三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ブエノス・アイレス! / Buenos Aires
Day 556: 2012年2月1日
Azul to Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)
53,512km to 53,817km = 305km
ブエノス・アイレスまでは300キロ足らず。先ずは給油。フランコはブエノス・アイレスから航空便でスイスにバイクを送るのでタンクに余分なガソリンを入れたくない、とのことで、ワシの予備タンクを使うことに。流石33リッターのGS Adventure、バイア・ブランカで給油したきりで、まだまだ走れます。
で、カーブの黄2本線のところで追い越ししたら、警察が待ってました!! ワシ等の前に走っていた車はお咎めなしで、ワシ等バイク2台だけが停車させられました。まぁ、こちらも違反しているので文句は言えませんが、ね。
「追い越し禁止区域での追い越しだよ。免許書、パスポート、保険とバイク関連の書類を提示。」と。素直に言われたとおりにします。国際免許書を取り上げられて、「1,800ペソの罰金を銀行で支払われるまでは、免許書は没収。」とのこと。しかし「いつアルゼンチンを出るのか?」と訊かれ、「1週間後にはパラグアイかな?」と言うと、「今回だけは見逃すから、以後気をつけるように。」と放免されました! フランコも「旅の最後の最後で、大変ことになると思ったけど、まぁ、よかった。」と一安心。以後気をつけます。

何回か道を訊ねて、ようやく軌道に乗りました。店の前には何故かピカピカのYAMAHA XT600 TENEREの第一世代です。すげぇー。4時ごろに到着。ここはバイクの修理、バイクの海外発送エージジェント、宿などなどとライダーには強い見方なんです。ベッドもテントも同じ値段なのですが、ダニに刺されたくないのでテントにしました。

Day 556: 01 FEB 2012
Azul to Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)
53,512km to 53,817km = 305km
It's Febrary already. Last night I could not sleep well as tick bites itchied me again. I was biten in Puerto Madryn probably. The hostel looked very clean though. It's a shame
I got up at 8am. The temp was soaring already. Franco was ready by 9am but I wasn't ready till 9:30am. We wanted to say a good-bye to Jorge, but he left to his work at 7am! We said a good-bye to Monia and left there.
We went to a petrol station to fill up. But Frannco is flying his bike from Buenos Aires, he did not want to have extra fuel in his tank, so he used my jerrycan to carry fuel. Surprisingly, he hasn't refuelled since Bahia Blanca! GS Adventure has a 33ltr tank, so it will have the 700km range!!
We rode on Route 3 to Buenos AIres. It was a really hot day. As we got closer to the capital, there was more traffic in the road, especially trucks. We had to overtake tose trucks many times. But as we got closer to Buenos Aires, there were more traffic on the opposite lane, so we could not have much chance to overtake the trucks. We overtook the trucks when there was solid double yellow line a few times.
At one curve,when we overtook a truck, there was a police waiting. We were stopped (a car in front of us did the same was not stopped!). They said we were overtaking at the place supposed not to. Yes, we admitted our fault.
The officer told us that our international license will be confiscated until we make a payment of 1,800APs at a bank. Ouch! But another officer asked me when I am leaving Argentina. I replied that I would be in Paraguay in a week time. Then they told us we were excused for his time but be careful! Thanks officers!!
Then we arrived Buenos AIres safely. It's ahuge city, we could get lost easily. We were heading to "Dakar Motos" and the location was set in our GPSs. But it was hard to navigate in the city. We asked locals the direction a few times and finally we got on the right truck.
At Dakar Motos, they service motorcycles, provide accomodation for travellers and organise shipping of motorcycles. The owner Javier does workshop works and his wife Sandra is organising shippings of the bikes. We had a selection of staying in our tents or sleeping in the beds. We chose to pitch our tents in the backyard. There are other motorcylists from Belgium - Johan and Ils. But they were out in the city.
When we came back from a supermarket, the weather turned to be bad. Soon a huge storm came! According to Javier, nowadays there are more storms in Buenos Aires, but this one would be a really huge one. We were afraid that our tents would be blown away...
It's 10pm already, but it's been raining hard still (it easedup a bit). Hoping that my tent stays dry...
Azul to Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)
53,512km to 53,817km = 305km
ブエノス・アイレスまでは300キロ足らず。先ずは給油。フランコはブエノス・アイレスから航空便でスイスにバイクを送るのでタンクに余分なガソリンを入れたくない、とのことで、ワシの予備タンクを使うことに。流石33リッターのGS Adventure、バイア・ブランカで給油したきりで、まだまだ走れます。
で、カーブの黄2本線のところで追い越ししたら、警察が待ってました!! ワシ等の前に走っていた車はお咎めなしで、ワシ等バイク2台だけが停車させられました。まぁ、こちらも違反しているので文句は言えませんが、ね。
「追い越し禁止区域での追い越しだよ。免許書、パスポート、保険とバイク関連の書類を提示。」と。素直に言われたとおりにします。国際免許書を取り上げられて、「1,800ペソの罰金を銀行で支払われるまでは、免許書は没収。」とのこと。しかし「いつアルゼンチンを出るのか?」と訊かれ、「1週間後にはパラグアイかな?」と言うと、「今回だけは見逃すから、以後気をつけるように。」と放免されました! フランコも「旅の最後の最後で、大変ことになると思ったけど、まぁ、よかった。」と一安心。以後気をつけます。
Day 556: 01 FEB 2012
Azul to Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)
53,512km to 53,817km = 305km
It's Febrary already. Last night I could not sleep well as tick bites itchied me again. I was biten in Puerto Madryn probably. The hostel looked very clean though. It's a shame
I got up at 8am. The temp was soaring already. Franco was ready by 9am but I wasn't ready till 9:30am. We wanted to say a good-bye to Jorge, but he left to his work at 7am! We said a good-bye to Monia and left there.
We went to a petrol station to fill up. But Frannco is flying his bike from Buenos Aires, he did not want to have extra fuel in his tank, so he used my jerrycan to carry fuel. Surprisingly, he hasn't refuelled since Bahia Blanca! GS Adventure has a 33ltr tank, so it will have the 700km range!!
We rode on Route 3 to Buenos AIres. It was a really hot day. As we got closer to the capital, there was more traffic in the road, especially trucks. We had to overtake tose trucks many times. But as we got closer to Buenos Aires, there were more traffic on the opposite lane, so we could not have much chance to overtake the trucks. We overtook the trucks when there was solid double yellow line a few times.
At one curve,when we overtook a truck, there was a police waiting. We were stopped (a car in front of us did the same was not stopped!). They said we were overtaking at the place supposed not to. Yes, we admitted our fault.
The officer told us that our international license will be confiscated until we make a payment of 1,800APs at a bank. Ouch! But another officer asked me when I am leaving Argentina. I replied that I would be in Paraguay in a week time. Then they told us we were excused for his time but be careful! Thanks officers!!
Then we arrived Buenos AIres safely. It's ahuge city, we could get lost easily. We were heading to "Dakar Motos" and the location was set in our GPSs. But it was hard to navigate in the city. We asked locals the direction a few times and finally we got on the right truck.
At Dakar Motos, they service motorcycles, provide accomodation for travellers and organise shipping of motorcycles. The owner Javier does workshop works and his wife Sandra is organising shippings of the bikes. We had a selection of staying in our tents or sleeping in the beds. We chose to pitch our tents in the backyard. There are other motorcylists from Belgium - Johan and Ils. But they were out in the city.
When we came back from a supermarket, the weather turned to be bad. Soon a huge storm came! According to Javier, nowadays there are more storms in Buenos Aires, but this one would be a really huge one. We were afraid that our tents would be blown away...
It's 10pm already, but it's been raining hard still (it easedup a bit). Hoping that my tent stays dry...