三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 791: 2012年9月26日
Frankfurt to Munich - Germany (On a bus to Vienna, Austria)
I got up before 6:30am to get ready as my bus to Munich was to leave at 7:30am.
朝飯は7時からなので急いで食べて、バス・ターミナルに急行! 生憎トシさんは起きて来ませんでしたが・・・。まぁ、一時帰国したときにトシさんとは会えるので、いいでしょう。
Breakfast was served from 7am, so I quickly ate some sandwitches and walked to the bus stop. Unfortunately Toshi did not get up to see me off... Well, once I am back to Japan next month, we can catch up easily.
「一時帰国」?? はい、そうなんです、これからミュンヘン、そしてウィーンに行き、ウィーンからイスタンブール、しばらくトルコ国内やエジプトを観光して10月半ばから末当辺りに一時帰国するつもりなんです。
Yes, I am going back to Japan temporarily. I will go to Munich, and catching another bus to Vienna, then flying to Istanbul. I will look around Turkey and Egypt, and then flying back to Japan in the middleor the end of October.
The purposes of going back to Japan temporarily are:
1. Renewing my passport
2. Getting a Russia visa
3. Renewing Carnet du passage
Also I would like to go back to Australia to renew my ATM card and credit card.
So I am looking forward seeing many friends while I am back in Japan and Australia.
The bus to Munich was again by Deinbus. But it cost me 24 Euros instead of 9 Euros... I reckoned it was because of Oktoberfest, but more than half of the bus was empty... I slept al the way to Munich. It arrived Munich at 1:30pm, on time.
What would I do until 11pm...?
I walked to Hauptbahnhof - Central Station. There were many locals in traditional costumes and tonnes of tourists from all over the world to join Oktoberfest.
In Munich, te weather was better and I was thinking to visit Oktoberfest venue. But with the backpack, it would be hard to walk around such crowded place. So I skipped Oktoerfest!
Now I am writing a diary at a cafe with WiFi. My bus to Vienna is due at 11pm, I have to kill the time...
皆さんには過去の日記を読んでいただきましょう! 「西へ 2010 / Go West! (West Japan)」です。
Well, as I have nothing much toreport today, I will post another entry from the past 「Panama」. You can check out how I cross "Darien Gap" between Panama and Colombia.
☆★☆★☆★☆★ ここからはウィーン国際空港で書いています ☆★☆★☆★☆★
I had access to WiFi only for 3 hours, so I went to the bus terminal to wait... It was 7:30pm still...

I waited fora long time and finally the bus came around 11:10pm. It was almost full.
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Frankfurt to Munich - Germany (On a bus to Vienna, Austria)
I got up before 6:30am to get ready as my bus to Munich was to leave at 7:30am.
朝飯は7時からなので急いで食べて、バス・ターミナルに急行! 生憎トシさんは起きて来ませんでしたが・・・。まぁ、一時帰国したときにトシさんとは会えるので、いいでしょう。
Breakfast was served from 7am, so I quickly ate some sandwitches and walked to the bus stop. Unfortunately Toshi did not get up to see me off... Well, once I am back to Japan next month, we can catch up easily.
「一時帰国」?? はい、そうなんです、これからミュンヘン、そしてウィーンに行き、ウィーンからイスタンブール、しばらくトルコ国内やエジプトを観光して10月半ばから末当辺りに一時帰国するつもりなんです。
Yes, I am going back to Japan temporarily. I will go to Munich, and catching another bus to Vienna, then flying to Istanbul. I will look around Turkey and Egypt, and then flying back to Japan in the middleor the end of October.
The purposes of going back to Japan temporarily are:
1. Renewing my passport
2. Getting a Russia visa
3. Renewing Carnet du passage
Also I would like to go back to Australia to renew my ATM card and credit card.
So I am looking forward seeing many friends while I am back in Japan and Australia.
The bus to Munich was again by Deinbus. But it cost me 24 Euros instead of 9 Euros... I reckoned it was because of Oktoberfest, but more than half of the bus was empty... I slept al the way to Munich. It arrived Munich at 1:30pm, on time.
What would I do until 11pm...?
I walked to Hauptbahnhof - Central Station. There were many locals in traditional costumes and tonnes of tourists from all over the world to join Oktoberfest.
In Munich, te weather was better and I was thinking to visit Oktoberfest venue. But with the backpack, it would be hard to walk around such crowded place. So I skipped Oktoerfest!
Now I am writing a diary at a cafe with WiFi. My bus to Vienna is due at 11pm, I have to kill the time...
皆さんには過去の日記を読んでいただきましょう! 「西へ 2010 / Go West! (West Japan)」です。
Well, as I have nothing much toreport today, I will post another entry from the past 「Panama」. You can check out how I cross "Darien Gap" between Panama and Colombia.
☆★☆★☆★☆★ ここからはウィーン国際空港で書いています ☆★☆★☆★☆★
I had access to WiFi only for 3 hours, so I went to the bus terminal to wait... It was 7:30pm still...
I waited fora long time and finally the bus came around 11:10pm. It was almost full.
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 790: 2012年9月25日
Frankfurt - Germany (Frankfurt Hostel)
I had a conference with Toshi whole day. There were many topics we covered but I cannot disclose what we talked so far, so I got nothing to write about!!
So, please have a look at the begining of my trip.
先ずは記念すべき「羊とめぐる冒険」記事第一弾の「2009年Cape York Challenge その1」をどうぞ!!!
その他の記事を読みたい方は、画面の右側にある「Catergory カテゴリー」からお好きなトピック・国を選択してみてください。
Please have a look at the episode when I finally reached to the end of South America "Ushuaia". 「Fin del Mundo, Ushuaia!!!」 (please scroll down the page to find English contents).
If you would like to read other entroes, please select a topic / country fron "Category" at the right hand side of the page.
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Frankfurt - Germany (Frankfurt Hostel)
I had a conference with Toshi whole day. There were many topics we covered but I cannot disclose what we talked so far, so I got nothing to write about!!
So, please have a look at the begining of my trip.
先ずは記念すべき「羊とめぐる冒険」記事第一弾の「2009年Cape York Challenge その1」をどうぞ!!!
その他の記事を読みたい方は、画面の右側にある「Catergory カテゴリー」からお好きなトピック・国を選択してみてください。
Please have a look at the episode when I finally reached to the end of South America "Ushuaia". 「Fin del Mundo, Ushuaia!!!」 (please scroll down the page to find English contents).
If you would like to read other entroes, please select a topic / country fron "Category" at the right hand side of the page.
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 789: 2012年9月24日
Bornheim to Frankfurt - Germany (Frankfurt Hostel)
Friedel gave me a life with His Chevolet Camaro to Frankfurt this morning. Before we left, I went to se Esperanza and had a moment with her. We will be apart of 5months or so but from next spring, across Eurasia continent will start! Till then, my partner, be good!!!

It was really cold before sunrise. Sira was very energetic though.

で、今日はフレッドの愛車シボレー・カマロでフランクフルトまで送ってもらえることに!! なんと600馬力以上!!!
HIs Camaro has more than 600hps!!!

ドイツの高速道路「アウトバーン(Autobahn)」は無料ですし、速度制限がない区間もあるんです。流石車生産大国のドイツですね。カマロの加速力、これはもすさまじい!! 今朝の最高速度は230キロでした。
Autobahn has no speed limit section, and Friedel showed me the acceralation of Camaro!! It was amazing. The top speed of this morning was 230km/h. Of course, it can go much faster.
It started to rain hard before Frankfurt. It was raining last time when I got here. I don't know why it is always raning...
9時過ぎにはフランクフルトに到着。フレッド本当にありがとう!!! また来年の春に再会だね。それまで元気で!!!
We got to Frankfurt just after 9am. Thank you so so much Fridel!!! I will come back next spring!!!

早速前回も泊まった宿「Frankfurt Hostel」にチェックイン。
I checked-in at "Frankfurt Hostel" where I stayed last time.
You might wonder why I came back to Frankfurt where has no much to see. Well, I am going to catch up with my friend here.
He is Toshi who I met in Medellin, Colombia. It's been more 1 year and half, but we have been contacting with mails and Facebook quite often. We are planing to talk about what I would actually do once I return to Japan.
Toshi arrived from Iev, Ukraine. We have discussed so many things before but it would be much better to talk directly face to face.
After lunch, we started to talk and talk till late in the evening... Well, the contents of our discussion cannot be discosed at this stage.
We will have 1 more day to have discussions. We have to cover so many topics.
告知: もしかしたら、イスタンブールに到着するまで2日ほどブログの更新が無いかもしれません。
I might not be able to update the blog for a few days until I get to Istanbul, Turkey.
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Bornheim to Frankfurt - Germany (Frankfurt Hostel)
Friedel gave me a life with His Chevolet Camaro to Frankfurt this morning. Before we left, I went to se Esperanza and had a moment with her. We will be apart of 5months or so but from next spring, across Eurasia continent will start! Till then, my partner, be good!!!
It was really cold before sunrise. Sira was very energetic though.
で、今日はフレッドの愛車シボレー・カマロでフランクフルトまで送ってもらえることに!! なんと600馬力以上!!!
HIs Camaro has more than 600hps!!!
ドイツの高速道路「アウトバーン(Autobahn)」は無料ですし、速度制限がない区間もあるんです。流石車生産大国のドイツですね。カマロの加速力、これはもすさまじい!! 今朝の最高速度は230キロでした。
Autobahn has no speed limit section, and Friedel showed me the acceralation of Camaro!! It was amazing. The top speed of this morning was 230km/h. Of course, it can go much faster.
It started to rain hard before Frankfurt. It was raining last time when I got here. I don't know why it is always raning...
9時過ぎにはフランクフルトに到着。フレッド本当にありがとう!!! また来年の春に再会だね。それまで元気で!!!
We got to Frankfurt just after 9am. Thank you so so much Fridel!!! I will come back next spring!!!
早速前回も泊まった宿「Frankfurt Hostel」にチェックイン。
I checked-in at "Frankfurt Hostel" where I stayed last time.
You might wonder why I came back to Frankfurt where has no much to see. Well, I am going to catch up with my friend here.
He is Toshi who I met in Medellin, Colombia. It's been more 1 year and half, but we have been contacting with mails and Facebook quite often. We are planing to talk about what I would actually do once I return to Japan.
Toshi arrived from Iev, Ukraine. We have discussed so many things before but it would be much better to talk directly face to face.
After lunch, we started to talk and talk till late in the evening... Well, the contents of our discussion cannot be discosed at this stage.
We will have 1 more day to have discussions. We have to cover so many topics.
告知: もしかしたら、イスタンブールに到着するまで2日ほどブログの更新が無いかもしれません。
I might not be able to update the blog for a few days until I get to Istanbul, Turkey.
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 788: 2012年9月23日
Bornheim - Germany (Das Haus von Friedel)
I went out to Cologne last evening with Friedel and his mates.
Saturday night in Cologne was really busy.

We had some snacks first before heading to a bar.

We went into Einstein Bar. The member were Friedel (taking the photo), Heinz (1), Heinz (2), me, WIllfried, and Arnold. TWe are eam Bornheim.

The small bar was packed with crowd of people.Those waiters had to bring drinks through the crowd, so their treys had a clever design. The treys have holders to put glasses securely. Also underneath of the treys have a grip, so the waiters could carry them through the crowd without dropping / spilting.
Beer is served in a small glass in Cologne. Unlike in Bayern, to have many of cold beer in a small glass is Colognian style!

何杯くらい飲みましたかねぇ。1時間半の間にみんな10杯は飲んだんじゃないかな? ワシもコーラ・ライトをこれでもか、ってくらい飲みましたからね。何回トイレに行ったことか。
I wonder how many glasses each of them had... Maybe 10 glasses each... I also had many glasses of Cola Lght and needed to go to toilet many times.
Then, we went to "Tanzbar (DanceBar)". There were many from young to old people enjoying dancng. It was nice to see all generations having one at one place!
Team Bornheim ordered 10Ltr of beer in a barrel. They kept drnking!! No worries, mates! I am gonna drive you guys home safely!!
We had fun there until 3am!! Just like that!!!

Well, I might look drank, but I wasn't. I did not drink any drop of alchole.
When we came outside, some youngs wer fighting in the plaza! Police quickly came in and arrested them!! I wanted to take a photo, but the battery was flat...
Now all member of eam Bornheim were pretty much done. We had some snacks and went to the car park.
I was very sleepy but managed to send all home safely!
I went to slep around 6:30am...
So I got up just before noon today. Friedel woke up at 9am and went to work!! You are very tough man, Fridel!!
I was paking and sorting out of luggages to be stored here during this winter.
In the evening, I went to have diner at a Mediterrenian Restaurant withFridel, Willfried and his fmily.

The Mediterrenian mixed grills!! I had too much!!!

Tomorrow morning, Fridel will give me a ride to Frankfurt! Thanks mi amigo!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Bornheim - Germany (Das Haus von Friedel)
I went out to Cologne last evening with Friedel and his mates.
Saturday night in Cologne was really busy.
We had some snacks first before heading to a bar.
We went into Einstein Bar. The member were Friedel (taking the photo), Heinz (1), Heinz (2), me, WIllfried, and Arnold. TWe are eam Bornheim.
The small bar was packed with crowd of people.Those waiters had to bring drinks through the crowd, so their treys had a clever design. The treys have holders to put glasses securely. Also underneath of the treys have a grip, so the waiters could carry them through the crowd without dropping / spilting.
Beer is served in a small glass in Cologne. Unlike in Bayern, to have many of cold beer in a small glass is Colognian style!
何杯くらい飲みましたかねぇ。1時間半の間にみんな10杯は飲んだんじゃないかな? ワシもコーラ・ライトをこれでもか、ってくらい飲みましたからね。何回トイレに行ったことか。
I wonder how many glasses each of them had... Maybe 10 glasses each... I also had many glasses of Cola Lght and needed to go to toilet many times.
Then, we went to "Tanzbar (DanceBar)". There were many from young to old people enjoying dancng. It was nice to see all generations having one at one place!
Team Bornheim ordered 10Ltr of beer in a barrel. They kept drnking!! No worries, mates! I am gonna drive you guys home safely!!
We had fun there until 3am!! Just like that!!!
Well, I might look drank, but I wasn't. I did not drink any drop of alchole.
When we came outside, some youngs wer fighting in the plaza! Police quickly came in and arrested them!! I wanted to take a photo, but the battery was flat...
Now all member of eam Bornheim were pretty much done. We had some snacks and went to the car park.
I was very sleepy but managed to send all home safely!
I went to slep around 6:30am...
So I got up just before noon today. Friedel woke up at 9am and went to work!! You are very tough man, Fridel!!
I was paking and sorting out of luggages to be stored here during this winter.
In the evening, I went to have diner at a Mediterrenian Restaurant withFridel, Willfried and his fmily.
The Mediterrenian mixed grills!! I had too much!!!
Tomorrow morning, Fridel will give me a ride to Frankfurt! Thanks mi amigo!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 787: 2012年9月22日
Bornheim - Germany (Das Haus von Friedel)
It got really cold last night. It's late September already. Here is N50°. Well autumn has arrived already.
I woke up but I did not want get out from the bed as it was really cold. No wonder, it was raining... Lunckily I arrrived here yesterday when the weather was better.
We, Fridel, Maike, Sira and I, went to Friedel's mum's place to have breakfast.
His mum and her dog Trixy welcame me!! They are always nice to me.
Trixy was very energetic as usual!!

We had breakfast and chatting till noon. I had mitt sandwitch (row pork mince sandwitch) in Cologne last time, but I was surprised to see it was serviced at home!! I did not think that German eat raw meat at all. It seems to be very popular here (I saw it was sold at Darmstadt station anda guy in front of me bought one).

Before we went home, I asked to make a stop at a supermarket. I bought Vaseline and Chlorine. You might wonder what I would do with Vaseline and Chlorine?
I use Chlorine to clean my Camelback and I use Vaseline for...
applying on Esperanza!!
Well, it will act as an unti-rust agent.
Back home, I washed Esperanza.

そしてワセリンを塗り塗り。フレームのこの部分はペンキにひびが入ってるんです。何かの負荷がかかって、フレームがたわむのでしょうか? ちょっと錆が浮いているので、ワセリンを塗り塗り。
Then I applied Vaseline where could be rusted during the storage. I found some cracks of paint on the frame. I wondered how it happened? I guessed the right pannier was too heavy and too much stress was on the frame.

I also applied Vaseline on the pannier frame and screwheads.
Then I took off the battery from Esperanza and she was ready for hibernation!

As Friedel's garage would be full in the winter (storing his Ducati and Camaro), so I put Esperanza under the eaves of his hut.

I will see you next March, Esperanza. Till then be good!!

It's saturday. So I will go out with Friedel and his friends to Cologne. Well, as I would not drink, I am the designated driver.
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Bornheim - Germany (Das Haus von Friedel)
It got really cold last night. It's late September already. Here is N50°. Well autumn has arrived already.
I woke up but I did not want get out from the bed as it was really cold. No wonder, it was raining... Lunckily I arrrived here yesterday when the weather was better.
We, Fridel, Maike, Sira and I, went to Friedel's mum's place to have breakfast.
His mum and her dog Trixy welcame me!! They are always nice to me.
Trixy was very energetic as usual!!
We had breakfast and chatting till noon. I had mitt sandwitch (row pork mince sandwitch) in Cologne last time, but I was surprised to see it was serviced at home!! I did not think that German eat raw meat at all. It seems to be very popular here (I saw it was sold at Darmstadt station anda guy in front of me bought one).
Before we went home, I asked to make a stop at a supermarket. I bought Vaseline and Chlorine. You might wonder what I would do with Vaseline and Chlorine?
I use Chlorine to clean my Camelback and I use Vaseline for...
applying on Esperanza!!
Well, it will act as an unti-rust agent.
Back home, I washed Esperanza.
そしてワセリンを塗り塗り。フレームのこの部分はペンキにひびが入ってるんです。何かの負荷がかかって、フレームがたわむのでしょうか? ちょっと錆が浮いているので、ワセリンを塗り塗り。
Then I applied Vaseline where could be rusted during the storage. I found some cracks of paint on the frame. I wondered how it happened? I guessed the right pannier was too heavy and too much stress was on the frame.
I also applied Vaseline on the pannier frame and screwheads.
Then I took off the battery from Esperanza and she was ready for hibernation!
As Friedel's garage would be full in the winter (storing his Ducati and Camaro), so I put Esperanza under the eaves of his hut.
I will see you next March, Esperanza. Till then be good!!
It's saturday. So I will go out with Friedel and his friends to Cologne. Well, as I would not drink, I am the designated driver.
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************