三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day108: 2010年11月9日
Mexico City
学校第二日目。相変わらず朝は寒いです。今日は歩いて行きました。だいたい40〜50分かかります。 それにしても教室は寒い!これは服を買わなきゃ行けませんかね。でもやっぱりスペイン語を使う機会が増えますので、上達がはやそうです。
宿に戻り洗濯を始めたらクライディーが散歩に行くというのでついて行く事に。 ソカロの方に歩いて行きキャンプ用品店でテントを物色。貴金属店やデパートなどをめぐってルンルンデート気分です!彼女もう直ぐでチアパスの実家に帰っちゃうんですよね。残念だなぁ。明日は午後からテピートに一緒に行く事になりました! 6時ごろにアミーゴに戻り夕飯を作って夜まで歓談。あ、スペイン語の復習してないや。
Day108: 9 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Second day in Spanish school. The class room is really cold and I seriously buy more clothes to survive a month in D.F.
After the class, I had lunch with Dios Fujii at MacDonald again. MacTrio del dia is Doritos Burger. Isn't Doritos American?? The taste was.... not that good.
Back to Pencion Amigo, while I was doing laundry, Claydy was about to go out. She was going to Centro, so I joined her.
Looking around Jewelly shops, camping stores, a department store and so on, it was just like a date! But soon she is going back to her home town in Chiapas. Tomorrow we decided to go shopping in Tepito, Yeah!
Back to Amigo at 6pm and cooked Pasta and chatting till late in the evening again. Oh, I haven't done any review for tomorrow....
Mexico City
学校第二日目。相変わらず朝は寒いです。今日は歩いて行きました。だいたい40〜50分かかります。 それにしても教室は寒い!これは服を買わなきゃ行けませんかね。でもやっぱりスペイン語を使う機会が増えますので、上達がはやそうです。
Day108: 9 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Second day in Spanish school. The class room is really cold and I seriously buy more clothes to survive a month in D.F.
After the class, I had lunch with Dios Fujii at MacDonald again. MacTrio del dia is Doritos Burger. Isn't Doritos American?? The taste was.... not that good.
Back to Pencion Amigo, while I was doing laundry, Claydy was about to go out. She was going to Centro, so I joined her.
Looking around Jewelly shops, camping stores, a department store and so on, it was just like a date! But soon she is going back to her home town in Chiapas. Tomorrow we decided to go shopping in Tepito, Yeah!
Back to Amigo at 6pm and cooked Pasta and chatting till late in the evening again. Oh, I haven't done any review for tomorrow....
Day107: 2010年11月8日
Mexico City
お昼はDios藤井とMacで。日替わりの35ペソのセットを。今日はBig Macセットで味は何処でも同じまですね。
夜はツルさん、クズさん、シンリ選手でクルクル寿司の食い放題にいってきました!225ペソですが、ツルさんも移動してしまうので奮発です。 メトロブスで一時間。ちょっと高級感あふれる町並みです。


Day107: 8 Nov 2010
Mexico City
My first day in the Spanish school. Dios Fujii took me to the school and I took an exam to check my Spanish level. I am in the lowest class, of course.
Although my class is level 1, everyone has been studying for 4 weeks, so it's hard to catch up.
Anyway, I enjoyed the first lesson and reckon I can improve my Spanish a lot there.
I had lunch with Dios Fujii at MacDonald's. We had MacTrio del dia for MX$35 (A burger, Hot chips and a drink). Today's MacTrio is Big Mac meal. The taste of Mexican Mac is ... the same as everywhere else.
Tsuru-san, Kuzu-san, Shinri-sensyu, and I went to have Sushi Buffet at KuruKuru Sushi. It costs MX$225, but it should be good. Tsuru-san is moving to San Christbal de las Casas, so it's kinda farewell party for him.
The area (near La Bombilla) is a very expensive area and the street view is very different from near Amigo. It doesn't look like Mexico City around there.
The restraunt has no customer at all. And Sushi is made by a Mexicano chef!!
We were wondering if it was a big mistake to come here.
But sushi served was great! It was not top quality but good enough to be served in Japan. We ordered otther than sushi from the menu and we all were really sutisfied with quality and price!
It was a real surprise for me to have such a good Japanese meal in Mexico City.
Back to Pencion Amigo and had late night again.
Mexico City
お昼はDios藤井とMacで。日替わりの35ペソのセットを。今日はBig Macセットで味は何処でも同じまですね。
Day107: 8 Nov 2010
Mexico City
My first day in the Spanish school. Dios Fujii took me to the school and I took an exam to check my Spanish level. I am in the lowest class, of course.
Although my class is level 1, everyone has been studying for 4 weeks, so it's hard to catch up.
Anyway, I enjoyed the first lesson and reckon I can improve my Spanish a lot there.
I had lunch with Dios Fujii at MacDonald's. We had MacTrio del dia for MX$35 (A burger, Hot chips and a drink). Today's MacTrio is Big Mac meal. The taste of Mexican Mac is ... the same as everywhere else.
Tsuru-san, Kuzu-san, Shinri-sensyu, and I went to have Sushi Buffet at KuruKuru Sushi. It costs MX$225, but it should be good. Tsuru-san is moving to San Christbal de las Casas, so it's kinda farewell party for him.
The area (near La Bombilla) is a very expensive area and the street view is very different from near Amigo. It doesn't look like Mexico City around there.
The restraunt has no customer at all. And Sushi is made by a Mexicano chef!!
We were wondering if it was a big mistake to come here.
But sushi served was great! It was not top quality but good enough to be served in Japan. We ordered otther than sushi from the menu and we all were really sutisfied with quality and price!
It was a real surprise for me to have such a good Japanese meal in Mexico City.
Back to Pencion Amigo and had late night again.
Day106: 2010年11月7日
Mexico City

今日はとうとうシゲさんと別れる時です。9月後半から今まで1ヶ月半色々お世話になりました。この旅で再会するのは難しいでしょうが、お互いいい旅をして再会できる日を楽しみにしています。Buen Viaje!
Day105: 7 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Finally it's the time Shige leaves D.F. We met in LA around the end of Aug and have been travelling together until now. I guess I would not have a companion travelling togeher such a long time during this trip. Hopefully we can see each other somewhere in the world, otherwise we can see in Japan.
It was hard to get up at 9am as I stayed up till 4am last night. We took photos together and Shige took off. Buen Viaje, Shige!!
"The master of Tepito" Tsuru took us to Tepito. Today's mission is to buy a BIMBO T-Shirt.
It's Sunday and tonnes of people in Tepito. There was a murder in Tepito yesterday, but people seem not to care about it.
We had barbacoa tacos for lunch (they were great!) and started to look for the BIMBO! We same a lady wearing a jacket with BIMBO logo. Tsuru-san asked where she got it, but she said she was working in the BIMBO fuctory....
Finally we reached the place Tsuru-san saw the T-Shirt before. The outcome is....
Unfortunately, we could not find any. In Tepito, the trend
Mexico City
Day105: 7 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Finally it's the time Shige leaves D.F. We met in LA around the end of Aug and have been travelling together until now. I guess I would not have a companion travelling togeher such a long time during this trip. Hopefully we can see each other somewhere in the world, otherwise we can see in Japan.
It was hard to get up at 9am as I stayed up till 4am last night. We took photos together and Shige took off. Buen Viaje, Shige!!
"The master of Tepito" Tsuru took us to Tepito. Today's mission is to buy a BIMBO T-Shirt.
It's Sunday and tonnes of people in Tepito. There was a murder in Tepito yesterday, but people seem not to care about it.
We had barbacoa tacos for lunch (they were great!) and started to look for the BIMBO! We same a lady wearing a jacket with BIMBO logo. Tsuru-san asked where she got it, but she said she was working in the BIMBO fuctory....
Finally we reached the place Tsuru-san saw the T-Shirt before. The outcome is....
Unfortunately, we could not find any. In Tepito, the trend
Day105: 2010年11月6日
Mexico City
今日はスペイン語の勉強に屋上で運動。ツルさんに美味いタコス屋を教えてもらう。10ペソでかなりお腹いっぱいになります。 シゲさんは風邪気味で大事を取って明日の出発に。でも意外に元気。
ツルさんがBIMBOのTシャツを見た事があるとの事なので、午後からテピートに買いに行く予定でしたが、屋上運動部が結成されて行きませんでした。 シゲさんのお別れ会に韓国料理屋でキムチチゲを食す。味は完璧に韓国です。かれこれ2ヶ月近くシゲさんと一緒だったんですね。明日でお別れです。次に会うのはブラジルか日本か⁉ カザフはその足でカジノに行き75ペソ勝ったそうです。
盟友マー君が朝4時に空港に行くのでそれまで皆で気合を入れて起きてました。マー君と最後のパトロールに出かけ再会を硬く誓う。 夜2時ごろクライディーが帰って来たのでしばしお話し。スペイン語の勉強になるなぁ。
とうとう4時になりお迎えのタクシーが。なんか幼馴染が転校していく気分です。マー君とは3日しか一緒じゃなかったんですがね。マー君また遊ぼうね! マー君を見送った後速攻で寝ました。
Day105: 6 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Studied Spanish in the mornong and did some exercise (physical) later. Tsuru-san took me to a nice Taqueria. One taco costs MX$10, but it's really big and stuffed. If you are a small eater, you will be full with one taco. Shige caught a cold, so he decided to stay here one more day.
Tsuru-san said he saw BIMBO T-Shirt in Tepito a while ago, so we planned to go to Tepito today, but we got to tired from exercise. We will go to Tepito tomorrow.
El Chino and I took Shige to a Korean restaurant as it will be the last meal with himin Mexico. The meals are authentic Korean! I have been travelling with Shige for 6 or 7 weeks, but it's time to separate. Peobably we can see each other in Brazil or Japan.
As Mark is leaving here at 4am in the morning, everyone stayed up to see him off. I went out for a night patrol with him and we promissed to se again in Japan.
Claydy came back around 1am and practice Spanish with her for a while. I wish she can stay here longer but she is going back to her home town in a week or so.
At 4am, a taxi came to pick Mark up. It was real fun to be with him. I cannot believe we just met 3 or 4 days ago. After he left, everyone went to bed and fell into sleep.
Mexico City
今日はスペイン語の勉強に屋上で運動。ツルさんに美味いタコス屋を教えてもらう。10ペソでかなりお腹いっぱいになります。 シゲさんは風邪気味で大事を取って明日の出発に。でも意外に元気。
ツルさんがBIMBOのTシャツを見た事があるとの事なので、午後からテピートに買いに行く予定でしたが、屋上運動部が結成されて行きませんでした。 シゲさんのお別れ会に韓国料理屋でキムチチゲを食す。味は完璧に韓国です。かれこれ2ヶ月近くシゲさんと一緒だったんですね。明日でお別れです。次に会うのはブラジルか日本か⁉ カザフはその足でカジノに行き75ペソ勝ったそうです。
盟友マー君が朝4時に空港に行くのでそれまで皆で気合を入れて起きてました。マー君と最後のパトロールに出かけ再会を硬く誓う。 夜2時ごろクライディーが帰って来たのでしばしお話し。スペイン語の勉強になるなぁ。
とうとう4時になりお迎えのタクシーが。なんか幼馴染が転校していく気分です。マー君とは3日しか一緒じゃなかったんですがね。マー君また遊ぼうね! マー君を見送った後速攻で寝ました。
Day105: 6 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Studied Spanish in the mornong and did some exercise (physical) later. Tsuru-san took me to a nice Taqueria. One taco costs MX$10, but it's really big and stuffed. If you are a small eater, you will be full with one taco. Shige caught a cold, so he decided to stay here one more day.
Tsuru-san said he saw BIMBO T-Shirt in Tepito a while ago, so we planned to go to Tepito today, but we got to tired from exercise. We will go to Tepito tomorrow.
El Chino and I took Shige to a Korean restaurant as it will be the last meal with himin Mexico. The meals are authentic Korean! I have been travelling with Shige for 6 or 7 weeks, but it's time to separate. Peobably we can see each other in Brazil or Japan.
As Mark is leaving here at 4am in the morning, everyone stayed up to see him off. I went out for a night patrol with him and we promissed to se again in Japan.
Claydy came back around 1am and practice Spanish with her for a while. I wish she can stay here longer but she is going back to her home town in a week or so.
At 4am, a taxi came to pick Mark up. It was real fun to be with him. I cannot believe we just met 3 or 4 days ago. After he left, everyone went to bed and fell into sleep.
Day104: 2010年11月5日
Mexico City


Day104: 5 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Studying Spanish in the morning, and went to Casino with El Chino. We both won around MX$100.
I made up my mind to take Spanish lesson here in D.F. So I am gonna stay here another a month.
But it's really cold here no
w a days! I might regret to stay here longer!?
Shige decided to leave tomorrow morning. He is heading to Acaplco, Zipolite, and San Christbal de las Casas. We went to Chinese Buffet for MX$61. It's cheap and tastes ok.
Mexico City
Day104: 5 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Studying Spanish in the morning, and went to Casino with El Chino. We both won around MX$100.
I made up my mind to take Spanish lesson here in D.F. So I am gonna stay here another a month.
But it's really cold here no
Shige decided to leave tomorrow morning. He is heading to Acaplco, Zipolite, and San Christbal de las Casas. We went to Chinese Buffet for MX$61. It's cheap and tastes ok.