
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 4 6月28日(月)






その後Kenがお仕事の打ち合わせで人と会うのでStarbucksで一休みして師大夜市に繰り出しました。ここは数ある台北の夜市の中でも人気があるところ。師範大学のそばということもあり若者で賑わっていますし、値段も安い。ホルモンなどを煮た「滷味 (ルーウェイ) 」を食べ、なんか新しい物を探していたら「大腸包小腸」の看板がワシの目を惹きました。「一体大腸包小腸って???」とKenに言ったら「お前台湾に4回も来ているのに食べたこと無いのか?」と呆れられてしまいました。そんじゃ、いっちょう食べてみるか、ということで。白っぽい「大腸」とソーセージの「小腸」がグリルされています。「大腸」を真ん中から裂き、野菜などの具財を裂け目に盛って「小腸」をその上に乗せて挟みます。見た目は「ホットドッグ」です。「大腸」は大腸でもち米を包んだもので、見た目はホットドッグで味はライスバーガーです。なかなか美味いですね。見た目はそんなに大きくないですが、腹にたまります。日本でも流行らないかなぁ、大腸包小腸。ネーミングがとっても好きです。



Day 4: 6/28 Monday

Today I spent a day with Ken.
It was realy hot outside, so we gave up walking around the city and got around by his car.
First, we went to Chaing Kai-shek Memorial Hall, which is erected in a memory of Chiang Kai-shek, formaer President of the Repubic of China (ROC).  
It is popular for the changing of the armed guards every hour. I saw this at my last visit here.
The hall has a museun documenting Chiang Kai-shek's life and career and exhibits related to Taiwan's history and development. We spent our morning there.
It is very interesting to see photos and memorabilias of Chiang Kai-shek. If you study a little bit before visiting here, you can really enjoy seeing those. The main attractions of the museum is 2 Cadillac used by the late President. There are lots of controversies on what he did during is presidency, so I guess people in Taiwan have mixed feeling toward the late President. The former President Chen Shui-bian actually changed the hall's name to "National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall" in 2007, but soon the name was changed back to the original.

We parked the car at the underground parking of the hall, but we got to walk acros the square under the heat. So we were walking really fast. It was a mistake!
When we were walking the square, our university friend Fiona was actually there. She is from Hong Kong and we did not know she was visiting Taiwan. She saw us but she was not sure if those guys were us. I was wearing sunnies and she thought Ken looked too youn for his age, and we were walking too fast. So she could not say "Hi" to us. We came so close to see each other but we missed the chance.... Sorry Fiona.

I had a plate of pork chop rice, this is off cource one of the signature dishes in Taiwan.

After lunch we went to a book store and Starbucks cafe to cool down. Then headed to Shida Night Market. This night market is locateed nearby National Taiwan Normal University, so the market is packed with students and young people. We had "Mixed noodle". Intestines and other internal organs , vegitables and noodle are cooked with special ru-wei souce. This is very popular in Taiwan and people are queuing to get this dish. I like this dish but it has a strong flavour, so some people might not like it.

Another one I had was tōa-tag pau sió-tag (大腸包小腸) – small intestine (sausage) wrapped in big intestine (sausage) . According to Wikipedia, "A Taiwanese snack, common in night market. A grilled Taiwanese sweet pork sausage wrapped in a grilled salty sticky rice sausage. Usually wrapped with garlic and basil. Customer can also choose the flavor they want, such as black pepper, garlic, chili, butter, and chocolate. "
Now you have some idea of this snack!? I had black pepper flavour and was really nice. It is jut like a hot dog, but taste like a "rice burger". The naming is so wired in Japanese sense, but I think it can be popular in Japan.

Ken was planning to feed me more in the market, but we were really full after the sausage.... So he took me to an ice cream shop where he bhad brought me 5 years ago. He thought we got to walk a while to get to the shop from the night market, we have some space for a bowl of mango ice cream. Please see the photo above, a bowl of ice cream.... it is huge...., we had each bowl... What were you thinking, Ken??? But surprisingly we could eat them up! The photo below is me eating the same ice cream 5 years ago. Mangos in Taiwan are very cheap and good. Once I go back to Japan, I have no chance to eat mango at all (very expensive), so I was really satisfied with the taste and volume of the mango ice cream.mangoicecream2005.JPG 
I spent really great time with Ken. We talked about life, politics, economics, rubbish, and shit,  I felt like we were back to old days.
I really appliciate to have friend like Ken. I will see you in three years time.


Day 3 6月27日(日)

昨日は朝から晩まで食べていたわけですけども、本日は旧友Kenと奥さんのLeslie、そして去年生まれたKen Jr.と台湾北東部の宜蘭にいきました。









lesliekenjr.JPGpeteranyujames.JPG夜はKen夫妻、Paul, Joanna, Peter, Anyu, JamesとChirstineの3兄夫妻と台湾郷土料理やで夕食。みんなとこうして集まれるのも3年後世界一周が終わったあとですね。



Day 3 6/27 Sun

Ken and his wife Leslie and Ken Jr. took me to Yilan, located Norheast Coast of Taiwan, around 30 mins drive from Taipei on Sunday. This is a very popular day trip distination among Taipei siders especially after the recent complition of the freeway. The freeway is connected with a number of long tunnels, one of them is around 15km long.
We stuck in a trafic jam but it waas quite smooth trip to Yilan. But once we got off the car, it was SO HOT!!! We went straight to an ice cream shop. Taiwan offers lots of unique flavours. I had Taro, Yam and Purple rice flavours. They were really good. I rekon Taiwanese ice creams are not creamy as Australian ones but have stronger flavours (means moreTaro and Yum are inside). After eating ice creams, we had Yilan's famous shallot pancakes. Again I was eating a lot from the morning (I had breakfast before picked up by Ken). Then we drove for a while and went into a restaurant named "Amimoto", which means in Japanese "a leader of fisherman village". Ken was a little anxious if this restaurant serves only Japanese cuisine as I just came from Japan. But it was so hot outside, we wanted to eat in an ACed environment and it looked like this is the only restaurant with the AC in the area. Otherwise, we could have enjoyed those stalls outside. Luckily the restaurant serves Taiwanese and Japanese conbined cuisine.

We had flying fish roe salad and assorted sashimi as the starters, then boiled lobsters, shark fin soup, abalone steamed sticky rice, boild balmain bug look-a-like crab, grilled fish, and so on. I liked shark fin soup and sticky rice a lot. I was a little strange feeling to have sashimi in Taiwan, but as Taiwanese have good understanding of Japanese culture, they do present Japanese stuffs very well. 

Then we drove the coast line to Jiufen, the very popular tourist destination of Northern Taiwan as its traditional appearance is preserved very well till today. I came here in 1998 and remember I had a bowl of traditional sweets here. It was very good I remember, and of course Ken took me to have the sweets! While having the sweets, the rain started to fall really hard. So we decided to head back to Taipei. 

Back to Taipei, we had dinner with Paul, Joanna, Dustin, Peter , Anyu, James and Christine at a Taiwanese restaurant. Next time I can see them all like this will be 3 years later after the world trip. 

After the dinner, I was invited to Paul's place. I could see his mum again, she can speak Japanese very well and she has been so good to me since I saw her the first time 2 years ago at Peter's wedding. She gave me a good luck charm for my world trip. To let me safely come back, the charm  will make "evil' away from me. Thank you so much! 

The prime aim of my visit in Taiwan this time is to see my old friends, so I was so happy to see my friends spared time even though they were really busy.
Next day, Ken took one day leave for me. Yes, just Ken and I, men's talk like when we were living together in Westmead Sydney 10 years ago.






hakkabanquet.JPG昼飯は客家料理です。ここら辺は客家の方々が多いそうで客家料理が名物だとか。久しぶりに「本格中華」を堪能しました。シドニーでも本場中華の味は手軽に味わえるのですが、やはり中華は大人数で回転テーブルにいろんな料理を載せて食べるのがいいですね。しかもどれも美味しい!Viva Taiwan!







Day 2
6/26 Sat

Today my friend James and his girl friend Christine will take me to Mountain Hike. What interesting about this hike is that I am actually joining Christine's big family / relatives gathering. I am not sure how many people will be there, but according to them there should be more than 20. Wow that's a lot. 

They came to pick me up at Zhongxiao Tonghua station in the morning and heading to Shinju city where we meet up with others. James baught us Taiwanese break fast: Taiwanese style pancake and radish cake. They are a little heavy for breakfast but tast really good. Of course we had a coup soy milk each, this is the Taiwanese favourite for breakfast.

We drove around 1 hour to Shinju's IT industrial area, where uncle was attending the shareholders meeting. While he was in the meeting, we went to a beer factory nearby. We just visited the shop only as we do not have much time there. At the shop, they offer free beer and tea tasting. They sell the range of beer. Chinese white liqour and souveniers. As I cannot drink any alchole, I had a cup of tea but enjoyed there by looking around the stuffs in the shop.

We went back to the factory to pick up uncle. The meeting was held just for 10mins! Not sure why but I saw there are lots of lime trees in the factory and he got a bag full of limes. I wonder if the limes are dividend for the shareholders???

Anyway we headed to Shinju city and meeting the rest of the party member in a Hakkanese restaurant. Here in Shinju area, there are lots of Hakkanese reside, so Hakkanese cuisine is very popular. 3 large round tables were reserved for our party, the total of 29 people, including myself, were on the tables! I asked Christine if it was the special occasion, but she said no, it was just a normal weekend day out for her relatives. There were her uncles, anties, cousines and cousines childrens. Taiwanese do value their family and the bond of family member is far stronger than that of Japanese. I kinda envy Taiwanese family relation as in Japan even in a nuclear family the bond is often broken. 

The meal was great. I haven't had this kind of Chinese banquet for a long time. On the round table, many dishes were served and we shared them together. Many of them could speak good English, so could get to know them, especially her cousine Kwun. Kwun is working in Shanghai at the moment but he resides in San Diego, U.S., so if the timing is right, I will visit him in San Diego. He was also thinking about the world trip very seriously before, so I was so glad to get to know him. 

After the lunch, we headed to Lions Head Mountain around 1 hour drive from Shinju city. I saw a few big motorcycles on the widing road. Until recent year, motorcycles larger than 125cc were prohibited in Taiwan, but after the lift Taiwanese bike enthusiasts are enjoying big bikes. I am really happy to see more people having fun on the bikes! As Taiwan is mountainous place, so riding bikes would be really fun. But it rains really a lot....

Finaly we started the mountain hike. The hiking trail is around 1km, so it should be a piece of cake. But it was so hot, hot hot and humid!!! Climbing up the stairs was quite painful, Sweating like in hell and my body was so sticky! Though I enjoyed the scenery and vegetation of the mountain. As here is Tropic, the green is so deep, much deeper than that of Japan. From far, the mountain lines are similar to those of Japan, but the "thickness" of vegitation is by far greener in Taiwan.

After the hike, we refreshed ourselves with icy cold drinks and ice candy bar!

odou01.JPGodou02.JPGThen, we went to Taoism temple aged more than 100 years. The decoration of the buildings are amazing. The colours are so bright. What made me interested was in the temple not only Chinese deities but Budha and Indian deities are worshiped together. I could kinda see why Taiwanese are so advanced but at the same time keeping traditions buy seeing those deities are sitting together in one temple.
rooster.JPG5chics.JPGOh, we saw a rooster (or chiken?) and 5 chicks in the car park of the temple. I am not sure if this is just a coincidence, but in Japanese Shintoism Shrines, we oftem see large colourful roosters.

After hat we went back to Shinju city to have supper at the night market. Yes, if you are in taiwan, you have to visit night markets, where varieties of foods you can taste! We had noodles, rice dishes, tofu dishes, soup, pan cakes, I don't remember how much I ate that night. I saw a stall with current President Mr. Ma's photo. Wow, he actuially came here and ate same stuffs as I do. nightmarketshinju02.JPGEveryone enjoyed foods and atmosphere of night markets. So night markets are, I would say, the signature of Taiwan. Viva night markets!

I really enjoyed the day. Thank you, James, Christine and family!




Day 1 (6/25 Fri)



Day 1

I came back to Japan after 5 days trip in Taiwan. It was really wonderful trip as always (this was my 4th visit in Taiwan)! Eating lots of great foods and snacks, seeing old friends and meeting people.
Everything is so good there, but the weather was terrible: hot and humid!

It's 3 hours flight from Tokyo to Taipei. Taipei International Airport is located in Tauyuan and it takes around 50mins by the airport bus to Taipei city (NT$125). Generally fare of public transport in Taiwan is really cheap comparing to its of Australia and Japan. The subway system (MRT) is so good in Taipei. It is cheap (NT$20 for 4-5 stations), fast, clean, and frequent. Now the new line from the city to the airport is under construction. So in few years time, access to the airport will be much improved.

As I had only NT$300 on hand, I exchanged 20,000Yen to around NT$7,000 at the airport.
The airport bus departs every 15-20mins, so I did not wait too long . On the freeway, I can see a number of  Mercedes, BMW and Lexus but at the same time, see old Toyota and Nissan. This mixture made me feel "Now I am in Taiwan". 

The place I stayed was "Taipei Guesthouse Jo" owned by Japanese and Taiwanese couple. It costs NT$300 a night (dorm) and NT$100 discount if staying for more than 4 nights.
The location is great, just 5 mins walk from Taipei station. I was expecting to see lots of backpackers there, but unfortunately I was the only guest....

Anyway, I was to see my old friend Ken at Zhongxiao Donghua station 8:00pm, so caught a subway there and had small bowl of Chinese noodle before seeing him.
It's been 5 years or so, but Ken has not changed much. It's really great to see old friend!
We went to another old friend Paul's place, and with his brothers Peter and James we chat about our life and so on. I was so glad that everyone is doing well.

Next day James is going to take me to a mountain hike. It seems like I am joining a party of his girl friend's Chiristine's family. As she has a big family, 20 or more people will be there! That's gonna be fun!



I'm going to Taiwan from tomorrow for 5 days, seeing my old friends in Taiwan before I go to the world trip.  
Taiwan has wonderful foods, snacks, drinks and hospitality, so I will be bigger....
If I have time, I try to update diaries in Taiwan. If not, I will write about the trip after I come back to Japan (will return to Japan on 30th June).


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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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