
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 220: 2011年3月1日

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)

DSCF4157.jpg今日は朝、ピンポーンとなってクラウディア(クライディーではありません、女将のクラウディアです)がドアを開けたらYAMAHA Colombia VIce PresidenteのナカオさんがいましたVice Presidenteと言えば副社長ですよ。シゲさんもSUZUKI Colombiaの社長さんに良くしてもらったと言いますし、なんかいいなぁ。ナカオさんはウメザワさんがメキシコのヤマハのメカニックの方に紹介していただいたそうです。先週バイクのサービスのために連絡を取ってパーツがそろったので今日サービスっていうことになったそうです。あ、でもリアブレーキディスクがまだ来てないのか。丁度ガレージで作業してたのでちょっとびっくりしました。ナカオさんももう1人の日本人ライダーがいて、ちょっとびっくりしてました。ウメザワさんはナカオさんとYAMAHA直営ディーラーへ。





 Day 220: 1 Mar 2011

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)

This morning when I was reorganising my luggages, the door bell beaped. Claudia opened the door and there was Mr. Nakao - the Vice President of YAMAHA Collombia"! What a surprise!

Actually the Japanese mechanic @ YAMAHA Mexico introduced Mr. Nakao to Akira and Akira contucted him for servicing his TDM 900. Except the rear brake disk, all the parts are availale at the YAMAHA dealer, so Akira went to the dealer with Mr. Nakao.

I continued reorganising my stuffs in the morning. Why I am doing that, because I am backpacking for a week from tomorrow and I thought it would be a good timimg for me to reorganise my stuffs. Surely there are many things I have not used so far, and most likely I would not use them ever...

After lunch time, Akira came back and he said Mr. Nakao gave him 25% discount for akk parts and free labour!! How nice he is!

I went out to Centro to look around. At the plaza where those strange statues placed near Parque Barrio, I found the statue of a cat (Gato and a dog (Perro). They are so cute!

I will leave here tomorrow late afternoon, so I will update my blog before I go. But I will not be able to conect to Internet until I come back to Hostal Medellin on 12th of March, so there would be no update on my blog till then.



Day 219: 2011年2月28日

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)




さてと運転免許の更新です。女将のクラウディアがコロンビアの郵便局は遅いし信用ならないから、FedexかDHLでオーストラリアに書類を送った方がいいと言うのでネットで住所を確認し(Googleマップで位置も確認)、メトロに乗ってパルケ・バリオ駅(Parque Barrio)まで。住所はCarrera 49A No 48 Sur-60なんですが、なかなか見つかりません。Carrera 49 No 48の区画にいるのですが、それらしいものはありません。警察官に聞いたりお店の人に聞いたりしましたが、埒が明きません。ラテンアメリカの人々は親切なのですが、道を教えるのは・・・です。3回違う警察官に聞いたのですが最後の警察官は無線を使って本部(?)に聞いてくれました。そしたら、全然遠い駅まで行けと・・・。大体49AのAってなんなんでしょうか?今日は諦めて宿に帰りました。




Day 219: 28 Feb 2011

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)

It's the last day of February. I cannot believe that 2 months has past since the new year....

Danniel took off at 7:30am this morning. I promissed him that I will visit him in Brazil and had a firm hand shack. Buen viaje! Cuidate mucho, mi amigo! Nos vemos en Brazil!

I went to Centro - Metro Parque Barrio to find Fedex office. Claudia told me that the post office of Colombia is very unreliable and slow, and she recommended me to use Fedex or DHL. I checked the address on the web and checked the location on Google map. The address of the office is Carrera 49A No 48 - 60 Sur.

Well I was at the block of Carrera 49 No48, but I did not see any sign of Fedex. I asked people around and police officers, but none of them was sure where it was... The last police officer I asked was using the radio to communicate with the police station. She said Carrera 49A should be at another station really far away.... So I gave up finding it and took Metro back to the hostel. But what is Carrera 49"A"???
Back to Hostal Medellin, I played pool. If I stay here long time, I will be a good pool player!?
After a few games, I got tired and read a Japanese book.

In the afternoon playing pool again. I had better find something else to do. I should attend Spanish school or Salsa class. Well I have a plan to fly to Cuba from Medellin on 24th March, so till then I will be here....


Day 218: 2011年2月27日

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)


DSCF4120.jpgDSCF4122.jpg色々調べた後ダニエルとウメザワさんを連れ立ってセントロまでメトロで行きました。カリベ(Caribe)という駅まで行ってそこから歩いて南へ下るという嗜好です。植物公園(Jardin Botanico)に行きましたが広いくせに出入り口が1つしかないので南に抜けられないので、却下。そのままセントロまで歩きます。











Day 218: 27 Feb 2011

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)

This morning I was gathering info for renewing my Aussie driver's license. It was expired on last December but I forgot about it. I should have done it in Mexico. So I checked on RTA website and downloaded the renewal form. Also I checked Lonely Planet to find more about places to visit in Colombia.

After the research, Daniel, Akira and I went to Centro to look around. We took Metro to Caribe and from there we walked toward South where the hostel was. We went to Jardin Botanico (Botanic Garden) but there was only one entrance / exit. We couldnot walk through to South. So we did not enter the garden and walked toward South.

We walked through Metro Universidad and Hospital. Kids were playing with water in the plaza. What we dound out here was that there was no water tank on the top of houses. Water supply is plenty in this city and there is enough water pressure. I heard that those electricity plants (water generated) around Medellin are supplying 65% of electricity of entire Colombia.
After we passed Metro Hospital, there was a street full of motorcycle shops. It seems like in Colombia, people are not only riding motorcycles for commuting but riding as their hobbies. There were many accessories but the quality of them looked not so good. So I guess we cannot find anything we want. But we could find a Clombian Flag sticker! Lucky us!

After that we came to Prado area, where many interesting statues placed at the plaza. The church look-a-like building was cool. We had lunch here. We had fried fish meal. It was expensive COP10,000 but was good.  

Back to Hostal Medellin, we played pool for a while. We talked about going to Guatape tomorrow if Daniel decides to stay here one more day. But he also wants to go ahead. So it's all upto him.

In the evening, Daniel decided to leave here tomorrow, so we went out to have nice dinner. He is a very nice person and has been good friend with me. I am gonna miss him.


Day 217: 2011年2月26日

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)


昼飯はパスタ。トマトソースと思って買ったSalsa de Tomoteはケチャップでした。よく見るとちゃんとKachupって書いてあります・・・。甘いパスタの出来上がり!まぁ、不味くはないですね。






Day 217: 26 Feb 2011

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)

This morning I got up before 7am but did nothing after having breakfast. But late in the morning, I started to clean my GS. As it rained on the way to Medellin, it was a good idea to wipe dirt off.

I cooked pasta for lunch. Salsa de tomate I bought was actually Ketchup... So pasta became really sweet... 

Daniel came back from the SUZUKI dealer with his V-Strom. It was fully serviced, all missing bolts fitted and the protection bar was readjusted. They polished the bike as well, so it looked as clean as a brand new bike!

He started to sort out his laggages, so I did the same. There were a few things I would not use at all. So I took them out of panniers. Then I put those stickers I got from Daniel and John and Panama Flag onto the panniers.
Then I uploaded photos to Facebook. At 5pm, we went out for early dinner at nearby restaurant. We had tipical Colombian meal and it was good.

Back to the hostel, I chat with my friend online and when I returned to the room, Daniel and Akira were sleeping. It was 7pm! Too early!! So I was playing pool by myself. Yes, here at Hostal Medellin, there is a pool table and we can play for free! I am not good at playing pool, so I should plactice a lot while I am here....


Day 216: 2011年2月25日

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)







DSCF4102.jpgDSCF4103.jpg流石にここまで来ると空気が冷たいです。終点は公園になってるのですが、歩き回るにはもう遅いので少しだけ歩いてダニエルが昼飯食ってなっかったので屋台で休憩。なんか変な飴みたいなのがあったのでそれを頼んでみました。なんと牛のひざで作ったネバネバ飴です。Jalea de pata de resって言ってましたこの飴。味は悪くないんですがかなり胃に来ます。

DSCF4104.jpgDSCF4105.jpgしばらく歩いてるとまた店があったのでダニエルがまた甘いの買ってました。今日は良く食べるなぁ、ダニエル。ワシ等にもキャンディー買ってくれたのでそれをなめながら歩きました。ちっといくとPiedoras Blancas(白い岩岩)という看板が出てましたが3.5kmもあるしもう4時過ぎですので戻ることに。




Day 216: 25 Feb 2011

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)

I got up at 7am and surfing Internet. Uruma was to leave today to Bogota and flying back to Japan before he goes to Africa. I wanted to have more talks with him though... Daniel took his V-Srom to SUZUKI dealer for a service.

Daniel came back later on. He said the bike will be ready by tomorrow morning. I did a big laundry and went to buy stuff @ the supermarket. I cooked lunch to save money. 
We went out to have a look around the city after 2pm. We caught Metro and went to the station where we can catch Metro gondola going up the hill. The metro cost COP17,500 one way and  the fare includes the ride for gondola. Medellin is a beautiful city. There brick houses streched on the hill.
As we ascent, a good view of the city spreaded in front of our eyes. Nice! People on Metoro and the gondola were friendly to us. Well mostly Daniel was doing the talk but I could understand most of the conversation. And sometimes I got chances to say something. I reckon my Spanish is improving a lot. 

When we came to the end of Metro gondola, we changed to a scenic gondora leading to a park on the top of mountains. We thought it would be a shot ride to the top, but it took 15mins or so to get there. Looking down from the cargo, there were solidiers patroling the mountains. I heard that this place was very dangerous 10 or 15 years ago. I guess Colombia has changed a lot recently.

We arrived the park around 3:30pm, so it was too late to walk around. The altitude was 2,500m and the air was much cooler up there. We just had a short walk and ate some local sweets and foods. One of the sweets was named "Jelea de pata de res" meaning "Jello made of knee (leg) of beef. It was very sticky and chewy. It tasts little like marshmallow. It wasn't that bad but it cost me COP5,000! Expensive!

After a short walk, we took the gondola down. At the station changing to Metro gondola, we stopped for taking a nice view of the city. There were 6 kids aged 14 or 15 playing around there. They came to us and asked us questions. We told them we were travelling with motorcycles. They were very surprised to hear that. For a while we were chatting and when I look down, there was a shop where 2 ladies were sitting outside. And there was a girl showing her back toward us and when she turned around, Wow. She must be the most beautiful girl I have seen on this trip!! I asked her if I could take a photo of her but she just turned back whenever I tried to take a photo. I went down to talk to her but she ran away!!! Damn.

We got on Metro gondola and changed to Metro back to Suramericana. Tomorrow I will have a relaxing day...


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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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