三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 762: 2012年8月27日
Krakow - Poland to Vysoke Tatry (Central apartmany)
81,160km to 81,316km = 156km
Paul left the hostel early. He is going to Czech and will ride for 160km today! Wow.
Seeing him leaving through the gate and disappearing, I sent a good-bye to his back and a wish of his good / safe trip back to UK. His blog is here.
Last night I was talking to Gina from Colombia till 2pm, so I did not have enough sleep... I wanted to getback to sleep, but I stayed wake and had brakfast with Masa and Jeff.
Jeff - from the States - has been travelling for 2 years as well. He has sited 44 countries so far. The period of travelling and the number of countries visited are very similar to me! But he said he does not count countries he just spent 2-3days. So actually he has visited more than 44 countries.
And he said Japan is the best country he visited so far. Franco - the Swiss Motorcyclist travelled around thhe world - said to me that he had really great time in Japan. Those other travellers I met who had been Japan told me the same. Jeff said "In the States, there is a saying - A person can make a traveller love or hate the country." I am very pleased that so many travellers had great time in my country. I really thank those fellow Japanese who provided such possitive impressions! Good job, well-done Japan!
マサ君は今日からウクライナに移動して月末にチェルノブイリを訪ね計画を立てたんですけど、観光局の方から「チェルノブイリには最短で9月10日じゃないと入れない。」との連絡を受け、急遽予定変更。スロヴァキア、ハンガリー、ルーマニア、モルドヴァと抜けてウクライナ入り。なので、明日の朝、ワシを訪ねてヴィソケ・タトラ(Vysoke Tatry)に来ることになったんです。
Masa was planning to go to Ukraine today and to visit Chernobyl on 30th of Aug. But he received a reply from a travel agency that, the earliest tour he could join would be 0th of Sep. So he was wondering what he could do before 10th. Then he desided o go to Slovakia, Hungary, ROmania, Moldova and thenUkraine. So he will catch up with me in Vysoke Tatry, Slovakia tomorrow.
クラカウの南から、多少標高は上がり始め、山々が目の前に。80キロくらい走るとスロヴァキアとの国境。44カ国目、スロヴァキアに入国!! スロヴァキアの通過はユーロ。なんだかユーロ圏に戻ってくると、不思議に「帰ってきた」感が湧いきます。何故なんだろ?


3時過ぎに目的の「Central apartmany」に到着。ここはオーストラリアでの友人ヴラジミールの家族経営しているホテルなんです。ワシがヨーロッパにいるのをFacebookで知って、わざわざ連絡してくれたんです。いや、友達って本当にありがたいですね。ホテルの前面にはスロヴァキア最高峰が見えます。




44カ国目スロヴァキア。ヴィソケ・タトラ(Vysoke Tatry)ここは山岳トレッキングで人気の観光地。明日はマサ君と合流し山歩きを楽しみたいと思います。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Krakow - Poland to Vysoke Tatry (Central apartmany)
81,160km to 81,316km = 156km
Paul left the hostel early. He is going to Czech and will ride for 160km today! Wow.
Seeing him leaving through the gate and disappearing, I sent a good-bye to his back and a wish of his good / safe trip back to UK. His blog is here.
Last night I was talking to Gina from Colombia till 2pm, so I did not have enough sleep... I wanted to getback to sleep, but I stayed wake and had brakfast with Masa and Jeff.
Jeff - from the States - has been travelling for 2 years as well. He has sited 44 countries so far. The period of travelling and the number of countries visited are very similar to me! But he said he does not count countries he just spent 2-3days. So actually he has visited more than 44 countries.
And he said Japan is the best country he visited so far. Franco - the Swiss Motorcyclist travelled around thhe world - said to me that he had really great time in Japan. Those other travellers I met who had been Japan told me the same. Jeff said "In the States, there is a saying - A person can make a traveller love or hate the country." I am very pleased that so many travellers had great time in my country. I really thank those fellow Japanese who provided such possitive impressions! Good job, well-done Japan!
マサ君は今日からウクライナに移動して月末にチェルノブイリを訪ね計画を立てたんですけど、観光局の方から「チェルノブイリには最短で9月10日じゃないと入れない。」との連絡を受け、急遽予定変更。スロヴァキア、ハンガリー、ルーマニア、モルドヴァと抜けてウクライナ入り。なので、明日の朝、ワシを訪ねてヴィソケ・タトラ(Vysoke Tatry)に来ることになったんです。
Masa was planning to go to Ukraine today and to visit Chernobyl on 30th of Aug. But he received a reply from a travel agency that, the earliest tour he could join would be 0th of Sep. So he was wondering what he could do before 10th. Then he desided o go to Slovakia, Hungary, ROmania, Moldova and thenUkraine. So he will catch up with me in Vysoke Tatry, Slovakia tomorrow.
クラカウの南から、多少標高は上がり始め、山々が目の前に。80キロくらい走るとスロヴァキアとの国境。44カ国目、スロヴァキアに入国!! スロヴァキアの通過はユーロ。なんだかユーロ圏に戻ってくると、不思議に「帰ってきた」感が湧いきます。何故なんだろ?
3時過ぎに目的の「Central apartmany」に到着。ここはオーストラリアでの友人ヴラジミールの家族経営しているホテルなんです。ワシがヨーロッパにいるのをFacebookで知って、わざわざ連絡してくれたんです。いや、友達って本当にありがたいですね。ホテルの前面にはスロヴァキア最高峰が見えます。
44カ国目スロヴァキア。ヴィソケ・タトラ(Vysoke Tatry)ここは山岳トレッキングで人気の観光地。明日はマサ君と合流し山歩きを楽しみたいと思います。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 761: 2012年8月26日
Krakow - Poland (4 Friends Hostel)
It was raining (proper rain!) from the morning. So I decided to spend more one day here. I was talking with Masa and Paul, playing Japanese chess.
昼前にアダムとジェシカが旅立っていきました。彼らは車で旅しているので、雨でもへっちゃら。スロバキア、チェコと行く予定なのだそう。Buen viaje!!
Before noon, Adam and Jessica left the hostel. They are travelling with a car, so the rain would not be a problem for them at al. They are heading to Slovakia, Czec from now on. Buen viaje!!
So, I got othing muc to do again. What could I do? As it was raning, I did not want to go out either. We made instant noodle for lunch, ad a nap.
In the afternoon, the rain eased, so Masa and I went for a walk. We walked to nearby Zoo, but we did not have enough cash to get in...
We made Pizy and kidney bean soup for dinner. Great nutritious food and cheap!!

We had ice cream as a desert. Nice!

明日はポールもチェコに向けて出発。朝のうちは雨だそうですが、午後には晴れるそう。スロバキアのヴィソケ・タトラ(Vysoke Tatry)と150キロくらいの道のりなので、問題ないでしょう。久しぶりの山岳地帯なのでワインディング、風景と楽しんで走りたいですね。
Paul will leave to Czech. It will be raining in the morning, but t will be fine later according to the forecast. I am planning to get to Vysoke Tatry, Slovakia, some 150km away from her, so it would be an easy ride. The area is moutainous, so I will enjoy curves and nice mountain views.
Here you go, Chuck Norris Fact of the day:
Chuck Norris was originally cast as the main character in 24, but was replaced by the producers when he managed to kill every terrorist and save the day in 12 minutes and 37 seconds.

I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Krakow - Poland (4 Friends Hostel)
It was raining (proper rain!) from the morning. So I decided to spend more one day here. I was talking with Masa and Paul, playing Japanese chess.
昼前にアダムとジェシカが旅立っていきました。彼らは車で旅しているので、雨でもへっちゃら。スロバキア、チェコと行く予定なのだそう。Buen viaje!!
Before noon, Adam and Jessica left the hostel. They are travelling with a car, so the rain would not be a problem for them at al. They are heading to Slovakia, Czec from now on. Buen viaje!!
So, I got othing muc to do again. What could I do? As it was raning, I did not want to go out either. We made instant noodle for lunch, ad a nap.
In the afternoon, the rain eased, so Masa and I went for a walk. We walked to nearby Zoo, but we did not have enough cash to get in...
We made Pizy and kidney bean soup for dinner. Great nutritious food and cheap!!
We had ice cream as a desert. Nice!
明日はポールもチェコに向けて出発。朝のうちは雨だそうですが、午後には晴れるそう。スロバキアのヴィソケ・タトラ(Vysoke Tatry)と150キロくらいの道のりなので、問題ないでしょう。久しぶりの山岳地帯なのでワインディング、風景と楽しんで走りたいですね。
Paul will leave to Czech. It will be raining in the morning, but t will be fine later according to the forecast. I am planning to get to Vysoke Tatry, Slovakia, some 150km away from her, so it would be an easy ride. The area is moutainous, so I will enjoy curves and nice mountain views.
Here you go, Chuck Norris Fact of the day:
Chuck Norris was originally cast as the main character in 24, but was replaced by the producers when he managed to kill every terrorist and save the day in 12 minutes and 37 seconds.
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 760: 2012年8月25日
Krakow - Poland (4 Friends Hostel)
It was cloudy but not raining when I woke up. According to the weather forcast I checked yesterday, it would be raining today, but this morning I checked the forecast again and it stated cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
So I could leave here. But I did not feel like leaving here yet. I am in a mood of "Ship Wrecked". I extendede my stay for one more day. Well, I had nothing to do today. I spent my time with Masa talking.
Paul made us pasta in the evening. After dinner, we were chatting and Adam and Jessica came out from the room after watching a movie. Which movie? Of course "TOP GUN"!!!
It was the first time for Jessica to watch TOP GUN. Her verdict was "It was not the worst movie ever." Well, that was the harsh verdit on our (Paul, Adam and my) favorite movie.
何故か話題がチャック・ノリスになり「YouTube」でチャック・ノリスの動画集を楽しむワシ等。まぁ、今日は書くことも少ないので、読者の皆さんにもチャック・ノリスの素晴らしさをお知らせしたいので、ここでチャック・ノリスの伝説(Chuck Norris Facts)を1つ。
Not sure why, we started talking about Chuck Norris. We played those movies of Chuck NOrris on YouTube and had fun. As I have nothing much to write today, I would like to share one of Chuck Norris Facts.
”Chuck Norris can strangle you with a cordless phone."

I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Krakow - Poland (4 Friends Hostel)
It was cloudy but not raining when I woke up. According to the weather forcast I checked yesterday, it would be raining today, but this morning I checked the forecast again and it stated cloudy, 0% chance of rain.
So I could leave here. But I did not feel like leaving here yet. I am in a mood of "Ship Wrecked". I extendede my stay for one more day. Well, I had nothing to do today. I spent my time with Masa talking.
Paul made us pasta in the evening. After dinner, we were chatting and Adam and Jessica came out from the room after watching a movie. Which movie? Of course "TOP GUN"!!!
It was the first time for Jessica to watch TOP GUN. Her verdict was "It was not the worst movie ever." Well, that was the harsh verdit on our (Paul, Adam and my) favorite movie.
何故か話題がチャック・ノリスになり「YouTube」でチャック・ノリスの動画集を楽しむワシ等。まぁ、今日は書くことも少ないので、読者の皆さんにもチャック・ノリスの素晴らしさをお知らせしたいので、ここでチャック・ノリスの伝説(Chuck Norris Facts)を1つ。
Not sure why, we started talking about Chuck Norris. We played those movies of Chuck NOrris on YouTube and had fun. As I have nothing much to write today, I would like to share one of Chuck Norris Facts.
”Chuck Norris can strangle you with a cordless phone."
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 759: 2012年8月24日
Krakow - Poland (4 Friends Hostel)
I was to leave Krakow and go to Slovakia, but I did not feel like leaving here yet. I had not completed the diary of visiting Auschwitz concentration camp either. So I decided to stay here one more day.
Masa had not made up his decision where to go yet, so he was alos going to stay here one more day. Having breakfast, we chat, making plans etc.
Last evening, a cyclist checked in to our dorm room, but I did not have a chance to speak with him last night. He is Paul from UK. He was teaching English in China for 7-8 years and now he is cycling hrough Eurasia back to UK!
We talked for a while and then he went to buy new socks.
Masa and I went to a supermarket to get lunch. We bought smiked mackerels. WIth freshly cooked rice, it was really tasty!

Masa could not make up his mind where he would go, so he flipped a coin and decided to head east! He had to go back to London by 12th of Sep. So he made a plan to go to Uklaine, then across Black Sea to Turkey, and fly out from Greece.
We palyed Japanese chess a few times. He won.
It was a hot day again. I had a nap, surfing the net and so on. Well, I did not make much today.
In the afternoon, I was talking with Masa about what to eat for dinner. Masa said he wanted to have BBQ. Then Paul came to us and asked if we would like to do BBQed Hamburger with Adam and Jessica. "Why not!"
We went to a supermarket to get ingridients. We set a fire on charcoal and wait.

We made 15 burgers and put on the grill. They smelt fantasitc!!

出来上がりは上々!! 美味いハンバーガーが出来上がりました。
The end result was excellent!! Well done everyone!! Buen hecho!!
I did not imagine I would have such a fun evening!!
According to a weather forcast, the weather will be bad tomorrow... Should I stay one more day?
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Krakow - Poland (4 Friends Hostel)
I was to leave Krakow and go to Slovakia, but I did not feel like leaving here yet. I had not completed the diary of visiting Auschwitz concentration camp either. So I decided to stay here one more day.
Masa had not made up his decision where to go yet, so he was alos going to stay here one more day. Having breakfast, we chat, making plans etc.
Last evening, a cyclist checked in to our dorm room, but I did not have a chance to speak with him last night. He is Paul from UK. He was teaching English in China for 7-8 years and now he is cycling hrough Eurasia back to UK!
We talked for a while and then he went to buy new socks.
Masa and I went to a supermarket to get lunch. We bought smiked mackerels. WIth freshly cooked rice, it was really tasty!
Masa could not make up his mind where he would go, so he flipped a coin and decided to head east! He had to go back to London by 12th of Sep. So he made a plan to go to Uklaine, then across Black Sea to Turkey, and fly out from Greece.
We palyed Japanese chess a few times. He won.
It was a hot day again. I had a nap, surfing the net and so on. Well, I did not make much today.
In the afternoon, I was talking with Masa about what to eat for dinner. Masa said he wanted to have BBQ. Then Paul came to us and asked if we would like to do BBQed Hamburger with Adam and Jessica. "Why not!"
We went to a supermarket to get ingridients. We set a fire on charcoal and wait.
We made 15 burgers and put on the grill. They smelt fantasitc!!
出来上がりは上々!! 美味いハンバーガーが出来上がりました。
The end result was excellent!! Well done everyone!! Buen hecho!!
I did not imagine I would have such a fun evening!!
According to a weather forcast, the weather will be bad tomorrow... Should I stay one more day?
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 758: 2012年8月23日(第二部)
Krakow - Poland (4 Friends Hostel)
第一部からの続き・・・/ Part 2 of the diary...
Masa, Mr. Sheep and I came back from Auschwitz II - Birkenau to Auschwitz I.
ここが第一収容所の入り口。門には「ARBEIT MACHT FREI(働けば自由になる)」とドイツ語であります。「ARBEIT=仕事・労働」のBの字が逆さになっているのはこれを作らされた収容者のせめてもの反抗、だといわれています。
This is the famous entrance of Auschwitz I. Above the gate, in German "Arbeit Macht Frei" = "Labour makes (you) free" sign. The letter "B" of "Arbeit" was placed upside down. It is said this was a resistence from the prisoners who were forced to make this sign.

This German word "Albeit" is widely used in Japan now meang as "casual work".
Those buildings of Auschwitz I looked like normal apartments. At a glance, there were much better than those of Auschwitz II.

But once we entered the building, exhibitions told us how hard the life in the camp. There were lots of tourists in groups.

Those empty cansof "Cyclon B" were found after the liberation of the camp. It is said that Cyclon B was used to mass murder those prisoners in Gas Chambers. The factory of Cyclon B kept the records of deliverries, and according to the records.20 tonnes of Cyclon B were delivered to Auschwitz concentration camp.

A part of glasses taken from the prisoners.

There were ehibitions of shoes, hair, and bags / cases taken from prisoners (no photo allowed).
What the most impressive was the amount of hair. It is said ihair was from female prisoners. 1,925kg of hair was found in bags, ready to be shipped to factories to make clothes out of hair.
An example of meals provided for a prisoner a day. For breakfast, "coffee" - black coloured soup provided. For lunch, soup with alomost no meats nor vegies provided. For dinner 300g of black bread and 3g of margarine provided. Of course, those did not provide enough calories and nutritions to maintain good health.

Malnutrition caused illness and death. Many suffered.
Toilets. The condition was much better than those of Auschwitz II.

The part touching skin were made with wood, so skin would not stick to the toilet bowl when it was cold (I assumed).
The "Death Wall" placed between building 10 and 11. The wall was demolished by SS before the liberation, but after the war, the museum rebuilt the part of it.

Barbed wires and a watch tower. The sign telling "Stop" .

The gas chamber and crimatoria.

Here was the gas chamber. After letting the prisoners in, the door was locked, then cans of Cyclon B were thrown into the closed room. The door was shut for 20-30mins. None could came out alive.

There were 4 crematoria. They were in full action to burn those bodies. Coke was used as fuel.

The gas chamber / crematoria was located outside of the barbed wire fence. Only just before the death and after the death, they could go out of the fence...

After seeing Auschbitz I and II, we were convinced that these facilities were used for acts of evil. But we still have a doubt.
The doubt is "Was it possible to brn 821 bodies each day for 5 years?".
There were more gas chambers and crimatoria built, especially ones in Birkenau were larger and more efficient (2 buidlings were built with 12 crematoria installed each). However, those were in active for less than 2 years. After the facilities were built in Birkenau, those in Auschbitz I were not in use. So we were still wondering if it was possible to burn so many bodies.
Of course, it is said those excess bodies were burned outside, in the yard of the camp.
It depends on how well the bodies were burned, but we assumed it would take lots of time and require lots of fuel.
Well, there was mass murder against prisoners happened here in Auschwitz, that's the truth. So the number is not actually important...
We ended our tour around 6pm. We caught a bus back to Krakow. I guess I was rally tired, and I was sleeping all the way to Krakow.
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Krakow - Poland (4 Friends Hostel)
第一部からの続き・・・/ Part 2 of the diary...
Masa, Mr. Sheep and I came back from Auschwitz II - Birkenau to Auschwitz I.
ここが第一収容所の入り口。門には「ARBEIT MACHT FREI(働けば自由になる)」とドイツ語であります。「ARBEIT=仕事・労働」のBの字が逆さになっているのはこれを作らされた収容者のせめてもの反抗、だといわれています。
This is the famous entrance of Auschwitz I. Above the gate, in German "Arbeit Macht Frei" = "Labour makes (you) free" sign. The letter "B" of "Arbeit" was placed upside down. It is said this was a resistence from the prisoners who were forced to make this sign.
This German word "Albeit" is widely used in Japan now meang as "casual work".
Those buildings of Auschwitz I looked like normal apartments. At a glance, there were much better than those of Auschwitz II.
But once we entered the building, exhibitions told us how hard the life in the camp. There were lots of tourists in groups.
Those empty cansof "Cyclon B" were found after the liberation of the camp. It is said that Cyclon B was used to mass murder those prisoners in Gas Chambers. The factory of Cyclon B kept the records of deliverries, and according to the records.20 tonnes of Cyclon B were delivered to Auschwitz concentration camp.
A part of glasses taken from the prisoners.
There were ehibitions of shoes, hair, and bags / cases taken from prisoners (no photo allowed).
What the most impressive was the amount of hair. It is said ihair was from female prisoners. 1,925kg of hair was found in bags, ready to be shipped to factories to make clothes out of hair.
An example of meals provided for a prisoner a day. For breakfast, "coffee" - black coloured soup provided. For lunch, soup with alomost no meats nor vegies provided. For dinner 300g of black bread and 3g of margarine provided. Of course, those did not provide enough calories and nutritions to maintain good health.
Malnutrition caused illness and death. Many suffered.
Toilets. The condition was much better than those of Auschwitz II.
The part touching skin were made with wood, so skin would not stick to the toilet bowl when it was cold (I assumed).
The "Death Wall" placed between building 10 and 11. The wall was demolished by SS before the liberation, but after the war, the museum rebuilt the part of it.
Barbed wires and a watch tower. The sign telling "Stop" .
The gas chamber and crimatoria.
Here was the gas chamber. After letting the prisoners in, the door was locked, then cans of Cyclon B were thrown into the closed room. The door was shut for 20-30mins. None could came out alive.
There were 4 crematoria. They were in full action to burn those bodies. Coke was used as fuel.
The gas chamber / crematoria was located outside of the barbed wire fence. Only just before the death and after the death, they could go out of the fence...
After seeing Auschbitz I and II, we were convinced that these facilities were used for acts of evil. But we still have a doubt.
The doubt is "Was it possible to brn 821 bodies each day for 5 years?".
There were more gas chambers and crimatoria built, especially ones in Birkenau were larger and more efficient (2 buidlings were built with 12 crematoria installed each). However, those were in active for less than 2 years. After the facilities were built in Birkenau, those in Auschbitz I were not in use. So we were still wondering if it was possible to burn so many bodies.
Of course, it is said those excess bodies were burned outside, in the yard of the camp.
It depends on how well the bodies were burned, but we assumed it would take lots of time and require lots of fuel.
Well, there was mass murder against prisoners happened here in Auschwitz, that's the truth. So the number is not actually important...
We ended our tour around 6pm. We caught a bus back to Krakow. I guess I was rally tired, and I was sleeping all the way to Krakow.
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************