三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ウユニ塩原へ / To Salar de Uyuni
Day 459: 2011年10月27日
Uyuni - Salar de Uyuni - Uyuni (Hotel Avenida)
41,496km to 41,697 = 201km
今は巨大なサボテンが島中に生い茂っています。あるサボテンは樹齢約900年! サボテンてそんなに長寿なんですね。
5時半頃にウユニの街に戻り、早速洗車屋で塩を洗い流します(20ボリ)。洗っていて気が付いたのですが、リアの泥除けが破損してます。一体何処で破損したのか?? ネジが1本なくなってますし、プラスチックが割れています。うーん、修復は難しいかな?一応次のディーラーまで持って行きますか。
エスペランサがキレイになったところで、給油。予備の10リットルタンクにも給油。そして再びHotel Avenidaにチェックイン。
Day 459: 27 OCT 2011
Uyuni - Salar de Uyuni - Uyuni (Hotel Avenida)
41,496km to 41,697 = 201km
I got ready by 9am, but when I went outside, I met the guy from Hodaka Mountain Tour Co. He said there would be 3 Japanese girls (including Ohagi) joining his tour (from 10:30am) today, so he suggested me to follow the tour.
That sounded like a pretty good idea. The diver / guide would be Walter, the same driver / guide So I decided to wait for the tour. Ohagi woke up just before 10:30am...
The member of the tour were, 3 Japanee girls Ohagi, Rika, and Yasumi, 2 Argentinians (a couple), and 2 Spanish girls.
We went to the cemetary of the locomotives. I came here with the tour 2 months ago, but coming with own bike, was priceless. I took a photo with Ohagi.
Then we headed to Village of Colchani. There was a 20km of dirt road to get there. There were bad currugation in some secions. I followed the Landcruiser around 70-80km/h. It was very dusty riding behind the car!!
At Colchani, we stopped for a break. Some member of the tour went for a shopping. My GS was drowing all the attentions of other tourists!!
THen we entered the salt flat. The edge of the salt flat would be always wet, but it was not as wet as 2 months ago. But there were some wet spot and pot holes filled with salt water, so I rode slowly and carefully not to splash salt water to my GS.
Then we came to the dry surface of the flat. We drove to the "Salt Hotel". Every where was white. It was exceptional feeling riding on the salt flat with own GS!!
At the salt hotel, a Bolivian band was making their PV. Many tourists came to chat with me. Rika will stay a night at the salt hotel, so we said good-bye to her there.
I checked my GS and I could see some salt splashed underneath of the bike...
Then we headed to "Isla de Pescado (Fish Island). As we rode to the middle of the salt flat, the hexagonal salt cristal became more clear and more beautiful. I was glad that I made it to the salt flat on my GS, really.
I did see nothing but salt for a while, but gradually I started to see Fish Island on the horizon. It looked like "Fish" a little bit.
From the hotel, it took about 1 hour to get to the island. It was around 2pm. There we had lunch. I had some biscuits, and I was having them as lunch. But Walter offered me lunch! I did not pay for the tour though. Thanks, Walter!!
Then we went to walk on the island. The island itself was made with fossilised coral. There used to be under the sea. The continental plates of Pacific and South America corrided, and South American continent was lifted up - that created Andes. When the sea bed was lifted, sea water was trapped inland. Gradually it dried up and became "Salar de Uyuni", and there are 5 island like Fish island on the slat flat. Very interesting.
Now the fossilised coral island is covered by cacutus. There was a sign saying one of the cactus would be as old as 900 years! I did not know cacuti could live that long.
After waking around the island, I said good-bye to the tour. They were heading to the north to Volcano. But the part of the salt flat would be more wet, and I had been there with the tour before.
So I head back to Colchani. On the way back, I took many photos of my GS on the salt flat. Mr. Sheep was also happy to be on the flat again.
From Colchani to Uyuni, I rode on the dirt again. This time I was alone, so I was riding faster.
I came back to Uyuni around 5:30pm. As soonas I got there, I went to a car washing place to wash off salt from my GS. It cost me 20Bs (expensive!) but I should do it. Then I found out the rear mud guard was broken. On bolt was missing and the plastic was broken off!! I was not sure if it could be fixed, but anyway I would keep the mud gurad until Tucuman, Argentina (next BMW stop) to see if I could fix it.
Now my GS was clean. I went to a petrol station to fill up (filled up a jerry-can as well). I checked-in at Hotel Aveida again.
When I was wiping my GS (to make sure I get rid of all salt from her), Ohagi came back. We went for dinner and had chat till 9:30pm. She would be heading to Chile as well and would be in San Pedro de Atacama by Sunday. So we sould be able to catch up there.
Tomorrow I am heading to Calama, Chile. Bye-bye to Bolivia!!