三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
オイル漏れ / Oil leaking from the shock..
Day 437: 2011年10月5日
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
41,095km to 41,120km = 25km
夕飯はウベとソーセージとマッシュポテトを作りました。そして宿のみんなで映画館へ。「Pase Libre (Hall Pass」というコメディー映画。面白かったですよ。
Day 437: 05 OCT 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
41,095km to 41,120km = 25km
I took my GS out for a test. First, I brought her to a wash place. Before started to wash my GS, I checked the shock. And I found oil on the rod... But it was too early to judge anything, so washed her to get rid of all dirts and oil.
Then I rode for a while. First check, I saw liquid at the bottom of the cylinder!!! I touched it, it was water.
I kept riding again and checked. There was no oil.
I rode again and checked at a petrol station, and I saw oil was at the bottom f the shock... I was shocked... I rode to Motoservi and checked with Jaime. But we could not find any oil.
So I rode around the city and came back to Motoservi. Then I saw clearly oil was leaing from the cylinder...
I qickly went back to the hostel and made an order to the Wilbers dealer @ Santiago de Chile. And I sent an e-mail to the seller if I could get a refund as the shock he sent was faulty.
I will leave to Oruro on Friday evening. I will be in Oruro saurday morning and will cross to Chile and get to Iquique saturday evening. Then I will catch a bus to Santiago, so if all connections work fine, I will b in Santiago Sunday evening.
Uwe and I cooked Bangers & Mashes for diner. And with friends @ the hostel, I went to see a movie at the cinema. We watched "Hall Pass (Pase Libre)". It was fun movie and we enjoyed watching it.
Tomorrow I will buy a bus ticket to Oruro and prepare for a bus trip to Santiago.
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
41,095km to 41,120km = 25km
夕飯はウベとソーセージとマッシュポテトを作りました。そして宿のみんなで映画館へ。「Pase Libre (Hall Pass」というコメディー映画。面白かったですよ。
Day 437: 05 OCT 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
41,095km to 41,120km = 25km
I took my GS out for a test. First, I brought her to a wash place. Before started to wash my GS, I checked the shock. And I found oil on the rod... But it was too early to judge anything, so washed her to get rid of all dirts and oil.
Then I rode for a while. First check, I saw liquid at the bottom of the cylinder!!! I touched it, it was water.
I kept riding again and checked. There was no oil.
I rode again and checked at a petrol station, and I saw oil was at the bottom f the shock... I was shocked... I rode to Motoservi and checked with Jaime. But we could not find any oil.
So I rode around the city and came back to Motoservi. Then I saw clearly oil was leaing from the cylinder...
I qickly went back to the hostel and made an order to the Wilbers dealer @ Santiago de Chile. And I sent an e-mail to the seller if I could get a refund as the shock he sent was faulty.
I will leave to Oruro on Friday evening. I will be in Oruro saurday morning and will cross to Chile and get to Iquique saturday evening. Then I will catch a bus to Santiago, so if all connections work fine, I will b in Santiago Sunday evening.
Uwe and I cooked Bangers & Mashes for diner. And with friends @ the hostel, I went to see a movie at the cinema. We watched "Hall Pass (Pase Libre)". It was fun movie and we enjoyed watching it.
Tomorrow I will buy a bus ticket to Oruro and prepare for a bus trip to Santiago.