三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
砂嵐!!! / The great dust storm!!!
Day 471: 2011年11月8日
Mendoza (PlanB Hostel)
44,691km to 44,756km = 65km
スパーク・プラグ交換、エンジン、ギア、ファイナルドライブのオイル交換、エア・フィルター交換、などなど。全部で1,700ペソなので400ドルです!!! 高いですけど、まぁ、これは必要経費ですからね。
5時過ぎに出発。7号線をしばらく走り「A Rep. de Chile(チリ共和国へ)」のサインが出ました。遠くに雲がかかってるな、と思いながら走っていると、どうやら雲ではなくて砂埃みたいです。
給油をして、チリ国境方面へ右折すると、風が強くなり、砂嵐が!!! 視界ゼロ。折れた枝などが飛んできます。車も路肩に避けたり、ハザードを点けてノロノロ走行したり。下手をすると追突事故が起こる可能性もあります。
Day 471: 08 NOV 2011
Mendoza (PlanB Hostel)
44,691km to 44,756km = 65km
As my GS would not be ready until 4pm today, I spent slow morning. When I was having breakfast, I met Canadian couple Baba and Elena. Baba is originally from India and Elena is originally from Russia. They took a year off and travelling South America.
I asked a girl at the reception by what time I should check out and she said "anytime is fine!", so I could stay here until afternoon.
I spent time surfing Internet and talking to Baba and Elena. They invited me for lunch. They made pasta and cooked brown rice! When was the last time I had brown rice?? It was long time ago.
As we were talking it became 3:30pm! So I said good-bye to Baba and Elena and left the hostel. I caught a taxi to the BMW Dealer.
It was 40,000km service done again (as at Santa Cruz, they missed out several things), changed engine, gear and final drive oil, changed air filter, oil filter, spark plugs etc. It was a big job and came with a big price tag!! 17,000 Pesos,a little over US$400!! But this was the necessary expense, and it should be money well spent.
I geared up and left the dealer around 5pm. I was heading South on RN7, then went around to north west. I saw a sign "A Rep. de Chile (To Republic of Chile)" and kept going. I filled up the tank just before a turn off to the right.
I saw clouds far away and I was concerned. And As I got closer, I realised it was dust!! Suddenly there were wind blowing so strong and soon I was covered by the dust. I entered the middle of the great dust storm!!
Visivility was almost zero. Broken brunches were blown everywhere. Dust got inside the helmet and my eyes and mouth were full of dust.
Cars pulled over or flushing hazard lights and driving slowly. I pulled over at the side of the road, but the wind was so strong and I was almost knocked over.
I kept going for a few kms, but I gave up. As it was so poort visibility, I could crush into someone or someone might crush into me.
I tried to make a U-turn, but it was a hard job to do. As I could not see any incoming car from both side and wind was blowing so hard, I had to hold my GS very steady not to drop her.
I managed to make a U-turn and head back to Mendoza. I came to the turn off and saw thepetrol station. It was covered by dust now. A little moment ago when I was filling gas, it was clear...
On the way back to Mendoza was not easy. Dust storm now covered large area and everyone was driving slowly. The city was in the dust storm too. Firstly I was thinking to go back to the dealer, but it was already 6:30pm, so I decided to go back to the hostel.
I made it to the hostel. Baba went out to the Bus terminal to buy bus tickets to Cordoba leaving tonight, but Elena was there. I re-checked in and started wipe off dust from my GS. Dust everywhere. I just got the air filter changed today, but it should be full of dust now. I will go back to the dealer tomorrow to make it clean...
While I was cleaning my GS and got the gears off, the storm calmed down. But I heard that there would be a chance of hail storm tonight, so I might be lucky to come back to Mendoza.
Due to the dust storm, the entire city lost electricity. As myself was covered by dust, I wiped off dust from my jacket, pants, boots, gloves, helmet and so on. They I took a shower.
After shower, Baba and Elena served me a dinner. It was the same pasta from lunch time, but it was a great treat! Thanks!! Under candle lights, we had good dinner and good talks.
They left to the bus terminal around 9:30pm. I said good-bye to them.
Well now it is 10:30pm but the city is still blacked out. So I will go to sleep. Hopefully the electricity will be back by tomorrow morning!
Mendoza (PlanB Hostel)
44,691km to 44,756km = 65km
スパーク・プラグ交換、エンジン、ギア、ファイナルドライブのオイル交換、エア・フィルター交換、などなど。全部で1,700ペソなので400ドルです!!! 高いですけど、まぁ、これは必要経費ですからね。
5時過ぎに出発。7号線をしばらく走り「A Rep. de Chile(チリ共和国へ)」のサインが出ました。遠くに雲がかかってるな、と思いながら走っていると、どうやら雲ではなくて砂埃みたいです。
給油をして、チリ国境方面へ右折すると、風が強くなり、砂嵐が!!! 視界ゼロ。折れた枝などが飛んできます。車も路肩に避けたり、ハザードを点けてノロノロ走行したり。下手をすると追突事故が起こる可能性もあります。
Day 471: 08 NOV 2011
Mendoza (PlanB Hostel)
44,691km to 44,756km = 65km
As my GS would not be ready until 4pm today, I spent slow morning. When I was having breakfast, I met Canadian couple Baba and Elena. Baba is originally from India and Elena is originally from Russia. They took a year off and travelling South America.
I asked a girl at the reception by what time I should check out and she said "anytime is fine!", so I could stay here until afternoon.
I spent time surfing Internet and talking to Baba and Elena. They invited me for lunch. They made pasta and cooked brown rice! When was the last time I had brown rice?? It was long time ago.
As we were talking it became 3:30pm! So I said good-bye to Baba and Elena and left the hostel. I caught a taxi to the BMW Dealer.
It was 40,000km service done again (as at Santa Cruz, they missed out several things), changed engine, gear and final drive oil, changed air filter, oil filter, spark plugs etc. It was a big job and came with a big price tag!! 17,000 Pesos,a little over US$400!! But this was the necessary expense, and it should be money well spent.
I geared up and left the dealer around 5pm. I was heading South on RN7, then went around to north west. I saw a sign "A Rep. de Chile (To Republic of Chile)" and kept going. I filled up the tank just before a turn off to the right.
I saw clouds far away and I was concerned. And As I got closer, I realised it was dust!! Suddenly there were wind blowing so strong and soon I was covered by the dust. I entered the middle of the great dust storm!!
Visivility was almost zero. Broken brunches were blown everywhere. Dust got inside the helmet and my eyes and mouth were full of dust.
Cars pulled over or flushing hazard lights and driving slowly. I pulled over at the side of the road, but the wind was so strong and I was almost knocked over.
I kept going for a few kms, but I gave up. As it was so poort visibility, I could crush into someone or someone might crush into me.
I tried to make a U-turn, but it was a hard job to do. As I could not see any incoming car from both side and wind was blowing so hard, I had to hold my GS very steady not to drop her.
I managed to make a U-turn and head back to Mendoza. I came to the turn off and saw thepetrol station. It was covered by dust now. A little moment ago when I was filling gas, it was clear...
On the way back to Mendoza was not easy. Dust storm now covered large area and everyone was driving slowly. The city was in the dust storm too. Firstly I was thinking to go back to the dealer, but it was already 6:30pm, so I decided to go back to the hostel.
I made it to the hostel. Baba went out to the Bus terminal to buy bus tickets to Cordoba leaving tonight, but Elena was there. I re-checked in and started wipe off dust from my GS. Dust everywhere. I just got the air filter changed today, but it should be full of dust now. I will go back to the dealer tomorrow to make it clean...
While I was cleaning my GS and got the gears off, the storm calmed down. But I heard that there would be a chance of hail storm tonight, so I might be lucky to come back to Mendoza.
Due to the dust storm, the entire city lost electricity. As myself was covered by dust, I wiped off dust from my jacket, pants, boots, gloves, helmet and so on. They I took a shower.
After shower, Baba and Elena served me a dinner. It was the same pasta from lunch time, but it was a great treat! Thanks!! Under candle lights, we had good dinner and good talks.
They left to the bus terminal around 9:30pm. I said good-bye to them.
Well now it is 10:30pm but the city is still blacked out. So I will go to sleep. Hopefully the electricity will be back by tomorrow morning!