三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
またまた強風。首が痛い / The strong Patagonian wind. My neck hurts...
Day 553: 2012年1月29日
Comodoro Rivadavia to Puerto Madryn (La Tosca Hostel)
51,952km to 52,388km = 436km
走行中ずっと風と闘っている、という感じで、走行が楽しめません。しかし「Buenos Aires」まで後何キロ、という看板が出てきたので、パタゴニアもあとわずか、ですね。

と、あるガソリンスタンドにて。「Fazedores de CHUVA」のステッカーがここにも!! 妹が日本の埼玉で大学の講師をしているというアルゼンチン人女性と話したんですけど、「ここら辺の風はたまに風速120キロを越える。」そうです。
本当はもっと距離を伸ばしたかったのですが、バラデス半島への入り口、プエルト・マドリン(Puerto Madryn)にて一泊することにしました。風もますます強いし、砂埃も舞ってますからね。
La Toscaという宿はバイクを敷地内に駐車可能なので、ここにしました。8ベッドのドミで75ペソ。シャワーを浴びながらバラデス半島観光に行こうかと思案しますが、辞めました。ペンギン、アシカ、ゾウアザラシ、イルカ、本当にまれにシャチが見れるそうなんですが。まぁ、動物は見飽きましたかね。シャチがオタリア(アシカの一種)を狩るところは見たいですが・・・。
Day 553: 29 JAN 2012
Comodoro Rivadavia to Puerto Madryn (La Tosca Hostel)
51,952km to 52,388km = 436km
The Argentinian family was having party until early in the morning. I could fall into sleep before midnight once, but I was awaken by their noise. They were playing round music. Their selection was "Reggaeton". The type of msic I really dislike... I could not sleep very well until early in the morning...
I got up at 7:30am. I was realy by 9am. The wind was lwoing hard from the morning... My neck hurts..
While riding, I had to fight against the wind, so I could not really enjoy riding. The scenery was boring as well. But I started to see the signs "Bueos Aires 1,XXXkm". The end of Patagonia and the strong wind will be soon.
I found a sticker of "Fazefores de CHUVA" at a petrol station. Here I met an Argentinia family. A sister of the wife is living in Saitama, Japan! Saitama is a province next to Tokyo and where I bought my GS! She said sometimes the wind aroud here gets as strong as 120km/h!!
I wanted to ride much further, but I decided to stay at Puerto Madryn - the entrance to Valdes Peninsla. The wind got stronger and dustier, that's why.
I could find a hostel with a parking space "La Tosca Hostel". 8 bed dorm costs 75APs. It'snot the cheapest option but the security of the bike comes first.
I was thinking to join a tour to Valdes Peninsula, but it costs 270APs + 70APs park entrance fee. And I heard it is not in the season, so there would not be many/any whales... So I decided not to go. But I wanted to see Killer Wales hunting sea lions.
After I came back from the supermarket, I met a Japanese raveller - Hitomi. She gave me a bowl of miso soup! Nice!!
I will have a good night rest tonight. How far should I ride timorrow??
Comodoro Rivadavia to Puerto Madryn (La Tosca Hostel)
51,952km to 52,388km = 436km
走行中ずっと風と闘っている、という感じで、走行が楽しめません。しかし「Buenos Aires」まで後何キロ、という看板が出てきたので、パタゴニアもあとわずか、ですね。
本当はもっと距離を伸ばしたかったのですが、バラデス半島への入り口、プエルト・マドリン(Puerto Madryn)にて一泊することにしました。風もますます強いし、砂埃も舞ってますからね。
La Toscaという宿はバイクを敷地内に駐車可能なので、ここにしました。8ベッドのドミで75ペソ。シャワーを浴びながらバラデス半島観光に行こうかと思案しますが、辞めました。ペンギン、アシカ、ゾウアザラシ、イルカ、本当にまれにシャチが見れるそうなんですが。まぁ、動物は見飽きましたかね。シャチがオタリア(アシカの一種)を狩るところは見たいですが・・・。
Day 553: 29 JAN 2012
Comodoro Rivadavia to Puerto Madryn (La Tosca Hostel)
51,952km to 52,388km = 436km
The Argentinian family was having party until early in the morning. I could fall into sleep before midnight once, but I was awaken by their noise. They were playing round music. Their selection was "Reggaeton". The type of msic I really dislike... I could not sleep very well until early in the morning...
I got up at 7:30am. I was realy by 9am. The wind was lwoing hard from the morning... My neck hurts..
While riding, I had to fight against the wind, so I could not really enjoy riding. The scenery was boring as well. But I started to see the signs "Bueos Aires 1,XXXkm". The end of Patagonia and the strong wind will be soon.
I found a sticker of "Fazefores de CHUVA" at a petrol station. Here I met an Argentinia family. A sister of the wife is living in Saitama, Japan! Saitama is a province next to Tokyo and where I bought my GS! She said sometimes the wind aroud here gets as strong as 120km/h!!
I wanted to ride much further, but I decided to stay at Puerto Madryn - the entrance to Valdes Peninsla. The wind got stronger and dustier, that's why.
I could find a hostel with a parking space "La Tosca Hostel". 8 bed dorm costs 75APs. It'snot the cheapest option but the security of the bike comes first.
I was thinking to join a tour to Valdes Peninsula, but it costs 270APs + 70APs park entrance fee. And I heard it is not in the season, so there would not be many/any whales... So I decided not to go. But I wanted to see Killer Wales hunting sea lions.
After I came back from the supermarket, I met a Japanese raveller - Hitomi. She gave me a bowl of miso soup! Nice!!
I will have a good night rest tonight. How far should I ride timorrow??