三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
豪州ドル / Aussie Dollar
Day 424: 2011年9月22日
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)

そうそうウベが昨日サマイパタに到着したのですが、20キロ手前でフレームが折れたとか。KTM990 Adventureのフレームはクローム・モリブデン鋼で出来ているので酸素アセチレン溶接(Oxyacetylene Welding)でないといけないとのことで、サマイパタには電気溶接しかないので無理だそう。ハイメさんに酸素アセチレン溶接の器具は有りますか?と訊いたら、「あるよ」と。ウベは恐らく今日の夕方か明日にはスクレに到着する予定。
宿に戻りアダムと昼飯。「The Planets」の続きを見てから学校。今日は間接目的語の用法と単未来形を学びました。ますます複雑になってきますが、これをマスターすればワシのスペイン語学力は格段に上がるはずです。
Day 424: 22 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
Well, I was a little upset from the morning as Aussie Dollar dropped a lot!! Now it's weaker than US Dollar. It used to be 7.5Bs against AU$1 when I came to Bolivia, but now 6.85Bs against AU$1!! As the most of my savings are in AU$, I have less money to spend now...
I went to visit Jaime @ Motoservi. I received a reply from Hozan Tool regarding the shipment of their tool directly to Bolivia. But the answer was "No". They are not dealing directly to a consumer. So Jaime has to buy from a dealer. However, there is no importer / dealer of Hozan in Bolivia. The closest one is in Chile or Brazil.
When I got to Motoservi, Jaime was reboring a Yamaha enjine with his hand-made machine! The finish was pretty good. I was amazed many things were hand crafted here in Bolivia.
My friend Uwe arrived Samaipata yesterday. But his frame was broken (KTM 990 Adventure) just 20km from Samaipata. As the frame was made of chromium kmolybdernum steel, it needed to be weld with oxyacetylene welding, which wasn't available in Samaipata.
I asked Jaime if he had oxyacetylenewelding equipment, and he said "yes" and pointed it out. Now Uwe needs to ride 400km to Sucre. He would be here by this afternoon or tomorrow.
Jaime asked me if I was interested to visit Trabuco this sunday. The village of Trabuco is located 65km east of Sucre and is famous for its Sunday market. Of course I was interested, so we decided to visit there this sunday.
Back to the hostel, Adam and I went to have lunch. Then I watched one more episod of BBC "The Planets" before I went to the Spanish lesson.
I studied "Pronombre de objecto indirect" and "Futuro simple". It was getting more complicated, but if I could master them, my ability of Spanish language would be pretty good.
Back to the hostel around 6pm, Uwe was not there yet. Adam and I went out to have dinner at the sandwitch shop.
I found the tracking of my package (the rear shock absorber) had no any update since last friday and Aussie Dollar went down even more....
I am hoping that I will receive at least one good news tomorrow!!
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
そうそうウベが昨日サマイパタに到着したのですが、20キロ手前でフレームが折れたとか。KTM990 Adventureのフレームはクローム・モリブデン鋼で出来ているので酸素アセチレン溶接(Oxyacetylene Welding)でないといけないとのことで、サマイパタには電気溶接しかないので無理だそう。ハイメさんに酸素アセチレン溶接の器具は有りますか?と訊いたら、「あるよ」と。ウベは恐らく今日の夕方か明日にはスクレに到着する予定。
宿に戻りアダムと昼飯。「The Planets」の続きを見てから学校。今日は間接目的語の用法と単未来形を学びました。ますます複雑になってきますが、これをマスターすればワシのスペイン語学力は格段に上がるはずです。
Day 424: 22 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
Well, I was a little upset from the morning as Aussie Dollar dropped a lot!! Now it's weaker than US Dollar. It used to be 7.5Bs against AU$1 when I came to Bolivia, but now 6.85Bs against AU$1!! As the most of my savings are in AU$, I have less money to spend now...
I went to visit Jaime @ Motoservi. I received a reply from Hozan Tool regarding the shipment of their tool directly to Bolivia. But the answer was "No". They are not dealing directly to a consumer. So Jaime has to buy from a dealer. However, there is no importer / dealer of Hozan in Bolivia. The closest one is in Chile or Brazil.
When I got to Motoservi, Jaime was reboring a Yamaha enjine with his hand-made machine! The finish was pretty good. I was amazed many things were hand crafted here in Bolivia.
My friend Uwe arrived Samaipata yesterday. But his frame was broken (KTM 990 Adventure) just 20km from Samaipata. As the frame was made of chromium kmolybdernum steel, it needed to be weld with oxyacetylene welding, which wasn't available in Samaipata.
I asked Jaime if he had oxyacetylenewelding equipment, and he said "yes" and pointed it out. Now Uwe needs to ride 400km to Sucre. He would be here by this afternoon or tomorrow.
Jaime asked me if I was interested to visit Trabuco this sunday. The village of Trabuco is located 65km east of Sucre and is famous for its Sunday market. Of course I was interested, so we decided to visit there this sunday.
Back to the hostel, Adam and I went to have lunch. Then I watched one more episod of BBC "The Planets" before I went to the Spanish lesson.
I studied "Pronombre de objecto indirect" and "Futuro simple". It was getting more complicated, but if I could master them, my ability of Spanish language would be pretty good.
Back to the hostel around 6pm, Uwe was not there yet. Adam and I went out to have dinner at the sandwitch shop.
I found the tracking of my package (the rear shock absorber) had no any update since last friday and Aussie Dollar went down even more....
I am hoping that I will receive at least one good news tomorrow!!