三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 220: 2011年3月1日
Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
今日は朝、ピンポーンとなってクラウディア(クライディーではありません、女将のクラウディアです)がドアを開けたらYAMAHA Colombia VIce PresidenteのナカオさんがいましたVice Presidenteと言えば副社長ですよ。シゲさんもSUZUKI Colombiaの社長さんに良くしてもらったと言いますし、なんかいいなぁ。ナカオさんはウメザワさんがメキシコのヤマハのメカニックの方に紹介していただいたそうです。先週バイクのサービスのために連絡を取ってパーツがそろったので今日サービスっていうことになったそうです。あ、でもリアブレーキディスクがまだ来てないのか。丁度ガレージで作業してたのでちょっとびっくりしました。ナカオさんももう1人の日本人ライダーがいて、ちょっとびっくりしてました。ウメザワさんはナカオさんとYAMAHA直営ディーラーへ。
Day 220: 1 Mar 2011
Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
This morning when I was reorganising my luggages, the door bell beaped. Claudia opened the door and there was Mr. Nakao - the Vice President of YAMAHA Collombia"! What a surprise!
Actually the Japanese mechanic @ YAMAHA Mexico introduced Mr. Nakao to Akira and Akira contucted him for servicing his TDM 900. Except the rear brake disk, all the parts are availale at the YAMAHA dealer, so Akira went to the dealer with Mr. Nakao.
I continued reorganising my stuffs in the morning. Why I am doing that, because I am backpacking for a week from tomorrow and I thought it would be a good timimg for me to reorganise my stuffs. Surely there are many things I have not used so far, and most likely I would not use them ever...
After lunch time, Akira came back and he said Mr. Nakao gave him 25% discount for akk parts and free labour!! How nice he is!
I went out to Centro to look around. At the plaza where those strange statues placed near Parque Barrio, I found the statue of a cat (Gato and a dog (Perro). They are so cute!
I will leave here tomorrow late afternoon, so I will update my blog before I go. But I will not be able to conect to Internet until I come back to Hostal Medellin on 12th of March, so there would be no update on my blog till then.