三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
出発の準備 / Preparing to head north!
Day 526: 2012年1月2日
Ushuaia (Ueno Sansou)
49,660km to 49,687km = 27km
街に出てピザで昼飯。キャンプ場に戻り、ネット。ブログのアップとメールチェック。そうしたら、ポールから「テムコのYAMAHAディーラーがポールの使い古しのタイヤをプンタ・アレーナスまで送れる」、とのメッセージが。そして、この間出会ったドロールからウシュアイアのMoto Pabloという店でタイヤを買えるという情報を入手。
早速Moto Pabloへ。しかし営業時間は夕方の4時半から夜10時まで。時間は3時半。しかも今日開店するのかわかりません。ガラス越しにみると、MetzelerのTouranceやSahara 3が置いてあります。Touranceのサイズはステッカーが貼ってあってわかりませんが、Sahara 3は140/80-17ですのでエスペランサに装着可能です。
「タイヤが欲しいんだけど。」というと、「中に入っていいよ。」と。Touranceはサイズが130だったので細すぎますが、他にMetzeler Marathonの150/80-17が有りました。しかしこれはロード向きすぎますか。値段は大体1,000ペソ(250米ドル)です。高い!!! TouranceやHeidenauにならその値段を払ってもいいですが…。どうしますかねぇ。まぁ、高いけど、ここで交換しておけば今後は安心して走れますね。
Day 526: 02 JAN 2012
Ushuaia (Ueno Sansou)
49,660km to 49,687km = 27km
I woke up at 11:30am. I had an apointment with Uwe at 12noon, so I quickly got ready and went to his campground.
Uwe told me that he saw a car repair shop nearby, so we went there first. But as it is a public holiday (the new year'S day was on sunday, that's why), the shop was closed.
We went to the town and had a pizza for lunch, then went back to his campground.
I checked e-mails and found out YAMAHA Temco can send the Paul's used Tourance to Punta Arenas and I can get a new tyre here in Ushuaia (the informatio from Dolor and Elton, thanks amigos!).
So I went to the moto shop recomended by Dolor and Elton. The shop is called "Moto Pablo". It was closed but I could see tyres from the window. I could see Metzeler Tourance and Sahara 3. I could not know the size of Tourance, but Sahara 3 was 140/80-17.It will fit to my GS.
Now the consern is the price. Then Pablo came out from the shop. Lucky me. I asked him the price and he said around 1,000ALPs. It is really expensive. But he said he could repair my pannier tomorrow, so I decided to chane the tyre, change the engine oil, clean the air filter and fix the pannier at his workshop. So tomorrow it will be a busy day.
Back to the campground,I sent a message to Paul to cancel the shipment of the used tyre from Temco. Uwe also needs to change his chain and sprokets, so he wil go to Moto Pablo tomorrow morning with me.
Back to the hostel, I read a Japanese novel. Iba, Dai and Shino came back from the town and we cooked dumplings and pasta for dinner. Dai and Shio are leaving here earlymorning tomorrow. Iba will catch afternoon plane to E Calafate. So we will sprit up here. Thank you, Iba, I had a good time with you. We might be able to catch up in El Calafate.
Well, I should go to sleep early today.
Ushuaia (Ueno Sansou)
49,660km to 49,687km = 27km
街に出てピザで昼飯。キャンプ場に戻り、ネット。ブログのアップとメールチェック。そうしたら、ポールから「テムコのYAMAHAディーラーがポールの使い古しのタイヤをプンタ・アレーナスまで送れる」、とのメッセージが。そして、この間出会ったドロールからウシュアイアのMoto Pabloという店でタイヤを買えるという情報を入手。
早速Moto Pabloへ。しかし営業時間は夕方の4時半から夜10時まで。時間は3時半。しかも今日開店するのかわかりません。ガラス越しにみると、MetzelerのTouranceやSahara 3が置いてあります。Touranceのサイズはステッカーが貼ってあってわかりませんが、Sahara 3は140/80-17ですのでエスペランサに装着可能です。
「タイヤが欲しいんだけど。」というと、「中に入っていいよ。」と。Touranceはサイズが130だったので細すぎますが、他にMetzeler Marathonの150/80-17が有りました。しかしこれはロード向きすぎますか。値段は大体1,000ペソ(250米ドル)です。高い!!! TouranceやHeidenauにならその値段を払ってもいいですが…。どうしますかねぇ。まぁ、高いけど、ここで交換しておけば今後は安心して走れますね。
Day 526: 02 JAN 2012
Ushuaia (Ueno Sansou)
49,660km to 49,687km = 27km
I woke up at 11:30am. I had an apointment with Uwe at 12noon, so I quickly got ready and went to his campground.
Uwe told me that he saw a car repair shop nearby, so we went there first. But as it is a public holiday (the new year'S day was on sunday, that's why), the shop was closed.
We went to the town and had a pizza for lunch, then went back to his campground.
I checked e-mails and found out YAMAHA Temco can send the Paul's used Tourance to Punta Arenas and I can get a new tyre here in Ushuaia (the informatio from Dolor and Elton, thanks amigos!).
So I went to the moto shop recomended by Dolor and Elton. The shop is called "Moto Pablo". It was closed but I could see tyres from the window. I could see Metzeler Tourance and Sahara 3. I could not know the size of Tourance, but Sahara 3 was 140/80-17.It will fit to my GS.
Now the consern is the price. Then Pablo came out from the shop. Lucky me. I asked him the price and he said around 1,000ALPs. It is really expensive. But he said he could repair my pannier tomorrow, so I decided to chane the tyre, change the engine oil, clean the air filter and fix the pannier at his workshop. So tomorrow it will be a busy day.
Back to the campground,I sent a message to Paul to cancel the shipment of the used tyre from Temco. Uwe also needs to change his chain and sprokets, so he wil go to Moto Pablo tomorrow morning with me.
Back to the hostel, I read a Japanese novel. Iba, Dai and Shino came back from the town and we cooked dumplings and pasta for dinner. Dai and Shio are leaving here earlymorning tomorrow. Iba will catch afternoon plane to E Calafate. So we will sprit up here. Thank you, Iba, I had a good time with you. We might be able to catch up in El Calafate.
Well, I should go to sleep early today.