三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
さよならチヒロちゃん。山田さんと初対面。 / Good-bye Chihiro. Meeting Mr. Yamada
Day 547: 2012年1月23日
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
チヒロちゃんは2時半過ぎに空港への向かえが来たのでお別れです。約一ヶ月前にここで出会って、一旦ワシはウシュアイアまで行きましたが、トータルで3週間は一緒に過ごしました。楽しかったよ、チヒロちゃん。また、何処かで。Buen viaje!!
シャワーを浴びて洗濯をして、午後はゆっくりと。夕方になり、「ピンポーン」とドアベルが鳴りました。そうです、世界一周中のライダー山田さんの登場です。山田さんはBMW F650GSに乗っておられます。今日到着するとメールを頂いていたんですね。山田さんのブログはこちら。http://world-dream-touring.com/
夕飯はなんとホセがパスタを作りました! やるときはやる男、ホセです。
Day 547: 23 JAN 2012
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
Today we did BBQ at the backyard from the morning as Chihiro was leaving to Buenos Aires by 2:30pm. We bought really good beef (80APs a kilo) and tried to cook the best "Asado".
I made the fire too weak... It took too long time to cook the meats. With the strong sun, the meats got dried before it cooked!! They would be beef jarkey... We tried to bring the heat higher, but it took time to do so. The end result was failure... the meat became dry and tough.
But we had a good time. The cat came along and we fed her peaces of beef and salmon.
Chihiro left the hostel around 2:30pm. It's been a month since I met her here for the first time. I went to Ushuaia in between, but I spent 3 weeks with her. It was fun to spend days with Chihiro. Buen viaje!!
After taking a shower and did some laundry, Yutaka and I was spending a lazy afternoon. Then the door bell rang. It was Mr. Yamada! It's the first meeting with him but we have been contacting through Facebook for a while and he told me he would be here this afternoon. He has done the most of his "RTW" trip on his F650GS. This is is blog http://world-dream-touring.com/
We talked about the motorcycle, our trips, our frieds etc. We had a good evening!
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
チヒロちゃんは2時半過ぎに空港への向かえが来たのでお別れです。約一ヶ月前にここで出会って、一旦ワシはウシュアイアまで行きましたが、トータルで3週間は一緒に過ごしました。楽しかったよ、チヒロちゃん。また、何処かで。Buen viaje!!
シャワーを浴びて洗濯をして、午後はゆっくりと。夕方になり、「ピンポーン」とドアベルが鳴りました。そうです、世界一周中のライダー山田さんの登場です。山田さんはBMW F650GSに乗っておられます。今日到着するとメールを頂いていたんですね。山田さんのブログはこちら。http://world-dream-touring.com/
夕飯はなんとホセがパスタを作りました! やるときはやる男、ホセです。
Day 547: 23 JAN 2012
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
Today we did BBQ at the backyard from the morning as Chihiro was leaving to Buenos Aires by 2:30pm. We bought really good beef (80APs a kilo) and tried to cook the best "Asado".
I made the fire too weak... It took too long time to cook the meats. With the strong sun, the meats got dried before it cooked!! They would be beef jarkey... We tried to bring the heat higher, but it took time to do so. The end result was failure... the meat became dry and tough.
But we had a good time. The cat came along and we fed her peaces of beef and salmon.
Chihiro left the hostel around 2:30pm. It's been a month since I met her here for the first time. I went to Ushuaia in between, but I spent 3 weeks with her. It was fun to spend days with Chihiro. Buen viaje!!
After taking a shower and did some laundry, Yutaka and I was spending a lazy afternoon. Then the door bell rang. It was Mr. Yamada! It's the first meeting with him but we have been contacting through Facebook for a while and he told me he would be here this afternoon. He has done the most of his "RTW" trip on his F650GS. This is is blog http://world-dream-touring.com/
We talked about the motorcycle, our trips, our frieds etc. We had a good evening!