
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 561: 2012年2月6日

Buenos Aires (Nihon Ryokan)


DSCF0947.jpg9時にハビエルたちが出勤してきました。ダカール・モトスには中古タイヤが何本も有るのですが、ワシの持っているMetzeler Sahara Enduro3とContinental TKC 80を交換してもらいました。TKCはチューブレス・タイヤなので。山はそんなに残っていませんが、今履いているハイデナウと併せれば5,000キロ以上は走行可能なので、南米はこれで行けます。Saharaだと、安全面を考えるとチューブを入れたほうがいいので、またチューブを入れたらパンク対策にタイヤ・レバーも購入しないといけないので、更にお金がかかりますからね。







Day 561: 06 FEB 2012

Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)

As Franco is leaving Dakar Motos today (he will take his bike to the airport and then go to a hostel in centro), I decided to move to a Japanese hostel in centro as well.

Around 9am, Javier and his family came in. There are lots of used tyres in the shop and I asked Javier if I could exchange my Metzeler Sahara Enduro 3 to another Tubeless type tyre. I just used Sahara for 1,000km or so but if I want to ride safely, I have to fit a tube with the tyre. The I need to get tyre levers for fixing puncture. It will cost me more. So I thoght it would be better off to get a tubeless tyre there, even though they are worn more. One of Cntinental TKC 80 is not bad shape, so I picked it up. Together with the Heidenau Scout K60 I am wearing now, it will make more than 5,000km. So it will be enough to last my South American trip. 

I spoke with Sandra regarding the shipment of my GS to Germany, then I got ready to centro. Franco left to the airport with his bike. I will see himin centro tomorrow.

I caught a train to centro. First I went to "Ueno Sansou" but it was full. So I took a subway to "Nihon Ryokan". Luckily I could get a bed. Nezumi was still there, so we made Terere (iced Mate) and played Japanese chess a few times. We were even again.

Then we went to a supermarket to cook steaks again. "Lomo" the meat Nezumi bought was really excellent! it costs 60APs a kilo.

A taxi was supposedto come to pick Nezumi upat 5:30pm, but it did not come. We found out there was a mistake with the reservation, so he made another one to come. The taxi came around 6:30pm. But his flight would be at 9:30pm, so he should be able to make to the airport 2 hours prevous to his flight.

It was really humid and hot day. I kept drinking Terere and read some books.

Tomorrow I will go to the insurance agency "ATM" to pick up a policy and seeing Franco for dinner.


Day 560: 2012年2月5日

Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)







米が炊けるのを待ちながら、マテ茶を水で淹れて(テレレといいます)、将棋を2局。一勝一敗。米が炊き上がったのでステーキを弱火で焼きます。焼き加減はミディアム(A Punto)。お味は? ちょっと堅かったですが、まぁ、美味しかったですよ。


DSCF0946.jpgしばしここでフラメンコを見ながらくつろぎ、再び街を徘徊。帽子屋は沢山あるのにベレー帽はありそうでありませんでした。名残惜しいので夕飯も外で。駅の近くでピザを。鼠はまだ若いのに世界をちゃんと見据えていて感心させられます。話していてこちらも学ばされることが多く、一緒にこの3日間過ごせて充実した時が過ごせました。今度は東南アジアで再会、もしくは日本で再会ですね。Buen viaje, mi amigo!

Day 560: 06 FEB 2012

Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)

It was raining from the morning. The temperature was not as high as the past few days, but it was more humid... So it made me more uncomfortable....

I went to see Nezumi in the city. We walked to "Antique Street Market".  We wondered if those stands were open in the rain but as the rain eased up, there were quite a few stands open already. There were mate cups, bombillas, leather goods, Che goods etc.

We got hungry while walking and looked for any stand selling any food. But we could not find any. We found a lady selling empanadas in a busket, so we bought one each (6APs). As it wasn't enough for us, we went to a bakery to buy some breads to fill our stomaches.

Then we walked around the street again. Now we saw many people selling foods on the street!! Why we could not see them before?

We continued waking along the street. Nezumi was looking for some souvenirs to Japan and I was looking for a berret. We found a "Mercado (market)" on the street. It was the first "Mercado" I saw since I left Bolivia. As it would be Nezumi'S last chance to have Arentinian beef, so we bought 500g of beef and went back to his hostel to cook steaks.

While we were waiting for rice cooked, we made cold mate and played Japanese chess. I lost once and won the 2nd game. Then we cooked the steaks. It was a little tough but was good. After the 2nd lunch, we played Japanese chess again (I won!) and went to Boca area where is famous as Tango's birth place.

There were lots of tourists in the area and lots of souvenir shops. Nezumi said once we step aside the main street, it is the area for workers. We had drinks at a restaurant where Framenco show played. We were not sure why Framenco rather than Tango, but those dancers were pretty good. We stayed there for a while.

We had pizza for dinner. It was fun 3 days with Nezumi. He is a blight young man. I wish he will do well back in Japan. Buen viaje mi amigo!



Day 559: 2012年2月4日

Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)



DSCF0935.jpgそれにしても暑い。日陰はそれほどでもないのですが、長く歩いていると結構だれて来ます。涼しい場所を求めて、昼飯はちょっと早めでしたがバーガーキングで。昨日保険屋のATMでクーポンをもらったので使ってみます。ポテトとドリンク無料券を使いましたが、ワッパーだけで24ペソ(6米ドル)です。高い!! クーポンを使ってもオーストラリアとほぼ同額とは、恐るべしアルゼンチンの物価。



夕方「上野山荘 ブエノス・アイレス別館」を訪ねてみました。生憎今日と明日は満室ですが、月曜日は空きが出るかも、とのこと。出発は水曜日の予定なので、月曜日と火曜日は上野山荘に移動しようかな?


Day 559: 04 FEB 2012

Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)

I got up arpund 7am. I took a shower but soon I got sweat. It will be a hot day again. As I ad an appointment with Nezum in the city at 11am, I left Dakar Motos after 9:30am.

There seems to be no much things to see in Buenos Aires. But we went to "Centro" and visited Cathedral. It looked like an ancient Greek building from outside. But inside, it was very calm and simple. This is the simplest Cathedral I've seen in Latin America and I kinda liked it. We talked about religions after we got out of Cathedral.

It was really hot day. We could not walk too long time. We were looking for somewhere cooler. We found a Burger King and had lunch there. At ATM yesterday, I got coupons, so I used one of them (buy a burger and get fries and a drink free). But a Whapper costs 24APs (US$6)! WIth a coupon, it was the same price as a Whapper meal in Australia. How expensive the prices in Argentina are!

We stayed at the Brger King for a while. We went outside but soon we were looking for a shade or the place we can stay. We went to a book store. According to Nezumi it is the 2nd most beautiful book store in the world. Well the book store was the renovated old theatre and it was quite beautiful. I wasn'T sure if it would be the 2nd in the world but it certainly looked good. There we saw "1Q84" by Haruki Murakami piled on the floor. He is a popular novelist around the world.

We made a few stops at Burger King's and MacDonald's and then went to another book store and had cuppa there. "1Q84" filled one of the book shelves!

Then we visited the Japanese hostel "Ueno Sansou Benos Aires", It was full at the moment but on monday it will have some bed vacant, so I am thinking to move there monday and stay 2 nights there.

It will be the last day of Nezumi's trip tomorrow and there will be the antique market in the city, so I will go out with him again tomorrow.


Day 558: 2012年2月3日

Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)

DSCF0920.jpg今朝ヨハンとイルスは旅立ちました。目指すはアスールのホルへ邸。300キロ先ですが安全運転で! ダカール・モトの前でみんなで集合写真。



DSCF0924.jpgDSCF0925.jpgそれから日本旅館にいる鼠を訪ねます。歩くと距離がありますし、この炎天下では乾しあがってしまうので、地下鉄を。片道2.5ペソ。なんと、使われている車両が古い日本の地下鉄でした! こんな古いタイプはワシが子供の頃使用されていたものでしょうか。

日本旅館で鼠と再会! 「お、三郎さん太りましたね。」と。カラファテでの食べすぎが祟ったか・・・。鼠もウシュアイアでの飽食で出会った頃より幾分ふっくらとしてました。





作業が終了したのは8時ごろ。お疲れ様でした! これで安心して残りの南米を旅できますね。


Day 558: 03 FEB 2012

Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)

This morning Jahan and Ils left to Azul. Off cource they are going to "La Posta del Viajero en Moto". It will be 300km ride, but be careful my friends! Buen viaje!

I asked Javier to do 50,000km service for my GS. He started to work on my GS from 10am. As some of screws for the bushplate were damaged by MotoPablo (in Ushuaia), Javier went to a screw shop to get some screws in his KLR (even though I got some from Touratech here, they did not have everything I needed).

Franco and I took a train to the city. I needed to extend my motor insurance and he needed to exchange his leftover Pesos, Soles and Bolivianos. The train was deisel engined one. It costs 0.90APs one way.

In the city, I went to the insurance agency "ATM". My current one is valid till 3rd of March, but I need to be covered until the end of March, so I extended it. While I was in the office, Franco got his money exchanged.

Then we took a subway to visit my friend Nezumi (meaning "Rat" in Japanese) staying at "Nihon Ryokan". The subway cars were the one used in Japan!! I could see some Japanese writing on it still. "No smoking", "Do not stay in between the connection of the carriages". This type of car would be used when I was really small. It costs 2.50APs.

The first word Nezumi said when he saw me was "You gained some weight." Yes I did... I ate too much Asados in El Calafate. But he also gained some weight as he stayed in Ushuaia for 19 days and kept eaing (well, he is the cyclist, so he needes to eat a lot to recover from fatigue he got from riding).

We walked to Barrio Puerto Madero where some food stands were. There we had Choripan for lunch. I ordered "Super" (14Aps). It was really big and tasty. We walked to the shade and had chat for a while.

When Franco and I came back to Dakar Motos, it was before 6pm. Javier was still working on my GS. I wondered if anything happened and it had! Javier burned his finger touching a hot exhaust pipe... Poor Javier...

But he continued working on my GS. We found the bolt head of the drain bolt of the final drive was damaged. It was touched by BMW Mendoza the last time. So they probably damaged it... It was hard to take out the drain bolt, but Javier did it.

I was watching him working. I could see he is a good mechanic. I was glad that I asked his to do the service.

The job was done around 8pm. Good job, Javier! Now I can ride around the rest of South America without worry.

I will see Nezumi again tomorrow. We are planning to go to Chinatown and visit another friend of mine.


Day 557: 2012年2月2日

Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)
53,817km to 53,835km = 18km





昼飯はマクドナルドにて。最後にマクドナルドで食べたのは?? 多分パナマですね。ビッグマックはなくて何故かトリプルマックです。それのセットを頼んだら36.5ペソ(9米ドル)。今までで一番高いマックです。味はビッグマックでした(パテが一枚多いですが)。





Day 557: 02 FEB 2012

Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)
53,817km to 53,835km = 18km

No water got into my tent despite of the heavy storm last night. It's the "Mont-Bell" tent. Well done, Mont-Bell.

I got up around 8am. The temp was soaring high already... It will be a hot day again in Buenos Aires.

Javier, Sandra and their son Julian came to the shop around 9am. Sandra was explaining the details of the bike shipping to Franco, so I was listening closely. I have to do the same in March anyway.

Franco and I visited Touratech before lunch time. I wanted to weld my right pannier. But Claudio at Touratech told me that they have to take the pannier to a welder to do the job. So I left my pannier there. I also asked for screws for my Touratech bushplate (the screws were damaged by MotoPablo!) and Claudio gave some screws for free! Thanks. But unfortunately they did not have everything I need in stock, so I have to look for them.

Claudio told me that they can also do a service for my GS. It would cost US$300. It's tempting but I have to ask Javier and check his price to decide.

We went to MacDonald's for lunch. When was the last time I ate in MacDonald's?? I reckoned it was in Panama. I could not find Big Mac, so I ordered "Triple Mac" which has 3 paties. It cost 36.5APs (US$9!),the most expensive MacDonald'S hamburger ever I had. It tastes just like a Big Mac.

Then we went to a car wash place to wash Franco'S GS Adv. As he is shipping his bike back to Swiss, it needs to be clean to avoid any claim from the custom. I also wanted to wash my GS but it cost 50Aps and my GS isn't that dirty (I washed in El Calafate), so I did not.

Back to Dakar Motos, we were talking to Johan and Ils about the route and some tips in South America. Then it got cloudy around 5pm and started to have a storm again. But it was not as bad as yesterday. It stopped raining by 9pm.

I decided to do the service with Javier. I was planning to go to the city to do the insurance extension today, but I got lazy. Tomorrow I will go to the city to do the job and see my friend Nezumi.


一日一回クリックするとランキングがあがります! よろしくお願いいたします!!
にほんブログ村 旅行ブログ 世界一周へ

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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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