三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day59: 2010年9月21日
San Francisco to San Jose
19,164km to 19,617km = 453km
橋を渡りきった所にVista Pointがあったのでそこから風景を眺めます。サンフランシスコにアルカトラズにGGBにベイブリッジ。これでサンフランシスコはいいかな。

更に一号線に入って北上。ポイントライズ(Pt. Reyes)を目指します。ここはシーズンなら鯨も見れるポイント。アメリカ合衆国で1番強風が吹く所らしいです。
Day59: 21Sept2010
San Francisco to San Jose
19,164km to 19,617 = 453km
Last night we supposed to sleep early but were chatting till 3am.
We got up at 7:30am and left the motel at 8am. Niomi gave me $100! Thanks!
They needed to return the rental car, so I followed them to the rental car drop at the airport.
It was sad to see them off. But my trip with Mr. Sheep and GS goes on!
I went to San Francisco to cross GGB. But somehow I ended up at Fisherman's Wharf. Here is also one of the main tourist attractions of SF, so I was in a way lucky to come here.
It was hard to find the entrance to GGB. I went around and around, and finally got on the bridge. There is Vista Point at the north end of the bridge and I enjoyed the view. There I could see City of SF, Alcatraz, GGB and Bay Bridge all together.
I kept going North and took the route 1, the coastal way. The first stop was Pt. Reyes. Here, you can see Whales in Spring. Also it us known to have strongest wind in the US. The wind blows at average of 60mph and recorded 100mph wind!
The view was good but I have seen similar views in Australia so many times, so it wasn't any special for me.
I was planning to go up to Oregon but I got tired of riding without any definite direction. So I decided to go down South again.
I went back to SF and see if I can find any hostel to stay. If I can find I was thinking to visit Alcatraz tomorrow. But hostels were all full as a special event is on(I don't know what is on).
I could not find any campground and there is no place to bush camp. I should have remembered the location of the motel in San Jose. The motel was cheap and clean. But I was just following Jr., so I don't remember!
I ended up staying a crappy motel in San Jose. It costs $50 a night and not clean at all. The bed smells too. I really made a bad choice today...
Anyway, tomorrow I will be in Giant Sequoia / Kings Canyon Nat'l Park. I miss my tent.
San Francisco to San Jose
19,164km to 19,617km = 453km
Day59: 21Sept2010
San Francisco to San Jose
19,164km to 19,617 = 453km
Last night we supposed to sleep early but were chatting till 3am.
We got up at 7:30am and left the motel at 8am. Niomi gave me $100! Thanks!
They needed to return the rental car, so I followed them to the rental car drop at the airport.
It was sad to see them off. But my trip with Mr. Sheep and GS goes on!
I went to San Francisco to cross GGB. But somehow I ended up at Fisherman's Wharf. Here is also one of the main tourist attractions of SF, so I was in a way lucky to come here.
It was hard to find the entrance to GGB. I went around and around, and finally got on the bridge. There is Vista Point at the north end of the bridge and I enjoyed the view. There I could see City of SF, Alcatraz, GGB and Bay Bridge all together.
I kept going North and took the route 1, the coastal way. The first stop was Pt. Reyes. Here, you can see Whales in Spring. Also it us known to have strongest wind in the US. The wind blows at average of 60mph and recorded 100mph wind!
The view was good but I have seen similar views in Australia so many times, so it wasn't any special for me.
I was planning to go up to Oregon but I got tired of riding without any definite direction. So I decided to go down South again.
I went back to SF and see if I can find any hostel to stay. If I can find I was thinking to visit Alcatraz tomorrow. But hostels were all full as a special event is on(I don't know what is on).
I could not find any campground and there is no place to bush camp. I should have remembered the location of the motel in San Jose. The motel was cheap and clean. But I was just following Jr., so I don't remember!
I ended up staying a crappy motel in San Jose. It costs $50 a night and not clean at all. The bed smells too. I really made a bad choice today...
Anyway, tomorrow I will be in Giant Sequoia / Kings Canyon Nat'l Park. I miss my tent.
Day58: 2010年9月20日
San Jose to San Francisco
19,065km to 19,164km = 99km
フードコートにマックがありWiFiが使えたのでインターネットして時間を潰します。iPod Touchの電池が切れたので、ちょっとウロウロ。バイクのグローブが最近臭いのでティーツリーオイルをボディーショップで買ってグローブに湿布。これで臭いの元がとれるかな!?

Day58: 20Sept2010
San Jose to San Francisco
19,065km to 19,164km = 99km
This morning we got up late again. I will go back to my touring life style from tomorrow. I have gained some weight in these 5-6 days.
We went to Great Mall for shopping. Niomi and I don't have a thing to buy but Jr. was very keen to shop. I found WiFi connection in the food court, so U was waiting for Jr. and Niomi there. But my iPod ran out if battery. I did window shopping for a while. I found a bottle of tea tree oil in Body Shop. My gloves smell bad recently, so I bought the bottle and applied some on my gloves. It seems working really good.
Then we went to San Francisco. As Niomi and Jr. will take a morning flight home, we wanted to stay near the airport. But all motels are full due to a special event. So we went back South and found one in Belmont. The room number is 204. Actually since Reno, we have been staying in the room number 204! What a coincidence!
We went to city of San Francisco and Jr. continued his shopping there. I found the prices are higher in SF.
We decided to go across Golden Gate Bridge. We took a wrong turn and went on another bridge. We got off on Treasure Island and we could see a good view of Alcatraz Island and San Francisco.
We had dinner at an Indian restaurant. The meal was great!
We went across GGB to San Francisco and went back to the motel. We will sleep early tonight.
San Jose to San Francisco
19,065km to 19,164km = 99km
フードコートにマックがありWiFiが使えたのでインターネットして時間を潰します。iPod Touchの電池が切れたので、ちょっとウロウロ。バイクのグローブが最近臭いのでティーツリーオイルをボディーショップで買ってグローブに湿布。これで臭いの元がとれるかな!?
Day58: 20Sept2010
San Jose to San Francisco
19,065km to 19,164km = 99km
This morning we got up late again. I will go back to my touring life style from tomorrow. I have gained some weight in these 5-6 days.
We went to Great Mall for shopping. Niomi and I don't have a thing to buy but Jr. was very keen to shop. I found WiFi connection in the food court, so U was waiting for Jr. and Niomi there. But my iPod ran out if battery. I did window shopping for a while. I found a bottle of tea tree oil in Body Shop. My gloves smell bad recently, so I bought the bottle and applied some on my gloves. It seems working really good.
Then we went to San Francisco. As Niomi and Jr. will take a morning flight home, we wanted to stay near the airport. But all motels are full due to a special event. So we went back South and found one in Belmont. The room number is 204. Actually since Reno, we have been staying in the room number 204! What a coincidence!
We went to city of San Francisco and Jr. continued his shopping there. I found the prices are higher in SF.
We decided to go across Golden Gate Bridge. We took a wrong turn and went on another bridge. We got off on Treasure Island and we could see a good view of Alcatraz Island and San Francisco.
We had dinner at an Indian restaurant. The meal was great!
We went across GGB to San Francisco and went back to the motel. We will sleep early tonight.
Day57: 2010年9月19日
Reno Day to San Jose
18,611km to 19,065km = 454km
今日は朝早く起きて出来ればヨセミテに寄ってからサンホセ(San Jose)に向かいたかったんですが、起きたのが9時ごろなので諦めてタホ湖(Lake Tahoe)を方面から行く事にしました。
Day57: 2010年9月19日
Reno Day to San Jose
18,611km to 19,065km = 454km
We were planning to go to Yosemite and go to San Jose, but we got up around 9am. We gave up going to Yosemite and instead we went around Lake Tahoe and headed to San Jose.
Looking Lake Tahoe while riding, it was beautiful. We did a short stop at South Lake Tahoe but here the water wasn't that clean. We parked our vehicles on No Parking area and a Parking Enforcement officer was almost gave us parking fines! Luckily she let us go. It would be $50 fine each vehicle.
Jr. wants to go a big shopping mall in San Jose. That's why we were heading to San Jose instead of San Francisco. We arrived at a motel around 8pm. Straight after check in, I went for a big dump. I had big one this morning already but as I have been eating so much in Buffets, I managed to block the toilet!
I went to the office and asked for a plunger. But they could not find one soon and suggested to change the room. Lucky us!
We went to Korean BBQ for dinner. The lady owner brought us tons of meat and we ate them all! Jr. paid for us! Thanks!
Back to the motel, I had another big one... These 5-6 days, I have been eating too much and already my guts got bigger...
Jr. went to sleep around 1am but Niomi and I was chatting till 3:30am.
Reno Day to San Jose
18,611km to 19,065km = 454km
今日は朝早く起きて出来ればヨセミテに寄ってからサンホセ(San Jose)に向かいたかったんですが、起きたのが9時ごろなので諦めてタホ湖(Lake Tahoe)を方面から行く事にしました。
Day57: 2010年9月19日
Reno Day to San Jose
18,611km to 19,065km = 454km
We were planning to go to Yosemite and go to San Jose, but we got up around 9am. We gave up going to Yosemite and instead we went around Lake Tahoe and headed to San Jose.
Looking Lake Tahoe while riding, it was beautiful. We did a short stop at South Lake Tahoe but here the water wasn't that clean. We parked our vehicles on No Parking area and a Parking Enforcement officer was almost gave us parking fines! Luckily she let us go. It would be $50 fine each vehicle.
Jr. wants to go a big shopping mall in San Jose. That's why we were heading to San Jose instead of San Francisco. We arrived at a motel around 8pm. Straight after check in, I went for a big dump. I had big one this morning already but as I have been eating so much in Buffets, I managed to block the toilet!
I went to the office and asked for a plunger. But they could not find one soon and suggested to change the room. Lucky us!
We went to Korean BBQ for dinner. The lady owner brought us tons of meat and we ate them all! Jr. paid for us! Thanks!
Back to the motel, I had another big one... These 5-6 days, I have been eating too much and already my guts got bigger...
Jr. went to sleep around 1am but Niomi and I was chatting till 3:30am.
Day56: 2010年9月18日
Reno Day 4

Day56: 2010年9月18日
Reno Day 4
Today we went around Reno. Jr. wanted to go to a home centre, so we went to Lowe's.
We went to a Mexican take Away and Goat soup I had was great!
Then we were looking for a hand tire pump. I have one now but it is really hard to pump up with it, so I'm looking for the one I can put on the ground. After a few bicycle shops, I found the one in a camping store, REI. Here I also bought a bottle of hand wash laundry detergent and a case of a laundry detergent. They are so compact and not expensive at all. I have been washing cloths with a soap in shower and I took time to rinse off soap. Or I bought a packet of detergent for each machine wash. But now I can do laundry easier and cheaper.
Then we found vintage car show in the car park of a shopping centre. There were 1930s, 40s, 50s cars. I am not into American car but Niomi and Jr. were very excited to see around those cars.
We had dinner at PJ&Co, where many motorcyclists gather. Unfortunately, it wasn't the rider's night and the owner, Steve wasn't there. Foods were good and big!
Tomorrow we say Good-bye to Reno and heading to San Jose.
Reno Day 4
Day56: 2010年9月18日
Reno Day 4
Today we went around Reno. Jr. wanted to go to a home centre, so we went to Lowe's.
We went to a Mexican take Away and Goat soup I had was great!
Then we were looking for a hand tire pump. I have one now but it is really hard to pump up with it, so I'm looking for the one I can put on the ground. After a few bicycle shops, I found the one in a camping store, REI. Here I also bought a bottle of hand wash laundry detergent and a case of a laundry detergent. They are so compact and not expensive at all. I have been washing cloths with a soap in shower and I took time to rinse off soap. Or I bought a packet of detergent for each machine wash. But now I can do laundry easier and cheaper.
Then we found vintage car show in the car park of a shopping centre. There were 1930s, 40s, 50s cars. I am not into American car but Niomi and Jr. were very excited to see around those cars.
We had dinner at PJ&Co, where many motorcyclists gather. Unfortunately, it wasn't the rider's night and the owner, Steve wasn't there. Foods were good and big!
Tomorrow we say Good-bye to Reno and heading to San Jose.
Day55: 2010年9月17日
Reno Day 3

FA18 Super Hornetかわマッハで観客席を通り過ぎるのにはなかなか感動させられました。まぁ、岩国でも見れるんですけどね。

あとFormula 1の飛行機は4気筒ボクサーエンジンなのですが、どう見てもフォルクスワーゲンビートルのエンジンに毛が生えた程度のエンジンなんです。105馬力くらいですし。ジュニアは一台ボロビートルを持っているので、それで飛行機を自作するという計画が出来ました。楽しみだなぁ。
Day55: 2010年9月17日
Reno Day 3
We got up at 7:30am to see the race stats from 8:30am (Formula 1).
The entree fee was $19 today as it's Friday. There were more than twice as many people to see the races today.
We saw a few races and then were looking around the US Air force exhibition. There were F15, F16, big carriers and so on.
Acrobatic flights were great. I was surprised the maneuver of propeller planes. They seemed like defying the law of gravity. FA18 Super Hornet went through in front of the main stand at Mach 1! It was a quite experience. The Canadian Acrobatic team "Snow Birds" was great as well.
The mist interesting thing today was Niomi bought a master con rod of airplane engine. It was $75 but we got it at $50. It weighs around 10kg. We drew people's attention walking with the big and heavy con rod.
Also we found out the engine of Formula 1 plane is a 4 cylinder boxer engine. It has only 105 horse power and looks just like the engine if VW Beatle. KamaG Jr. has one Beatle at home, so we made a plan to make a plane using the Beatle engine! It's gonna be fun!
We went to another Casino and had dinner at Buffet. I lost $20 in casino!
Tomorrow we will look around the city of Reno.
Reno Day 3
FA18 Super Hornetかわマッハで観客席を通り過ぎるのにはなかなか感動させられました。まぁ、岩国でも見れるんですけどね。
Day55: 2010年9月17日
Reno Day 3
We got up at 7:30am to see the race stats from 8:30am (Formula 1).
The entree fee was $19 today as it's Friday. There were more than twice as many people to see the races today.
We saw a few races and then were looking around the US Air force exhibition. There were F15, F16, big carriers and so on.
Acrobatic flights were great. I was surprised the maneuver of propeller planes. They seemed like defying the law of gravity. FA18 Super Hornet went through in front of the main stand at Mach 1! It was a quite experience. The Canadian Acrobatic team "Snow Birds" was great as well.
The mist interesting thing today was Niomi bought a master con rod of airplane engine. It was $75 but we got it at $50. It weighs around 10kg. We drew people's attention walking with the big and heavy con rod.
Also we found out the engine of Formula 1 plane is a 4 cylinder boxer engine. It has only 105 horse power and looks just like the engine if VW Beatle. KamaG Jr. has one Beatle at home, so we made a plan to make a plane using the Beatle engine! It's gonna be fun!
We went to another Casino and had dinner at Buffet. I lost $20 in casino!
Tomorrow we will look around the city of Reno.