三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
エスペランサ復活?? / Esperanza is back??
Day 436: 2011年10月4日
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
41,085km to 41,095km = 10km

朝からMotoserviに行き、ショックの装着作業に取り掛かります。新しいショックにESAユニット、スプリングなどを取り付けなけるのに、ショックのロッドの下の部分を外さないといけません。ハイメさんが外しましたが、なんとオイルがロッドの中心から噴出しました!! この部分にはリバウンドを調節するバルブがあるのですが、どうやらバルブが開いている状態だったのでオイルが噴出したようです。オイルを拭き取り作業を続行。噴出したとはいえ、まぁそんなに大量のオイルを失ったわけではないので、とりあえずESAユニット、スプリングをショックに組んで、エスペランサにショックを取り付けます。
7時から学校でオランダからのテレビ取材があったので、撮影に参加。オランダ人のマルコとエリックと一緒の教室でヤシラが先生という設定。ヤシラがスペイン語でワシ等に質問し(現在進行形 estar + ~ado / idoを学んでいる、という設定)、ワシ等がそれにスペイン語で答えます。「どの位旅をしているの?(Cuanto tiempo estas viajando?)」とか「スクレで何をしてるの? (Que estas haciendo en Sucre?)」とか。それからマルコとエリックがオランダ語でインタビューに答え、ワシは横でサクラをしてました。そういえばメキシコの学校でも日本のテレビ局(TBS)の取材にあいましたね。
Day 436: 04 OCT 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
41,085km to 41,095km = 10km
FInally, after more than 3 weeks of waiing, I received the package from the States.
I went to Motoservi this morning and Jaime fitted it onto my GS. But there was a drama before fitting...
When I took out the shock from the box, I saw some oil on the cylinder of the new shock (yesterday). I was afraid that it could be leaking from the shock. I cleaned it to see if it was actually leaking or not.
In order to fit the ESA unit, the spring etc to the new shock, we had to take of the end bit of the rod (the bottom of he shock). When Jaime unscrewed it, oil splashed from the rod!! It seemed like the rebound adjusting valve was open some how, that's why oil came out from the valve. The shock lost some oil, but not too much. But because oil splashed everywhere, now it would be hard to tell, if the oil is leaking from the cylinder or just the remaining from the splash.
After we fit it, I took my GS a spin. First, I saw some oil on the rod, but it was remaining from the splash. I cleaned it again, and kept going with the test riding. I could not see any leaking, but I am not fully convinced yet. So I will take another test ride tomorrow for a longer distance and will see if there is any leakage or not. Wish me luck!!
If it fails again, I will make an order to Chile for a new Wilbers shock. I will catch a bus to Chile and pick the shock up and come back to Sucre to fit it ono my GS.
Anyway, hopefully all turns out to be all right tomorrow.
In the evening, a TV crew from Netherland came to the Spanish school "Fenix" to film. Somehow I was invited to join the shooting. They filmed Susie's English class teaching those Bolivian kids, and Yashira's Spanish class teaching Marco, Eric and me! We were just pretending having Spanish lesson there in the group and the TV crew came in. Yashira asked us some questions in Spanish. As Marco and Eric are Dutch, so they were interviewd in Dutch. I was just nodding while they were interviewed.
It was my 2nd TV appearance (going to be) during this trip. The 1st one was in Mexico City @ the Spanish Lesson as well (TBS from Japan).
Wish me luck for the test ride tomorrow!
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
41,085km to 41,095km = 10km
Day 436: 04 OCT 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
41,085km to 41,095km = 10km
FInally, after more than 3 weeks of waiing, I received the package from the States.
I went to Motoservi this morning and Jaime fitted it onto my GS. But there was a drama before fitting...
When I took out the shock from the box, I saw some oil on the cylinder of the new shock (yesterday). I was afraid that it could be leaking from the shock. I cleaned it to see if it was actually leaking or not.
In order to fit the ESA unit, the spring etc to the new shock, we had to take of the end bit of the rod (the bottom of he shock). When Jaime unscrewed it, oil splashed from the rod!! It seemed like the rebound adjusting valve was open some how, that's why oil came out from the valve. The shock lost some oil, but not too much. But because oil splashed everywhere, now it would be hard to tell, if the oil is leaking from the cylinder or just the remaining from the splash.
After we fit it, I took my GS a spin. First, I saw some oil on the rod, but it was remaining from the splash. I cleaned it again, and kept going with the test riding. I could not see any leaking, but I am not fully convinced yet. So I will take another test ride tomorrow for a longer distance and will see if there is any leakage or not. Wish me luck!!
If it fails again, I will make an order to Chile for a new Wilbers shock. I will catch a bus to Chile and pick the shock up and come back to Sucre to fit it ono my GS.
Anyway, hopefully all turns out to be all right tomorrow.
In the evening, a TV crew from Netherland came to the Spanish school "Fenix" to film. Somehow I was invited to join the shooting. They filmed Susie's English class teaching those Bolivian kids, and Yashira's Spanish class teaching Marco, Eric and me! We were just pretending having Spanish lesson there in the group and the TV crew came in. Yashira asked us some questions in Spanish. As Marco and Eric are Dutch, so they were interviewd in Dutch. I was just nodding while they were interviewed.
It was my 2nd TV appearance (going to be) during this trip. The 1st one was in Mexico City @ the Spanish Lesson as well (TBS from Japan).
Wish me luck for the test ride tomorrow!