
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 158: 2010年12月29日

Mexico City 25,198km

朝8時に起きて久しぶりのアミーゴの朝食を頂きます。洗濯をしてクライディーにメールを書こうとしたら向こうからメールが来ていました。どうやらクライディーも反省しておるそうです。ワシも自分の今の気持ちを素直に伝えて仲直りを提案。その後チャットして和解成立。これで一段落。 最近サボっていた英語の日記をアップしたりして時間が何時の間にか経っていました。お昼はクライディーに持たされたオアハカチーズにベロン氏がパスちゃんに貰った海老のエンパナーダをお裾分けしてもらいました。ありがとう! Walmartに買い出しに行って出発までの食糧を確保。夜は久しぶりのインスタントラーメンです。大晦日に何を食べるかで皆で会議。夕飯は餃子、豚の生姜焼き、豚汁とサラダに決定。もちろん年越し蕎麦もしますよ。 パスちゃんに今後の事を相談。色々大変だけど頑張るように励まされました。

Day 158: 29 Dec 2010

Mexico City

After having breakfast and finishing laundry, I was about to write an e-mail to Claydy but I received an e-mail from her. She seems to feel bad about what happened and fix our relationship.  I relied her with my honest feeling and suggested to get back together again. After that we chat online and now we are good again. 

Updated some of blog entries in English. I am so sorry about being lazy not to update my dary in English fr a while. I went to Walmart to get enough foods till I leave here.

We discussed what we are gonna have on the new years eve. We decided to have dumplings, stir fried pork with ginger sauce, miso soup with pork and salad. Of course we will have Japanese SOBA noodle before the new year, which is our tradition. In the evening, I had a talk with Ms Paz about Claydy and she wish us luck.


Hi I have updated some diaries in English. Sorry about my laziness. Now I am well and will continue writing diary in English. 

Day 157: 2010年12月28日

Mexico City



朝の10時前にタポのバスターミナルに到着。ターミナルには入らずに外で降ろされました。何故でしょう? メトロでブエナビスタまで。

ペンシオン・アミーゴのチャイムを鳴らすと懐かしの顔が!Yoshiさんが出迎えてくれました。我が家に戻って来たという感覚です。アミーゴの魔力ですね、これは。トクさん、カザフ、神藤井、ベロン氏、ウチハラさん、そしてもう会えないかと思っていたカオルさん、いつもの面々と会えてホッとします。 ベロン氏が管理人を辞めてYoshiさんが正式な管理人になった事、シンリ選手やゴロスケたちがいなくなったこと以外は何も変わってません。まあ、一週間だけでしたからね、いなかったの。

皆にパレドンでの顛末の報告をしてパスちゃんとゴンちゃんにお土産を渡してあとはゆっくりとします。 昼はスーペルトルタ。何故か最近食べ切れないのでカザフに残りを食べてもらいます。


夜は韓国料理屋にでもという計画でしたが10時前だったので閉店。タクシーでレボルシオンまで戻りタコス屋で遅い晩飯。 ヤッパリ買いたいものが手に入るDFは便利ですねぇ。

Day 157: 28 Dec 2010

Mexico City

I took 2nd class bus back to Mexico City. The fare was half price of 1st class, but there are a few discomfort I had to bare. There is no enough leg space to stretch put, so it wasreally unconfortable to sit and sleep. The manner of other passenjers are really bad comparing to 1st class passengers. Many people play musics really round (using their mobile phones) in the middle of the night and some of them were even sining. I guess someone poohed and it smelled  realy bad on the bus.

The bus arrived at Tapo bus terminal in Mexico City before 10am. It took 15 hours from Tonala. Not sure why, we were to get off the bus outside of the terminal. I caught the metro back to Buenavista, then walked back to Pension Amigo.

I rang the bell and a familiar face , Yoshi, invited me in. El Chino, Toku-san, Dios Fujii, Velon, Uchihara-san and Kaoru-san, all familiar faces are still here! I really feel like I am back home. This pension has the magical atomosphere to make us think it is our home.

I had relaxed time until late afternoon and El Chino and Dios Fujii asked me out for Casino in Zona Rosa. We played for 3 hours and everyone lost!! I lost 300 pesos once but I gained back 200 pesos, so total lost was 100 pesos only. I won 110 pesos before, so now I am almost break even.
Yesterday I was in Paredon and now I am in Mexico City wasting money in Casino. Life style is so different here and there.

We planned to have dinner at a Korean restaurant, but it was 10pm and none of the restaurant open. We took a taxi back to Revolucion and had tacos. Here in Mexico City, we can buy what we want. Not sure which is better, but I guess I am used to have life in the city.


Day 156: 2010年12月27日

Mexico City







Day 156: 27 Dec 2010

Mexico City

I stayed with Claydy and her family for 5 days. I am not sure why I cam here and what I achieved here. Well, from the begining, Claydy and I have language problem and we do not understand very well. So of cource, we will have lots of problems. But I like her family and I thank them that I could spend 5 days with them and I could have precious experiences there. 

There is no tap water, no glass on the window, no shower, etc, but I get used to with the life there after 5 days. It is not bad to have less. But if I have to live there left of my life, I cannot do that. 
How about Claydy? She has lived in Mexico City for past 3-4 years and now she is back to Paredon, where the life is so simple. I am not sure if she wants to have life there forever, but at least she has family there and is happy with them. Now the decision is all upto her.

We went to buy a bus ticket and souvenirs for Mis Paz of Pension Amigo. I bought a ticket for 2nd class for 370 pesos, which is the half price of the 1st class bus. 

Back to Paredon, I had early dinner with family and her uncle, cousin, mum, Issac and she accampanied me to the bus terminal in Tonala. The bus supposed to be leaving on 5:15pm, but it was broken down, so I had to change the bus leaving at 7pm. 
I could have more time to talk to Claydy, so it was good for us. 

At 7pm, finally the bus arrived and I said good-bye to everyone and got onboard.  Not sure why the bus is not going on the motorway. Within 2 hours, we got caight by the security checks. I wonder if we will be in Mexico City on time??


Day 155: 2010年12月26日

Mexico City




Day 155: 26 Dec 2010

Mexico City

I am not sure what I did today. Oh, I had a long talk with Claydy and we decided to think seriously on our future. So we reached to an agreement that I go back to Mexico City to think about it and she stays in Paredon to think about it. 

We supposed to be going to Chichen Itza and Cancun after Xmas and have good time there, but now we are heading to totally different direcion. Anyway, she will have her answer by the new year, so I will wait her response in Mexico City and also I will have my own answer. 

I the afternon, we visited her grand mother. She lives in a ranch 20 mins walk from her place. There were turkies, roosters  and two dogs in the garden. It is very remote from the village and very dusty. 
If I came here by GS, I had to park here. I guess I was lucky to come here by bus. 

I talked to her grand mother, another uncle, antie and cousin about my trip and other things, and had a good time there.  


Day 154: 2010年12月25日

Mexico City






Day 154: 2 Dec 2010

Mexico City

It ws the worst Xmas ever as far as I can remember.

Claydy told me the wedding today is for the relative of the wife of her uncle, but she did not tel me that the place was 100 km away from Paredon! Usually she does not give me enough information beforehand... I don't know why, but after we arrived at the wedding venue (it was the bacyard of someone'S place), we went to a river to swim in!! Luckily she told me about the swiming plan, so I brought a swimmer and a towel. It wasfun anyway. 

Back to the weding venue before the sunset, but we werenot sure when the wedding will commence. I got none to talk beside Issac and Claydy but she was just playing a game on her mobile phone. None here can speak English and I cannot speak much Spanish. So I had really short conversations with anyone to talk to. I was really bored and frustrated. 

I had a big argument with Claydy later on and she decided not to go to Chichen Itza and Cancun with me.  So I decided to return to Mexico City tomorrow or the day after.

At the wedding party, Claydy was drinking lotsof beers and tequilas, and got really drunk. The kid I was taking care of peed on me, salsa was leaking from the take away box I was carrying in the car and my pants was soaked with salsa.... It was the worst Xmas ever....  


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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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