三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day5: 2010年7月29日
朝10時半ごろにC&N Backpackersをチェックアウト。住み心地はよかったんだけど、駐車場が無いからね。
Sky Trainでダウンタウンにいき、バスに乗り換えてJerico Beachのユースホステルへ。
Day5: 29Jul2010
Today I supposed to receive my bike - GS, but due to time constraint, I could only get her through custom.
I checked out from C&N Backpackers this morning, and moved to HI-Vancouver Jerico Beach as it has parking space.
The staff of the shipping company was to pick me up around 2:45pm as the appointment at Custom was 3:30pm. But he came to pick me up around 3:45pm! He said there was a trafic jam....
We managed to get to Custom around 4pm and got the documentation procesed.
Now my bike is almost ready for pick up, but need to join an Autoplan (Insurance) to ride in Canada.
The insurance company, ICBC, office is closed at 4:30pm and it is located in North Vancouver, we gave up going there today.
He will come to pick me up around 8:30am tomorrow and I should be able to pick up my bike in the morning tomorrow.
Day 5 2010年7月28日
パークへはSky TrainでDowntownへ行き、それから19番のバスで行きます。 バスを降りたら先ずはビーバーレイクへ。 横にきれいな小川が流れる小道を行くとビーバーレイクが見えてきます。ビーバーレイクには残念ながらビーバーの姿はありません。一面蓮のような植物が水面を覆っています。鴨やサギのデカイやつとかいました。都会からほんの少し(徒歩圏内です)きたらもうこんな自然があるんですね。やるなーバンクーバー。
次は海岸線を目指して歩きます。Lions Gate Bridgeが見えるところで昼食。朝中華系スーパーのT&Tでかった5ドルのチャーシュー丼。安くてうまくてボリュームあるわで最高ですね、T&T。ちなみに一昨日と昨日の夕食もT&Tで2つ入り3.5ドルで買った中華粽をひとつずつ食べたんですよ。こういうところで節約しないとね。
そうそう、今日は一日乗り放題券9ドルを買いました。Lynn Valley Parkの吊橋(Suspension Bridge)も見たかったので乗り放題券のほうが安くつくんですね。
それからNine Oclock Cannonを見て、バス停に戻ろうと歩いてたら、アザラシが沖の浅瀬に寝転っていました。ちょっと遠くてわかりにくかったんですが、何頭か周りを泳いでいるのが見えました。遠すぎて写真には収められなかったんですがね。
バスでダウンタウンまで出て、Seabusでノース・バンクーバーへ。ロンズデールのバスターミナルから229に乗ってLynn Valleyへ。20分くらいですかね。吊橋はCapilanoが有名なんですが、ボッタクリ値を払わされますし、Lynnの方は多少短いのですが無料です。
バスで来た道を戻ってSeabusでWaterfrontまで。それからSky Trainに乗ってChinatownで降りてT&Tで買い物。また粽を買いました。今度は2つ入りで2.5ドル。今夜と明日の朝食べよう。
明日はJerico Beachのユースホステルに移ります。少し遠いですが駐車場があるので。
Day 4. 28Jul2010
I went to Staley Park and Lynn Valley Park today.
As going to man places and Lynn Valley is lacated in North Vancouver, Zone 2, I bought a Day pass costs CAD9.00.
Stanley Park is lacated East side of Vancouver, 20 mins walk from Downtown.Of course I caught a bus from Downtown as I gotta walk a lot today,
I was interested in seeing Beaver Lake. I'm sure there isn't any beaver left there, but the name attracted me a lot. So once I got off from the bus, I walked straight t the lake. Walking down a wlking track, a clean little creek running beside, I saw Beaver Lake. It is covered by Lotus like plants all over. There were ducks and a big bird (I don't knw the name). It is amazing to see such nature kept just next to a bigcity like Vancouver.
After that, I went to Sea wall. I found a nice spot veiwing Lions Gate Bridge and had lunch there. I bought a Chinese takeaway fom Chinese Supermarket T&T, cost me CAD5.00. Infact, I bought two Chinese sticky rice for CAD3.5 a couple days ago and having each for two nights as dinner. I love T&T!
Then walked to see Totems. There are 7 totems in one spot. I have never seen the real ones. I like Native American design a lot. It is really dinamic, like ancient Japanese and Chinese artifacts. It makes me think there is connection among Pan-Pacific civilizations/cultures (Inca, Maya, Aztec, Taiwan, Japan, China etc).
Then I saw 9 Oclock Cannon and went back to the bus stop. On the way back, I saw a few seals a little far away. One of them was lying on a rock(?) and others were swimming around. As it ws to far, I could not take a photo of them.
Back to Downtown and then caught Seabus to North Vancouver. From Londsdale bus stop, I took 229 bus to Lynn Valley. Here has a suspenson bridge. Capilano is famous for a suspension bridge bt it costs a lot to walk across it. But the one in Lynn is free! It was quite high (40m or so) and pretty long (70m or so), so if you are afraid of height, you shouldn't be there. The view fom the bridge is great. I saw a few young guys were jumping off from a clif to the cleek. It seemed really high up there, so they must hurt a lot to jump into water....
Lynn Valley Park has lots of walking trails,and they all seem nice to walk, but I was too tired to do so.
Went back to the bus stop and back the same way to Londsdale. Then caught Seabus to Waterfront station, then Sky Train back to Chinatown.
Again I bought Chinese Sticky rice, this time CAD2.50 for two, what a bargain!
Tomorrow I'm moving to HI Vancouver- Jerico Beach and receiving my bike. Hopefully the process of receving the bike going smoothly. I hope can see my bike intact without scratch and I can start up the engine without any trouble. Please wish me luck!
Day3 2010年7月27日
領事館の下で係りのおばちゃんに事情を説明するも、領事館では国境でのことはイマイチわからんから空港のCBP(Custom Border Protection)に聞けと。結局ここではわからなかったのですが、結構親切に教えてくれたのでよかったですけどね。
空港まではSky Trainでいけます。これもオリンピックのおかげですね。ゾーン2になるので3.75ドル。ゾーン内は1時間半乗り放題なので安いのかな。25分くらいで空港に到着。CBPに聞いたら、問題なく陸路でアメリカに戻れるとのこと。これで一安心ですな。まぁ、こう聞いていても実際入国するときにまた悶着ありそうな気がしますが。
明日はスタンレーパークに行こうかと思います。木曜日にはここをチェックアウトして駐車場あるJerico Beachのユースホステルに2日滞在します。
Day 3. 27Jul2010
This morning I made a few phone calls. First called a BMW dealer to make sure they have parts I want in stock. Actually I e-mailed them before but got no reply. The guy answered the phone told me that the spare parts guys are not in, so they are gonna e-mail me back with the details. That doesn't sound all right. In Aus, I had similar situations many times and always had to hustle them to get what I needed. The same happening in Canada? Luckily they e-mail me back in the afternoon, though.
Next one was to Consulate General of the USA in Vancouver. I have ESTA and should be Ok to reenter the States, but I wanted to make sure. Phoned the Consulate but got only machine announcement. Anyway it is not far away, I can visit it in the morning.
Third one was to the shipping company. They made an appointment with Custom on Thirsday afternoon. So I am going there with the staff of the shipping company, then join an Autoplan insurance with ICBC North Vancouver office, then pick up the bike. Finally!!
Went to the Consulate and spoke with a lady at the entrance. She said I'd better speak with CBP (Custom Border Protection) at the airport to make sure. So I went to the airport. It costs CAD3.75. You can ride anytime within 1.5hour, so it's cheap.
At the airport, I explained my plan to CBP, and the staff said there should not be a problem to reenter the State.
Then I went to buy a mobile phone with sim unlocked. Rosa recommended me to go there to get a good deal. It was quite far but I got a phone at CAD70 plus tax. They don't sell PP Sim card, so I went to Downtown and bought one at Rogers.
After that I felt so tired. It must be jetlag. Went back to the hostel and wrote a few mails. It was around 4pm and I had a nap till 6:30pm.
Tomorrow I'm gonna go to Stanley Park and North Vancouver.
今日はキューバ革命記念日。Hasta la victoria siempre, Patria o Muerte!
朝起きてバンクーバーに留学しているオーストラリア時代の友達Risaちゃんに電話。昨日つながんなかったんですよね。今日は無事つながり12時に最寄のSky Train駅下のStarBucksで待ち合わせ。
Day2; 26JUL2010
This morning I called my friend Risa, studying in UBC. We made aplan to meet up at nearby Sky Train station at noon. I also called the shipping company, but the staff takng care of my shipping was away to Karlgarie, I have to wait till tomorrow. So no progress with getting my bike on shore.
I got nothing to do till noon, so went to Chinatown to get a brekky. Bought 2 Chinese bread buns.
I found Sun Yet-sun Chinese Garden nearby, and went in. There are two entrances, one costs CAD14, another is free. Not sure how good the paid garden will be, and of course I chose the free enrance.
The garden was ok.
I was litte dizzy (should be jetlag), so went back to the backpacker and took a rest till noon.
Met up with Risa at noon and went to Broadway for shopping. Oh before then we had lunch at Mexican takeaway. The burito was very good.
I bought a gasoline stove, multipurpose knife, and anti-mozzy net at an outdoor shop.
Then went to see amobile phones in Downtown. I wanna have a phone with unlocked sim, so I can use it around the world. Most of the shops do ot sell the unlocked one. Finally we found the unlocked phonebut it costs twice as much. I gotta think which one to take. I think I can buy a cheap one in Mexco, but it is convenien to have it now. Will decide that before I leave Vancouver.
After that we went to Canada Place to see the hourbour. Here you can see the Olympic tourch.
Went thrugh Gastown, the old part of Vancouver, and had Yum fries as afternoon snack.
She also took me to a drug store and supermarket to check out the prices and buy a few things. Now I can go around Vancouver very easilyby myself. Thank you, Risa!
The weather in Vancouver is just like a fine spring day in Sydney. Not too hot and dry.
So far here is a nice pace to stay.
Tomrrow I have to call the shiping company first thing in the morning to start the process to get the bike going trough custom. Hopefully everything go smoothly.
Day 1 25-Jul-2010
This morning I left my place at 11:30am. Mum, Dad and my cousin Shun and his daughter Haruka came to seeme off at the airport.
We arrived at the airport 2 hours before the depature, it seemed everything would go smoothly... But at the check-in, a big problem happened. The lady at the check-in told me that if I don't have a return flight or any outgoing flight from the U.S., I cannot enter the U.S.! We spent an hour to get the best option, and I purchased a flight back from the U.S. to Japan. It costs me US$1,250...
We had no time to have lunch together, so I proceeded to the custom.
Said Good-bye to my mum nearly made me cry.
Flights to Korea and Seattle were smooth. They were crowded but I had a nice sleep.
Arrived at the Seattle airport around 1:00pm. Going through the custom was very quick and easy.
Took a while to find the bus to Vancouver but managed to get on 2:00pm bus. It took 2 1/2 hours to the border. Everyone on the bus got off there and went through Custom checks. I was asked if I have a return ticket home here. I explained my plan - motorcycle trip around the world - and no problem to get through Canadian custom.
From the border to Vancouver, it took around an hour. The bus driver took me to the railway station nearby where I stay. So it was very easy trip after all. I have two room mate in my dorm. Two Canadian, Edward and TJ. They are from other States, though. Now it's 9:00pm here in Vancouver. I will take shower and have early sleep.