back to Panamerican Highway and headed to Lake Quilotoa. But it was already 4pm. At Latacunga, we took our route to the west, to Pujili. The road was faburous and the view was fantastic!
Arrived at a village of Zumbahua before 6pm. There was just another 14km to Lake Quilotoa, but we decided to stay at Zumbahua. The hotel we stayed "Hotel Oro Verde" was pretty nice. US$6p.p with a garage. The ground floor of the hotel was a restaurant.
We walked around the village. It was sarrounded by the mountains and very beutiful. We went an Aussie guy - Dave. He walked from Tigua - 13km away from Zumbahua and he was planning to walk to Lake Quilotoa tomorrow. He said he was thirsty for speaking in English, so he talked a lot. As he was staying at the same hotel, we had dinner together (US$1.5) and went for a drink at the next door. We will get to the lake tomorrow and will hike around the rim of the crator.