三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
今日は疲れたな・・・ / It was the tiring day...
Day 565: 2012年2月10日
Rosario to Paso de las Libres (Hotel Escorpio)
54,132km to 54,806km = 674km
で、朝は7時半に起床。何故だかワシのタオルが床に落ちていてライリーの靴の下敷きになっておりました。嫌がらせか?? 床は彼らの荷物で足の踏み場も無いくらい。
朝飯は8時から。クロワッサン(Media Luna=半月)2つとバナナと珈琲を頂きました。そして駐車場に向かい、荷物をエスペランサに積んで出発です。
次の街ノゴジャ(Nogoya。ローマ字で書くとナゴヤみたいですね)で給油。そこからロザリオ・デル・タラ(Rosario del Tala)手前で6号線に左折するべきでしたが、何故か直進。結局14号線まで東進しました。
どうにかこうにか14号線に復帰して北上を続けます。ブラジルとの国境の街パソ・デ・ロス・リブレス(Paso de los Libres)は本線から10キロほど東に外れたところにありますが、次の街サント・トメ(Santo Tome)は210キロ先だし、時刻はもう6時半だしなので、リブレスで1泊することに。
今日は金曜日。明日は土曜日。まさか、の場合を考えて給油を。しかし相変わらずYPFは行列です。給油が済んだのはもう7時過ぎ。宿を探しにかかります。が、高い!! 最初に聞いたのは350ペソ!!これは高すぎ。
次に聞いたのは250ペソ(60米ドル) 。個室ですし、敷地内に駐車できるし(自分の部屋の前)、WiFiもあるから、まぁ、いいか1日くらい、ということでここにしました。
Day 565: 10 FEB 2012
Rosario to Paso de las Libres (Hotel Escorpio)
54,132km to 54,806km = 674km
I thought I could have a good night sleep as all of guests in my room were on the bed around 10pm. I went to sleep after 10:30pm or so. But I was wrong.
I was awaken by the noise! Thye were talking with the normal tone and making lot of noise. I thought someone were leaving early, but when I checked my watch it was 12:30am....
I heard about bad rumars on Israelis but I had never experienced one until last night. Now I understand why some hostels and restaurants are not welcomming Israelis.
I woke up around 7:30am. I found my towel was on the floor (somehow) and it was underneath of a pair of shoes... There were 8 beds in the room but there were 8 Israelis... On 1 bed 1 guy and 1 girl were sleeping together. They cannot keep rules...
Usually I would be quiet, but I did ot care. I was getting ready as if there would be none around.
The breakfast was ready at 8am. I had 2 meda lunas (Croissants) and a banana. I went to the car park and got ready.
It took e a while to get out of the city. I had to go on a bridge and cross to Victria, bt somehow I could not find the way. My GPS was confusing as well...
The highway was crossing the Parana river, its islands and the wet land beyond It would be an awesome place for those bird watchers and nature lovers, but I was not really interested in.
Today I took wrong ways man times. I planed to go on Route 6, but I ended up on Route 14. Route 14 was the unfinished highway and many times I had to switch the lane.
The good thing was it wasn't hot today. As I was heading north, it would be hotter and hotter but it was quite cool today.
I arrived Paso de los Libres around 6:30pm. It was 10km or so off the main highway but the next town Santo Tome would be 210km away. So I decided to stay there. I went to YPF to fill my tank but I had to wait for a long time again. What's wrong with Argentinian petrol surpply?
But I could not find any cheap acomodation. The one I found was 250APs (US$60)... It was a private room, with aircond, WiFi and secure parking. It was expensive, but just for a day, I stayed there
As I sepnt toomuch on accmodation, I just had cookies as dinner. The Internet conection here is really bad...
Rosario to Paso de las Libres (Hotel Escorpio)
54,132km to 54,806km = 674km
で、朝は7時半に起床。何故だかワシのタオルが床に落ちていてライリーの靴の下敷きになっておりました。嫌がらせか?? 床は彼らの荷物で足の踏み場も無いくらい。
朝飯は8時から。クロワッサン(Media Luna=半月)2つとバナナと珈琲を頂きました。そして駐車場に向かい、荷物をエスペランサに積んで出発です。
次の街ノゴジャ(Nogoya。ローマ字で書くとナゴヤみたいですね)で給油。そこからロザリオ・デル・タラ(Rosario del Tala)手前で6号線に左折するべきでしたが、何故か直進。結局14号線まで東進しました。
どうにかこうにか14号線に復帰して北上を続けます。ブラジルとの国境の街パソ・デ・ロス・リブレス(Paso de los Libres)は本線から10キロほど東に外れたところにありますが、次の街サント・トメ(Santo Tome)は210キロ先だし、時刻はもう6時半だしなので、リブレスで1泊することに。
今日は金曜日。明日は土曜日。まさか、の場合を考えて給油を。しかし相変わらずYPFは行列です。給油が済んだのはもう7時過ぎ。宿を探しにかかります。が、高い!! 最初に聞いたのは350ペソ!!これは高すぎ。
次に聞いたのは250ペソ(60米ドル) 。個室ですし、敷地内に駐車できるし(自分の部屋の前)、WiFiもあるから、まぁ、いいか1日くらい、ということでここにしました。
Day 565: 10 FEB 2012
Rosario to Paso de las Libres (Hotel Escorpio)
54,132km to 54,806km = 674km
I thought I could have a good night sleep as all of guests in my room were on the bed around 10pm. I went to sleep after 10:30pm or so. But I was wrong.
I was awaken by the noise! Thye were talking with the normal tone and making lot of noise. I thought someone were leaving early, but when I checked my watch it was 12:30am....
I heard about bad rumars on Israelis but I had never experienced one until last night. Now I understand why some hostels and restaurants are not welcomming Israelis.
I woke up around 7:30am. I found my towel was on the floor (somehow) and it was underneath of a pair of shoes... There were 8 beds in the room but there were 8 Israelis... On 1 bed 1 guy and 1 girl were sleeping together. They cannot keep rules...
Usually I would be quiet, but I did ot care. I was getting ready as if there would be none around.
The breakfast was ready at 8am. I had 2 meda lunas (Croissants) and a banana. I went to the car park and got ready.
It took e a while to get out of the city. I had to go on a bridge and cross to Victria, bt somehow I could not find the way. My GPS was confusing as well...
The highway was crossing the Parana river, its islands and the wet land beyond It would be an awesome place for those bird watchers and nature lovers, but I was not really interested in.
Today I took wrong ways man times. I planed to go on Route 6, but I ended up on Route 14. Route 14 was the unfinished highway and many times I had to switch the lane.
The good thing was it wasn't hot today. As I was heading north, it would be hotter and hotter but it was quite cool today.
I arrived Paso de los Libres around 6:30pm. It was 10km or so off the main highway but the next town Santo Tome would be 210km away. So I decided to stay there. I went to YPF to fill my tank but I had to wait for a long time again. What's wrong with Argentinian petrol surpply?
But I could not find any cheap acomodation. The one I found was 250APs (US$60)... It was a private room, with aircond, WiFi and secure parking. It was expensive, but just for a day, I stayed there
As I sepnt toomuch on accmodation, I just had cookies as dinner. The Internet conection here is really bad...