三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
エスペランサの整備とパニア修復 / Servicing my GS and fixing the pannier
Day 527: 2012年1月3日
Ushuaia (Ueno Sansou)
49,687km to 49,710km = 23km
さて、今日は朝からウベのキャンプ場に行き、ウベと連れ立ってバイク屋「Moto Pablo」へ行きました。残念ながらウベのチェーンは有るけどスプロケットが無い、と。
ワシの場合はタイヤが1,300ペソ、パニア修理が380ペソ、オイルが300ペソ、そして工賃が480ペソと2,430ペソ(600米ドル)とお高いマンエン。しかし、必要経費ですねコレは。ドロールとアンジェラが見に来てくれて、一緒にエンパナーダを食べました。ブラジルでの再会を約束して別れました。Buen viaje mis amigos!!
エスペランサを預けて、スーパーに買出し。スーパーに入ったところで、ウベが「あ、そういえばポールがYAMAHAが既にタイヤをプンタ・アレーナスに送ったといってたよ!」と。急遽Moto Pabloに引き返し、タイヤ交換は保留となりました。なので出発は明日にしないで明後日にしよう、となりました。
うーん、ウシュアイアで交換は高いけど、確実だから、ここで交換するかな? もうタイヤの残りが僅かだから、ダートでのパンク、濡れている路面が怖いですよね。
6時半までキャンプ場で過ごし(ビジターの施設使用量10ペソ支払って)、Moto Pabloに戻ると…、オイル交換は完了してましたが、エアフィルター清掃、パニアの修理が何もなされていない…。「パニアの蓋を開けられないから…」とパブロの言い訳。鍵はかけてないのに! サクッとパニアを開けて見せると、「9時か10時には仕上がるから!」と。
残念なことに、エンジンアンダーガードの六角ネジを取り外しのときに舐めてしまっているので、ボルトに交換されていました。ボルトのヘッドが石にやられてしまうんじゃないの?? まぁ、今のところはこれでいいか。パニアは溶接屋さんが取りに来て運ばれていきました。「1時間か1時間半で戻る。」とのこと。ブラジル人ライダー何人かがSUZUKI V-Stromで来ているのですが、1台が電気系の問題で手こずっております。エンパナーダを夕飯に。
Day 527: 03 JAN 2012
Ushuaia (Ueno Sansou)
49,687km to 49,710km = 23km
From the morning, I visited Uwe at his campground and together we rode to "Moto Pablo". Unfortunately, they had a chain for Uwe but no sproket... For me, it will cost 2,430APs (1,300APs for a tyre, 300APs for engine oil, 380APs for fixing the pannier, and 480APs for labour). Very expensive. Pablo said, it will be ready by 7pm.
Dolor and Angela visited there to check availabilty of tyres for me! HOw kind. We had empanadas together and had chat. I will see them again in Brazil for sure. Buen viaje, mis amigos!
I left my GS there and we went to a supermarket. Then Uwe realised he received a message from Paul about the tyre. He said his used rear tyre was already sent from Temco last Thursday to Punta Arenas! So it would be there already.
We quickly went back to Moto Pablo and told Pablo to hold the job for changing tyre.
At Uwe'S campground, I checked the message from Paul. He said he will check the situation and let me know. I paid 10APs to the campground to use their facilities. We stayed there till 6:30pm and went back to Moto Pablo.
When we got there, the engine oil was changed but other jobs had not been done. Pablo said "I could nt open the pannier. It was locked..." Nop, it was not locked. I opened it without using key and he said "Ok, it will be done by 9 or 10pm!"
Unfortunately, when taking off the bash plate, the bolt heads were damaged and he put other bolts. The bolt heads were not flat, so they stick out. I am affraid the rocks might hit them, but as a temporary solution, I have to accept it.
A welder came to pick up my pannier. He said it wold be done in 1 - 1 1/2 hour.
There were several Brazilians on SUZUKI V-Strom. One of them had got an electronic problem and mechanics were having hard time to identify the problem.
I had empanadas again for dinner and finally the pannier was fixed around 10pm. The welder did the great job. It was straighted, reinformced and welded very well. I think it was money well spent.
Back to the hostel, there were 3 new guys, but I was too tired, so I went to bet soon. Tomorrow, I will check with Paul and decide if I will change the tyre here or go back to Punta Arenas.
Ushuaia (Ueno Sansou)
49,687km to 49,710km = 23km
ワシの場合はタイヤが1,300ペソ、パニア修理が380ペソ、オイルが300ペソ、そして工賃が480ペソと2,430ペソ(600米ドル)とお高いマンエン。しかし、必要経費ですねコレは。ドロールとアンジェラが見に来てくれて、一緒にエンパナーダを食べました。ブラジルでの再会を約束して別れました。Buen viaje mis amigos!!
うーん、ウシュアイアで交換は高いけど、確実だから、ここで交換するかな? もうタイヤの残りが僅かだから、ダートでのパンク、濡れている路面が怖いですよね。
Day 527: 03 JAN 2012
Ushuaia (Ueno Sansou)
49,687km to 49,710km = 23km
From the morning, I visited Uwe at his campground and together we rode to "Moto Pablo". Unfortunately, they had a chain for Uwe but no sproket... For me, it will cost 2,430APs (1,300APs for a tyre, 300APs for engine oil, 380APs for fixing the pannier, and 480APs for labour). Very expensive. Pablo said, it will be ready by 7pm.
Dolor and Angela visited there to check availabilty of tyres for me! HOw kind. We had empanadas together and had chat. I will see them again in Brazil for sure. Buen viaje, mis amigos!
I left my GS there and we went to a supermarket. Then Uwe realised he received a message from Paul about the tyre. He said his used rear tyre was already sent from Temco last Thursday to Punta Arenas! So it would be there already.
We quickly went back to Moto Pablo and told Pablo to hold the job for changing tyre.
At Uwe'S campground, I checked the message from Paul. He said he will check the situation and let me know. I paid 10APs to the campground to use their facilities. We stayed there till 6:30pm and went back to Moto Pablo.
When we got there, the engine oil was changed but other jobs had not been done. Pablo said "I could nt open the pannier. It was locked..." Nop, it was not locked. I opened it without using key and he said "Ok, it will be done by 9 or 10pm!"
Unfortunately, when taking off the bash plate, the bolt heads were damaged and he put other bolts. The bolt heads were not flat, so they stick out. I am affraid the rocks might hit them, but as a temporary solution, I have to accept it.
A welder came to pick up my pannier. He said it wold be done in 1 - 1 1/2 hour.
There were several Brazilians on SUZUKI V-Strom. One of them had got an electronic problem and mechanics were having hard time to identify the problem.
I had empanadas again for dinner and finally the pannier was fixed around 10pm. The welder did the great job. It was straighted, reinformced and welded very well. I think it was money well spent.
Back to the hostel, there were 3 new guys, but I was too tired, so I went to bet soon. Tomorrow, I will check with Paul and decide if I will change the tyre here or go back to Punta Arenas.