三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
サルテーニャと学生の日 / Saltena and teh day of students
Day 423: 2011年9月21日
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
朝は10時半頃にアダムと人気のサルテーニャ屋へ。サルテーニャはパイみたいな生地で肉や野菜、スープを包んで焼いたボリビアの人気朝食メニュー。どこの街角でも買えるのですが、人気店「El Patio」は行列の出来る店なんです。街角では1つ3‐4ボリですがここでは6ボリ。高いのに行列が出来るのは相当美味しいに違い有りません。
宿に戻り、ネットと思いましたがネットが遅いのでアダムからコピーを貰ったBBCの「The Planets」を2エピソード鑑賞。見ごたえあり。鑑賞後眠くなったので学校まで昼寝。
で、今日は「学生の日(DIa del Estudiante)」なので午後7時からパーティーがあるとのこと。一旦宿に戻り、7時前に再び学校へ。

Day 423: 21 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
According to the tracking tool of USPS, my percel arrived the sort facility in Miami last Friday and processed, but since then there is no any update. So I am not sure if it has left the States or still is in the States....
Adam and I went to "El Patio" the popular Saltena shop in Sucre. Saltena is the popular pastry among Bolivians and mainly consumed for breakfast. It is sold everywhere in every city of Bolivia, but people queue up for saltenas of "El Patio" One saltena costs there 6Bs when one costs 3-4Bs elsewhere. It is considerably more expensive, but it still so popular. Which means it should be really good.
I had 2 beef saltenas and 1 chicken saltena, cost me 18Bs. A little expensive for breakfast. But those were excellent. Really good saltenas. The atmosphere of the shop was good too. As the name explains, the shop had a nice courtyard (Patio). If only we could have a nice cup of coffee there, it would be perfect. But the coffee machine was broken, so there wasn't any coffee. I forgot to take my camera, so I had no photo.
Back to the hostel, I watched BBC "The Planets" I got a copy from Adam. I watched 2 episods of the series and they were really good. Then I had a nap before the class.
In the class, we had more conversation than usual. It was good to put what I learnt before in practice.
As it was "Dia del Estudiante (Day of Students), so the school hosted a party for us. It started at 7pm. We played games, had conversations with those local students studying English, had dinner. It was a fun evening.
Now what I can do tomorrow. Except attending the class, I have nothing really to do. I am really getting bored here...
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
朝は10時半頃にアダムと人気のサルテーニャ屋へ。サルテーニャはパイみたいな生地で肉や野菜、スープを包んで焼いたボリビアの人気朝食メニュー。どこの街角でも買えるのですが、人気店「El Patio」は行列の出来る店なんです。街角では1つ3‐4ボリですがここでは6ボリ。高いのに行列が出来るのは相当美味しいに違い有りません。
宿に戻り、ネットと思いましたがネットが遅いのでアダムからコピーを貰ったBBCの「The Planets」を2エピソード鑑賞。見ごたえあり。鑑賞後眠くなったので学校まで昼寝。
で、今日は「学生の日(DIa del Estudiante)」なので午後7時からパーティーがあるとのこと。一旦宿に戻り、7時前に再び学校へ。
Day 423: 21 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
According to the tracking tool of USPS, my percel arrived the sort facility in Miami last Friday and processed, but since then there is no any update. So I am not sure if it has left the States or still is in the States....
Adam and I went to "El Patio" the popular Saltena shop in Sucre. Saltena is the popular pastry among Bolivians and mainly consumed for breakfast. It is sold everywhere in every city of Bolivia, but people queue up for saltenas of "El Patio" One saltena costs there 6Bs when one costs 3-4Bs elsewhere. It is considerably more expensive, but it still so popular. Which means it should be really good.
I had 2 beef saltenas and 1 chicken saltena, cost me 18Bs. A little expensive for breakfast. But those were excellent. Really good saltenas. The atmosphere of the shop was good too. As the name explains, the shop had a nice courtyard (Patio). If only we could have a nice cup of coffee there, it would be perfect. But the coffee machine was broken, so there wasn't any coffee. I forgot to take my camera, so I had no photo.
Back to the hostel, I watched BBC "The Planets" I got a copy from Adam. I watched 2 episods of the series and they were really good. Then I had a nap before the class.
In the class, we had more conversation than usual. It was good to put what I learnt before in practice.
As it was "Dia del Estudiante (Day of Students), so the school hosted a party for us. It started at 7pm. We played games, had conversations with those local students studying English, had dinner. It was a fun evening.
Now what I can do tomorrow. Except attending the class, I have nothing really to do. I am really getting bored here...