三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
サイドパネルは修理されました。 / The side panel has been fixed
Day 377: 2011年8月5日
La Paz (Residencial Sucre)
それからイド氏を訪ねてEl Solarioへ。マナミちゃんもやってきたので皆で昼飯を。バーガーキングでと思いましたが、もう少しお金を出せば「ケンチャン」に行けるので、「ケンチャン」にて。今日はペへレイ(こっちの魚)の蒲焼丼(50ボリ)を。なかなか美味いですが、ボリュームがやはりカツ丼にはかないません。
向かいの宿Hostel Lion Palaceに行き、明日からここに移ることに。1人60ボリですが、部屋も広く(3ベッド有ります)、コンティネンタルブレックファースト付き、WiFi付き。いい感じです。
Day 377: 05 AUG 2011
La Paz (Residencial Sucre)
This morning I washed my rider's jacket (which I washed in San Diego last time), rider'S pants and the thermal inner of the jacket. The manager of the hostel asked me not to use to much water as water is very expensive in La Paz.
Then I went to see Jose. Manami also came there and we went out for lunch together. We thought to have lunch @ Burger King, but with little bit more money, we could have lunch @ "Ken-chan", so we went to "Ken-chan".
The meal @ "Ken-chan" was expensive but very good. Japanese quality (even though it was made by Bolivians, the meals were just like those in Japan). After lunch, Manami went to an Internet Cafe alone.
It started to rain a little bit, so we went to my hostel toget my laundry inside. They were almost dried.
Then we went to see how my side panel and pannier were going. They were still working on fixing them. But it looked like the side panel would be done quite well. But the pannier..., the dents were straightened quite well, but the lid could not be closed comletely (there would be a gap between the pid and the box....). The repairer said it would take another 20 mins to comlete, so we went to Hostel Lion Palace to see if we could move in tomorrow.
The room was very large (3 bed rooms) and the rate would be 60 Bols each, including Continental Breakfast, WiFi, and a private bathroom. Little expensive but a good deal.
We picked up the side panel and the pannier and went back to the hostel to fit them. The side panel was done very well. But I need to take the pannier to a smash repair shop to get more proper fix.
Then we went to a cafe next to the post office. @ 5 bols, we could have a decent expresso. A good value.
Then we had humbergers at a street stand. Tomorrow we will move to Lion Palace. It would be nice to be able to update my blog from the own room.
La Paz (Residencial Sucre)
向かいの宿Hostel Lion Palaceに行き、明日からここに移ることに。1人60ボリですが、部屋も広く(3ベッド有ります)、コンティネンタルブレックファースト付き、WiFi付き。いい感じです。
Day 377: 05 AUG 2011
La Paz (Residencial Sucre)
This morning I washed my rider's jacket (which I washed in San Diego last time), rider'S pants and the thermal inner of the jacket. The manager of the hostel asked me not to use to much water as water is very expensive in La Paz.
Then I went to see Jose. Manami also came there and we went out for lunch together. We thought to have lunch @ Burger King, but with little bit more money, we could have lunch @ "Ken-chan", so we went to "Ken-chan".
The meal @ "Ken-chan" was expensive but very good. Japanese quality (even though it was made by Bolivians, the meals were just like those in Japan). After lunch, Manami went to an Internet Cafe alone.
It started to rain a little bit, so we went to my hostel toget my laundry inside. They were almost dried.
Then we went to see how my side panel and pannier were going. They were still working on fixing them. But it looked like the side panel would be done quite well. But the pannier..., the dents were straightened quite well, but the lid could not be closed comletely (there would be a gap between the pid and the box....). The repairer said it would take another 20 mins to comlete, so we went to Hostel Lion Palace to see if we could move in tomorrow.
The room was very large (3 bed rooms) and the rate would be 60 Bols each, including Continental Breakfast, WiFi, and a private bathroom. Little expensive but a good deal.
We picked up the side panel and the pannier and went back to the hostel to fit them. The side panel was done very well. But I need to take the pannier to a smash repair shop to get more proper fix.
Then we went to a cafe next to the post office. @ 5 bols, we could have a decent expresso. A good value.
Then we had humbergers at a street stand. Tomorrow we will move to Lion Palace. It would be nice to be able to update my blog from the own room.