三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 566: 2012年2月11日
Paso de las Libres to Puerto Iguazu (Complejo Turistico Americano)
54,806km to 55,445km = 639km
さて今日はイグアスの滝の拠点プエルト・イグアス(Puerto Iguazu)まで600キロ走ります。朝飯は昨晩買ったクッキー。昨晩はネットのつながりが悪かったので、朝ちょこっとネット。
5時過ぎにプエルト・イグアスに到着しましたが、ロンプラに乗っているキャンプ場は閉鎖したとのこと。インフォメーションの近くのキャンプ場(ホテル、キャビン、レストラン、プールなどなど観光複合体)はテント代40ペソで1人40ペソなので80ペソ!! キャンプに80ペソは、ねぇ。
Day 566: 11 FEB 2012
Paso de las Libres to Puerto Iguazu (Complejo Turistico Americano)
54,806km to 55,445km = 639km
I rode more than 600km to Puerto Iguazu, the hub for he world famous Inguazu Falls.
I had cookies for breakfast and durfed on Net for a while as I had a bad connection last night. The I left the hotel around 9am.
It was cool in the morning, but it got hotter and hotter as the sun rose up. Thescenery was broing and I was just riding whole day. Just seeing the farm of Yerba Mate was something ineresting.
I arrived Puerto Iguazu around 5pm. I was looking for a campsite shown on Lonely Planet. But I could not find it. I went to Information Centre and found out that it was closed. There was a hotel coplex nearby offering campsite, but it cost 40APs for a tent and 40APs for a person!! It was too expensie for teniting, so I went to another campground the staff at Information Centre old me.
It was far away from the town and it looked a dodgy place, so I went to the town and loked for a hostel.
At a intersection I saw 2 Japanese girls. I pulled over and spoke with them. 1 was looking for a hostel and another one had aready her place to stay. She told me to try where she stayed.
I went there but it was fully booked. I asked around a few more hostels but they were all full. I saw the Japanese girl again but she could not find any. She said she was waiting for her friends but it would be hard for them to get any bed tonight... Good luck!! It was saturday, so I guess tons of tourists are here.
So I went back to the campground and checked in. After I pitched my tent, a few Argentinians came to chat with me.Oh no, it would be a fiesta night!! Could I have a good night sleep??
Tomorrow I will visit Iguazu Falls. One of the world biggest falls!
Paso de las Libres to Puerto Iguazu (Complejo Turistico Americano)
54,806km to 55,445km = 639km
さて今日はイグアスの滝の拠点プエルト・イグアス(Puerto Iguazu)まで600キロ走ります。朝飯は昨晩買ったクッキー。昨晩はネットのつながりが悪かったので、朝ちょこっとネット。
5時過ぎにプエルト・イグアスに到着しましたが、ロンプラに乗っているキャンプ場は閉鎖したとのこと。インフォメーションの近くのキャンプ場(ホテル、キャビン、レストラン、プールなどなど観光複合体)はテント代40ペソで1人40ペソなので80ペソ!! キャンプに80ペソは、ねぇ。
Day 566: 11 FEB 2012
Paso de las Libres to Puerto Iguazu (Complejo Turistico Americano)
54,806km to 55,445km = 639km
I rode more than 600km to Puerto Iguazu, the hub for he world famous Inguazu Falls.
I had cookies for breakfast and durfed on Net for a while as I had a bad connection last night. The I left the hotel around 9am.
It was cool in the morning, but it got hotter and hotter as the sun rose up. Thescenery was broing and I was just riding whole day. Just seeing the farm of Yerba Mate was something ineresting.
I arrived Puerto Iguazu around 5pm. I was looking for a campsite shown on Lonely Planet. But I could not find it. I went to Information Centre and found out that it was closed. There was a hotel coplex nearby offering campsite, but it cost 40APs for a tent and 40APs for a person!! It was too expensie for teniting, so I went to another campground the staff at Information Centre old me.
It was far away from the town and it looked a dodgy place, so I went to the town and loked for a hostel.
At a intersection I saw 2 Japanese girls. I pulled over and spoke with them. 1 was looking for a hostel and another one had aready her place to stay. She told me to try where she stayed.
I went there but it was fully booked. I asked around a few more hostels but they were all full. I saw the Japanese girl again but she could not find any. She said she was waiting for her friends but it would be hard for them to get any bed tonight... Good luck!! It was saturday, so I guess tons of tourists are here.
So I went back to the campground and checked in. After I pitched my tent, a few Argentinians came to chat with me.Oh no, it would be a fiesta night!! Could I have a good night sleep??
Tomorrow I will visit Iguazu Falls. One of the world biggest falls!
Day 565: 2012年2月10日
Rosario to Paso de las Libres (Hotel Escorpio)
54,132km to 54,806km = 674km
で、朝は7時半に起床。何故だかワシのタオルが床に落ちていてライリーの靴の下敷きになっておりました。嫌がらせか?? 床は彼らの荷物で足の踏み場も無いくらい。
朝飯は8時から。クロワッサン(Media Luna=半月)2つとバナナと珈琲を頂きました。そして駐車場に向かい、荷物をエスペランサに積んで出発です。
次の街ノゴジャ(Nogoya。ローマ字で書くとナゴヤみたいですね)で給油。そこからロザリオ・デル・タラ(Rosario del Tala)手前で6号線に左折するべきでしたが、何故か直進。結局14号線まで東進しました。
どうにかこうにか14号線に復帰して北上を続けます。ブラジルとの国境の街パソ・デ・ロス・リブレス(Paso de los Libres)は本線から10キロほど東に外れたところにありますが、次の街サント・トメ(Santo Tome)は210キロ先だし、時刻はもう6時半だしなので、リブレスで1泊することに。
今日は金曜日。明日は土曜日。まさか、の場合を考えて給油を。しかし相変わらずYPFは行列です。給油が済んだのはもう7時過ぎ。宿を探しにかかります。が、高い!! 最初に聞いたのは350ペソ!!これは高すぎ。
次に聞いたのは250ペソ(60米ドル) 。個室ですし、敷地内に駐車できるし(自分の部屋の前)、WiFiもあるから、まぁ、いいか1日くらい、ということでここにしました。
Day 565: 10 FEB 2012
Rosario to Paso de las Libres (Hotel Escorpio)
54,132km to 54,806km = 674km
I thought I could have a good night sleep as all of guests in my room were on the bed around 10pm. I went to sleep after 10:30pm or so. But I was wrong.
I was awaken by the noise! Thye were talking with the normal tone and making lot of noise. I thought someone were leaving early, but when I checked my watch it was 12:30am....
I heard about bad rumars on Israelis but I had never experienced one until last night. Now I understand why some hostels and restaurants are not welcomming Israelis.
I woke up around 7:30am. I found my towel was on the floor (somehow) and it was underneath of a pair of shoes... There were 8 beds in the room but there were 8 Israelis... On 1 bed 1 guy and 1 girl were sleeping together. They cannot keep rules...
Usually I would be quiet, but I did ot care. I was getting ready as if there would be none around.
The breakfast was ready at 8am. I had 2 meda lunas (Croissants) and a banana. I went to the car park and got ready.
It took e a while to get out of the city. I had to go on a bridge and cross to Victria, bt somehow I could not find the way. My GPS was confusing as well...
The highway was crossing the Parana river, its islands and the wet land beyond It would be an awesome place for those bird watchers and nature lovers, but I was not really interested in.
Today I took wrong ways man times. I planed to go on Route 6, but I ended up on Route 14. Route 14 was the unfinished highway and many times I had to switch the lane.
The good thing was it wasn't hot today. As I was heading north, it would be hotter and hotter but it was quite cool today.
I arrived Paso de los Libres around 6:30pm. It was 10km or so off the main highway but the next town Santo Tome would be 210km away. So I decided to stay there. I went to YPF to fill my tank but I had to wait for a long time again. What's wrong with Argentinian petrol surpply?
But I could not find any cheap acomodation. The one I found was 250APs (US$60)... It was a private room, with aircond, WiFi and secure parking. It was expensive, but just for a day, I stayed there
As I sepnt toomuch on accmodation, I just had cookies as dinner. The Internet conection here is really bad...
Rosario to Paso de las Libres (Hotel Escorpio)
54,132km to 54,806km = 674km
で、朝は7時半に起床。何故だかワシのタオルが床に落ちていてライリーの靴の下敷きになっておりました。嫌がらせか?? 床は彼らの荷物で足の踏み場も無いくらい。
朝飯は8時から。クロワッサン(Media Luna=半月)2つとバナナと珈琲を頂きました。そして駐車場に向かい、荷物をエスペランサに積んで出発です。
次の街ノゴジャ(Nogoya。ローマ字で書くとナゴヤみたいですね)で給油。そこからロザリオ・デル・タラ(Rosario del Tala)手前で6号線に左折するべきでしたが、何故か直進。結局14号線まで東進しました。
どうにかこうにか14号線に復帰して北上を続けます。ブラジルとの国境の街パソ・デ・ロス・リブレス(Paso de los Libres)は本線から10キロほど東に外れたところにありますが、次の街サント・トメ(Santo Tome)は210キロ先だし、時刻はもう6時半だしなので、リブレスで1泊することに。
今日は金曜日。明日は土曜日。まさか、の場合を考えて給油を。しかし相変わらずYPFは行列です。給油が済んだのはもう7時過ぎ。宿を探しにかかります。が、高い!! 最初に聞いたのは350ペソ!!これは高すぎ。
次に聞いたのは250ペソ(60米ドル) 。個室ですし、敷地内に駐車できるし(自分の部屋の前)、WiFiもあるから、まぁ、いいか1日くらい、ということでここにしました。
Day 565: 10 FEB 2012
Rosario to Paso de las Libres (Hotel Escorpio)
54,132km to 54,806km = 674km
I thought I could have a good night sleep as all of guests in my room were on the bed around 10pm. I went to sleep after 10:30pm or so. But I was wrong.
I was awaken by the noise! Thye were talking with the normal tone and making lot of noise. I thought someone were leaving early, but when I checked my watch it was 12:30am....
I heard about bad rumars on Israelis but I had never experienced one until last night. Now I understand why some hostels and restaurants are not welcomming Israelis.
I woke up around 7:30am. I found my towel was on the floor (somehow) and it was underneath of a pair of shoes... There were 8 beds in the room but there were 8 Israelis... On 1 bed 1 guy and 1 girl were sleeping together. They cannot keep rules...
Usually I would be quiet, but I did ot care. I was getting ready as if there would be none around.
The breakfast was ready at 8am. I had 2 meda lunas (Croissants) and a banana. I went to the car park and got ready.
It took e a while to get out of the city. I had to go on a bridge and cross to Victria, bt somehow I could not find the way. My GPS was confusing as well...
The highway was crossing the Parana river, its islands and the wet land beyond It would be an awesome place for those bird watchers and nature lovers, but I was not really interested in.
Today I took wrong ways man times. I planed to go on Route 6, but I ended up on Route 14. Route 14 was the unfinished highway and many times I had to switch the lane.
The good thing was it wasn't hot today. As I was heading north, it would be hotter and hotter but it was quite cool today.
I arrived Paso de los Libres around 6:30pm. It was 10km or so off the main highway but the next town Santo Tome would be 210km away. So I decided to stay there. I went to YPF to fill my tank but I had to wait for a long time again. What's wrong with Argentinian petrol surpply?
But I could not find any cheap acomodation. The one I found was 250APs (US$60)... It was a private room, with aircond, WiFi and secure parking. It was expensive, but just for a day, I stayed there
As I sepnt toomuch on accmodation, I just had cookies as dinner. The Internet conection here is really bad...
Day 564: 2012年2月9日
Buenos Aires to Rosario (La Casona de Don Jaime 2)
53,849km to 54,132km = 283km
市街地に入ってからセントロまで結構走ります。面積が広い街なのですね。ロンプラに乗っていた安宿に行って見ますが、駐車場は無し。ちょっと高めのホテルに行きましたが、1軒は近くの有料駐車場に駐輪だし、もう1軒は235ペソ(80米ドル)なので高すぎです。なのでもう一回安宿をあたってみました。そうしたら「La Casona de Don Jaime」というホステルはもう一軒あるそうで、もう一軒の向かいの駐車場と特別契約しているから安いとのこと。早速行って見ました。
着替えて出かける準備が出来たのはもう3時。この街にはたった1つの目的の為に来ました。それはエルネストの生家を見るため、です。地図を見ると宿からは直ぐそこなので、早速歩きで。場所はEntre Rios 480です。
アパートですが有名な建築家「Alejandro Bustillo」の設計した建物だそうで、なかなか立派な構え。エルネストが生まれたのは1928年6月14日。いまから84年も前。それ以前から建物はあったのでしょうから築100年くらいですね。

Casa Natal Che Guevara (チェ・ゲバラの生家)、とは看板が出ていますが、中に入れるわけでもなく(未だにアパートとして使われています)、まぁ、生後まもなくはここで暮らしたんだな、という程度です。結局彼はここで喘息を患って、ご両親はもっと気候のいいアルタ・グラシアに引っ越したのですね。

あと、ハビエルが「ブエノス・アイレスの彫刻家が古い鍵を大勢から譲ってもらい造ったゲバラの像があるよ。」と教えてくれたので、それも見に。地図を見ると生家の近くに「Mural del Che Guevara」とあるので行って見ました。
そうしたら、エルネストの画が書いてある公園でした。幼い頃ここで遊んだのでしょうか? 一体銅像は何処に? (あとで調べたら「Mural」とは壁画、でした。)
ちょっと歩き回っていたらパラナ川(Rio Panara)の公園に出ました。ここに大きなタンカーが2隻浮んでいました。川にタンカーって。
地図を見直すと、かなり離れた所に"Monumento Al Che"と書いてあります。像はこれですね。どのバスに乗っていいのかも分からないので、とりあえず歩いてみました。結構な距離でしたよ。1時間は歩きましたかね。


壁には「Todas las causas que lo motivaron a rebelarse siguen vigentes, su ejemplo y sus ideas tambien (革命にいたったすべての原因は現在でも存在し、またあなたの見本と考えも生きているのです。All the causes that led to revolt are still valid, your example and ideas too).」 とあります。
Day 564: 09 FEB 2012
Buenos Aires to Rosario (La Casona de Don Jaime 2)
53,849km to 54,132km = 283km
I was ready just before 10am. Javier gave me an o-ring and a washer for the pannier (those were lost in Touratech) for free. Thanks Javier! I said good-bye to Javier, Julian (unfortunately Sandra wasn't there), Dunkin, Peter and Sam, and left Dakar Motos. I will be back to Dakar Motos after I go to Paraguay, Brazil and Urguay, so I left a few things (thermal clothes, a set of mate and bombilla for Laura, and the broken mad splash guard) at Dakar Motos.
I headed to Ruta 9. On the motorway, it was really boring to ride. After 3 lanes became 2 lanes, the right lane (for the slow traffic) became really rough. I guessed there are many trucks using this slow lane, so the surface of the road became uneven. I used the left lane, but I had to watch out for fast cars coming from behind as the speed limit there was 130km/h. I was not riding any faster than 110km/h as I wanted to save fuel and to be easy on the tyres.
I made a stop at a petrol station aroud 200km from Buenos Aires. I had a sandwitch as lunch there. The city of Rosario was less than 100km from there, so I rode straight to the city.
I used the GPS to navigate in the city. From the fringe of the city to the centre, it took a while. I thought the area of the city was pretty large.
I went to a few hostels shown on Lonely Planet, but none of them had got any parking space for my GS. So I tried more expensive hotels, but the frist one I went had no parking space (so I would have to park my GS at a secure parking nearby) and another one cost 235APs, which would be too expensive.
I went back to a hostel I went before and asked if I could find any secure parking nearby. Then the recepcionist told me that they have another hostel and I could park my GS at a secure parking in front of the hostel. So I went.
The name of the hostel is "La Casona de Don Jaime 2". A dorm bed costs 52APs including WiFi and breakfast. The parking cost 25APs a night (a discounted rate for a guest at the hostel). It wasn'T cheap but not a bad deal either.
Once I got changed and was ready to go out, it was already 3pm. I had to visit "Casa Natal de Che Guevara (The birth place of Che Guevara)". It was actually closed to the hostel, so I walked there.
The building (still used as an apartment ) was designed by a famous architect Alejandro Bustillo. The adress is Entre Rios 480.
The building was quite nice. The parents of Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna - Ernesto Guevara Lynch and Celia de la Serna lived in the building after his birth. The building is still used as an apartment, so the place is not open for public. He suffered asthma here when he was 2 years old, then the family moved to Alta Glacia where the environment was better for young Ernesto.
Javier told me there was a statue of "Che" sclupted by an artist in Buenos Aires. He asked people to donate old keys and bronze objects, and made the statue. On the map, I found "Mural of Che Guevara" nearby the birth place, so I went there.
But there was a park with his face painted on a wall. Later I checked "Mural" means a wall paining.
Then I walked to a park at the riverside of Rio Panara. There were 2 huge tankers on the river! Unbelievable.
Then I found "Monumento Al Che" on the map. It would be far away from where I was, but I walked there. It took me more than 1 hour to get to the monument.
The monument was standing very quietly on a park - used to be a rail way track. As it was made of donated keys and other objects or not, his face seemed to be very calm. It was built for the 80th anniversary of his birth.
On the wall I read - Todas las causas que lo motivaron a rebelarse siguen vigentes, su ejemplo y sus ideas tambien (All the causes that led to revolt are still valid, your example and ideas too).
Now he is very popular through out Argentin. Hewas kinda a "forgotten" hero in Argentina until recently. I guess the recovery of his body in 1997 made a spot light on his existence once more. At least, his spirit is still living in many people.
I said good-bye to "Che" and went back to the centre of the town. I had empanadas for dinner.
Oops. There are many Israelis in my room (actually 7 out of 8 are Israelis!). I am wondering if I can have a good night sleep tonight...
Buenos Aires to Rosario (La Casona de Don Jaime 2)
53,849km to 54,132km = 283km
市街地に入ってからセントロまで結構走ります。面積が広い街なのですね。ロンプラに乗っていた安宿に行って見ますが、駐車場は無し。ちょっと高めのホテルに行きましたが、1軒は近くの有料駐車場に駐輪だし、もう1軒は235ペソ(80米ドル)なので高すぎです。なのでもう一回安宿をあたってみました。そうしたら「La Casona de Don Jaime」というホステルはもう一軒あるそうで、もう一軒の向かいの駐車場と特別契約しているから安いとのこと。早速行って見ました。
着替えて出かける準備が出来たのはもう3時。この街にはたった1つの目的の為に来ました。それはエルネストの生家を見るため、です。地図を見ると宿からは直ぐそこなので、早速歩きで。場所はEntre Rios 480です。
そうしたら、エルネストの画が書いてある公園でした。幼い頃ここで遊んだのでしょうか? 一体銅像は何処に? (あとで調べたら「Mural」とは壁画、でした。)
地図を見直すと、かなり離れた所に"Monumento Al Che"と書いてあります。像はこれですね。どのバスに乗っていいのかも分からないので、とりあえず歩いてみました。結構な距離でしたよ。1時間は歩きましたかね。
Day 564: 09 FEB 2012
Buenos Aires to Rosario (La Casona de Don Jaime 2)
53,849km to 54,132km = 283km
I was ready just before 10am. Javier gave me an o-ring and a washer for the pannier (those were lost in Touratech) for free. Thanks Javier! I said good-bye to Javier, Julian (unfortunately Sandra wasn't there), Dunkin, Peter and Sam, and left Dakar Motos. I will be back to Dakar Motos after I go to Paraguay, Brazil and Urguay, so I left a few things (thermal clothes, a set of mate and bombilla for Laura, and the broken mad splash guard) at Dakar Motos.
I headed to Ruta 9. On the motorway, it was really boring to ride. After 3 lanes became 2 lanes, the right lane (for the slow traffic) became really rough. I guessed there are many trucks using this slow lane, so the surface of the road became uneven. I used the left lane, but I had to watch out for fast cars coming from behind as the speed limit there was 130km/h. I was not riding any faster than 110km/h as I wanted to save fuel and to be easy on the tyres.
I made a stop at a petrol station aroud 200km from Buenos Aires. I had a sandwitch as lunch there. The city of Rosario was less than 100km from there, so I rode straight to the city.
I used the GPS to navigate in the city. From the fringe of the city to the centre, it took a while. I thought the area of the city was pretty large.
I went to a few hostels shown on Lonely Planet, but none of them had got any parking space for my GS. So I tried more expensive hotels, but the frist one I went had no parking space (so I would have to park my GS at a secure parking nearby) and another one cost 235APs, which would be too expensive.
I went back to a hostel I went before and asked if I could find any secure parking nearby. Then the recepcionist told me that they have another hostel and I could park my GS at a secure parking in front of the hostel. So I went.
The name of the hostel is "La Casona de Don Jaime 2". A dorm bed costs 52APs including WiFi and breakfast. The parking cost 25APs a night (a discounted rate for a guest at the hostel). It wasn'T cheap but not a bad deal either.
Once I got changed and was ready to go out, it was already 3pm. I had to visit "Casa Natal de Che Guevara (The birth place of Che Guevara)". It was actually closed to the hostel, so I walked there.
The building (still used as an apartment ) was designed by a famous architect Alejandro Bustillo. The adress is Entre Rios 480.
The building was quite nice. The parents of Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna - Ernesto Guevara Lynch and Celia de la Serna lived in the building after his birth. The building is still used as an apartment, so the place is not open for public. He suffered asthma here when he was 2 years old, then the family moved to Alta Glacia where the environment was better for young Ernesto.
Javier told me there was a statue of "Che" sclupted by an artist in Buenos Aires. He asked people to donate old keys and bronze objects, and made the statue. On the map, I found "Mural of Che Guevara" nearby the birth place, so I went there.
But there was a park with his face painted on a wall. Later I checked "Mural" means a wall paining.
Then I walked to a park at the riverside of Rio Panara. There were 2 huge tankers on the river! Unbelievable.
Then I found "Monumento Al Che" on the map. It would be far away from where I was, but I walked there. It took me more than 1 hour to get to the monument.
The monument was standing very quietly on a park - used to be a rail way track. As it was made of donated keys and other objects or not, his face seemed to be very calm. It was built for the 80th anniversary of his birth.
On the wall I read - Todas las causas que lo motivaron a rebelarse siguen vigentes, su ejemplo y sus ideas tambien (All the causes that led to revolt are still valid, your example and ideas too).
Now he is very popular through out Argentin. Hewas kinda a "forgotten" hero in Argentina until recently. I guess the recovery of his body in 1997 made a spot light on his existence once more. At least, his spirit is still living in many people.
I said good-bye to "Che" and went back to the centre of the town. I had empanadas for dinner.
Oops. There are many Israelis in my room (actually 7 out of 8 are Israelis!). I am wondering if I can have a good night sleep tonight...
Day 563: 2012年2月8日
Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)
53,835km to 53,849km = 14km
ダカール・モトスにはイギリスから来たダンカンがいました。イギリスからバイク(YAMAHA XT600 Tenere)を輸送したのですが、手違いでまだイギリスにあるとか! 来週までここに待つとのこと。
ATMで保険証を受け取って、再びダカール・モトスへ。ハビエルの友達カールも遊びに来ていてダンカンと歓談。夕方に2人のライダーがやってきました。アメリカ人のピーターとサムです。お父さんにピーターはDUcati Hyper Motardを。息子のサムはBMW X Country650を乗っています。イグアスの方面に行ってきたとのことで、ちょっと話を聞きました。
Day 563: 08 FEB 2012
Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)
53,835km to 53,849km = 14km
Thunder strom hit Buenos Aires last night. This morning it was cloudy and the streets were wet. I left the hostel after 8am and took a bus to Retiro Station. I cought a train to Florida and walked to Dakar Motos.
At Dakar Motos, there was a guest from UK - Duncan. He is waiting for his YAMAHA XT600 Tenere shipped from UK. There were some happened at the UK side and the bike has not left UK yet. He is expecting to receive it next monday.
I wanted to pick up my pannier from Touratech and I gave them a few calls, but none answered them... So I went there directly.
The welding job was done, but silicon was just applied. Which means I'd better not to put anything in the pannier today. So I decided to spend 1 more day in Buenos Aires. The cost was 225APs (US$50).
Back to Dakar Motos, I had lunch with Javier's and went to centro. Sandra made a phone call to "ATM" and confirmed that my policy outside Argentina was ready.
I picked my policy and came back to Dakar Motos. Karl - the friend of JAvier - visited and with Duncan we talked about motorcycles. Later in the afternoon, American travellers Peter and Sam (on Ducati Hyper Motard and BMW X Country 650) arrived. We talked about our trips and motorcycles.
Tomorrow I will head to Rosario, for sure!!
Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)
53,835km to 53,849km = 14km
ダカール・モトスにはイギリスから来たダンカンがいました。イギリスからバイク(YAMAHA XT600 Tenere)を輸送したのですが、手違いでまだイギリスにあるとか! 来週までここに待つとのこと。
ATMで保険証を受け取って、再びダカール・モトスへ。ハビエルの友達カールも遊びに来ていてダンカンと歓談。夕方に2人のライダーがやってきました。アメリカ人のピーターとサムです。お父さんにピーターはDUcati Hyper Motardを。息子のサムはBMW X Country650を乗っています。イグアスの方面に行ってきたとのことで、ちょっと話を聞きました。
Day 563: 08 FEB 2012
Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)
53,835km to 53,849km = 14km
Thunder strom hit Buenos Aires last night. This morning it was cloudy and the streets were wet. I left the hostel after 8am and took a bus to Retiro Station. I cought a train to Florida and walked to Dakar Motos.
At Dakar Motos, there was a guest from UK - Duncan. He is waiting for his YAMAHA XT600 Tenere shipped from UK. There were some happened at the UK side and the bike has not left UK yet. He is expecting to receive it next monday.
I wanted to pick up my pannier from Touratech and I gave them a few calls, but none answered them... So I went there directly.
The welding job was done, but silicon was just applied. Which means I'd better not to put anything in the pannier today. So I decided to spend 1 more day in Buenos Aires. The cost was 225APs (US$50).
Back to Dakar Motos, I had lunch with Javier's and went to centro. Sandra made a phone call to "ATM" and confirmed that my policy outside Argentina was ready.
I picked my policy and came back to Dakar Motos. Karl - the friend of JAvier - visited and with Duncan we talked about motorcycles. Later in the afternoon, American travellers Peter and Sam (on Ducati Hyper Motard and BMW X Country 650) arrived. We talked about our trips and motorcycles.
Tomorrow I will head to Rosario, for sure!!
Day 562: 2012年2月7日
Buenos Aires (Nihon Ryokan)

フランコは明日スイスに飛びます。再会はスイスですね。Buen viaje, mi amigo!!
Day 562: 07 FEB 2012
Buenos Aires (Nihon Ryokan)
I went to pick up the insurance policy valid outside of Argentina to the city. It took 40mins walk or so to get there. On the way, I went to a bank to withdraw some cash. There were 2 ATMs in the bank and 6 people waiting in front of me. How long did I wait? More than 15mins!!
At the insurance agency "ATM" I asked for the policy, but it wasn't ready (it was around 12 noon). I told the staff that I was told last friday that it would be ready by this morning. She said, it would be done by this afternoon but was not sure by what time... I was speaking in Spanish first, but I complained in English, then she told me she would try to get it done soon. I waited there anoher 5 mins and she told me it would not be done until tomorrow... I told her I was planning to leave tomorrow morning, and she said she will e-mail the policy tomorrow. She gave me a green paper to print out the policy. Well here is South America...
So I wasted my time. I walked back to the hostel. On the way back, I found a beer (Quilmes) advert. It said "1 Person + a glass of beer = to BONDI". I am not sure if "BONDI" means Bondi beach of Sydney though.
I cooked pasta for lunch. Then having Terere and read some books.
In the evening, Franco and his Italian friend Ricardo visited me and we went out for dinner. We had dinner at a local restaurant. Ricardo organised to send his motorbike from Ushuaia to Buenos Aires, but it is not delivered yet. It could be here next week. He has to change his flight and the shipping of the motorcycle from here to Italy. Well, here is South America.
Franco is flying back to Swiss tomorrow. I will see you in Swiss. Buen viaje!
Tomorrow I will pick up my GS at Dalar Motos and will go to Rosario where Ernesto Guevara was born.
Buenos Aires (Nihon Ryokan)
フランコは明日スイスに飛びます。再会はスイスですね。Buen viaje, mi amigo!!
Day 562: 07 FEB 2012
Buenos Aires (Nihon Ryokan)
I went to pick up the insurance policy valid outside of Argentina to the city. It took 40mins walk or so to get there. On the way, I went to a bank to withdraw some cash. There were 2 ATMs in the bank and 6 people waiting in front of me. How long did I wait? More than 15mins!!
At the insurance agency "ATM" I asked for the policy, but it wasn't ready (it was around 12 noon). I told the staff that I was told last friday that it would be ready by this morning. She said, it would be done by this afternoon but was not sure by what time... I was speaking in Spanish first, but I complained in English, then she told me she would try to get it done soon. I waited there anoher 5 mins and she told me it would not be done until tomorrow... I told her I was planning to leave tomorrow morning, and she said she will e-mail the policy tomorrow. She gave me a green paper to print out the policy. Well here is South America...
So I wasted my time. I walked back to the hostel. On the way back, I found a beer (Quilmes) advert. It said "1 Person + a glass of beer = to BONDI". I am not sure if "BONDI" means Bondi beach of Sydney though.
I cooked pasta for lunch. Then having Terere and read some books.
In the evening, Franco and his Italian friend Ricardo visited me and we went out for dinner. We had dinner at a local restaurant. Ricardo organised to send his motorbike from Ushuaia to Buenos Aires, but it is not delivered yet. It could be here next week. He has to change his flight and the shipping of the motorcycle from here to Italy. Well, here is South America.
Franco is flying back to Swiss tomorrow. I will see you in Swiss. Buen viaje!
Tomorrow I will pick up my GS at Dalar Motos and will go to Rosario where Ernesto Guevara was born.