
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day20: 2010年8月13日


トイレの帰りにNeilがコーヒーに招いてくれたのでお邪魔しました。9時からHorizon Unlimitedの創始者Grantの写真の撮り方についての講習会があるのでそれまではノンビリ過ごします。


ワシは特にパニアについて色々聞いたり見て回ったりしました。特にCalgaryから来たDaveはワシと同じGSにTouratechのZEGA Proを付けています。ウーン、ナイス。スイスから来たHerbertsとEmmanuelaもToutatechを押します。ワシもTouratechのが欲しいな…。


今日もSounth Americaの体験談を聞けました。実際に街を走っている映像もあって、かなり混雑してますし、ルールもめちゃくちゃです。ヤッパリ幅が広いと大変かも、って考えさせられました。メジャーで測ったら、110センチあるんですよね、ワシのパニア。Touratechのよりも10センチ幅ひろです。Touratech買っちゃおうかなぁ。


Day20: 13Aug2010


I got up at 6am as usual, I did not need to be up so early though.
Neil invited me for a cuppa. 

The founder of Horizon Unlimited, Grant showed us how to take good pictures. What Brian and I learnt is we were doing everything wrong. So if we wanna take a good picture, simply we do the opposite of what we were doing. After the lesson, I tried the technique I learnt but it didn't work that easily. I guess I don't have a talent to take nice photos.

There were interesting lectures about how to deal with bears etc. It's good to know those tips to make our motorcycle trips safer and more fun!

During free time, we talked about bikes, trips and so on with different people. Some are very useful information and others are just fun to talk about. 
I was keen to get more info on panniers and looking around others set up. Especially, Dave's set up impressed me. He has a same GS as mine with Touratech ZEGA Pro panniers. Nice and neat. Also Herberts and Emmanuela from Swiss recommend me to get a pair of Touratech. Now I wanna get one!

I met another Dave, the owner if Anderwerks, Calgary, and asked about the servicing my GS. It will cost around CAD350 and I can watch while it is been serviced.
That sounds good. 

In there evening, there were presentations about South America trip, very useful and very entertaining. 

It got cold a lot in the evening. I got to jog back to the camp site to keep myself warm. 

Tomorrow, Grant is gonna giving a lecture on how to fix punctures and change tire. It's gonna be fun.



Day19: 2010年8月12日

Golden to Nakusp
11,661km to 11,881km = 190km




nakusp01.jpgnakusp02.jpgお昼前にNakuspに到着。すでに20台以上のバイクが来てます。テントを張って街に買い出し。スーパーでパンとソーセージを買って湖畔で昼飯。最高ですな。キャンプ場に戻り何人かと話しをして時を過ごします。Calgaryから来たEkkaとAudrey夫妻はBMW R1200GSとF650GSに乗っています。Calgaryでサービスを考えていると話したらCalgaryのバイク屋さんが会合に来るとのことなので、紹介してもらうことに。やったね。 プレゼンテーションは6時から始まるとのことなのでNeilとJoanna夫妻のサイトにBrianとお邪魔してしばらく歓談。 プレゼンテーションは6時から11時半まで4人のプレゼンターがしました。どれも面白かったです。明日は中央アメリカと南アメリカについてのプレゼンテーションがあるので楽しみです。

Day19: 12Aug2010

Golden to Nakusp
11,661km to 11,881km = 190km

It was raining in the middle if the night but cleared in the morning. It's cloudy still but much better than raining. No bear came to visit  us and we had nice sleep. No hurry as we needed to make around 200km today, but we were ready by 8:00am, so we took off. 

Around 100km ride, we made a stop at Riverstoke for fuel and cuppa at McDonald's. Unfortunately there wasn't WiFi again! From Riverstoke to the ferry, it was a beautiful road to ride. Around 10 bikes were waiting fir the ferry and all going to HU meeting.  After we got off the ferry, around 50km of winding road. Doing corners at 120km/h with panniers on was fun! 

We arrived at the campground before lunch time. There were 20 or more bikes already there. We set up our tents and went for grocery shopping.  After having lunch by the lakeside, brilliant view, we went back to the campground and started to get to know people. Next to our tent, Ekka and Audrey, ones of the organizers of the meeting, so it was a good start to get to know people. They are from Calgary and told me that one of the BMW dealer in Calgary is coming here! So I can find out how I can service my GS.  Presentations start from 6:00pm, so we went to Neil and Joanna's site and chat for a while. The presentations were all interesting. Tomorrow there are more presentations about Central and South America, so it will be good day.


Day18 2010年8月11日

McBride to Golden
11,138km to 11,661km = 523km

朝6時に起きて出発の準備。朝は流石に寒いです。 曇っているので雨が降らなければいいなと願いつつ準備を進めます。Brianも起きて準備し始めました。8時前には出発。

mtrobson01.jpg先ずはJasperを目指します。 Jasperに入るて前にMt Robsonが現れます。いい山容をした山です。 何故かMcBrideからJasperまで燃費が悪いです。普段リッターあたり20キロは行くのに18.5キロです。特に高度があったわけでもなく普通に走ってたんですけどね。Brianも燃費が悪くなってました。

jaspertoll01.jpgjaspertoll02.jpgJasperで給油してLake Louiseに向かいます。国立公園なのでで10ドル検問所で払います。そしたら隣の検問所にWhitehorseで出会ったNeilがいるじゃないですか!こりゃ奇遇ですな。 それにしても絶景ですな。本当に絵葉書の様な風景が広がります。Athabasca Gracierまで何回か写真休憩をしました。

athabascagracier01.jpgathabascagracier02.jpgAthabasca Gracierは本線からすぐそこにあり実際に氷河の上を歩けます。氷河までの歩道に所々1982とか1992とか年号があります。それは氷河がそこまであったという印です。今ではかなり後退してます氷河。説明書きでは1885年以来60%も小さくなったそうです。改めて、こりゃあ大変だァ、て思いましたね。Brianとも歩いていだ環境問題の話しをしてました。 実際に氷河を歩いて、チョット感動。表面はシャリシャリですね。athabascagracier03.jpgathabascagracier04.jpg

jaspertoll04.jpgjaspertoll03.jpgLake Louiseまで1時間ほど走り湖畔で休憩。いい眺めですなァ。それから1号線をGoldenという街まで。

lakelouise01.jpgキャンプ場でもよかったのですかお金をセーブする為さらに50キロくらい走りレストエリアでキャンプ。キャンプ駄目とサインが有るんですけど、まぁいいか。でも蚊が多いのには閉口です。余りに蚊に刺されるからテントに避難。まだ8時過ぎなんですけど眠くてそのまま就寝。 明日はNakuspです。さてどんな出会いがあるでしょう⁉ campatgolden.jpg

Day18 11Aug2010

McBride to Golden
11,138km to 11,661km = 523km

I got up at 6:00am and started to pack up. It was clouded in the morning. Brian and I was ready by 8:00am and headed to Jasper.

Just before the border of Alberta, Mt Robson was showing it's mighty appearance. I took a couple of photos. Not sure why we got bad fuel consumption to Jasper. We didn't go hard and it wasn't really high in altitude. It got better after Jasper, so it is a mystery.

Fueled up on Jasper and heading to Lake Louise. At the park toll, I saw Neil, the Goldwing rider met in Whitehorse, at another lane. What a coincident! Along the way, we saw all great scenery. Just like post cards. No wonder lots of tourist come here. We stopped for photos a few times.

At Athabasca Gracier, we can walk on the actual glacier! There are signs saying the glacier was here in 1982 or 2000 along the footpath to the glacier. It is said since 1885, the glacier has lost 60% of its volume! Global warming is really affecting our planet. Brian and I was talking about environmental issues along the way. It was fun to step on the glacier.

We stopped at Lake Louise and had a rest on lake side. The view is great here too. Then we took route 1 to Golden. We could've stayed in a campground but decided to stay at a rest area to save money. We are at the rest area around 50km east of Golden.

Tomorrow we will get to Nakusp. Hope we'll meet lots of nice people there.


Day17: 2010年8月10日

Smithers to McBride
10,556km to 11,138km = 582km




Rivernearmcbride.jpgPrice Georgeからどっちのルートをとるか悩んでたんですが、Tim Hortonsで昼飯を食べながら16号線をそのままJasperまで抜けることに決定。Jasperの途中に世界一周中のシゲさんが絶賛しているMt. Robsonもありますしね。JasperからLake Louiseへ抜けてHorizon Unlimitedの会合があるNakuspへ行くルートを取ります。

mcbridebeaverview.jpgPrince Georgeには3時過ぎに着きました。MacBrideあたりまで何箇所かレストエリアがあるので出来ればタダでキャンプしようともくろんだのですが、なんかあまりいい感じがしなかったので結局Beaver View Campgroundというキャンプ場に21.50ドルでキャンプとなりました。ちょっと高いですがいいところですよ。

mcbridebeaverview01.jpgbrian001.jpgしかも隣のテントサイトにはBMW F800GSがあるじゃないですか!彼はイギリス人のBrian。
これからアラスカのPrudhoe Bayを目指すそうです。Horizon Unlimitedの会合の話をしたら、彼も参加することになりました。道連れができてまた楽しい旅になりそうです!。明日は彼とLake Louiseを目指します。

Day17: 10Aug2010

Smithers to McBride
10,556km to 11,138km = 582km

Today I have to say Good-bye to Murray and town of Simthers.

It is so sad to leave, but the trip goes on.
I got up around 7:30am and put all gears into the panniers.
It's hard to put everything back into the boxes. I need to send back few things to Japan soon.

Murray and I had a cuppa and chat for a while.
As he had to go out at 9:30am, I saw him off instead!
When saying Good-bye, I was nearly crying. I hope we can see again. He hasn't come to Japan, so once I get back there, i should invite him over.

I left Smithers at 10:00am.
The first stop was in  Houston, 65km from Smithers. Fueled up my bike and kept goijng on Route 16 to Prince George.

I wasn't sure which route I should take to Nakusp. I decided to go Jasper and Lake Louise and then go to Nakusp while having lunch at Tim Hortons.

I thought I can have a free camp at a rest area between Price George and McBride. There was a nice rest area (with toilets) on a river side. I was thinking to camp there, but something telling me don't, so I kept going till McBride.

Now I'm camping at Beaver View Campgroud at McBride. It costs CAD21.50 but it's a pretty nice campground. Next to my tent site is Brian, a BMW F800GS rider. He is from UK and headinjg to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.
I thold him about Horizon Unlimited gathering in Nakusp, and he decided to go with me!
Now I have another company to ride! It's gonna be fun. Tomorrow we are heading to Lake Louise, or near there.


Day16: 2010年8月9日

10,536km to 10,556km = 20km




golf.jpgMurrayさんの友達のFred, Lauren, Ellen, Murrayさん、そしてワシの5人でプレー開始!


murrayellengavinkathleen.jpgmurrayandsaburo.jpgEllenがCanadian Tireで大きなクロゼットを買ったので、それをMurrayさんとDaveとワシで車に乗せてEllen家まで運びました。それからEllenの家でディナーをご馳走になりました。

Day16: 09Aug2010

Smithers, BC

I had slow morning today. Surfed on Internet before 10:00am and went for a cuppa in town. Murray and his friends were going for golfing this afternoon, so I joined them.

Fred, Lauren, Ellen, Murray and I, 5 of us played together. 
It was the first time playing golf on a cource. I have tried driving range a couple of times but I never got right hitting balls. I wonder if I would slow them down.

Fred and Lauren gave me good advice, so I guess I wasn't that bad after all.
I didn't know golfing is such fun. I should have played golf in Australia when I had so many chances.

Ellen invited me for dinner at her place. With Murray, Elllen and her son Gavin and his girl friend Kathleen, and Dextor, I had great time there.

Now it is hard for me to leave Smithers. Such wonderful people and wonderful town.
But I have to keep going. It will be fine day tomorrow according to weather forcast.
It will be a good day for restarting my trip. 


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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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