三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 219: 2011年2月28日
Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
さてと運転免許の更新です。女将のクラウディアがコロンビアの郵便局は遅いし信用ならないから、FedexかDHLでオーストラリアに書類を送った方がいいと言うのでネットで住所を確認し(Googleマップで位置も確認)、メトロに乗ってパルケ・バリオ駅(Parque Barrio)まで。住所はCarrera 49A No 48 Sur-60なんですが、なかなか見つかりません。Carrera 49 No 48の区画にいるのですが、それらしいものはありません。警察官に聞いたりお店の人に聞いたりしましたが、埒が明きません。ラテンアメリカの人々は親切なのですが、道を教えるのは・・・です。3回違う警察官に聞いたのですが最後の警察官は無線を使って本部(?)に聞いてくれました。そしたら、全然遠い駅まで行けと・・・。大体49AのAってなんなんでしょうか?今日は諦めて宿に帰りました。
Day 219: 28 Feb 2011
Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
It's the last day of February. I cannot believe that 2 months has past since the new year....
Danniel took off at 7:30am this morning. I promissed him that I will visit him in Brazil and had a firm hand shack. Buen viaje! Cuidate mucho, mi amigo! Nos vemos en Brazil!
I went to Centro - Metro Parque Barrio to find Fedex office. Claudia told me that the post office of Colombia is very unreliable and slow, and she recommended me to use Fedex or DHL. I checked the address on the web and checked the location on Google map. The address of the office is Carrera 49A No 48 - 60 Sur.
Well I was at the block of Carrera 49 No48, but I did not see any sign of Fedex. I asked people around and police officers, but none of them was sure where it was... The last police officer I asked was using the radio to communicate with the police station. She said Carrera 49A should be at another station really far away.... So I gave up finding it and took Metro back to the hostel. But what is Carrera 49"A"???
Back to Hostal Medellin, I played pool. If I stay here long time, I will be a good pool player!?
After a few games, I got tired and read a Japanese book.
In the afternoon playing pool again. I had better find something else to do. I should attend Spanish school or Salsa class. Well I have a plan to fly to Cuba from Medellin on 24th March, so till then I will be here....