
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 278 : 2011年4月28日

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
30,301km to 30,340km= 39km


とりあえずグアタペを目指します。初めて迷うことなく北高速道路(Autopista Norte)へ出れましたが、なんとすごい渋滞・・・。これは事故渋滞なのか、それとも崖崩れで車線が封鎖されての渋滞なのかわかりません。









Day 278 : 28 APR 2011

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
30,301km to 30,340km= 39km

It was clouded this morning, but it got better and better later. So Mark, Claire and I went out for a ride. 

We were planning to get to Guatape and successfully wenton Austopista Norte.
Hoever...., there was terrible traffic jam.... We were not sure if it was caused by an accident or a road closure due to landlides. So we kept going.

Because we stuck in a traffic too long withput moving, my engine oil temp went up really high, nearly overheating. So we took a rest at roadside.

We discussed if we should keep going and decided to keep going a bit to see if the traffic would be cleared after the junction to Guatape. But it did not... A big landslide blocked one side of the freeway completely.... No wonder the traffic was not moving.

So we turned back and headed to San Pedro where Mark and Clare went yesterday. The ride was not bad for a while. Climbng up hill and then we saw a landslide....We kept going but in the end, the road was clompletely blocked by a landslide....

We turned back and had lunch. We talked about arepa, the traditional Colombian bread(?). It has no taste at all and the texture is not very good either. We don't know why Paisas (People in Medellin) love this. La vida sin arepa es mejor, yo creo.

Back to the hostel, I did laundry and wiped my GS clean (lots of mud splashed while riding). Then I took a nap.

In the afternoon, Rafa, a friend of Noah, visited here and invited us, "Adacih Chiniboys", to his house/hostel. His place is in Santa Erena - on a hill top 30-40mins away from here. A nice environment. He will pick us up at noon tomorrow. We will stay there for 2 nights, I suppose. Noah will join us on Saturday.

In the evening, we went to a cafe Tinto Tinteria, where had a Jaz Jam. Junko was invited by David -a Canadian, the owner of Cafe, through Couch Surfing. The music was good and we had a good time. Monica, the staff at the cafe, is so hot, but she is a girl friend of David. Damn.

I asked her if she liked arepa. She replied "Of course, I am from here, I love arepa!". And I ask David if he liked arepa. And he replied "No, I hate it. It has no taste.... Actually I and Minica have some aguments over aprea."  Well, arepa is not popular among extranjeros.

Tomorrow we are going to Rafa's place. There is no Internet connection, so I am not able to update my blog for 2-3days.


Day 277 : 2011年4月27日

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
30,287km to 30,301km = 14km










Day 277 : 2011年4月27日

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
30,287km to 30,301km = 14km

It was fine again this morning! Mark had finished servicing his bike, so he and Claire took their bikes out for a test ride. Junko wanted to ride on my GS, so I took her out for a ride around the city. It was sunny, so we had a good ride out.

When we came back, it was lunch time already, so we went to Plaza de Minorista with Kaoru for lunch. There was an area lots of comedores. I had almuerzo of res (beef), Junko had almuerzo de cerdo (pork) and Kaoru had fried catfish with rice. It was COP4,500 coming with a drink and soup, nice. But Junko was ill again. Not sure why but recently everytime she eats something, she feels sick. So she decided to go to see a doc.

We bought eggs and mangos in the market then walked back to the hostel. On the way back, we saw an electronic post with palm tree leaves on the top. It looked so bizzar. The post we thought made with concrete could be a plam tree??

Then we saw a whole pig roasted at a petrol station. Why they had a whole roasted pork there?? Anhy festival going on?? Or just staff meal day??

Kaoru took Junko to a hospital. So I went to see Jenny. But she was busy and a guy next to me started to talk to me. His name was Juan, speaking good English. He told me how much he loves Jenny but she has not realised that. Well, it looks like there are lots om competitors out there!

I came back to the hostel around 5:30pm, but Kaoru and Junko were not back yet. Everyone asked me how she was, but I replied to them "I was at Jenny's." nd they said "Ah-ha."

After 7pm, they came back. It seemed like she had some bacteria infection. She got a few kinds of drops and that's why it took so long.

Her apitite was back, so we cooked Pasta with meat balls. It was brilliant!!

If it is fine tomorrow morning, Mark, Claire and I will take a ride to Guatape. Fingers crosed!!


Day 276 : 2011年4月26日

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)

DSCF4941.jpgDSCF4942.jpg朝飯食べて、洗濯して、いつもの3人でセントロまで昼飯を食べに行きました。いつもの飯屋「La Abundancia」です。ジュンコさんが大アクビしてます。



DSCF4946.jpgDSCF4947.jpgキオスクの中に入れてもらいしばらく雨宿りしてたら強風で雨がキオスクの中まで吹き込んできます。道が川のようになてるし・・・。ハバナ以来の大雨!! カミナリゴロゴロ!!! ジェニーは十字を切っております。2人も今日の出発を諦めました。





Day 276 : 26 APR 2011

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)

It was beautifully fine this morning. I regreted that I did not leave this morning....
Kaoru and Junko were planning to leave this evening, I would be lonely... I was joking to them that "It will rain hard this afternoon, so you guys cannot leave!".

Showering, laundrying, chatting, and then we, 3, went out to Centro to have lunch at the restaurant "La Abundancia" as usual. 

I had beef soup meal. It had lots of potatos, a large serve of beef chunck, and a banana. The banana was not sweet and it was hard. It tasted like a potato. There were so many potatos already in the soup, so I wasn't sure why they put the banana taste like a potato... It was a big serve but I ate all!! 
But Junko felt sick, and she left more than half of the soup.

During the way back to the hostel, it started sprinkling. We went to the Kiosk of Jenny and had a coup of coffee. And then rain started puring. Jenny let us into the Kiosk, but the rain poured so much and there was strong wind, so water got inside. The cannel was almost fukk and flooding on the streets. Lintenings strake and thunders roared. Kaoru and Junko gave up leaving today.

When the rain eased, I told Jenny we were going, she was not that friendly. DId I do something wrong??

Back to the hostel, as I got wet, I tried to warm up myself. Playing pool did not help, so I went to take a nap and it helped. 

As the lunch was big, I did not get hungry even after 8pm, and the rain was not hard, I went to see Jenny.  She told me off that "I thought you are leaving tomorrow." Did I?? Oh, I told her Kaoru and Junko were thinking to leave this evening, but with this rain, they will leave tomorrow. Then Jenny thought I was talking about myself. I told her I was not leaving soon, but she was not happy with me still. Why?? My SPanish sucked....

A custmer was interested to talk to me, so I was talking with him for a while in Spanish. He semed to understand what I said and I understood what he said. My Spanish is not too bad. But why it was not the case with Jenny??

Back to the hostel, Kaoru, Junko and I played pool. They were surprised to see I improved my technic a lot. It is about time, I guess. 


Day 275 : 2011年4月25日

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)

santafe.jpg今日はカオルさん、ジュンコさんとサンタ・フェ(Santa Fe de Antioquia)に行ってきました。サンタ・フェと言っても宮沢りえの写真集ではありません。あれは高校生の時だったですね。あこがれのりえがヌードですもの。衝撃でした。






サンタ・フェの見所といえば「Puente de Occidente」です。なんか歴史のある吊橋だそうです。スーパーで歩いていけるのか?と聞いたら、それは遠いとのこと。トゥクトゥクを無線で呼んでくれました。片道7,000ペソ。安いのか高いのか・・・。まぁ、トゥクトゥクに乗れるから良いか。ヒツジも喜んでますしね。



DSCF4933.jpgDSCF4937.jpg対岸に着きますと、何もありません。軽食屋と土産屋があるだけです。Jose Maria Villaという人がどうやら設計したらしいですね。さてとどうやって戻りますかね。歩いて帰ると1時間半はかかりそうな距離です。坂も多いし。暑いので汗だくになりそうだし、またトゥクトゥクに乗ってサンタ・フェの街まで帰りました。

Salma.jpgサンタ・フェからメデジンまでのバスでは爆睡してました。カオルさんとジュンコさんは元気におしゃべりしてましたが。宿に着いたのはもう6時過ぎ。雨が多少降ってます。スルアメリカーナ駅のキオスク店員のジェニーがワシに会いたがってるとノアが言ってたのを思い出して、コーヒーを飲みに行きました。ジェニー、サルマ・ハエックに似てます。 ※注: 写真はあくまでイメージです。


Day 275 : 25 APR 2011

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)

Today I went to Santa Fe de Antioquia with Kaoru and Junko. For every Japanese, the name "Santa Fe" reminds the actress Rie Miyazawa and her photo album "Santa Fe".  

The bus to Santa Fe leaves from Terminal de Norte, costs COP9,000. Around 1 1/2hr ride to the desitination. On the way, there was a large landslide and one lane was closed. If a landslide like that happens while I am riding, I will be swallown.

Noah said Santa Fe would be hot, and it was hot and humid... It reminded me of Cuba. The sudden change in temp and humidity made us feel a little sick. There were Tuk Tuk taxis on the street. Yeah. Since I saw Laura in Cuba, we had a plan to ride Tuk Tuk around India and South East Asia, so I adore Tuk Tuk somuch now.

We walked to Centro. With the white wall and stone pavement, the town looks very pretty. Here used to be a capital of Provice of Antioquia before it was taken over by Medellin. 

It was lunch time, and we looked for a cheap eat. Fried chicken at Blosty Mario's was cheapest at COP2,500 served with a baked potate and a arepa. We had natural fruit juice cost COP2,500. 

Lunch was not enough for me, so I was looking for a street vender selling empanadas. Then Junko asked me "Don't you want buy an empanada?" pointing at a shop. I looked at the shop and saw "chicks" in cages.... Yes, Junko, empanadas are yellow as well, but you need to eat more blueberries for better eye sight....

Santa Fe de Antioquia is famous for a bridge "Puente de Occidente". It is a suspension bridge and was bulit in 1880s. We asked a lady at a supermarket if we could walk there, but she said it was really far to walk. Then she called a Tuk Tuk Taxi for us. The fare was COP7,000, not sure if it was cheap or expensive. 

But it was really long way to the bridge. Lots of curves and up n down. Surely we would not want to walk so much in the heat. 

We took some photos from a look out.  The view was good. And then crossed the bridge. The bridge floor was made by woods, so it vibrated a lot and made round noise. It was a bit scarely. We could cross the bridge on foot, but foot pathes on both side of the bridge were closed as those wooden floor was broken... If we wanted to walk accross, we needed to walk on the car lane.

On the other side of the bridge, there were a few shops only. Nothing to see actually. Now we had to discuss if we wanted to walk back to Centro on foot or take a Tuk Tuk. While discussing, a Tuk Tuk came. We asked the price and it was COP6,000. And we took the Tuk Tuk.

On the way back to Medellin, I was sleeping on the bus. We came back to the hostel after 6pm. It was raining a bit. Then I recalled that Noah was saying Jenny at the Kiosk of Metro Suramericana wanted to see me, and I went to see her. She looks a bit like Salma Hayek.

There were quite a few customers there. I order a cup of coffee but I did not want to bother her. But she came to me and we had a chat. She asked me "When do you teach me English?" I said "WHenever you like." And she gave me her number. She asked me if I want to go dancing this Saturday. Well, I was thinking to leave here tomorrow, but now the plan needs to be changed....


Day 274 : 2011年4月24日

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)

Angela01.jpgAngela02.jpg今日も朝は良い天気!どうなってるんでしょうか、メデジン。しかしどうせまた昼過ぎから天気が崩れるんでしょ、と思って朝はグダグダ。ボゴタからきたアンジェラ・アキ似の姉ちゃんとお話。残念ながら今日ボゴタに帰るそうです。 ※注: 写真はあくまでイメージです。









Day 274 : 24 Apr 2011

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)

Angela03.jpgIt was fine this morning again! But we thoght it was going to rain again from 2pm. So we were having slow morning. I was talking to a girl from Bogota, looks like the Japaese singer/song writer Angela Aki. Unfortunately she said she will return to Bogota this afternoon, damn. ※ The photo is just an example.

Taking shower, laundry, and then it was 11am. And it was still fine. So we went out for lunch at a restaurant nearby. This restaurant, I went with Daniel and Akira nearly 2 months ago, such a long time ago.

DSCF4909.jpgThen we went to Exito to buy stuffs for cooking dinner. Junko wanted to have an ice cream, and Kaoru and Junko bought soft serve corn at "Mimo's". The logo of Mimo's looks like STXXL to us, not sure this is a universal image or not. What do you think??

Back to the hostel, there was no water supply. We were talking in the garden and later played pool. Usually Kaoru beats me, but today somehow I won more games.

I downloaded a song of HIromi Iwasaki "Madonna tachino Lullaby". It is an old ('81), but a great song. I love this song.

We cooked "Beef bowl" for dinner. We seemed to have no teamwork, but the end result was good. After dinner, we played pool again. I beated Kaoru again and again. It did not rain whole day. Something is wrong here.

Kaoru and Junko is thinking to leave here on Tuesday, so I will do the same. I have been here too long and I have to move my lazy butt!!


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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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